Downloaded from SAE International by Brought to you by Cornell University, Wednesday, September 25, 2019 0& a!! The Engineering ~ ~ Resource For Advancing Mobility 400 COMMONWEALTH DRIVE WARRENDALE, PA 15096 851320 The New Environmental Control System for the B 52 G/H Aircraft m Frank L. Buscarello Hamilton Standard Division of United Technologies Corp. Fifteenth Intersociety Conference on Environmental Systems San Francisco, California July 15·17, 1985 Downloaded from SAE International by Brought to you by Cornell University, Wednesday, September 25, 2019 The appearance of the code at the bottom of the first page of this paper indicates SAE's consent that copies of the paper may be made for pers::ma! or internel use, or for the personal or internal use of specific clients. 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To obtain quantity reprint rates, permission to reprint a technical paper or permission to use copyrighted SAE publications in other works, contact the SAE Publications Division. or No part this publication may be reproduced in any form, in an electronic retrieval system or otherWise, without the prior written permission of the publisher. ISSNOI48·7191 Copyright © 1985 Society of Automotive Engineers, Inc. This pap!.'r is SUbjCl't to revision. Statcments and opinions ad· vanccd in pilpcrs or discussion arc the author's and are his fl'Sponsibility, not SAE's: however. the paper has been edited by SAl. for uniform styling and fOfmat. Discussion will be printed with the paper if it is published in SAl:: Transactions. I'or permission to publish this paper in full or in part, contal't the SAL Publk:.lIions Division. Persons wishing to submit papers to be considered for presentation or publication through SAE should send the manusnipt or a 300 word abstract of a proposed manuscript to: Secretary, Fngincl'ring t\ctivity Board, SAE. Printed in U.S,A. Downloaded from SAE International by Brought to you by Cornell University, Wednesday, September 25, 2019 851320 The New Environmental Control System for the 8-52 G/H Aircraft Frank L. Buscarello Hamilton Standard Division of United Technologies Corp. systems are controlled by tllO solid state, analog, nuclear hardened, electronic controllers "hiGh also contain built in self test and fault isolation for the major components of the system. The ACS regul ates the air pressure pneumatically and controls the flow both pneumatically and electronically to the cooling package. A cooling effect detector (CED) biases the pneumatic floN control to maintain the desired cool ing air flo\'J to the avionics equipment. This flOl/ control approach in conbinati on \lith hot and cold ai I' temperature control valves saves engi ne bleed air by not dunpi ng excessive air flow into avionics equipment and not over heating or over cool ing the tl/O ABSTRACT ENVIRONr,IENTAL CONTROL SYSTEM (ECS) for the B-52 G/H Ai rcra ft - The Boei ng B-52 G/H aircraft uses precooled engine bleed air as a source for cabin pressurization and cabin, missile and avionics air conditioning. These systems are cantrall ed by two sol i d state controllers "Ihich also contain built in self test and fault isolation. The ECS regulates the bleed air pressure and flOl~ via an electrical signal from a cooling effect sensor in the avionics air supply. Thi s flow control approach saves engi ne bleed air by not dumping excessive cold air into the avi ani cs equi pment and not overcooling or overheating the b/o cabins or missiles. The missile conditioning system mixes cold and warm air to keep the missiles at the required temperature. The system al so provides a "go-no-go" signal to the cabin to indicate "temperature readiness" of the missiles. The two cabins are separately temperature control I ed through i ndivi dual temperature selectors and controls. TilE PURPOSE OF TillS PAPER is to describe tbe sal i ent features of the ne'" B-52 G/II a i I' conditioning system and to present data that illustrate its steady state and dynamic performance characteri stics. The ai I' conditioning system, shol'ln schematically in sinplified form in Figure 1, consists of the follOlJing four subsystems; bleed air tempet·ature control subsystem (BATCS), air conditioning subsystem (ACS), cabin temperature control subsystem (CTCS) and missile conditi ani ng subsystem (tiCS). The BATCS is an upgraded version of the original installed bleed system and 'till not be discussed here. The ACS, shwn isometrically in Figure 2, uses bleed air from the BATCS to supply a single cooling package located in the forward wheel well "hich in turn provides the conditioned ai I' for the r·ICS, CTCS and the avi ani cs equi pment. These cabins or missiles. The CTCS di rects ai I' from the ACS to upper and lov/er cabi ns. The temperature is cantrall ed through i ndi vi dual temperature selectors IIt:ich have automatic and manual modes based on signal s from two zone e1ectronic controls packaged in a single box. The CTCS is shown isometrically in Figure 3. PrC5SUfC Rcgul~IO' Fllle. o § FlOW Rogulalo, Nnw Controllers Cooling Ellecl Oclnelo. OJ Check Vel.\! <;) New All Conllol Flow t::=J Hoi Air OU~1 c::::::J Cold Air Ou~l V~lvns r.zz::;J Blonded HoliCold AI' Ouel - Conl,ol Feodl>~~k P~lh Figure 1. New B·52GIH ECS functional diagram 0148·719118510715·1320S02.50 Copyright 1985 Society of Automotive Engineers, Inc. C~bln Eloeltonlcs Downloaded from SAE International by Brought to you by Cornell University, Wednesday, September 25, 2019 2 851320 From Missiles To Missiles \ .e 111(.;::., Overtamp Switch J'? 7'''''I!~"~r Temp Sensor \P~:lri'"~Hllal Exchanger ~/q',~,.~,/ ~'<l~:;---- SN J.BOll Orlllco Hot Air MOdUlatlng~~!,ti"/ ~',>-~ Valve/~ ~ ~1' l':',,=,,~ -------1/ I); jJ OrlllccandCheck ~ve --=~ "ACSIMCS ~i.",j?