Uploaded by Jessica Logan

Nigeria HIV Case Study: Prevalence, Treatment, and Challenges



What is the prevalence of

HIV across Nigeria? Find a map to show this.

3. Which states of Nigeria have the highest recorded rates of HIV?

Why might some of these figures be inaccurate?




2. Use the website http://www.kff.org/global-healthpolicy/fact-sheet/the-global-hivaids-epidemic/ and view the map. Which are the countries are the most surprising and why?

4. Give a background to the aids epidemic in

Nigeria using the article: http://www.aidshealth.org/africa/nigeria

5. Read the article http://www.theglobeandmail.com/news/world/aidstesting-and-treatment-fall-short-inafrica/article15696022/

Explain why there is a problem in treating HIV in many

African countries.

q.5 many people that have HIV do not know that they have the virus

There are drug shortages in most parts of

Africa especially Nigeria and sub-Saharan

Africa .

There is a stigma against HIV so some people do not wish to be tested

Some countries such as South Africa and

Nigeria do not fund contraception
