1. DENTAL MORPHOLOGY COURSE IDENTIFICATION AND GENERAL INFORMATION COURSE CODE: PROS 111 COURSE DELIVERY: 2ND YEAR BDS ( LEVEL 3 AND 4 ) CREDIT HOURS AND CONTACT HOURS: 4 (2+2+0) LECTURE CONTACT HOURS CREDIT HOURS CLINICAL SESSION 0 TOTAL 28 LABORATORY SESSION 84 2 2 0 4 STAFF MEMBERS: SR. NAME NO. 1. Dr. Prashant kandekar 2. Dr. Syed Mukith 3. Dr. Sreeja Ravindran 112 QUALIFICATION DESIGNATION MDS ( Oral Pathology and Microbiology ) MDS ( Oral Pathology and Microbiology ) MDS ( Oral Pathology and Microbiology ) Assistant professor (course co-ordinator ) Assistant professor Assistant professor 2. PURPOSE OF THE COURSE: This course is your first dental lecture and laboratory course presented in the 2nd year BDS curriculum. It introduces you to: 1. 2. 3. 4. The oral cavity. The morphology of individual teeth within the oral cavity. The inter-arch and intra-arch relationships between the teeth. Replicating the anatomy of individual teeth in wax for future application to fixed prosthetics, restorative dentistry. The lectures will stress nomenclatures ( you need to learn the language of dentistry ) and morphological concepts of the teeth. You need to be able to accurately reproduce the appropriate anatomy in a clinically filled resins, amalgam and gold and to communicate what is right and wrong with the anatomy of crown to your laboratory technician. These skills are important to your future practice of dentistry. DENTAL MORPHOLOGY Page 1 1. 2. 3. 4. 3. AIMS AND OBJECTIVES OF THE COURSE: Upon completion of this course, you should be able to: Recognize the normal anatomic relationships of dental structures for diagnosis and treatment of oral pathology as it involves the dentition. Recognize and define the shape and contour relationship of the normal dentition. Identify, describe and be able to reproduce in drawings and wax, the morphology of permanent teeth. Correctly name the individual parts of permanent teeth. 4. THEORY SYLLABUS: 1. Introduction to dental morphology, tooth numbering system and dental terminologies 2. Permanent maxillary and mandibular incisors 3. Permanent maxillary and mandibular canines 4. Permanent maxillary and mandibular premolars 5. Permanent maxillary and mandibular molars 6. Differences between deciduous and permanent teeth 7. Tooth form and occlusion 8. Age estimation 5. LABORATORY PROJECTS: All students need to complete the laboratory exercises to complete the course. Each projected should be completed on time. 1. WAX- CARVING- All students are required to carve individual teeth in wax blocks. This exercise will be graded according to the set criteria. 2. WAX-UP ON DENTOFORM- Students will add wax to the dentoform to recreate lost tooth structure in the correct morphologic relationship to the adjacent teeth and opposite arch. This exercise will also be graded according to the set criteria. 3. DRAWING EXERCISES: All students are required to draw each individual permanent tooth from all the aspects. LABORATORY PROJECTS FOR COMPLETION OF THE COURSE 1. Drawing and wax carving of 3×1×1cm block: 1 2. Drawing of 5 aspects and wax carving of permanent maxillary central incisor DENTAL MORPHOLOGY Page 2 3. Drawing of 5 aspects and wax carving of permanent maxillary lateral incisor 4. Drawing of 5 aspects and wax carving of permanent maxillary canine 5. Drawing of 5 aspects and wax carving of permanent mandibular central incisor 6. Drawing of 5 aspects and wax carving of permanent mandibular lateral incisor 7. Drawing of 5 aspects and wax carving of permanent mandibular canine 8. Drawing of 5 aspects and wax carving of permanent maxillary first premolar 9. Drawing of 5 aspects and wax carving of permanent mandibular first premolar 10. Drawing of 5 aspects and wax carving of permanent mandibular second premolar- Y type 11. Drawing of 5 aspects and wax carving of permanent maxillary first molar 12. Drawing of 5 aspects and wax carving of permanent mandibular first molar 13. Partial wax build-up of permanent maxillary central incisor 14. Partial wax build-up of permanent maxillary canine 