LP1: LESSON PLAN – Front Proforma Name: Class: No: Date: Assessment of individual learners (from the previous lesson) Individual / Group LO1 LO2 LO3 Commentary: (drop relevant information from LP3a) to include specific comments relating to the learning that has been assessed from the previous lesson, areas of difficulty Area of Learning/National Curriculum Reference (where applicable) At least 3 Teachers’ Standards to be evidenced during the lesson. S3 S2 S Learning Objectives: What will be learnt? (At least one) Learning Outcomes: What all learners should be able to demonstrate during/by the end of the lesson/ (differentiation for individuals/groups on LP2) 1 1 2 2 3 3 Personalised learning, differentiation and inclusion: Identify strategies for individuals/groups Resources: other than those standard to the teaching space Assessment Opportunities: What evidence will be gathered to confirm learning outcomes have been achieved? Teaching approaches, strategies and organisation: ( including key concepts, questions, vocabulary) PSHCEE/SMSC/Functional Skills ( not all need to be addressed in every lesson) : Literacy, ICT, Numeracy, EAL and other cross-curricular opportunities taken up LP2: LESSON PLAN – Working Plan Time (approx) Learning Objectives (number) Learner Activity: What are the learners doing? What is strategy for learning? What is the differentiation for the activity (enable/extend)? Teacher Activity: Including class management, organisation, teaching points and questions – a separate script may be used (indicate when here). Learning outcomes addressed: Homework set: LP3a: Assessment of Child / Pupil Learning Assessment of individual learners Assessment opportunities: Assessment of learning; How will evidence be recorded? Individual/Group LO1 LO2 LO3 Commentary: to include specific comments relating to the learning that has been assessed, areas of difficulty and how this will be addressed in the following lesson (this is a significant aspect of S6 and should be used to inform the next lesson and teaching approachesthis should be dropped into LP1) Key: x - not achieved √ - achieved √√ - achieved easily LP3b: Evaluation of Teaching Commentary on the lesson: Comments relating to what went well and what the emerging development areas are. To include reference to the lesson plan, the quality of my subject knowledge, the teaching strategies/approaches used, and assessment of the pupils’ learning. Commentary moving forward: As a consequence of what you have learnt about your teaching, what are you taking forward into the next lesson? 6