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Guided Reading Record: Early Literacy Assessment

Guided Reading Record
Class ____________________ Group__________________
Learning to read
1. Listen to and join in with stories and poems 1-1 and also in small groups (EYFS).
Shows interest in illustrations and print in books and print in the environment (EYFS).
Handle books carefully (EYFS).
Know information can be relayed in the form of print (EYFS).
Hold books the correct way up and turn pages (EYFS).
Understand the concept of a word (EYFS).
Enjoy rhyming and rhythmic activities (EYFS).
Show an awareness of rhyme and alliteration (EYFS).
Recognise rhythm in spoken words (EYFS).
KS1 Bookband – 0 Lilac : Level W / EYFS 30-50 months
Reading to learn
Begin to be aware of the way stories are structured (EYFS).
Suggest how the story might end (EYFS).
Enjoy sharing books/ talking about books with an adult.
Locate title/open front cover.
Understand that books/texts are created by writers.
Predict story line & some vocabulary.
Use language patterns including repetitive patterns.
Title of Book
Children’s Names Green=secure, Yellow =getting
and 2 inferential questions for children to
focus –
there, Red=struggling (rethink teaching/group)
think about when sharing a book
letter from
above list
Specific comments to inform future provision.
Guided Reading Record
Learning to read
Class ____________________ Group__________________
KS1 Bookband – 1 Pink : Level W / EYFS 40-60 months / within ELG
Reading to learn
Continue a rhyming string (EYFS).
Begin to link sounds to letters naming and sounding the letters of the alphabet (within ELG).
Hear and say initial sounds in words and know which letters represent some of the sounds (EYFS).
Begin to hear and say sounds in words in the order in which they occur (within ELG).
Begin to know that print carries meaning and in English is read from L to R and top to bottom(within ELG).
Understand left page comes before right/ turn pages appropriately.
Locate familiar words & use them to check own reading.
Use pictures to guess unknown words.
Use the meaning to guess unknown words.
Differentiate between text & illustrations.
Match spoken word to printed word (1-1).
Know that information can be retrieved from books and computers (EYFS).
Locate title/open front cover.
Enjoy sharing books/ talking about books with an adult.
Understand that books/texts are created by writers.
Predict story line & some vocabulary.
Use language patterns including repetitive patterns.
Begin to show an understanding of the elements of stories,
such as main character, sequence of events and openings
(within ELG).
Begin to show how information can be found in non-fiction
texts to answer questions about where, who, why and how
(within ELG).
Title of Book
Children’s Names Green=secure, Yellow =getting
and 2 inferential questions for children to
focus –
there, Red=struggling (rethink teaching/group)
think about when sharing a book
letter from
above list
Specific comments to inform future provision.
Guided Reading Record
Class _________________ Group______________ KS1 Bookband – 4 Blue : Level 1C / FSP 7&8 / Letters & Sounds Phase 4
Learning to read (AF1)
Blend and segment all phonemes in words and increasingly read words with 4, 5 or more phonemes(L&S Phase 4).
Use phonic knowledge as the prime word recognition approach.
Able to blend and read words containing adjacent consonants.
Read texts compatible with their phonic knowledge and skills.
Move through text attending to meaning, print & sentence structure flexibly.
Self correct more rapidly on-the-run.
Re-read to enhance phrasing & clarify precise meaning.
Solve new words using print information along with attention to meaning
Recognise grapheme/phoneme correspondence in known words and apply this skill when reading unknown words
eg night > bright.
Able to read the tricky words:- some one said come do so were when have there out like little what
Reading to learn
Use the structure of a simple story when re-enacting & retelling (AF2).
Talk about the themes of simple texts eg good over evil (AF3/AF6).
Discuss the content of text in a manner which indicates precise
understanding (AF 2).
Manage a greater variety of text genre.
Explore texts beyond those they can decode themselves in order to
further develop language comprehension processes (AF3/AF4).