15. Partial wax build-up of permanent mandibular central incisor 16. Partial wax build-up of permanent mandibular canine 17. Full crown wax build-up of permanent maxillary first premolar 18. Full crown wax build-up of permanent maxillary first molar 19. Full crown wax build-up of permanent mandibular second premolar 20. Full crown wax build-up of permanent mandibular first molar EQUIPMENTS AND MATERIALS REQUIRED FOR WAX CARVING OF TOOTH 1. Paraffin wax blocks 2. Lacron carver 3. Wax knife 4. Measuring scale 5. Polishing cloth EQUIPMENTS AND MATERIALS REQUIRED FOR WAX BUILD-UP OF TOOTH 1. Maxillary and mandibular casts 2. Inlay wax 3. Wax spatula 4. Lacron carver 5. Blow torch DENTAL MORPHOLOGY Page 3 LABORATORY PROTOCOL With the exception of first laboratory session, laboratory protocol will follow the following scheme: Female laboratory session 8:00 – 8:30 Male laboratory session 1:00 – 1:30 8:30 – 9:30 9:30 – 11:00 1:30 – 2:30 2:30 – 4:00 Laboratory work Faculty evaluation for discrepancy in submission of laboratory projects Submission of laboratory projects Demonstration of laboratory projects by instructor 6. EXAMINATION OVERVIEW LECTURE ASSIGNMENTS: There will be weekly lecture assignments given during each lecture period. QUIZZES: These will include short essays. TOOTH IDENTIFICATION TEST: A natural tooth identification test will be given as part of end-semester examination. COMPETENCY TEST: All students are required to appear for four competency tests to complete this course. It is mandatory to complete all the laboratory projects of that session to appear for these competency tests. Competency tests involve carving the tooth in a wax block, wax-up on dentoform and drawing diagrams of tooth. MCQ AND WRITTEN EXAMINATION: This will be carried out as mid-semester examination 1(MSE 1), end-semester examination 1 (ESE 1), mid-semester examination 2 (MSE 2) and end-semester examination 2 (ESE 2). It will contain objective type and short-answer type questions and sometimes drawings. DENTAL MORPHOLOGY Page 4 7. MINIMAL PROCEDURAL EXPERIENCE (MPE): 20 marks Quizzes Lecture assignments Laboratory projects Tooth identification test 8. LEARNING RESOURCES 1. Required textbooks a. Wheeler’s Dental Anatomy, physiology and occlusion, 9th edition 2010, Nelson and Ash, W.B. Saunders company b. Woelfel’s Dental anatomy, 7th edition 2007 2. Videos demonstrating carving different types of teeth 3. CD of Dental Anatomy ( available with Wheeler’s Text Book) 4. 3D interactive tooth atlas originated from Leed’s university. Website is www.leeds.ac.uk/dental/oroface/TEETH/choice.html# 9. SR. NO . STUDENT ACADEMIC COUNSELLING NAME ROO EXTENSIO EMAIL M NO. N NO. 1. Dr. Prashant Kandekar 363 2. Dr. Syed Mukith 363 3. Dr. sreeja 333 Ravindra n OFFIC E HOURS COURSE CO-ORDINATOR 367 kandekar.prashant2@gmail.co Monday m 1 to 4PM OTHER STAFF 356 ibnsinatripleo@gmail.com Monday 1 to 4PM 323 sree.dent@rediffmail.com Monday 1 to 4PM Students who find difficulty in understanding the subject can report to the concerned teacher for clarifications during above mentioned office hours. If the difficulty persists even after consultation with the teacher then report to the course co-ordinator during office hours with written report. If the difficulty is not sorted out at course co-ordinator level then student can report to the academic guide appointed for the specific year. DENTAL MORPHOLOGY Page 5 10. DENTAL MORPHOLOGY : LECTURES AND PRACTICALS SCHEDULE WEEKS CLASSES TOPICS Lecture Orientation lecture STAFF INCHARGE Dr. Prashant Practicals Carving 3x1x1 wax block Dr.Prashant Lecture Introduction to dental morphology and tooth numbering system Dr.Prashant Dr. Shreeja Practicals Submission of 3x1x1 wax block Carving permanent maxillary central incisor Dental terminologies Dr.Shreeja 1st week 2nd week Lecture 3rd week Practicals Submission of permanent maxillary central incisor Carving permanent maxillary lateral incisor Permanent maxillary central incisor Dr.Syed Mukith Submission of permanent maxillary lateral incisor Carving permanent maxillary