~S~ . " ..; ~ ~r / ,\ ~ I Controller ~Mln~1 Temperalure Cold Air Modulallng \ ") Valvo Air condlllonlng,!, Package SenSOr V Figure 4. Missile conditioning system Figure 2. Air conditioning system ..",,,... MI,.I1~ CQf\dlllonln; 5y.l.m (MCSl Figure 3. Cabin temperature control system Figure S. Combined air conditioning system Tile NCS, shown isometrically in Figure 4, takes ai r from the cool i ng package and vlarm bleed air to keep the missiles at the required temperature as determined by the MCS controller. The controller senses a combination of temperatures (outside ambient, missile loop supply air and missile electronic cold plates). The controller al so provides a "go/no-go" signal to the cabin to indicate the "temperature readiness" of the missiles and also provides a l\/arm Upll or a lI eoo l down II cycle \'Jf;En the outside air is above or below preset values. SYSTEI·; DESCRIPTION The combined environmental control SySt€l,' designed for the 8-52 G/H aircraft is shOlvn schematically in Figure 5. AIR CONDITIONING SYSTHi (ACS) The BATCS supplies air to tl:e ACS at nominal 375'F (460'F max normal) temperature and pressures up to H2 psig. The ACS pressure regulator and shut off valve (PRV) regulates the pressure downstream of the ACS catalytic filter to 40.5 + 3 psig @ sea level and reduces linearlY-~lith altitude to 14 + 2 psig @ 50,000 feet. The air then enters-the combi nati on fl ow control sensor/flow control valve (FCS/FCV) ~Ihich modulates to control flOlI from the minimum required to a maximum of 160 pounds per minute. Failure of the PRY Vlill cause the FCS/FCV to reset the flail do,m to a safe level to keep the air cycle machine from over-speedi ng. In the event of a double failure (both PRY and FCV), an electrical/pneumatic pressure sViitch downstream of the FCV signal s both the PRY and Downloaded from SAE International by Brought to you by Cornell University, Wednesday, September 25, 2019 851320 the FCV shut off solenoids to close simultaneously. The FCSjFCV nominally controls flOlI by sensing a de1to P across a venturi, but is further electrically biased by the cooling effect detector located in the avionics cooling duct (Figul'e 5) to ",aintain the floN to only that requi red by ti,e avionics. This is a feature added to conserve flOll because the crell can manually control H,e flo" to the upper and 10l·!er cabins by opening or closing air outlets at each of their crew stations and would tend to increase or decrease the avionics cooling floll above or bel 0" its requi red va 1ue. Fro" the FCSjFCV, flow is then ducted to the air conditioning package (~,CP) (see Fi gures 6 and 7) where it is cool ed in the prir,lary section of the dual heat exchanger (ra" air heat sink), centrifugally co"pressed to approximately hlice the inlet pressul'e, cooled again in the secondary section of the dual heat exchanger to remove the heat of compression and expanded through a nozzle into a radial inflow turbine and discharged into a water separator. The turbine and compressor are mounted on a singl e shaft "hid al so features a fan that dralvs the cool i ng a i I' through the dual heat exchanger for ground static cooling. The turbine discharge air temperature is lowered approximately ZOO°F during the turbine expansion to a 10Vi pressure \'hich provides the work of dri vi ng the compressor and the fan (shown schematically in Figure 5). The ACP also includes the pack bypass anti-ice valve which is modulated electronically to hol d a 37 + ZOF ~Iater separator di scharge temperature - in order to keep the "ater separator inl et above the freezing temperature. The ACS electronic controller that provides the anti-ice valve signal also modulates the LED signal to the FCSjFCV. Dual HX Figure 6. Air conditioning package, right side view 3 Anti-Ice Valve Figure 7. Air conditioning package ~ left side view The NateI' coll ected from the I'later separator is discharged through an aspirator into the cooling side of the dual heat exchanger to enhance cool i ng. The dual heat exchanger is cooled by fan driven ambient on the ground and by ram air in fl ight. \lhen the ram air pressure ri ses above the fan discharge pressure it bypasses the fan and goes di rectly overboard vi a the fan bypass check valve. CABIN TEMPERATURE CONTROL SYSTEM (CTCS) The CTCS (Figure 5) receives air from the NateI' separator di scharge at 37 + ZOF and hot ai I' from the CTCS PRY at 375"F. Thi s air is due ted to an uppe" cabin (flight deck), a 10\;er cabin (navigator and bombardier stations) and the avionics equipment. The upper and 10"er cabi n ai I' temperatures are controlleo by separate temperature selectors via controllers ~!hich provide an error bet;,een the sensed temperature and tl;e se1ected temperature. Thi serraI' is i ntegrated in the zone temperature controller \'Ihich modulates one hot and one cold electrically actuated valve for each cabin. Both CTCS contro11 ers are packaged in one control box. \lhen cool i ng is requi red the hot valve ,"odulates closed and tbe cold valve modulates open and vice versa. Hot and cold air are mixed by modulating the syster,l hot and cold valves before it is discharged to the Crew compartment. Each cabin selector also contains a manual mode where the val ves can be modul ated between full hot and full cold operation. Normally the manual mode is used only if the automatic mode is not functioning. Pack discharge cold air is also ducted to the avi oni cs equi pr.1ent through a duct "hi ch contains a cooling effect detector (CEO). Tile CEO probe contains an electrically Downloaded from SAE International by Brought to you by Cornell University, Wednesday, September 25, 2019 4 heated thel'mistor which creates a signal to tile ACS control lor to control to a constant cool i ng effect by bi asi ng H,e FCV from its maximum schedulo dOlmllard as required. f,iISSILE COIWITIONING