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Agronomy Self-Study Test: Plant Morphology & Corn Growth

Self-study test based on weekly learning objectives
Unit 1 of Agronomy 132
1) Can you identify the basic parts of a leaf
2) Can you differentiate simple and compound leaves
3) Can you identify and categorize the identifying features of dicot and monocot leaves
e.g. Margins may be smooth, serrated, lobed,…
Auricles may be short, clasping,…
4) Can you compare and contrast monocot and dicot leaves
5) Can you identify a mature leaf
6) Can you list the functions of leaves
7) Can you describe crop management decisions that maximize leaf function
8) Can you describe how leaf features affect their interaction with surroundings
e.g. Increased leaf pubescence lowers evapotranspiration
Can you identify the basic parts of a stem
Can you identify the different stem types
Can you define the different types of special stems
Can you describe the difference between grass stalks and culms
Can you list the function of stems
Can you describe crop management decision that maximize stem function
Can you describe the role of a meristem and the types of meristems on plants
Can you compare the meristem growth behavior of monocots and dicots
Can you name and identify all vegetative and reproductive stages of corn
Can you describe how water and starch content change as grain ripens
Can you describe how the stages differ for long season and short season corn hybrids
Can you explain how corn would react to stresses (such as hail or drought) at various growth
stages and what the effect would be on final yield
21) Can you explain what triggers corn to progress from stage to stage
22) Can you calculate growing degrees from weather data
23) Do you know how many growing degree days are typical for your area in a growing season