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SAP QM Inspection Point Error: No Selected Set Exists

No selected set exists for the inspection point
Z01 or plant IBB
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Mohan Madaiah Nov 26, 2011 5:40 AM
Dear Frds,
When I am accepting all the MICs getting the messages "No selected set exists for the
inspection point Z01 or plant IBB" i would like to by pass this valuation related messages,
Could anybody guide me how to bypass the valuation messages,
Thanks in advance
Mohan M
Helpful Answers by Sujit Gujar, Amol Manave
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Helpful Answer Re: No selected set exists for the inspection point Z01 or plant IBB
Sujit Gujar Nov 26, 2011 9:40 AM (in response to Mohan Madaiah)
SPRO-- >QM-> choose your plant---> result recording --> proposal for inspection point.
Please maintain the selected sets here.
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Re: No selected set exists for the inspection point Z01 or plant IBB
Mohan Madaiah Nov 26, 2011 10:16 AM (in response to Mohan Madaiah)
Dear Sujit,
thanks for suggestion,
i have maintained same still appearing the same meassage could guide any other way to
bypass valuations,
Mohan M
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Re: No selected set exists for the inspection point Z01 or plant IBB
Sujit Gujar Nov 26, 2011 10:40 AM (in response to Mohan Madaiah)
I hope you have made all the entries for a relevant plant regards to Inspection
point.( free defined etc) in the location specified in above path.
What I think is these changes will be applicable from next inspection lot,if
inspection point is already created.
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Re: No selected set exists for the inspection point Z01 or plant IBB
Mohan Madaiah Nov 28, 2011 4:30 AM (in response to Mohan Madaiah)
Dear Sujit,
thanks for prompt replay,
i have checked even for new inspection lot same messages displaying,
could suggest wayout bypass this....
Mohan M
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Helpful Answer Re: No selected set exists for the inspection point Z01 or plant IBB
Amol Manave Nov 28, 2011 6:22 AM (in response to Mohan Madaiah)
Dear Mohan,
check below mentioned path....
Goto SPRO>IMG>QM>Quality Planning>Inspection Planning>General>Define
Identifier for Inspection Points>Select Z01>Click on "Valuation> maintain plant
and Selected Set.
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Re: No selected set exists for the inspection point Z01 or plant IBB
Shailendra Gaur Nov 28, 2011 6:29 AM (in response to Mohan Madaiah)
If u use the inspection point concept than there is no way to bypasss this step, only the
way is to provide auto valaution.
secondly, u need to check that u have maintianed the catalog and selected set for that
particular plant or not in QS41/QS51.
if they all u maintained than check ur plant level settings, in that at that particular plant,
goto result recording tab and in that Inspection point view, maitained catalog and selected
set which u want to use for your valuation or which u have maintained in QS41/QS51 fro
this purpose.
this may resolve ur prblm.
Other wise goto , Quality planning, and in that Defin identifier to Inspection point node
and in that select the inspection point and goto Valauation tab and maintainned all entries
as per req.