UNIVERSITY FOR DEVELOPMENT STUDIES SCHOOL OF BUSINESS AND LAW A REPORT ON THE EIGHT WEEKS INDUSTRIAL ATTACHEMENT TO THE SCHOOL OF BUSINESS AND LAW SOCIAL SECURITY AND NATIONAL INSURANCE TRUST (SSNIT) OBUASI BRANCH SUBMITTED BY; NAME: ISAAC KWAKYE MENSAH INDEX NUMBER: BCM/0213/13 DATE: ATTACHMENT STARTED ON 2ND JUNE TO 29TH JULY2016. PRESENTED TO: INDUSTRIAL ATTACHMENT UNIT SCHOOL OF BUSINESS AND LAW UNIVERSITY FOR DEVELOPMENT STUDIES BACHELOR OF COMMERCE (FINANCE OPTION) i|Page ACKNOWLEDGEMT I give thanks to the Lord God almighty for the strength and opportunity given me to write this report since no great work can be accomplished without His assistance. Also my next thanks go to Mr. Williams Micheal Quaye, Archives Manager of S.S.N.I.T. Obuasi for giving me the opportunity to do attachment in their organization. I would also love to extend my heartfelt gratitude to both of my senior supervisors and assistant of the Archive Department by names Mrs. Veronica Eva Opoku Agyeman and Mr. Kyei Baffour respectively for their sincere help during my attachment period. Lastly I want to say a big thanks to the entire team of S.S.N.I.T., Obuasi Branch for such a wonderful family they were to me. I SAY GOD BLESS U ALL ii | P a g e Contents EXECUTIVE SUMMARY .................................................................................................................... 1 UNIT TWO ............................................................................................................................................. 2 2.0 INTRODUCTION OF THE ORGANIZATION .............................................................................. 2 2.1 NATURE OF THE ORGANIATION............................................................................................... 3 2.2 VISION STATEMENT .................................................................................................................... 3 2.3 MISSION STATEMENT ................................................................................................................. 3 2.4 STRUCTURE OF THE OBUASI BRANCH OFFICE .................................................................... 4 2.6 SPECIAL REGULATION/MEASURES CONCERNING INTERNSHIP ...................................... 5 UNIT THREE ............................................................................................................................................. 6 3.0 DESCRIPTION OF ATTACHEMENT............................................................................................ 6 3.2 .DESCRIPTION OF WORK STATION .......................................................................................... 9 3.2.1. Description of Department ............................................................................................................ 9 3.2.2. Report on Familiarization Phase ................................................................................................... 9 3.2.3. Description of Working Place ....................................................................................................... 9 3.2.4. Task Description ........................................................................................................................... 9 3.3 IMPACT OF THE INTERNSHIP .................................................................................................. 10 UNIT FOUR ......................................................................................................................................... 11 4.0 CONCLUSION AND RECOMMENDATION .............................................................................. 11 4.1 CONCLUSION ............................................................................................................................... 11 APPENDICES ...................................................................................................................................... 13 SUPPLEMENTARY MATERIALS..................................................................................................... 13 REFERENCES ..................................................................................................................................... 13 iii | P a g e UNIT ONE EXECUTIVE SUMMARY This report provides comprehensive outcome of an industrial attachment done in the Archives Department at S.S.N.I.T., Obuasi Branch in the Ashanti Region. S.S.N.I.T. as part of the poverty reduction strategy during old age or the reduction of the exposure to social contingencies faced by the Ghanaian wage earner and his family similar to those which prevailed in the 18th century, the government has worked towards providing easy access of finances to workers who are retired or become invalid due to certain circumstances. S.S.N.I.T. was introduced as a public institution which will help in the social protection backed by law to provide individuals with a degree of income security when faced with the contingencies of old age, survivorship, invalidity etc. S.S.N.I.T. was first established in Obuasi in the year 1973 with its first manager Mr. I. K Ortsin and the second, Asare-Sintim Nana(1977 to 1978) and it followed till now where we have the current manager as Mr. Braimah Nayo Skudjo(2015 till now). S.S.N.I.T. Archives Department, Obuasi branch was created in 1999 with its first Branch Manager in the person of Mr Sampson Baddoo and have Mr. William Micheal Quaye as its current manager. The Archives (Records) department is also known as the Northern Sector Archives. The Archives Department has five (5) Regions as its operational area and they are Ashanti Region, Brong Ahafo Region, Northern Region, Upper East Region and Upper West Region. The Archive Department keep all files of the listed Regions above. The file kept by the department includes Administrative files, Personal files and Establishment files. The department do sort all the files into their various categories, list the Establishment files and also keep all the files in repositories for future references. 