canine Permanent maxillary lateral incisor Dr.Prashant Dr.Shreeja Lecture Submission of permanent maxillary canine Carving permanent mandibular central incisor Quiz Practicals Competency test 1 All staff Lecture 4th week Practicals Lecture 5th week 6th week Practicals 7th week 8th week Dr. Syed Mukith Dr.Prashant Dr.Shreeja All staff MSE 1 theory examination Lecture permanent mandibular incisors Dr. syed Mukith Practicals Submission of permanent mandibular central incisor Carving permanent mandibular lateral incisor Permanent maxillary canine Dr. Syed Mukith Submission of permanent mandibular lateral incisor Carving permanent mandibular canine Permanent mandibular canine Dr. Prashant Submission of permanent mandibular canine Carving permanent maxillary 1st premolar Dr.Sreeja Lecture Dr. Prashant 9th week Practical Lecture 10th week Practicals DENTAL MORPHOLOGY Dr. Shreeja Page 6 11th week 12th week 13th week Lecture Permanent maxillary 1st premolar Dr. Syed Mukith Practicals Carving permanent maxillary 1st premolar Dr.Syed Mukith Lecture Permanent maxillary second premolar Dr. Prashant Practicals Dr.Prashant Lecture Submission of permanent maxillary 1st premolar Carving permanent mandibular first premolar Quiz Practicals Competency test 2 All staff 14th week 15th week All staff ESE 1theory examination Lecture Permanent mandibular first premolar Dr. Shreeja Practicals Submission of permanent mandibular first premolar Carving permanent mandibular second premolar Permanent mandibular second premolar Dr.Shreeja Lecture Dr. Syed Mukith R 16th week Practicals Submission of permanent mandibular second premolar Carving permanent maxillary first molar Dr.Syed Mukith R Lecture Permanent maxillary first molar Dr.Prashant Practicals Carving permanent maxillary first molar Dr.Prashant Lecture Permanent maxillary second and third molar Dr. Shreeja Practicals Submission of permanent maxillary first molar Carving permanent mandibular 1st molar Permanent mandibular first molar Dr.Shreeja 17th week 18th week Lecture Dr. Syed Mukith R 19th week Practicals Dr. Syed Mukith Lecture Submission of permanent mandibular 1st molar Carving permanent mandibular 1st molar Quiz Practicals Competency test - 3 All staff All staff 20th week DENTAL MORPHOLOGY Page 7 21st week MSE – 2 examination Lecture Permanent mandibular second and third molar Dr. Prashant Practicals Wax-up of maxillary central incisor and canine Dr. Prashant Lecture Differences between deciduous and permanent teeth Dr. Shreeja Practicals Submission of wax-up of maxillary central incisor and canine Wax-up of mandibular central incisor and canine Tooth form and occlusion Dr. Shreeja 22nd week 23rd week Lecture Dr.Syed Mukith 24th week Practicals Submission of Wax-up of mandibular central incisor and canine Full wax build-up of permanent maxillary 1st premolar and 1st molar Age estimation Dr.Syed Mukith Submission of Full wax build-up of permanent maxillary 1st premolar and 1st molar Full wax build-up of permanent mandibular 2nd premolar and 1st molar Final MPE evaluation Dr. Prashant All staff 27th week Submission of Full wax build-up of permanent mandibular 2nd premolar and 1st molar Competency test - 4 28th week ESE – 2 theory examination All staff Lecture Dr.Prashant 25th week Practicals Lecture All staff 26th week Practicals 11. MARKS DISTRIBUTION: NAME OF EXAMINATION MID-SEMESTER EXAMINATION 1(MSE1) END-SEMESTER EXAMINATION 1(ESE1) MID-SEMESTER EXAMINATION 2(MSE2) END-SEMESTER EXAMINATION 2(ESE2) MINIMAL PROCEDURE EXPERIENCE (MPE) COMPETENCY TEST DENTAL MORPHOLOGY All staff MARKS 10 15 10 25 20 20 Page 8 12. ISNC STUDENT/S ATTENDANCE POLICY: APP-ISNC-SA-008 The maximum absence of a medical excuse acceptable is not more than 25%. If any student of ISNC cross the limit of absenteeism he/she will not be allowed to enter in the examination. After five weeks of the beginning of every semester announcement of the percentage of students who exceeded their absence will be posted in the college. Students who are not allowed to take the examination, will not receive any