SUBSYSTEII (hCS) The i/;CS provides initial vlarEl-up, cool dmln and temperature control for the mi ssil e ai r conditioning. The electronic controller for the ~,CS, which is packaged \lith the ACS controller in the same control box, receives four signals to condition the missile air. The missile air loop is a sealed pressurized ci rCllit I'lith an integral fan to ci rcul ate the air through the missiles and through the ncs heat exchanger (shown schemati ca lly in Figure 5). The 14CS heat excloanger receives hot or cold air as required from the ACS. The four functi ons of opera ti on modes are described below: 1. \'Ieen the missile cold plates are bel 011 32'F, the ~:CS is in a lIarm-up mode with the nissile supply air controlled to 125 + lC'F. Teis is accompl ished by the NCS air tenperature sensor dOlmstreaCl of the I1CS heat exchanger signalling the electronic controller IIhich commands the hot air valve to modulate to a controlling position. The r,;cs hot and CGld valves operate in sequence and are not open simultaneously. 2. \'Ihen the missile electronic cold plates are above 32'F and the ram (ambient) air teClperature is he 1011 50 'F, the NCS is in H.e normal heating mode and H:e missile supply air is controlled to B7.5'F. 3. Ilhen the missile electronic cold plates are above 32'F and the raCl air temperature is above 50'F, the ~iCS is in the normal cooling mode and the missile supply air is controlled to 75 + 5'F. 4. The IICS controller al so provides "go-no-go" signals to the cabin whenever the missile conditioning air teClperatures are outsi de the spocifi ed val ues or when there is an IICS failure. PRESSURE REGULATION AUO FLOII COIJTROL The air conditioning systom pressure regul ati on and flol/ control are accompl i shed pneumatically by the PRY and FCS/FCV with an e1ectroni c bi as to the FCS. The PRY and the FCS/FCV are located in series ~Iith hot air take-offs for the r,ICS and CTCS temperature control betlleen them. The PRY receives bleed air from the BATCS at a nominal temperature of 375'F with a maximum normal tempel'ature of 460'F for cases where the precooler is saturated. A failure of the oATCS can produce temperatures up to 550'F and pressures up to 152 psia. The PRY and FCS/FCV combination give the air conditioning system excellent pressul'e and flow control for steady state and dynami c operation. In the event of a PRY open failure, the FCS/FCV also protects the system by 851320 l'csetting the flOI'I schedule dOlIn to maintain a maximum air cycle nacl'i;ne speed of 42,000 rpm. To protect against douole failure, a tl.ird component Vias added \'Ihicil consists of a pneumatic/electric switch that signals both He FCV and the PRY tG closo. Tili s overpressure s\"Iitcll is dmmstrealli of the FeV and is set to close if the pressure exceeds the FCS/FCV reset pressur~. Thi s sl'!itch signals both the FCV and the PRY to close. Tl,e prohabil ity is very I'igh that at least one of ti;e valves \'Iill close. The naximu," ACI'1 speed under this double failure condition is 52,000 rpc. pgESSURE gEGULATHiG AND SHUTOFF V!,LVE Tho preSSUI'e regulating valve is a 4.5 inc!; di ameter butterfly val vo (sholm scherrmtically in Figure 8). It is pOI'!ered l'y a half-area type pneur.latic actuator. Servo (large piston) p>,ossure is positively contained loy a fabric reinforced silicone rubber diaphragm. Supply pressure acting on a piston (sl:1all portion) I'lith a ring provides the actuator closing force. Allllude Bins Evacunled,OIl Oamped, Bellows I Lead Compensation Restrlcllon ---j.------ -- Solenoid Shown Oe·Energ!;zed, Energize Solenoid 10 Close Valve Energized ~~ 1 De·Energized j I iControl Lever 0 'l r-Pressure I I I F"=;~=rr=9= Regulator i 0 ==g=L..=-~-~-~-l ~c~;;o~ozz;-;;-- - J Ir Pamb Servo.Pressure Supply Pressurc_ FlUer Pvi- Filter Preg Figure 8. Pressure regulator and shutoff valve functional schematic The valve is an altitude-biased pressure regul ator, provi di ng a dOl,nstream regul ated pressure schedul e as a functi on of amili ent pl'essure. The pneumati c controller is a force-balance-type design utilizing sensing diaphragms to compare downstream pressu>'e against a reference spring and evacuated belloHs force. Altitude biasing is provided by the evacuated bell aVIS, ~lhi ch produces a reset force proporti ana1 to ambi ent pressu1'e. Pneumatic lead co,"pensation is employed to enhance stability and improve response whil e maintaining good control accuracy. During steady-state control, regulated pressure acts on both control di aphragms. The di aphragms are of unequal sizes and the >'esul ting net regulated Downloaded from SAE International by Brought to you by Cornell University, Wednesday, September 25, 2019 5 851320 p,"essure force is balanced by the spring and altitude bellOl'ls force. As altitude increases the bellOl's force applied to tile lever increases, and results in a loHer regulated p,"eSSUre force to keep the control lever in l:alance. During a transient, p,"eSSUI"e in tile vol ene cllamber momentarily remains fixed due to the restriction and regul ated pressure mOlilentarily acts on tile otller diapLragm causing a large dange in force and a correspondi ng rapi d change in valve position (lead conpensation). The PRV schedule is shm," in Figure 9. A shutoff solenoid, when energized, causes actuator servo pressure to be vented to ambient, allOlling the valve to close. \lllen the solenoid is de-energized, tee valve opening rate is controlled by the orifice supplying the actuator. 1 ~'=S-c,L4-'''3~'2:--c,L'-':':0-!9---:8L--J,.7-!6-"Sc-4L--!-3-!2-, Pambient, PSIA Figure 9. PRV pressure regulating schedule Servo Pressure L,g Rastrlcllon_ Fillar ........ Supply Pressure "-......J Flow Conlrol Sensor Flow Conlrol Valve Figure 10. Flow control sensor, flow control valve, functional schematic The fl 01' control sensor modul ates the servo pressure to the flow control valve. The sensor is a 4 inch di ametel" al uni nun fl0l1 sensor venturi '"lith integrally mounted control. The control modulates the servo pressure in the foll o>li ng manner: The ai r fl OIl through the venturi generates a fl 011 (de 1ta p) signa 1. The delta Psi gna 1 ac ts on control diaphragms to impart a force through a 1ever system to repositi on a servo pressure poppet. The change in servo pressure causes the flow control valve to reposition itsel f until the air flOl: rate sati sfi es the controll er setpoi nt by balancing the control level'. The lever tilay be biased by a proportional solenoid to scl,edule reduced flOl'IS. This solenoid applies a force to tl:e level" "hich danges the controller setpoint in response to an electrical signal supplied by the coolillg effect detector. Finally, in the event of a~ FLOIi CmJTROL SEfISOR ArlO FLOW CmiTROL VALVE ASSEI'IBLY (FCS/FCV) - Tile floVi control assembly shOlm schematically in Figure 10 consists of a 4 inch diameter hutterfly valve modulated by an electropneumatic controller mounted on a floVi sensing venturi. The e1ectropneumati c control 1er receives an electric signal from the air conditi ani n9 pack el ectroni c controll er to maintain a constant cooling effect to tile ducted electronics (avionics). The flOl': contra1 val ve operates in conj uncti on \lit 11 the flOl~ control sensor to provide the folloViing functions: a) Regulate engine air floVi to the Air Conditioning Pack b) Schedule air flOlI to control avionics cooling capacity c) Prevent overspeed of the Air Cycle I'lachi ne in the case of a fail ure of tile upstream pressure regulating valve d) Shut off tile air flo'"l to the air conditioning pack c-_'_'::FI_'''.'l'~JD --=-c-= Flow_ upstream overpressure situation, supply pressure is ported to a reset di apliragm "hich biases the control lever thus creating a 10lier (reset) fl 0\'1 schedul e. The fl 011 schedule is sholln in Figure 11. 240 Venturi Choke Line ___ r:: 200 ~ 160 80 40 (~=6 PSI)~y ~in. Schedule / // ~ at S.L. I Schedule {f._,40K Resetl~ ~'MaXReset ~ 120 • o J / :11 "u: Max. Normal Schedule /~ /;SOK, o o .--Reset EnvelOP!--- ~~nv. , ,Min. Reset Schedule 80 100 (PSIA) 120 \ ~ Reset E;fv. 20 40 I I 60 Pv Figure 11. ECS/FCV schedule 140 160 Downloaded from SAE International by Brought to you by Cornell University, Wednesday, September 25, 2019 851320 6 The flo" control valve is a 4 inch diar.1eter aluminum, half area pneumatically actuated hutterfly val ve. Upstream pressure is ported di rectly to the sr.1all actuator piston to provide the valve opening force. r'lodul ated upstream a i I' pressure is al so ported, through a restri cti on, to the 1arge area actuator pi ston to provi de the valve closing force. This servo pressure is modul ated by the F10\'l Control Sensor. The modul ated servo pressure repositi ons the butterfly di sc unti 1 the desi red flo" rate is achieved. A shutoff solenoid valve is al so incorporated into the uni t to ovetTi de the flO1'1 control sensor. Operation of tile shutoff solenoid in response to an externally generated electrical signal allOlls the servo pressure to approach the upstream supply pressure level to close the valve. A valve open position switch is provided as part of the Built In Test (BIT) system. OVERPRESSURE SWITCH The overpres sure sl;itch is a gage pressure switch modified pneumatically to provide an altitude-biased package supply pressure sllitch. The orifice and venturi serve as a pressure divi del' I'lhi do requi res the appropriate supply pressure (varies l'lith altitude pressure) to establish the trip pressure for the sl'litch. The laminar orifi ce and 1ag chamber vol ume create a tir.1e delay to preclude nuisance trips. The sl':i tch is wi red into the ACS system to close the PRV and the FCV in the case of excessive package bleed inlet pressure (54 psig at sea level). The scliematic is ShOl'1n in Figure 12. Fan Inlet and Diffuser Housing Fan Bypass Check Valve Water Spray Ilozzl e COIJpressol" Overtemperatul"e Svlitch The actual test package is shol;n in Figures 7 and B. The major conponents are described bel 01'/. DUAL HEAT EXChANGER - The dual heat exchanger is a modification of an L-10ll uni t. Only mounti ng brackets and headers liere changed. The core is unmodified and is all aluminur., parallel flOl'/, plate and fin construction. This heat exchanger used extensively in several applications has Leen developed for very high thernal cycle life. AI, CYCLE I~CHINE (ACM) - The Air Cycle 1'lachine is also a modified existing unit (L-10l1 and AWACS) "Ihich has been optimized for the B-02 flo>l requirements "hich included a small reduction in turLine nozzle area, turbine rotor and compressor rotor blade heights and compressor diffuser area. The ACM, shmm in cross-section in Figure 13, consists of a centrifugal compressor with channel diffuser dri ven by a radial inflOl' turbine Ilhich also drives an eleven bladed cooling air fan. The shaft ri des on tliO angul a I' con tact, preloaded 20 I'lr.1 ball bearings which are oil mist lubricated fron; four \licks. Bearing cooling is accompl ished by conduction from cold turbine discharge air and direct air cooling to the hot fan end of the shaft by a shaft mounted helical air pump. The derivative unit has a demonstrated 27,000 MTBF in conmerci al servi ceo Filter Duct Supply -1i;1----;-------..""'i Orifice r---;v7'e~n~tu=:ri~- Ambient Vent /' Laminar Orifice/ Fan Figure 12. Overpressure switch functional schematic AIR COUDITIONING PACKAGE (ACP) The ACP consists of the follOlling components arranged such that all mounting is from the dual heat exchanger: Dual Heat Exchanger Air Cycle Machine Anti-Ice Valve Figure 13. Aircyc1e machine Downloaded from SAE International by Brought