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Royale Pizza Renovation Project: Goals, Scope, & Overview

Assignment-1: Project Goals, Scope and Overview
Project Goals: The specific goal of Royale Pizza is to renovate its entire pizza shop,
purchase new equipments, add varieties of food like Chips, pastas and fish to their business,
enhance the quality of food, minimize wastage of food and raise their yearly profits and
sales. It is measurable as I will document the progress of the entire renovation work day-byday and will schedule a checkpoint every week where I will discuss about the progress of the
work with shop owners and will make sure whether we are meeting the expectations and
goals of the job (Handrick, 2019). All the goals are achievable as I have successfully handled
similar projects in last 3 years. Moreover, the performance of all the parties (technical
manager, project management consultant, installers, contractors etc.) in previous projects
have been exceptional. The goal is realistic and relevant because addition of extra food
items will add variety to their food and will increase their customer base and hence will
increase their sales (Veyrat, 2017). The entire renovation project is time-bounded and will
be completed within the deadline of 4 months including construction, installation, painting,
testing, safety inspections, ventilation compliance, trial phase etc.
Project Scope Statement:
Scope Description: The vision of the project is to grow the business of Royale pizza, upgrade
its food quality and increase its annual sales and profits by 25%.The addition of extra food
items like fish and chips will be beneficial as it is the cheapest and most preferred meal of
Australians whereas pasta will act as a taste-breaker. The entire renovation project should
meet shop owner’s requirements, should be within budget, must be finished on time and
should go through all safety checks. Technical manager will play a huge role in helping with
design, procurement, sourcing, delivery and equipment installation. The project manager
will manage the entire project flow and will use all suitable techniques to ensure the
successful completion of project.
Project Deliverables: The duration of design stage will be of 1 month and the budget of this
stage will be A$5000. The flooring of shop will be wooden and will be 10 metre long and 6
metres wide with 3 metres area for food preparation and service and the remaining 3
metres for dining. The entrance will be from dining area. The ceiling height will be 3 metres.
The duration of construction phase is 1 month and budget will be A$7000. The renovation
project involves creating extra dining-in-spaces to serve more customers. The stairs in the
back area of the pizza shop will be removed so that more food preparation space is created
for kitchen staff. The extra space will help them to accommodate more staff members which
will be very helpful as they have to serve more customers and prepare more dishes.
The duration of ‘procurement and delivery’ stage is of 2 months and budget will be
A$18,000. For increasing sales and improving food quality, the shop owner wants
procurement and delivery of 3 deep fryers, 2 boilers and 1 dough roller and point of sale
system with successful installation of appropriate hardware and software to run it.
The duration of installation and painting phase will be 2 months and budget will be
A$10,000. Installation of air-conditioning system, increment of compressor capacity, dustfree painting and professional cleaning of exhaust system of kitchen will be done. Two more
sets of portable tables and chairs will be available in the dining area.
Project Acceptance Criteria: Project will only be marked as completed when the testing and
trial of all the electrical appliances, equipments and machines in the shop is done
successfully. Moreover, all the power appliances cable should go through various safety
inspection tests (every fortnightly) and should be marked as ‘safe’ after each completion of
every stage. Furthermore, mechanical ventilation appliance should be crosschecked for
safety purposes. Each and everything should be further tested by fire brigade team for fire
issues and unless they are marked as ‘ready to use’, they should not be allowed to use.
Project Exclusions: The water faucet in the back area of the shop should not be removed
because of safety issues. Furthermore, the electricity wiring below the back stairs should be
carefully seen of while removing the stairs.
Project Constraints: The project will begin on 1st March and should be completed within 4
months. The total budget of the project is A$40,000 . The shop will remain closed during this
entire duration and hence there will be no sales and revenue generated during this period.
If the project is unable to finish on time, then contractors will have to pay a penalty amount
of A$300 per day.
Project Assumptions: For successful processing of construction and renovation work, the
weather has to be good and there should be no infrastructural issues. If any faults are
identified at any stage of project, timely arrangements should be made to fix them.
Project Lifecycle Methodologies:
The most popular project lifecycle methodologies are Waterfall, Agile, 6 Sigma, Prince2. The
most suitable project lifecycle methodology for Royale Pizza will be Waterfall model
because requirements are not ambiguous. They are clearly documented and fixed. The
project goal is stable and there are numerous resources with desired experience to support
the outcome. The project is not too big (Anon, 2019). Moreover, waterfall model follows a
traditional and sequential flow similar to the one described in the case study (Et Al, 2018).
The various stages of waterfall model for Royale pizza will be as follows:
Requirement Gathering: In this phase, all possible requirements for renovation of pizza
shop will be developed , logically analysed and documented in a specific and professional
manner after multiple detailed meetings with shop owner. The document tells what needs
to be done and how it will be done. This document will act as a foundation for future work
(Konate & Kolfschoten, 2014)
Design: All requirements from previous stage are gathered and studied and a design for
entire pizza shop is made. The design will tell us about the infrastructure requirements and
will also depict the entire shop architecture (Carvalso, Perkins, Reid, 2015). For example, the
dimensions of the floor, roof and ceilings will be decided in this phase.
Implementation: With the help of the shop design from previous phase, construction of the
small segments of the pizza shop will begin. All segments will be integrated in the next
phase. After all segments are developed, all of them will be tested for their respective
functionality which is called as Unit Testing (McFarlane, 2014). Safety test will be conducted
Testing: All segments developed in implementation stage are merged into a system after
successful testing of each unit. After integration process, the entire shop will be tested for
faults, failures and safety checks. All bugs should be taken care of and the entire shop
should pass a fire hazard test
Deployment: The pizza shop will then be ready for customer use and the entire pizza
business can start again.
Maintenance: If the shop owner encounters some new issues, then those issues will be
fixed in maintenance phase. The issues can be related to food items or infrastructure. In
order to solve these issues, patches will be formed. Maintenance is done in order to
maintain customer satisfaction (Mallick, Garg, Grover, 2014).
Anon, 2019. Waterfall.
https://www.tutorialspoint.com/sdlc/sdlc_waterfall_model.htm.viewed 25 Aug.
Carvalho, S., Perkins, G., & Reid, G. 2015. Beginning with the end in mind:
Implications for project design. Journal of Development Effectiveness, 7(4): 1-8.
Et Al., R. 2018. Incorporating teamwork in waterfall model-based project.
International Journal of ADVANCED AND APPLIED SCIENCES, 5(12): 126-135.
Konaté, J., & Kolfschoten, G. 2014. Collaborative requirements elicitation: A processcentred approach. Group Decision and Negotiation, 23(4): 847-877.
Handrick, L. 2019. SMART.< https://fitsmallbusiness.com/smart-goals-examples/> viewed 25
Aug. 2019.
Mallick, Garg, & P.S.Grover. 2014. A constraint guided progressive sequential mining
waterfall model for CRM. CIT Journal of Computing and Information Technology,
22(1): 45-55.
McFarlane, D. 2014. Pre-Functional Testing. ASHRAE Journal, 56(4): 44-48,50.
Veyrat, P. (2017). Blog. Heflo. https://www.heflo.com/blog/businessmanagement/examples-of-smart-business-goals/. viewed 25 Aug. 2019.