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Civilization Foundations Worksheet: 8000 BC - 500 BC

Unit 1 Foundations of Civilization 8000 BC-500 BC
____________________________________ – dividing time into historical eras for purposes of
____________________________________ – prehistorical shift in human activity from hunting
and gathering to agriculture resulting in human settlements
______________________________________– a society characterized by established cities,
specialized labor, complex institutions, written records, and advanced technology
_______________________________________ – a long-standing custom, practice, or tradition
adopted by a group of people
_______________________________________– an independent political unit made up of a city
and surrounding land
______________________________________ – a series of rulers from a single family
_______________________________________– a political unit where large numbers of people
and areas of land are controlled by one ruler
_______________________________________ – land area between the Tigris and Euphrates
rivers extending in a crescent shape to the Eastern Mediterranean Sea and noted for agricultural
_______________________________________ – form of writing based on the use of symbols,
including cuneiform and hieroglyphics
_____________________________________ –belief in multiple gods
Paleothic Age (Old Stone Age)
How did people in the Paleolthic Age survive? ________________________________________
What technological advances did they make? _________________________________________
Give two examples on how geography affects the way people live. _______________________
Neolithic Age
What changes marked the beginning of the Neolithic Age?
Why did early farmers need to create a calendar?
Unit 1 Foundations of Civilization 8000 BC-500 BC
List the EIGHT key features of a civilization.
Ancient Egypt
What are THREE achievements of Egyptian Civilization? ________________________________
Why did Egyptian Civilization emerge along the Nile River?______________________________
Why was the Nile important? _____________________________________________________
Why did people of ancient Egypt Mummify their dead? ________________________________
How did the Egyptians record events? ______________________________________________
Where did Summerian civilization develop?
What were two achievements of the Sumerians? _____________________________________
Explain the importance of the code of Hammurabi’s Code? _____________________________
What new technology did the Hittites bring to Mesopotamia? ___________________________
The Roots of Judaism
What is a covenant? _____________________________________________________________
How did jewish view of God differ from the beliefs of most people in the ancient world?