Title of Book
Children’s Names Green=secure, Yellow =getting
Specific comments to inform future teaching.
and 2 inferential questions for children to
focus –
there, Red=struggling (rethink teaching/group)
eg names of focus children and notes on
think about when sharing a book
letter from
above list
strategies used, miscues, etc
Guided Reading Record
Class _________________ Group______________ KS1 Bookband – 2 Red : Level W / EYFS 40-60 months / ELG / Letters & Sounds Phase 2
Learning to read (AF1)
Reading to learn
Begin to blend simple cvc words (L&S – phase 2).
A Tell a story from the pictures and/or describe pictures (AF2).
Locate and recall title.
B Recognise some capitals (AF2)
Have secure control of 1-1 matching.
C Use gesture & action to act out a story, event or rhyme (AF2).
Use known words to check & confirm reading.
D Sequence a simple story or event (AF2).
Start to read more rhythmically or use phrasing while maintaining track of print.
E Explore and experiment with sounds, words and texts (ELG)
Repeat words, phrases or sentences to check, confirm or modify own reading.
F Retell narratives in correct sequence, drawing on language patterns of
stories (ELG).
Predict from meaning, syntax & print to solve new words.
Read a range of familiar and common words and simple sentences independently (ELG).
G Show an understanding of the elements of stories, such as main
character, sequence of events and openings (ELG).
Link sounds to letters naming and sounding the letters of the alphabet (ELG).
10 Hear and say sounds in words in the order in which they occur (ELG).
H Show how information can be found in non-fiction texts to answer
questions about where, who, why and how (ELG)
11 Know that print carries meaning and in English is read from L to R and top to bottom (ELG).
12 Able to read the tricky words:the to I no go.
Title of Book
Children’s Names Green=secure, Yellow =getting
and 2 inferential questions for children to
focus –
there, Red=struggling (rethink teaching/group)
think about when sharing a book
letter from
above list
Specific comments to inform future provision.
Guided Reading Record
Class _________________ Group______________ KS1 Bookband – 3 Yellow : Level W / FSP 6 / Letters & Sounds Phase 3
Learning to read (AF1)
Blend and segment cvc words including consonant digraphs and vowel digraphs.
Read simple words by sounding out and blending the phonemes all through the word from L to R.
Read one grapheme for each of the 44 phonemes.
Read texts compatible with their phonic knowledge and skills.
Follow print with eyes, finger-pointing only at points of difficulty.
Take more note of punctuation to support the use of grammar & oral language rhythms.
Search for information in print to predict, confirm or attempt new words while reading.
Recognise grapheme/phoneme correspondence in known words and apply this skill when reading
unknown words eg look > took.
Distinguish between a letter/a word/a space.
Able to read the tricky words:he she we me be was my you her they all are
Cross-check all sources of information more quickly while reading.
Reading to learn
Listen attentively to a story at the appropriate interest level (AF2).
Say how they feel about stories and poems (AF2).
Predict in more detail (AF2/AF3).
Explore texts beyond those they can decode themselves in order to further develop
language comprehension processes (AF3/AF4).
Understand, & use correctly, terms referring to conventions of print: book, cover,
beginning, end, page, word, letter, line, etc (AF4).
Return to favourite books, songs & rhymes to be re-read & enjoyed (AF6).
Notice relationships between one text & another (AF4/AF5/AF6/AF7).
Title of Book
Children’s Names Green=secure, Yellow =getting
Specific comments to inform future teaching.
and 2 inferential questions for children to
focus –
there, Red=struggling (rethink teaching/group)
eg names of focus children and notes on
think about when sharing a book
letter from
above list
strategies used, miscues, etc
Guided Reading Record
Class _________________ Group______________ KS1 Bookband – 5 Green : Level 1B / FSP 9+ / Letters & Sounds Phases 4 & 5
Learning to read (AF1)
Blend and segment all phonemes in words and read words with 4, 5 or more phonemes(L&S Phase 4).
Read texts compatible with their phonic knowledge and skills.
