Customer visiting process 客户访厂流程 1.Company order operation process Order Coming--PMC review order, purchase request , production plan--Purchasing department work--Warehouse material receipt--IQC AQL test--Arrange production according to the schedule--PCBA weld 100% test/Battery PACK100% test/Solar panel 100% test-- Assembly and packaging products ,100% functional appearance test--QA batch test according to AQL standard --Qualified storage--Shipping notice paper warehouse shipment(PMC review order, purchase request , production plan--Inventory changes packaging, labeling according to customer needs--QA batch test according to AQL standard) 2. laboratory a.优势提炼:Sresky pays great attention to raw materials, semi-finished products , finished products and New materials testing. We have professional outdoor and indoor simulation test instruments and equipment to ensure that the products received by customers are verified by professional tests and field simulation tests. Are all qualified products! b. ASS acetate spray test equipment: (ASS 醋酸盐雾测试设备) 所有产品的五金件来料检验均要经过盐雾测试,ASS 醋酸盐雾测试 24 小时相当于室外自然 条件 3 年,我们是做 72 小时实验,相当于室外自然条件 9 年的抗腐蚀型合格 All of the product hardware need to pass the salt spray test. ASS acetate spray test is equivalent to outdoor natural conditions for 3 years. And we are doing 72 hours of experiment, means 9 years of outdoor natural conditions. 实验原因:由于室外灯具使用条件时非常苛刻的,耐候性是灯具必须的指标之一,此设备 可以快速对材料的耐候性做出判定 Experimental reason: Because the outdoor lighting conditions are very demanding, weather resistance is one of the necessary indicators of the luminaire, and this equipment can judge the weather resistance of the material quickly. c. Constant temperature & humidity, high and low temperature test equipment 所有供应商的锂电池都要经过高温摄氏 55°充放电循环测试,测试 100 循环电池衰减在 5% 以内判断合格,才能使用---只有我们才花这么多时间去做的实验 All of lithium batteries from suppliers must pass the high temperature 55℃ charge and discharge cycle test, we always test 100 cycles and with 5% power reduction can be acceptable---from our research only Sresky factory do this kind of tests, because it will take much extra time and work, and costs extra spending. 实验原因:室外高温是电池寿命的杀手,在高温下电池寿命衰减很快,我们必须选择正确 的耐高温电芯才能保证产品有足够的耐用性。 Why Sresky must do this? because we know that Outdoor high temperature is the killer of battery . At high temperature, battery life decays very quickly. We must choose the right high temperature battery to ensure the product has sufficient durability. d. Battery pack capacity tester 电池包分容测试仪 生产线 PACK 好的锂电池包都要抽样经过电池包老化测试仪充放电循环测试,测试电池包的 充放电容量、过充、过放保护是否合格才能使用到成品上. 一般厂家都没有这个设备 The battery pack from the production lines must be tested by the battery pack aging tester for charge and discharge cycle test. After the tests passed the capacity check, overcharge and overdischarge protection ,then can be used to the finished products . As it’s will costs extra time and work, and extra machine cost, so very few factory do this , why Sresky must do it? 测试原因:电池包包含电芯,以及对电芯起保护作用的保护板(PCM),经过复杂的制造工 艺组合在一起;我们需要针对组合成的电池包做一系列的测试,以确保所有的组成部分都 可以正常工作。 Because The battery pack contains cells and protective plates (PCM) that protect the cells, they are combined by a complex manufacturing process. We need to do some testing on the assembled battery pack to make sure all the components work well. e. Integrating sphere of LED 产品在设计验证、生产环节均要抽样放入积分球内测试光效,主要测试内容是亮度、色温、 光谱是否符合设计和生产要求 In the design verification and production process, the products should be sampled and put into the integrating sphere to test the light effect. The main test content are the brightness, color temperature and spectrum, to make sure the design and production requirements. 