to you by Cornell University, Wednesday, September 25, 2019 851320 7 AIITI-ICE VALVE - n,e anti-ice valve is a 2-3/ l i inch diameter elrctropnemlaticallj' controlled butterfly valve derivative of an existing valve and is sf-min schematically in Fi gure H. It is pm:cl"ed by a half-area type pneumatic actuator, \lith s~rvO and supply pressures Leing pos; tivel.r contained ly fabric reinforced silicone diaphragms. Upstreafil pressure is ported di rect1y to the small actuator piston to pl"ovide the closing force. Nodu1 ated upstrear;; pressure is a1 so ported, tbrough a restri cti on, to the 1aroe actuator pi stan to provi de the openi ~g force. Thi s servo pressure is modu1 ated by the poppet \'Ihich is controlled by the proportional solenoid. The valve operates in conjunction "ith the ACS/I·iCS controller and water separator outlet temperature sensor to mix Harm air vtith cold turbine discharge air in order to prevent icing. The controller provi des an e1 ectri ca1 si gna1 to the val ve proportional solenoid causing the valve to cllange position to maintain a 37°F mixed air tempel"ature. Position feedback is incorporated to enhance stability. A valve closed position sNitch is provided as part of the Built In Test Sjstc~. Proportional Solenoid CZJ Control WCZJ U...--cont,ol poppet~= 1 Feedb••a:ck:-_ Position Cam - H Lever \ Servo Pressure Supply cally actuated val vos (one hot and one cold), two duct supply temperature sensors, tHO zone temperature sensors and two ter.lper- ature selectors. The tllO hot air valves are supplied by a hot air bypass pressure regulator and the two cold air valves are supplied by cold cooling package air. TENPERATURE CONTROL CHAIJIlElS - The tliO temperature control channel s are located in one control box, but are isolated from each other electronically so that failures in onc channel .!ill not propagate to the other control channel. Each channel is contained on a separate printed circuit board I-lith dedi cated pm-Ier supp1 i es, regu1 ators and completely independent control loops. Each control loop modulates t,1O electronically actuated hutterfly valves, an lladd heat" valve and an "add cola valve. In order to minimize bleed air use hut still satisfy the cabin requirements, the valve schedules are set up to minimize overlap but prevent one valve from being fully closed before the other valve opens. At the "null" position both valves are open the saDe amount. Thi s prec1 udes radi cal te",peratur£ excursions in the zone supply and enhances long life by reducing large valve excursion. A trade-off study compari ng mechani ca1 linkage dual valves versus electronic schedu1 i ng shm-,ed the e1 ectroni c schedu1 i ng to he supe,"i or primarily because of the location of the valves in the cabin. Figure 15 illustrates tile temperature contl"O1 valve schedu1 e. uNanudl ~iodE:1I scheduling is accolilplished "ith simple relay logic and limit Sliitches in the valve actuators. Figure 16 sho\'ls the manual mode valve schedule. ll pressure~ Filter --.... . Air Flow c:> . Figure 14. Antj·jce valve· functional schematic . De-Energized .d~ Shut-Off ~~ /control Lever Solenoid : Pamb I: .Lead / .~~.~,<)~~~~~' J " 0 Restriction ;~l ~ Pamb CAbIN TEilPEP.ATURE COIHROl SYSTEF, (CTeS) '., '-·Servo Control Nozzle The eTeS provides conditioned air to tile upper and 101,er cabi ns for temperature contrl)1 and pressuri zati on. The temperatures in the upper and 10ller cabi ns are independently controlled by the cre". Harm bleed air from the pack inlet is mixed "ith tile cold Nater separator discharge air to control to the selected temperature. The eTCS consi sts of t.IO i denti cal temperature control loops each consisting of an independent electronic controller channel, each of which drives t.1O e1ectri- \Servo Pressure Pregulated Figure 15. eres pressure regulator and shutoff valve functional schematic Downloaded from SAE International by Brought to you by Cornell University, Wednesday, September 25, 2019 8 851320 Open 100 ..... ......--Cold Swllch .-.....- 90 Cold Air Valve Schedule o m 70 cg !i en 60 en Close Open I ,,~ Hot Switch ----Hot Air Valve Schedule Close Cooling Heating 80 1"- ~ I Valve Sequencing Open I i'\ / / ",e "'", 7' \"'<:>a/.I ~ 40 ~ ~ 30 ......:1 I I Mac Cooling I 1/" 0, m ! 1--'- - r - ol' ~~/ ,Q'-x) > 20 r- r10 / f \ 50 o Open I r-.. k--l V i Max Healing Figure 16. CTCS manual mode valve schedule CTCS PRESSURE REGULATOR AI,U SHUT OFF VALVE - The eTCS pressure regulator feeds the two add hot val ves of the upper and lmier zones and rE8ulates tl,e hot bleed ai,' pressure to 6 + 1 psig above cabin pressure. This is -done to reduct cabin noise wlti cl: can l'~ caused by hi glt pressure bl eed air being modulated directly across the add hot valves. The pressure regulating valve is a 3.!:i inch diameter cabin-biased pneumat.ically actuated butterfly val ve shOl/JI scbe",atically in FigUl'e 17. It is powered by a half-area actuator with servo and suppl.)' pressures positively contained by fabric reinforced silicone rubber diaphrag",s. Supply pressu"e acting on a small piston provides the actuatOl~ closing force. The pneumatic pressure controller suppl ies an opening servo pressure to the 1 arge actuator pi stan dependi ng on tf;e 1eve 15 of the sensed downstrean and caei!! pressures. The controller is a force-hal once-type desi gn uti 1i zi ng sensing to compare dm-mstream pressUl'e agai nst a referencE spri ng and cabin pressur'e force. Catin biasing is achieved by !:leans of a cabin pressu"e sGns; n9 Iii'd'agr-l, Hhi c/. produces a force propoi~tiGnal to cabin pressure. Pneumatic lead co",pensatio" is e"ployed to enhance stat i1 i ty ilnd improve response ~/hil e rna i ntailling good control accuracy. Dudng stcady-stc:.te control, regulated pressure acts on hath control diapl.ragms. The di aphragns