Use phonic knowledge as the prime word recognition approach.
Begin to read phonically decodable 2-syllable and 3-syllable words.
Read fluently with attention to punctuation.
Solve new words using print detail while attending to meaning & syntax.
Track visually additional lines of print without difficulty.
Read automatically some of the words in the list of 100 HF words.
Reading to learn
Identify main events or key points in texts (AF2).
Discuss & interpret character & plot more fully (AF2/AF3).
Make simple deductions with prompts & help from the teacher (AF3).
Explore texts beyond those they can decode themselves in order to further
develop language comprehension processes (AF3/AF4).
Begin to talk about the differences between fiction & non-fiction texts (AF4).
Choose and talk about a favourite book (AF6).
Manage effectively a growing variety of texts (AF4/AF5/AF6/AF7).
Title of Book
Children’s Names Green=secure, Yellow =getting
Specific comments to inform future teaching.
and 2 inferential questions for children to
focus –
there, Red=struggling (rethink teaching/group)
eg names of focus children and notes on
think about when sharing a book
letter from
above list
strategies used, miscues, etc
Guided Reading Record
Class _________________ Group______________ KS1 Bookband – 6 Orange : Level 1A / Letters & Sounds Phase 5
Learning to Read (AF1)
Reading to Learn
1 Say the sound when shown any grapheme taught so far.
A Answer literal retrieval questions about the text (AF2).
2 Apply phonics knowledge and skill as the prime approach to reading unfamiliar B Make good use of quite a brief introduction to a new book (AF2).
words that are not completely decodable.
3 Read phonically decodable 2-syllable and 3-syllable words.
C Begin to make predictions about characters (AF3).
4 Read automatically most of the words in the list of 100 HF words.
D Infer meaning from the text (AF3).
5 Read longer phrases & more complex sentences.
E Identify print effects eg bold, italics,etc (AF4).
6 Re-run spontaneously to self-correct and check meaning.
F Begin to use appropriate terminology when discussing different types of text (AF4).
7 Read fluently with attention to a range of punctuation and text layout to read G Check information in text with illustrations and personal experience and comment of
dialogue, plays and simple non-fiction texts.
the content(AF3/AF6).
8 Cross-check information from meaning, syntax & print, on-the-run.
Title of Book
Children’s Names Green=secure, Yellow =getting
Specific comments to inform future teaching.
and 2 inferential questions for children to
focus –
there, Red=struggling (rethink teaching/group)
eg names of focus children and notes on
think about when sharing a book
letter from
above list
strategies used, miscues, etc
Guided Reading Record
Class _________________ Group______________ KS1 Bookband – 7 Turquoise : Level 2C / Letters & Sounds Phase 5
Learning to Read (AF1)
Reading to Learn
1 Apply phonic knowledge and skills as the prime approach to A Draw together ideas and information from across a whole text , using simple signposts in the text (AF2)
reading unfamiliar words
B Talk about the main events in a text and pick out relevant information (AF2)
2 Know how to tackle unfamiliar words that are not completely C Continue to choose and talk about a favourite book from a selection (AF2/AF3).
D Discuss information, characters and reasons for events in the text (AF3).
3 Read phonically decodable polysyllabic words.
E Express opinions about main characters in stories e.g. good and bad characters (AF3).
4 Use punctuation and text layout to read with a greater range of F Begin to take responsibility for reading, title, blurbs, looking through new books, deciding text type and
expression and control.
predicting some of the content (AF4)
5 Sustain reading through somewhat longer sentence structures G Approach different text types with increasing flexibility and note the key structural features (AF4)
and paragraphs.
H Offer opinions on the effectiveness of a book (AF6).