测试用途:对 LED 进行来料, 生产过程的检验;对灯具进行整体测试和验证与设计的相符性。 Test use: the incoming LED test, the production process test; the overall test and verification of the luminaire to consistent with the design. f. Vibration tester 产品在研发, 生产环节均要抽样整箱进行震动测试,模拟运输过程是否对产品和包装有损坏。 In the R&D and production stages, the product should be sampled in a full box for vibration testing to simulate whether the transportation process is damaged by the product and packaging. 测试原因:确保产品的组装,包装符合远途运输的要求。 Test reason: to ensure the assembly of the product, the packaging meets the requirements of long-distance transportation. g. Outdoor Lighting test and waterproof test The outdoor are real working tests for all our lamps can work in different weather and conditions like cloudy, raining ,high and low temp. etc , or install in corner , under buildings/tree etc and check how’s the working performance. Sresky put all our new products over 3 months tests before mass production to 100% ensure to offer our clients real working lamps. 3. After welding line PCBA semi-finished product line a. After welding line PCBA semi-finished product line 排烟管道:保障操作员不被烟雾熏扰,确保作业员的身体健康。 Smoke exhaust pipe: to protect the operator from smog, to ensure the health of the operator. b. After wire bonding process 后焊线分为 3-4 段,每 2-3 人一组,每组的工作内容是插件、焊接、目检和测试架功能测试, 测试架是我司根据研发设计的参数要求由工程部设计制作的符合各项测试要求的测试仪器 The after-welding line is divided into 3-4 sections, each group of 2-3 people. The working content of each group is plug-in, welding, visual inspection and test rack. The test rack is designed by engineering requirement of our company according to the parameters of R&D design. to meet various test requirements 4. Battery pack PACK line a.优势提炼:Sresky 非常重视电池的安全性和工作稳定性,我们很清楚锂电池是有危险的, 如果保护或组装不得当,很容易出现安全隐患,所以我们在组装电池包的过程中,对原材 料电芯的检测和电池组以及成品的检测流程非常的精细专业,杜绝一切可能在实际使用过 程中产生的问题,尤其是在高低温的情况下,确保电池能够正常安全的工作,同时使用寿 命有保证。 Sresky attaches great importance to the safety and stability of the battery. We know that the lithium battery is dangerous. If it is protected or assembled improperly, it is easy to have safety hazards. Therefore, in the process of assembling the battery pack, the raw material battery cell and finished product inspection process are all very precise and professional, to eliminate all problems that may occur during actual use, especially in the case of high and low temperature, to ensure that the battery can work normally and safely, also the lifetime is guaranteed. b.原材料电芯--高温静置筛选 Sresky 对所有的电芯原材料做 100%的高温静置筛选,检验出在高温下出现容量衰减的电芯, 排除电池内部存在的易燃易爆等不良隐患 几乎没有厂家做这道工序,因为耗时耗费用 Sresky performs 100% high temperature and room temperature static test for all the in coming battery cell materials. The battery cell on the production line must pass the 7-day high temperature 55° test and then the 7-day normal temperature test. If the battery performance test OK can be assembled on the line, and if it fails, it will be returned to the supplier. The test reason is to select out the bad battery cells which as capacity reduction and eliminate the hidden dangers such as flammable and explosive inside the battery. this tests because costs extra time and money. c. Battery Sorter Very few factories do 有这个设备的厂家不多 电池要经过内阻、电压的分选和配对,确保每个电池包内电池性能一致 原因:电池包由多颗电池构成, 每颗电池都有其自身特性, 在使用时不考虑其特性,将会导 致整个电池包寿命降低, 因此需要将特性接近的电池组合在一起,寿命才是最合理最长久的。 