a re of unequa 1 si ze and the resulting net regulated pressure force is balanced by the spring and cabin pressure force. During a transient, pressure in the vol u",e Chamber momentarily I'emai ns fi xed due to the restriction and regulated pressure mo"'entarily acts on the other di aphragm to cause a 1arge change in force and a corresponding rapid change in valve position, hence, the "1 ea dll characteristic. A shut off solenoid, Hhen energized, causes actuator servo pressul'e to be vented to ambient pressure, a1101'ling the valve to close. wt,en the solenoid is de-energized, the valve opening rate is cont"ol1ed by the orifice supplying the actuator. Figure 17. CTCS temperature control valve schedule TEf',PERATURE CO~TRDL VALVES - T"IO temperature control val vos (add hEat/add col d valves) consist of tl:O butterfly valves driven by identical electric ilctoators, These slightly "'odified actuators a"e being utilized in many current applications and a,'e giving very high reliability service. Tl:e AC rota ry actuator motor is a 115V Rt·iS, tHO phase devi ce 'Ii th the contro 11 er resident, phase shifting capacitor providing a 90" phase relationship. The 10\1 pOller (3.5 lIatts/phase) motor is designed fOl' cont.i nuous operati on IIi th enougr, torque to enable it to close the valve ,lith an inlet pressure of 185 psig. The actuator provides positi on feedback to the control loop \'lith infinite resolution by means of a conductive plastic element directly geared to the butterfly shaft. The inherent ",agnetic cogging and gear train prOVide the neans of implementing the "failed-fixed" actuator. The non-linear gain variations of the valve with respect to position and flail are COClpensated for ir the controller electronics. Tile electric actuator consists of an aluminu1'l housing providing structural rigidity for the actuator and conducti ve hea tsi nki ng for the AC servo motor. A ther",al barri e,· is provided t.o separate the electrical actuator from the valve body tt:U5 i sol ati n9 the duct temperature frorr, the actuator. Tbe huttel'fly disc is provided \lith a steel seal ring and shaft seals minimizing leakage, The valve shaft is supported hy 101: friction, steel backed, filled teflon bushings for enhanced stability and long life. ZOIlE T[I.:PERATURE SELECTOR - The zone te,,,perature selector is an automatic and manual zone temperature input c1evice, tigl,tly pacl:aged in a 1ightweight alurninu" can mounted behi nd the temperature control panel. An auto control rheostat-connected potentiometer' provides a temperatllre reference at any selected temperature from 55" to 95"F lIith a resolution of less than 1 "F. Downloaded from SAE International by Brought to you by Cornell University, Wednesday, September 25, 2019 9 851320 Hl1en in manual mode, a spring loaded center-off momental'y switch provides the '"eans to toggle the systom hy actuating the add heat or add cold valves, The manual syste~ is completely independent of the automatic temperature control circuit thereby providing control ;vhen auto control has experienced a failure. 1·IISSILE COllUITICllIllG SYSTH, (liCS) The f:CS provides conditioned air' to a pressurized, closed l'ecirculation loop driven by an electrically po\\'ered fan. TI·, I? air in tLe closeo loop is heated and cooled by an ai I' to ai I' hCS heat exchanger I'/hi ch is sUepl i ed or. its other side with sdfi ci ont hot or cold air in order to maintain tre air temreratu,"e to the missile electronics at the desired value. The 11CS consists of tLe ail' to air heat exchanger, an e1ectroni c controller (housed \lith the ACS control in the same hox), two electrically driven butterfly valves for control of ~ot and cold air and two identical temperature sensors Hhich sense missile supply air temperature and ram air inlet temrerature. The mi ss il e col d pl ate sensors and tLe l'eci reul ation fan are fro", the existing B-52 missile system. r·lcs HEAT EXCHA~GEH The I'CS reat exchanger is a nel'l design utilizing a plate and fin construction, fluxless brazed core. The core is a single pass cross flow design. The supply air and r,lissile air fins are of a high density, ruffled design. The i nl et header supports the mi ss i 1e loop fan I.Lich is an existing B-52 component. The hCS heat exchanger configuration is shown in Figure leo Air from Missiles air cOlitrcl valve is a 1.5 inch diameter hi gIl tempc:rature, carrosi on res i starlt 5teel butterfly valve. Beth valves, like all the other electrically driven valves in the systen, use the same identical electric actuator. TEI:PERATURE SEIISORS The Clissile supply air sensor and the ram air inlet sensor are i denti cal themi star type sensors and ate used in many military aircraft nOl'I in service. ECS TE ST PROGHAII The ACS, CTCS and the I':CS I'lere fully qua 1ifi ed to the Boei ng 1-1il i tary Ai rpl ane Company specifications. Tile test progra" \.. a5 rigorous and included the follol,'!ing: Functional and dyna"ic testing of all COf,lpOnents as app 1i cab 1e Tilermal perfon"ance of the air conditioning package Thermal and dynamic performance of tile cOr.lcined system ACS, CTCS, and HCS Eacil cOClponent and the ACP were vibrated for a total of 33 CaUl's in 3 planes at random levels of up tc 16 G's Rj'IS. Each cOClponent (as applicable) was pl'essure tested up to and including burst pl"es sures. Each component \'las qualified to the full complement of environClental tests of '·ill-STU-elOC. Endurance testing "as justified by similarity because of the use of proven long life components in critical areas. Tile test prograrl, especially the vibration test, produced nany equipment failures requi ri ng severa1 redesi gns of some key cOrlponents. However, the final hardl';are design has been successfully qualified without exception. Figute 1, is a photograpil