6 Read automatically all of the words in the list of 100 HF words.
Title of Book
Children’s Names Green=secure, Yellow =getting
Specific comments to inform future teaching.
and 2 inferential questions for children to
focus –
there, Red=struggling (rethink teaching/group)
eg names of focus children and notes on
think about when sharing a book
letter from
above list
strategies used, miscues, etc
Guided Reading Record
Class _________________ Group______________ KS1 Bookband – 8 Purple : Level 2B / FSP 6 / Letters & Sounds Phases 5 & 6
Learning to Read (AF1)
Reading to Learn
1 Read silently or quietly at a more rapid pace, taking note of punctuation & A Identify the main events and characters in stories and find specific information in simple
using it to keep track of longer sentences.
texts (AF2)
2 Read common alternative graphemes including trigraphs.
B Comment on characters, events and ideas making links to their own experiences (AF 2)
3 Read all high and some medium frequency words independently and C Distinguish fiction and non fiction texts and the different purposes for reading them (AF 2)
D Look through a variety of texts with growing independence to predict content layout and
4 Use appropriate strategies for decoding most tricky words.
story development (AF2/AF3/AF4)
5 Automatic and effortless reading of all words – decodable and tricky.
E Make predictions showing an understanding of ideas events and characters (AF 3)
6 Read aloud with increasing intonation and expression, taking account of the F Identify and comment on the structure and organisation of texts (AF4)
G Use a range of alphabetically ordered texts, eg indexes, glossaries, etc (AF4).
Title of Book
Children’s Names Green=secure, Yellow =getting
Specific comments to inform future teaching.
and 2 inferential questions for children to
focus –
there, Red=struggling (rethink teaching/group)
eg names of focus children and notes on
think about when sharing a book
letter from
above list
strategies used, miscues, etc
Guided Reading Record
Class _________________ Group______________ KS1 Bookband – 9 Gold : Level 2B / Letters & Sounds Phase 6
Learning to Read (AF1)
Reading to Learn
Read less common alternative graphemes including
Read all high and medium frequency words
independently and automatically.
Use appropriate strategies for decoding all tricky
Read longer and less familiar texts independently and
with increasing fluency.
Look through a wider variety of texts with growing independence to predict content layout and story development
Investigate and recognise ways of presenting text, eg captions, headings, subheadings, chapters, textboxes, etc
Adapt to fiction, non-fiction or poetic language with increasing flexibility (AF4/AF5/AF6).
Show greater awareness of literary effects used by writers (AF5).
Begin to make more conscious use of reading to extend speaking vocabulary.
Read for information and for pleasure.
Title of Book
Children’s Names Green=secure, Yellow =getting
Specific comments to inform future teaching.
and 2 inferential questions for children to
focus –
there, Red=struggling (rethink teaching/group)
eg names of focus children and notes on
think about when sharing a book
letter from
above list
strategies used, miscues, etc
Guided Reading Record
Class _________________ Group______________ KS1 Bookband – 10 White : Level 2A / Letters & Sounds Phase 6
Learning to Read (AF1)
Reading to Learn
1 Read silently most of the time.
A Retell a story clearly and with appropriate detail (AF2).
2 Sustain interest in longer texts, returning to it easily after a break.
B Extract information from the text and discuss orally with reference to the text (AF2).
3 Know how to tackle unfamiliar words that are not completely C Identify and discuss underlying themes and ideas in a variety of texts (AF3).
decodable (word order, context).
4 Recognise prefixes and suffixes to construct the meanings of words D Look through a variety of texts with growing independence to predict content, layout and story
in context
development (AF4).
5 Read fluently with intonation, expression and regard for punctuation. E Identify and comment on vocabulary and literary features including simple poetical and
metaphorical language (AF5).
6 Continue to make choices about which texts to read based on prior F Discuss why the author has chosen different words and phrases e.g. to create humour, images and
reading experience and knowledge of books
atmosphere (AF6).