Why use it? We know that each battery cell has different characteristics, such as different current, voltage and resistant, this machine will do fast check and select the similar characteristic battery cells and pack them together into a battery pack. Then this kind of battery pack can get much better and stable performance and much longer life time. Max charging and discharging the inner battery power. d. Battery automatic spot welding machine 有这个设备的厂家不多 电池经过分选配对后根据产品要求装配到点焊夹具中,放入点焊机自动点焊,好处是点焊 效果更一致,效率更高 After sorting and pairing, the battery is assembled into the spot welding fixture according to the product requirements, and placed in the spot welding machine for automatic spot welding. The advantage is that the spot welding effect is more consistent and the efficiency is higher. 使用原因:常规的人工点焊会在制作大电池包时,由于点焊点多,造成点焊部位内阻、强 度的不一致,最终导致寿命降低;而使用自动点焊机则可以避免这种情况的发生。 Reasons for use: 1. Avoid mistake for wrong welding position by people. 2. Lifetime of battery use is longer. 3. Higher efficiency e. Battery PACK Process 1 电池点焊后打胶固定、绝缘 PACK、目的是产品在运输、安装使用过程会产生移位、碰撞, 增加电池的可靠度和抗挤压、抗跌落、抗震动,及防治短路引起的自燃甚至爆炸 After the spot welding, the battery is glued and insulated, and the purpose is to shift and collide during transportation, installation and use. it can increase the reliability of the battery and resist extrusion, anti-drop and anti-vibration. Battery PACK Process 2 电池连线焊接,目的是让 电池的连接内阻更低,导 通性能更好,使用更可靠 Battery connection welding, the purpose is make sure the lower the connection of the battery , the better guide performance and more reliable use Battery PACK Process 3 电池温控开关测试:目的是确保每个产品的电池温控功能有效,在室外温度高的区域一旦 电池表面温度超过电池的充电可靠温度时温控起作用,保护电池和产品 Battery temperature control switch test: The purpose is to ensure that the battery temperature control function of each product is effective. In the outdoor high temperature area, once the battery surface temperature exceeds the battery's reliable charging temperature, the temperature control works, protecting the battery and the product. Battery PACK Process 4 热缩套管和加电池隔热材料目的是再次紧固电池包和高温隔离,保护电池在高温环境使用 时电池内部温度 45℃以下 The purpose of the heat shrinkable sleeve and the battery insulation material is to tighten the battery pack and high temperature isolation again to protect the battery can be used under the internal temperature of 45 ° C 这个步骤是电池的关键步骤,也是 SRESKY 在经历了很长时间的验证和选材,才确定的一道 关键工艺,也是独有工艺,目的是确保电池足够的耐用。 This step is a key in the battery pack making. It is also a key process that SRESKY has undergone for a long time of tests and material selection. It is also a SRESKY unique process to ensure that the battery is durable enough. Battery PACK Process 5 电池包经过电池包综合测试仪功能检测:目的是测试电池包的内阻充电参数、放电参数、过 流保护、测试 OK 后装配、打胶、固定电池包外壳 The battery pack is tested by the battery pack comprehensive tester: the purpose is to test the internal resistance of the battery pack, the discharge parameters, the overcurrent protection, After the test OK,assembly, glue and the fixed pool package 注意:绝大部分工厂是不使用这个仪器的,也就是不对电池包进行综合测试,这是危险的, 可能造成:电池包不合格带来的亮灯时间短,电池内部存在的自燃风险增大 Note: Most factories do not use this instrument, that means they do not test the battery pack comprehensively . This is dangerous. It may cause: the short lighting time caused by the unqualified battery pack , and increases the risk of spontaneous combustion inside the battery . Battery PACK Process 6 电池包放入测试房进行老化测试:目的是测试电池包一个循环的充电保护、放电保护、功 能是否正常确保每一个电池包能正常使和保护功能正常 The battery pack is placed in the test room for aging test: the purpose is to test : after the battery pack for one cycle of charging protection, discharge protection, whether the function is normal to ensure that each battery pack can be properly operated and the protection function is normal. 注意:绝大部分工厂是不对电池包的充放电进行综合测试,这是危险的,可能造成:电池 包不合格带来的亮灯时间短,电池内部存在的自燃风险增大。 Note: Most factories don’t do the battery packs aging test, that means they do not test the battery pack comprehensively which it’s very dangerous. because It may cause the short lighting and increases the risk of self-burning or even explosion. Battery PACK Process 7 老化测试后再经过电池包综合测试仪:目的是测试电池包老化后的内阻、充电参数、放电 参数、过流保护、是否正常 After the aging test, the battery pack comprehensive tester test again: the purpose is to test the internal resistance, charging parameters, discharge parameters, overcurrent protection, and normality of the battery pack after aging. 