RUBRIC FOR CLASSWORK ASSIGNMENTS 5 Exceeds Standard Student has completed the task thoroughly, and accurately. There may be a minimal amount of spelling and mechanical errors AND student displays an understanding of all concepts and ideas. Grade = 95 /A v++ 4 Meets Standard Steady Progress 2 Does Not Meet Standard Limited Progress Student has Student has completed Student has completed the task the task. There are completed the task. completely. some errors in There are many errors There are a minimal accuracy. There may in accuracy. There amount of errors in be several spelling and may be many spelling accuracy. There mechanical errors. The and mechanical may be minimal student displays an errors. The student spelling and understanding of many displays a vague mechanical errors concepts and ideas. understanding of AND student concepts and ideas. displays an understanding of most concepts and ideas. Grade = 85/B v+ 3 Meets Standard Some Progress Grade = 75/C v Grade =69/D v- 1 Does Not Meet Standard Work is incomplete OR there is no evidence of understanding concepts and ideas. Grade= 64/F v--