of the combi ned system test laboratory set up. Figure 18. MCS heat exchanger HOT AND COLD AIR flODUlATIIJG VALVES The cold air control valve is a 3.5 inch diameter aluminum butterfly valve. The hot Figure 19. Combined system laboratory test setup Downloaded from SAE International by Brought to you by Cornell University, Wednesday, September 25, 2019 851320 10 At this \1riting tile flight test airplane has completed over 900 hours of flight testing and service ,·lithout incident or ma lfuncti on. SYSTEI·; DYrlAf.lIC PERFOm·IAIICE - Special purpose digital computer programs \1ere ,witten to simu1 ate the non-1 i near dynami c response characteristics of the ECS components. These programs were used to deClonstrate that the design parameters of the ECS "et all of the transient response requirements. System testing of the combined subsystem testing 1ater subsysteCls and demonstrated that the system was in fact responsive and stable. The system cases tilat were analyzed and later tested are given be10'1: B SysteCl turn on and turn off transient conditions 12 Gleed air inlet pressure power bursts and chops including a failed open PRY and a failed open FCV 8 Bleed air inlet temperature transient conditions, both increasing and decreasing teClperature I"amps 2 Failed open anti-ice valve transient conditions 2 Blocked ram air conditions 6 Conditioned air flO" demand conditions including zero conditioned air f10\1 16 Cabin temperature selector step change conditions 8 Nissile subsystem turn on and turn off transient conditions 4 Missile sUbsystem node changes Test resul ts of four of the "ore interesting and severe transients were selected to be discussed here. Combined system turn on transient "Fail open" PRY transient condition llFail open" anti-ice valve transient condition Cabin teClperature selector changes SYSTEI·: TURN m. TRANSIENT CmmITlON The response of tile combi ned system to turn off and turn on was demonstrated in the 1aboratory at sea 1evel for a standard day and at a c1i"b condition. cor the system turn on, tile conditi ons upstream of the PRY were set as foll OI'IS (bypassing tile pack): Bleed air inlet pressure 195 psia 375'F Bleed air inlet temperature Ram air inlet pressure 15.5 psia 97'F Ram air inlet temperature Cabin ai I' te"perature l30'F (simulator) Cabin temperature selector at BO' in automatic "ode The turn on transient was initiated by simultaneously closing the rig bypass valve and openi ng the PRV, FCV and the CTCS PRV. As shown in Figure 20, which contains copies of the actual Sanborne traces, the regulated pressure quickly returned to its regulated level (2 seconds); pack inlet pressure (FCV outlet) follOl/ed regulated pressure and then in about 20 seconds nodul ated down to a controlled level as the cabin supply air had its effect on the cool ing effect detector. Air cycle macl'inc speed folloued pack inlet pressu,·e. Cabin Suppply Temp. ~F Waler Sop. Oul Temp ~F ":b====== "1:=== 100 ACS Regulalcd Prossure pslu ~O~"~=,=52~P~"~'~~=== PRV Turn/On o eTCS Regulated Pressuro psla _ SOol- - - - - - - - - lOLJ--- _ "------- Pack Inlet Pressure pslll ACM Speed RPM SOT 36.00"(O_R_PM ol:=:::"7=::::J!15:-'S~"~'""'d~' _ _ Figure 20. Turn on system transient "FAIL OPEN" PRY TRANSIENT COIUlITION The response of the combi ned system to a sudden "fail open" of the PRY was demonstrated with following system inlet conditions: Bleed air inlet pressure 180 psia Bleed air inlet temperature 460"F Ram air inlet pressure 16.4 psia Ram air inlet temperature 144'F With the system operating in steady state and ACS regulated pressure at 50 psi a the PRY was "failed" open by venting the regul ated pressure sensel i ne to ambi ent pressure. As shown in Fi gure 21 the ACS regulated pressure increased instantly to 180 psia and the air cycle machine speed 'lent from 36,800 rpm to 41,500 rpm (46,000 rpm allowable). The flow control reset quickly followed and moderated the air cycle nachi ne speed to 31,700 rpm. The cabi n supply temperature and the missile loop discharge temperature were virtually unaffected. "FAIL OPEtJ" AtlTI-ICE VALVE TRAtlSIEIH COIJDITION The system response to an instantaneous uncontrolled opening of the anti-ice valve was de"onstrated with the same ACS inlet conditions set for the 'fail open' PRY case described above. With the system operating in steady state the anti-ice valve was cOI'1111anded to go open. As shown in Figure 22 the water Downloaded from SAE International by Brought to you by Cornell University, Wednesday, September 25, 2019 11 851320 separator outlet temperature increased to 255'F (300'F allOliallle) before the pac,. overtemperature swi tell conmanded tile FCV to close. The ACfl speed decreased in phase ,lith the FCV closing and settled at a steady 8,200 rpm lihich is attributed to the cooling fan being driven IVith ram air. 25 1 Cabin Supply Tomp of Water Sap. Oul Temp OF ACS Regulllilld Pressure psla ercs Regulated Pressure psla 25:[ 10:[_ _ _ _ _ _ _'L-P::.:"::.:"'''d r 10:[ system lias operated in steady state lIith the folloIVing inlet conditions: Bleed inlet pressure 70 psia Bleed inlet temperatul"e 39G'F Ram inlet pressure 16.3 psia Ram inlet temperature 07'F The temperature selector lias quickly turned from a 95 'F positi or. to 55 'F. As sholln on Figure 23 the large disturbance quickly decreased the cabin supply temperature to the flax cooling limit of 37'F in approximately 50 seconds. Ire cabin temperature sl wly responded due to the normal catin thenlal lag simulated electrically. 