5. Finished line a.优势提炼:从 2018 年开始,我们公司对所有的 8 条生产线做了半自动化升级改造,主要 目的是: 1. 提升生产效率,50%以上 2. 减少人工成本 3. 减少出错率,保证品质的稳定性。 4. 出货准确率提高 5. 安全系数提高 Since 2018, our company has carried out semi-automatic upgrades on all eight production lines. The main purposes are: 1. Improve production efficiency, more than 50% 2. Reduce labor costs 3. Reduce the error rate and ensure the stability of quality. 4. Increased shipment accuracy 5. Increased safety factor 特点:表面的黑色覆盖物是保证产品的防刮花,防静电 Features: The black cover on the surface is to ensure the anti-scratch, anti-static b. Solar panel test 所有产品的太阳能板均要通过组件测试仪, 测试后才能装配成品,测试内容: 1:空载电压、短路电流 2:负载电压、负载电流 3:总功率 4:测试曲线 Solar panels for all products are passed through the component tester After the test, the finished product can be assembled. The test content: 1: no-load voltage, short-circuit current 2: load voltage, load current 3: total power 4: Test curve c. Automation equipment 自动螺丝机锁灯盘模组防水螺丝。好处是保证灯盘模组的防水可靠和提升效率 Automatic screw machine control board waterproof box screw The advantage is to ensure the waterproof and reliable efficiency of the motherboard module 自动螺丝机控制板防水盒螺丝。好处是保证主板模组的防水可靠和提升效率 Automatic screw machine lock lamp panel module waterproof screw The advantage is to ensure the waterproof reliability and efficiency of the lamp panel module. 自动打胶机打太阳能板防水胶。好处是打胶均匀一致,胶水密封性好,防止人工打胶可靠 造成产品进水和提升效率 Automatic glue machine to fight solar panels waterproof glue The advantage is that the glue is uniform, the glue sealing is good, and prevented to enter the water and improve the efficiency. d. QC all product testing 在线 QC 对产品的外观、开关机、使用参数功能、 太阳能板判断白天/黑夜、白天灭灯充电、 夜晚放电灯亮 Online QC test the appearance of the product, turn on and off, function of using parameters, The solar panel judges day/night, daylight discharge, night discharge lamp e.QA AQL sampling test 在线 QC 对产品的、包装、配件、外观、开关机使用参数功能、太阳能板判断白天/黑夜、 白天灭灯充电、夜晚放电灯亮 Online QC test the product, packaging, accessories, appearance, switch function parameters, solar panels to determine day / night, daylighting lights, night discharge lights 6. IQC incoming inspection a. Battery compartment 针对所有来料的电池要做的检验方法是: 1:放入 40-45℃高温房一星期, 2:再从高温房转入恒温房一星期,主要测试电池是否有微短路、漏电、内阻变高的不良品 3:再 IQC 根据 AQL 标准抽样到分容柜上 充放电分容,主要测试电池的容量、内阻 从而判断此批电池是否合格 The test method for all incoming batteries is: 1: put in a high temperature room at 40-45 °C for one week, 2: After one week, remove the battery from the high temperature room to the constant temperature room, the main test battery is whether there is a micro short circuit, leakage current, and high internal resistance. 3: IQC samples to the sub-container according to the AQL standard. Charge and discharge, capacity, main test battery capacity, internal resistance To determine whether the batch of batteries is qualified b. QA AQL sampling test 晶体管测试仪 主要测试三极管、功率管等电子元件来料参数 Transistor tester Mainly test the incoming parameters of electronic components such as triodes and power tubes 精密电阻测试仪 主要测试来料电阻阻值 Precision resistance tester Main test incoming resistance 电池内阻测试仪 主要测试来料电池内阻阻值 Battery internal resistance tester Main test incoming battery internal resistance value 电桥测试仪 主要测试来料电阻、电感、电容的各项参数 Bridge tester Mainly test the parameters of incoming resistance, inductance and capacitance 7. Warehouse management and site a. Warehouse site 五金、塑胶、其它原材料区域 Hardware, plastic, and other raw materials areas 高层货架区 High-rise shelf area 成品区、太阳能板区 Finished area, solar panel area b.