UNIDAD EDUCATIVA EL PRADO “Educative quality with efficiency, respect and love” WEEKLY PLAN 3 SCIENCE 6TH EGB Classroom / Level 6th EGB Date Sept 23th-Sept 27th 2019 Time 5 hours No. Of students 22 students Recent topic work Adaptation of organisms to environmental conditions in different ecosystems Objectives: Identify and explain the adaptations of species to environmental conditions of different ecosystems and those adaptations to survival Assessment: Listening: a class presentation Writing: Science Report Speaking: To tell their story to the class Reading: Book page 120-121 Timing Teacher activity Tuesday - Continue activity Sep 23th,2019 “Story Telling” - Story telling techniques Wednesday Sep 24th , 2019 -Book page 120: Warm up activity Friday Sep 27th, 2019 - Science experiment: Describe the characteristics of a fish Student activity - Using your story make your own version of the theory of evolution using the different learned concepts - Read and complete book page:120-121 -Bring a fish, magnifying glass, tweezers, bistoury, gloves, surgical gloves and mandril -Take notes and describe the characteristics of the fish Success indicators - Use the vocabulary and definitions of theory of evolution and natural selection in their story - Identify the concepts related to morphologic adaptations - Identify the different parts of the fish and compare them with other ones from the same specie and relate the adaptation concepts from the diverse temperatures. UNIDAD EDUCATIVA EL PRADO “Educative quality with efficiency, respect and love” Homework / NOTES: For the experiment since students will be place in groups they should bring the materials such as: bistoury, fishes, magnifying glasses, tweezers, one per group. The surgical gloves and mandril or apron is one per student. ______________________ ESTUARDO GARCIA _______________________ BLANCA S. RIVERA LUCIN