warning letter, instead an announcement will be posted in the academic affairs in the college. If there is an absence due to a medical condition, students should provide a medical progress report to the department of academic affairs in a period of not more than five days from the date of the condition. A medical report has to be submitted by the student or their parents within the time frame mentioned. In case of any delay in the submission of medical report, college is not responsible for any excuse after this period. If the student’s absence from the quiz, practical, mid-term or end-semester examination, a medical excuse is accepted by the dean. Students have no right to claim and ask for the resit examination if the student’s fee is not completed. After nine weeks of the beginning of the semester, the students who exceeded above 25% of the absenteeism the end of ninth week a second announcement is made. After 11 weeks, a final announcement of the student who have no right to enter in the final examination, the students who are crossing the absence above 25% in the semester will be posted in the college. Attendance regulations for Dental Morphology This is a year long course with one lectures and one laboratory sessions which makes 2 classes every week and 56 classes in a year. A student who misses total of 6 classes a semester will be warned first, followed by second warning on missing 9 classes and student will be excluded from the course if he misses 12 classes. In case of sick leave 3 more absence are considered which makes a maximum of 15 absences for exclusion of a student from the course in any given condition. Note 1: Excluded students has to repeat the course in the next academic year he or she is not entitled for resit examination. Note 2: No formal letters are given to the students for first and second warning; their names are displayed on the notice board of dentistry program at the end of 5th week, 9th week, 11th week and 13th week of semester. However for exclusion from course a letter is issued on the student name signed by the vice dean of dentistry program. DENTAL MORPHOLOGY Page 9 13. ETHICAL AND PROFESSIONAL BEHAVIOUR Students are expected to to behave in an ethical and professional manner during lectures and laboratory sessions as part of their development towards competent dental professionals. Students should not disrupt or interrupt the lectures. Students are expected to maintain the security of all the exams and should not give or receive unauthorized aid during exams. During the laboratory sessions, students should accept criticism in a positive and professional manner. Students should assess their work accurately and in an unbiased maaner, learn to admit weakness and strive to improve. Students should not take the work of other students as their own during the laboratory sessions or exams. 14. LABORATORY REGULATIONS Students are expected to comply with the dress code and laboratory hours. Clean up before and after yourself. You will be held responsible for the cleanliness of your own bench. A messy bench after the laboratory session may result in the loss of points for the weeks project. Students are expected to have all the instruments in each laboratory sessions. Students are expected to maintain clean instruments, in good condition. Complete the laboratory projects in time. Incomplete projects on time may result in loss of points. DENTAL MORPHOLOGY Page 10 15. LABORATORY EMERGENCY AND SAFETY Emergency: When you hear the fire alarm- - Collect your belongings and immediately and calmly exit the laboratory. Turn off gas, equipment and light before leaving. Do not use the elevator under any circumstances. Safety: Manage your Bunsen burner. Never leave your lab bench with the burner lit unattended. Minimize the chance of burn by maintaining a neat, organized work area. Cover your clothing with lab coat. Keep hair tied back. Do not wear dangling jewelry or loose clothing that may be ignited or caught in equipment. Pay attention to what you are doing. DENTAL MORPHOLOGY Page 11