160 psla Instrument 125°F Fall Open PRV Tcab Cabin Temp of Pack Inlet PressurD psla 0 RPM 50:[ Missile: HXoul 15°F ACM Speed Tomp of _ _ _ _ _-{C=--M..:'..:'.:.'p:.:ecd., 40,500 RPM [--1 Mlnuto -I 2SO Start Transient 9S_Ss o F Cabin Supply Temp OF / oL ;Max Coollng Condlllon Achlcved / In ,,40 Seconds 37° 1M in Duct Temp) 0 Figure 21. "Fail Open" PRV transient Cabin Supply Tomp OF Waler Scpo Oul Temp of ACS Regulated Pressure psla ercs Regulilled Pressure psla Pack Inial Pressure psla SOoo~==== . Ovcrlemp light Came On, Light for FCV Also Came On Figure 23. Selector step change -95 to 55' F transient BUILT III TEST (BIT) FEATURES 1 ~' "J==== The tliO electronic controll ers (CTCS and the ACS/MCS) both contain built in test pane1s under the front cover of the control box. The BIT features for this system are simple and straight forIVard. First the controllers self check themselves and give a ready light if all is in order. The CTCS controller and BIT panel are shoIVn in Figure 24. 10 100r FCV Closed or------:--... /bY Ovetlemp Swllch SOKt=S;I--'120 Seconds L o MlssliC HXout Tomp of '] SO:~255"FM". ACM Specd RPM Water Sep. Oullet Tomp OF / . ~ Anll.lcc Valve 150~. o Ram Free When Speed 6,200 RPM ..... Manual I Shutdown Commanded Full Open Figure 22. "Fail Open" anti~ice valve CABIN TEloPERATURE SELECTOR CHANGE TRAllSIEllT COIJDITION - The system response to cabi n tempera ture se1ector changes \'las demonstrated for various step changes in the range of 55'F to 95'F. To illustrate the cabin temperature control response a step change from 95'F to 55'F "as selected. The Downloaded from SAE International by Brought to you by Cornell University, Wednesday, September 25, 2019 851320 12 Before BIT testing can begin, certain conditions [Just be met. First all BIT checks are done on the ground in a static ai rcraft mode. BIT only records conditi ons that exi st at the time the test is made. No provision for ~emory storage is provided. BIT checks 'lUst be r.1ade Vii th b.o techni ci ans havi ng a communi cati on 1i nk. One techni ci an is required in the pilots position and one stationed at the controller BIT panel. Full el ectri cal power must he suppl i ed to tl.e ACS and pneumatic pOl/er fror.1 the engines or a gl'ound cart must he appl ied to the system. threshol ds are set to All faul t preclude nuisance problems. CTCS CONTROLLER - The CTCS controller checks ttle electric valves, sensors and selectors and determines where ttle fault lies (controller or line replaceable unit). To check the add hot or add cold valves the controller signals for a specific valve angle actuator position. If the actuator position or the feed back null is '/rong a controller fault is indicated. If the actuator position and the feedback null are Vlrong, an actuator fault is indicated. GENERAL BIT FEATURES - Go/no go concept front panel LED's Light Enitting Diodes - Rotary "litch test select - l·ior.;entary sViitch test execution - Active test disable "ith "Push to Test" fail safe - All contro11 er i nterf aced cor,ponents verifi ed - Dedicated power supplies - Solid state multiplexing - Verification of 85% of active circuitry The controller BIT checks the supply temperature sensor by check ing its temperature in its noma 1 range. If out of range (belDl'/ 42°F or above 267°F) a sensor failure or an open circuit is indicated. During this test the temperature control valves are driven to their test positions. The cantrall er also checks the temperature selector by measuring pot Vliper voltage at various positions. ACS/fiCS COIITROLLEP- - The I:CS controller self checks and checks the electric actuated hot and cold modulating valves and missile related sensors in a manner similar to thE: CTCS controller. The ACS controller self checks and checks the anti-ice valve and Fev opening and closing actien by checking the position shitch action Hhen signalling each valve open or closed. Verification of the CED is accomplished ry c1.ecking the voltage output. A voltage less than 1 VDC or greater than 9.7 VDC indicates a failure or open ci rcuit. The anti -i ce ten'peratu~e sensor temperature is checked and oust be 111 a range of 20 to 50°F. Temperatures detected of 1ess than DOF or greater tl;an 70°F "ill indicate a sensor failure or open circuit. SU~It1AHY The new B-52 G/H Aircraft ECS provides sufficient cooling and heating for the increased electronic and nissile heat loads as well as providing a morE comfortaole and fl exi b1e system for the fl i gilt crew. Whil e the system has been up-graded and contains some innovativE fuel conservation controls and failure protection, it was mostly derived from p"oven, hi glJly re 1i ab 1e co",l'onents from a variety of commercial and military aircraft. The extensive component, sue-system and combi ~ed system testi ng was i nstrumenta 1 in developing a comprehensive, verified COiOPUter mathematical model of the system that Vii 11 be llsed for future changes in mi s s il e and electronic heat loads. The design goals for system stability as lIell as dynamic response have been extensively tested in the lab and 1.:ore extensively in the over seo hours of flight test and regular Air Force service. of Credits: Figures 1, 2, 3 and 4 courtesy The Boeing t:ilitary Aircraft Comnpany Downloaded from SAE International by Brought to you by Cornell University, Wednesday, September 25, 2019 Downloaded from SAE International by Brought to you by Cornell University, Wednesday, September 25, 2019 This paper is subject to revision. Statemcnts and opinions ad· vanced in papers or discussion arc the author's and are his responsibility, not SAE's; however. the paper has been edited by SAt: for uniform styling and format. Discussion will be printed with the paper if it is published in SAl Transactions. ror permission to publish this paper in full or in part, conta!,.-t the SAE Publil:ations Division. Persons wishing to submit papers to be considered for pre· sentation or publication through SAE should send the manu· script or a 300 word abstract of a proposed manuscript to: Secretary, Engineering Activity Board, SAE. Printed in U.S.A.