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LCWU Health Center Apparatus Requisition

The Treasure, LCWU.
Subject: Requisition for the new apparatus.
In reference to above mentioned subject, it is stated that following
Items are needed in health center on urgent basis.
1. One Mercury stand portable BP apparatus
2 .Two simple Mercury BP apparatus
3 .One clock type BP apparatus
4 .One digital BP apparatus
5. One Glucometer
An immediate response is requested.
Thank you,
Medical Officer, LCWU.
The Treasure, LCWU.
Subject: Requisition for prescription writing pads.
In reference to above mentioned subject, it is to inform you that prescription
writing pads and medicine entry register of Health Centre are going to finish. So,
kindly direct the relative authorities to print 1000 prescription writing pads and 50
medicine entry registers for health center on urgent basis.
Sample is attached herewith.
Thank you,
Medical Officer, LCWU.
Dated: 7-2-2019
The Treasure, LCWU.
Subject: Requisition to provide a computer system for Health Centre.
In reference to above mentioned subject, it is to inform you that we have a
regular appointment of junior clerk at Health Centre since 6th Dec 2018. It is
therefore requested to your kind self to provide a computer system for
maintenance of computerized record, effective coordination with other
departments and assistance in processing of reimbursement cases.
So, kindly made arrangements to provide the above mention facility to health
An early response is requested.
Thank you.
Medical Officer, LCWU.
Dated: 26-3-2019
The Treasure, LCWU.
Subject: Requisition for refilling of ink cartage..
In reference to above mentioned subject, it is requested that our printer got nonfunctional due to low ink. So, kindly allow the relative authorities to refill the
Thank you,
Medical Officer, LCWU.
Dated: 11-4-2019
The Project director, LCWU.
Subject: Requisition to removal of cupboard front doors from Health Centre.
In reference to above mentioned subject, it is to inform you that we have a
So, kindly made arrangements to provide the above mention facility to health
An early response is requested.
Thank you.
Medical Officer, LCWU.
Dated: 26-3-2019