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General Microbiology Syllabus - Miami Dade College

Miami Dade College, North Campus
Department of Biology, Health & Funeral Sciences
Course Title: General Microbiology
Course Number: MCB 2010
Reference No.: 763877
Term: Fall 2013
Prerequisites: CHM 1033/L or CHM1045/L
Instructor: Dr. Duncan Ross
Office Location: Room 1224 Building 1
Office hours: Mon 4:30-5:30
E-mail: info@duncanross.net
• Tortora, G. J., Funke, B. R. & Case, C.L. (2010). Microbiology: An Introduction
(10th edition). The Benjamin Cummings Publishing Company.
ISBN 13: 978-0-321-73360-3
ISBN 10: 321-73360-6
I. Course Description
MCB 2010 course is designed to examine the foundations of microbiology, emphasizing
the morphology, physiology, ecology and evolution of the microbial world. To achieve
those goals we will use a variety of methods that include active learning, cooperative
learning and the integration of computer literacy, that require the effective student’s
engagement in its own learning.
II. Goals and Competencies
Students should make the effort to well describe the microbial cell structure, the
carbohydrate catabolism, the microbial growth and its control, and the genetic transfer
within microbial populations. Please communicate with me via email.
III. Evaluation & Grading Policy
Four tests
3 x 25
One assignment
1 x 10
Presentation (teamwork)
1 x 10
Attendance and attitude (for excellence) =
75 points
10 “
10 “
The lowest grade in exams will be dropped
III.1 Assignment
(From the three proposed subjects you can choice one):
1. MRSA (Methicillin resistant Staphylococcus aureus)
2. XDR-TB (Extensively drug-resistant tuberculosis)
3. C.DIFF (Clostridium Dificile)
Your work must have the following structure:
1. Title
2. Name and last name
3. Introduction
4. Microorganism description
5. Disease characteristics
6. Treatment
7. Infection prevention
8. Conclusions
9. Searched websites or other sources of information (no less than two sources).
Assignment should be single-spaced and typed on Times New Roman 12. Leave
adequate margins (about 3 cm). The extension of the work must be no less than 1000
words and can include 1 or 2 illustrative pictures.
III.2 Presentations : They will be based in a collective work of no more than 3 student’s
team to cover news, biographies and chapters of the textbook.
The final work of each team will be discussed in class at the indicated date. Presentations
will be supported by using multimedia resources.
Presentations will cover a chapter from the book and will have no less than 20 slides.
The professor will interact with the students to foster the quality of the presentations.
From any of the above subjects or any other subject that is not in the list but has a high
level of actualization and scientific, cultural or social importance, each team will prepare
a Power Point presentation that will include.
Slide 1: Title. Name and last name of each team member
Article introduction
Materials and methods
Results and Discussion
(Presentation should be adjusted for 10-15 minutes and can be done by one or more
Extra points:
Source 5 PDF files from academic Journals that relate to a topic discussed in
class. Tell me the impact factor of the Journal, and write a 200 word synopsis of
each article (5 points).
Grading system
A: 90 to 100
B: 80 to 89
C: 70 to 79
D: 60 to 69
F: 59 or under
Note: Final course results will be posted after the last week of classes.
Class attendance
Attendance is strongly correlated with success in the course; therefore you must attend
class regularly:
I will take roll call at the beginning of each class so be punctual.
Attendance and punctuality records will contribute 5 points to the final 100
point-score provided you are not absent from class more than one time. The
maximum of justified absences you can have to continue in the course is three.
If you expect to miss a class, test, or deadline, notify the class-professor in
writing, or by phone AHEAD of time. If your request is approved, the test or
deadline will be rescheduled, if applicable.
Academic Dishonesty
Students caught cheating on examination and/or plagiarizing literature will be assigned a
grade of “F” (zero point) on that particular test and/or assignment.
Cell phones
Cell phone use (of any kind) is banned during class. Phones must be rendered inaudible
(either turn them off completely or at least set them not to make noise) during class time.
The professor can ask you to leave the classroom if your attitude is disruptive to the class.
Note: During exams, any cell phone use will automatically constitute cheating (and will
be dealt with as such).
Learning outcomes:
Besides the technical and scientific knowledge, students will further develop in this
course fundamental knowledge and skills integrated in the following Miami Dade
College students learning outcomes.
Communicate effectively using listening, speaking, reading and writing skills.
Solve problems using critical and creative thinking and scientific reasoning.
Use computer and emerging technologies effectively.
Describe how natural systems function and recognize the impact of humans on the
MIC 2010
Questions? info@duncanross.net
Reading/Class Schedule
Aug 26
Sep 9
Sep 16
Sep 23
Sep 30
Oct 7
Oct 14
Oct 21
Oct 28
Nov 4
Nov 11
Nov 18
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 4
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 11
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 8
History of Microbiology
Chemical Principles
Anatomy of Pro and Eu
Innate Immunity
Adaptive Immunity
Microbial Metabolism
Microbial Growth
Microbial Genetics
Nov 25
Dec 2
Chapter 20
Chapter 23
Dec 9
Dec 16
Antimicrobial Drugs/TEST
Diseases of cardio and
Final Exam/TEST