G Make comparisons between books noting similarities and differences (AF7)
Title of Book
Children’s Names Green=secure, Yellow =getting
Specific comments to inform future teaching.
and 2 inferential questions for children to
focus –
there, Red=struggling (rethink teaching/group)
eg names of focus children and notes on
think about when sharing a book
letter from
above list
strategies used, miscues, etc
Guided Reading Record
Class _________________ Group______________ KS1 Bookband – 11 Lime : Level 3 / FSP 6 / Letters & Sounds Phase 6+
Learning to Read (AF1)
Reading to Learn
1 Read silently most of the time, adjusting speed of reading to suit A Extract information from the text, summarise and make notes using quotation and reference to
material and monitoring the precise meaning.
the text (AF2).
2 Re run to make different interpretations of dialogue, more complex B Express reasoned opinions about what is read, make plausible predictions and compare texts
sentences and unfamiliar language.
3 Use a range of strategies to tackle unfamiliar words.
C Discuss the actions of the main characters and justify views using evidence from the text (AF3).
4 Sustain interest in longer texts, returning to them easily after a break.
D Explore underlying themes and ideas making clear reference to the text (AF3).
5 Recognise the functions of punctuation including apostrophe for E Use experience of reading a variety of material to recognise text type and predict layout and
omission and use appropriate intonation and expression.
general content (AF4).
6 Understand the purpose of paragraphs.
F Make use of blurbs, chapter headings, glossaries, indexes and procedural texts to search for and
locate information quickly and accurately (AF4).
G Identify where language is used to create mood or build tension (AF5).
H Investigate and identify the styles and voice of a range of different text types (AF6/AF7).
Title of Book
Children’s Names Green=secure, Yellow =getting
Specific comments to inform future teaching.
and 2 inferential questions for children to
focus –
there, Red=struggling (rethink teaching/group)
eg names of focus children and notes on
think about when sharing a book
letter from
above list
strategies used, miscues, etc
Class _______________ Group_____________
KS2 Bookband - Brown: Level 2A – 3B
Teaching Focus of Mini-Lesson
Search longer texts to locate relevant sections and retrieve detailed information (AF2).
Find evidence in the text to support answers (AF2).
Read across a whole text to identify relevant details/pieces of information (scan) (AF2).
Use context to work out the meanings of unfamiliar words (AF2).
Develop understanding of motivation and cause and effect (AF3).
Follow timelines in a narrative(AF4) and discuss significance of events as a whole (AF3).
Read texts on different pages to identify relevant pieces of information (skim) (AF4).
Identify(AF2) and discuss descriptive details of settings and track changes of setting (AF5)
Infer characters’ feelings and motives in a story form from what they say and do (AF5) eg What does ‘his
trembling fingers’ tell you about how the character is feeling?.
Comment briefly on impact of specific figurative language (AF5) eg simile – ‘like a hovering rainbow’ metaphor
– ‘he wolfed his food’ personification – ‘the stars danced in their spangly dresses’.
Identify the underlying ideas/themes in a text (AF6). eg good and evil, pollution is damaging the earth.
Guided Reading Record
( Guidance - up to 3 bullets achieved = 2A; 4-7 bullets achieved = 3C; 8-11 bullets achieved = 3B )
Title of Book
Children’s names
Specific comments to
and 2 higher order
focus -
Red = not secure, Yellow = getting there,
inform future
questions for children to
Green = secure
think about as they read
independently (AF3 – 7)
from above
Guided Reading Record
Class _______________ Group_____________
KS2 Bookband - Grey: Level 3A-4B
Teaching Focus of Mini-Lesson
Search text precisely to locate evidence (scan) (AF2).
Select and use textual detail to answer specific questions (AF2).
Rely on textual information rather than personal experience or knowledge extrinsic to text (AF2).
Draw evidence from specific parts of information texts, recognising links between points in different
sentences/sections (AF3).
Recognise when specific words/phrases carry more than their literal meaning (AF3).
Trace developments through texts to deduce reasons, motive, cause and effect (AF3).
Infer meaning from a paragraph or section of text (AF3).
Read text closely for accurate interpretation of implicit information (AF3).
Explain the use of common typographical conventions, eg bold and brackets (AF4).
Identify words used by the author to achieve a given effect (AF5). eg ‘scheming’ would imply an unpleasant
character and ‘compassionate’ would imply the author likes the character.
