SLP - ORAL-PERIPHERAL EXAMINATION STUDENT’S NAME: DATE SCHOOL: DOB: Write WNL or YES or a checkmark in the blanks if no problems are observed. If problems are observed, write either NO or a description, as appropriate. 1. LIPS Habitual posture: Closed Open Evidence of Cleft Lip or other structural problem: Describe: Symmetrical appearance: Describe: Mobility: Presses Retracts 2. 3. 4. MANDIBLE Mobility: TEETH Condition: Spacing: Missing teeth: Occlusion: Yes Yes No No Purses Symmetrical movement Sufficient Insufficient WNL Excessive decay WNL Excessive spaces Crowded All present: Specify missing teeth WNL Under bite Over bite Open bite _______________ TONGUE Carriage: Protrusion: Mobility: Normal Protruded Deviation Tremors Elevation Lateralization Licks in circular motion Sweeps palate from alveolar ridge Moves independently of jaw Lingual Frenulum: Attached Unattached 5. PALATE Hard Palate: Contour: Velum:: Uvula: Tonsils: Normal Normal Normal Length: Mobility: Normal Normal Speech-Language Pathologist: Cleft Flat Cleft Satisfactory Adequate Deviated Enlarged Describe Deep/Narrow Describe Short Inadequate Bifed Removed