SUMMARY When learning a second or third language, learners already have a whole linguistic system inside their head. Beacause of this, they usually transfer their L1 into L2. Transfer happens first. Different patterns in what mistakes people make depending on what their first language was. Phonological: For example: + ‘Have’ is an English word. In French language, they don’t have /h/ sound at the beginning so French learners usually say something like /æv/. Even though it’s the same language but not the same dialect. + Spanish speakers cannot pronoun the word “ sparkle”. Instead, they will add /e/. Non-native accents are a result of transfer. Syntax +Sentences get built differently in different languages. For example: In English, adverbs come before verb. However, in French language adverbs come after verbs. For that reason, learner usually make mistakes about word order. Semantic: + Example: We have sentence : “ Lily didn’t drink beer or whiskey” In English, this sentence means that Lily could have drank neither of them. But in Japanese language, they would understand that Lily drank either the beer or the whiskey, but not both of them. We can learn that: L2 tranfer is everywhere. When we study a new language, we tranfer over our whole native grammar. Depending on what language you’re starting from, the mistakes you will make in your L2 will be different. Tranfers effect can be found can be found in all areas of linguistics, from morphology to syntax to semantic.