Identify key ideas/events in texts and explain them clearly (AF6/AF7).
Comments on some limited connections to other similar texts (AF7).
( Guidance - up to 4 bullets achieved = 3A; 5-8 bullets achieved = 4C; 9-12 bullets achieved = 4B )
Title of Book
Children’s names
Specific comments to
and 2 higher order
focus -
Red = not secure, Yellow = getting there,
inform future
questions for children to
Green = secure
think about as they read
independently (AF3 – 7)
from above
Guided Reading Record
Class _______________ Group_____________
KS2 Bookband - Dark Blue: Level 4B-
Teaching Focus of Mini-Lesson
1. Recognise the gist of a paragraph (AF3).
2. Follow the development of events and actions in order to infer feelings, motives and viewpoints of characters
(AF3) and author (AF6).
3. Follow the stages in a process or argument to group the main points (AF4).
4. Understand the relationship between sections of information in texts (AF4).
5. Understand the function of layout and graphics (AF4) eg the author used a subheading to separate two sections
of text.
6. Explain the effect of words and phrases precisely (AF5).
7. Explore different layers of meaning in figurative language (AF5) eg literal and metaphorical meanings – ‘on
dangerous ground’
8. Evaluate events in the light of a whole narrative, not just the surrounding text (AF6).
9. Focus on the main theme of text/s as evidence to justify personal opinion(AF6).
10. Draw on several aspects of a text to justify personal opinion (AF6).
11. Identify similarities and differences between texts (AF7) eg I noticed that C S Lewis uses a particular type of
animal to depict character .
( Guidance - up to 3 bullets achieved = 4B; 4-7 bullets achieved = 4A; 8-11 bullets achieved = 5C )
Title of Book
Children’s names
Specific comments to
and 2 higher order
focus -
Red = not secure, Yellow = getting there,
inform future
questions for children to
Green = secure
think about as they read
independently (AF3 – 7)
from above
Guided Reading Record
Class _______________ Group_____________
KS2 Bookband - Dark Red: Level 5C-
Teaching Focus of Mini-Lesson
Children reading within Level 5 should support their comments by specific reference to text.
1. Recognise when it is appropriate to bring personal experience to shed light upon inferential understanding (AF3).
2. Explain explicitly how they made inferences and deductions(AF3).
3. Become familiar with less common presentational features and explain the precise function of typographical
features in conveying meaning (AF4) eg use of italics, inverted commas and capitalisation.
4. Explore how the structural choices (AF4) support the writer’s purpose (AF6) eg bullet points, subheadings,
chapter length, sentence length, poetry layout and language.
5. Recognise when a word or phrase has more than one layer of meaning and explain this precisely (AF5) eg ‘Night
and the little stars travel the black pond’ implies that night is passing.
6. Interpret figurative language in the light of the whole passage/poem not just the surrounding text (AF5)
7. Make explicit statements about an author’s technique and intention in choosing particular words, phrases,
constructions and describe their effect (AF5/AF6).
8. Reflect on the implications of events, actions and feelings in order to explain them fully (AF6).
9. Understand how different parts of a text can be linked by a common underlying theme or idea (AF6) eg humour,
childhood, war, achievement.
10. Recognise the underlying and surface purpose/aim of specific texts (AF6) eg the purpose of an advert is to inform
and the underlying aim is to persuade.
11. Compare texts in terms of their impact upon the reader and justify opinion through a range of points (AF6)
12. Draw on more than one text to explore themes, ideas, information (AF7) eg several texts by the same author, or
several texts that deal with the same theme eg wartime.
( Guidance - up to 4 bullets achieved = 5C; 5-8 bullets achieved = 5B; 9-12 bullets achieved = 5A )
Title of Book
Children’s names
Specific comments to
and 2 higher order
focus -
Red = not secure, Yellow = getting there,
inform future
questions for children to
Green = secure
think about as they read
independently (AF3 – 7)
from above