1|Page UNIT TWO 2.0 INTRODUCTION OF THE ORGANIZATION Colonization and the introduction of new methods of work transformed the traditional structures and working conditions resulting in the development of the paid employment in urban areas. The Ghanaian wage earner and his family were uprooted from their traditional environment and exposed to social contingencies similar to those which prevailed in the industrialized countries with the advent of industrial revolution in the 18th century. The history of Ghana’s Social Security scheme dates back to the appointment of the Asare’s committee. The then managing director of Ghana Commercial Bank, Mr. T.D Asare in 1960 who was tasked to look into the possibility of establishing a National Pension and Insurance Scheme for workers. The committee was assisted later by an International Labour Organization (ILO) expert on Social Security matters, who made benefits to workers who suffered work injuries etc. The president of the First Republic Osagyefo Dr. Kwame Nkrumah announced that “Government was giving consideration to the possibility of establishing a National Pensions and Insurance Fund to manage the pension and provident fund of all employers”. On the 17th February, 1965 the Parliament of the First Republic passed a Bill known as Social Security ACT, 1965, ACT 279 to establish a Social Security Fund to provide for contributors, survivors, benefits under superannuation, invalidity among others. The country thus, witnessed a landmark improvement in the life of workers in the country. For the first time a Social Security Scheme of national dimension was provided for workers. 2|Page 2.1 NATURE OF THE ORGANIATION As part of the poverty reduction strategy during old age or the reduction of the exposure to social contingencies faced by the Ghanaian wage earner and his family similar to those which prevailed in the 18th century, the government has worked towards providing easy access of finances to workers who are retired or become invalid du e to certain circumstances. S.S.N.I.T. was introduced as a public institution which will help in the social protection backed by law to provide individuals with a degree of income security when faced with the contingencies of old age, survivorship, invalidity etc. 2.2 VISION STATEMENT To be the model for the administration of Social Protection schemes in Africa and beyond. 2.3 MISSION STATEMENT To provide income security for workers in Ghana through excellent business practices. Core Values The core values of SSNIT include; • Integrity • Accountability • Responsiveness • Innovation 3|Page 2.4 STRUCTURE OF THE OBUASI BRANCH OFFICE Obuasi branch office is made up of six (6) units. The units include; Management Information System (MIS), Benefits Unit, Accounts/Cashier Unit, Compliance Unit, Relationship Customer management (RCM) Unit and Prosecutions Unit. 2.5 ORGANIZATIONAL STRUCTURE OF SSNIT, OBUASI BRANCH. BRANCH MANAGEMENT BRANCH SECRETARY SECURITY DRIVERS MIS UNIT BIOMETRIC UNIT ACCOUNTS UNIT BENEFITS UNIT CASHIER RECORDS UNIT 4|Page COMPLIANCE UNIT DATA CAPTURING MEMBER DATA UPDATE RCM UNIT PROSECUTIONS 2.6 SPECIAL REGULATION/MEASURES CONCERNING INTERNSHIP Students who wish to do internship with the organization should pre-notify it at least for some number of months either one or two before the due date. It is the manager who assigns new students on internship to the various units and supervisors after receiving the go ahead from the Area Manager. Students are then taken through orientation and the safety regulations of the organization when necessary. Students who are on internship are required to conduct themselves like the regular workers. 5|Page UNIT THREE 3.0 DESCRIPTION OF ATTACHEMENT I was assigned to the Archives Department. This department is also known as the Northern sector Archives. The Archives Department has five (5) Regions as its operational area and they are Ashanti Region, Brong Ahafo Region, Northern Region, Upper East Region and Upper West Region. The Archive Department keep all files of the listed Regions above. The file kept by the department includes Administrative files, Personal files and Establishment files. The department do sort all the files into their various categories, list the Establishment files and also keep all the files in repositories for future references. • WEEKLY REPORT OF WORK SCHEDULE SSNIT, Obuasi branch begins work at 8:00 am and closes at 4:30 pm from Monday to Friday. Therefore workers should report to office before the time stated above. Below are the activities that took place within my eight weeks (8) of internship at the SSNIT office. WEEK 1 On Monday, 6th June 2016, I went to the SSNIT office to meet the Snr. supervisor of the Archive Department since I had had a call a day before that I can start my attachment with the Archive Department on this fateful day. The Snr. supervisor and her assistant took myself and my other colleagues on attachment round. They showed us the various repositories and the type files that are kept in there. The assistant Mr. Kyei Baffour then introduced us to the working staff in the Branch Office and the Branch Manager (Braimah Nayo Skudjo). Then we were taken through orientation and familiarization within the organisation. During the 6|Page week after the orientation I was asked to sort files that is separating file from each other using the year or area name. We also did shelving which is putting the files in their respective shelves. WEEK 2 Monday, 13th June 2016, started a new week. We were asked to sort personal files using the branch names. Thereafter we shelved them into their respective shelves. We also listed some establishment files unto a listing sheet and placed them in boxes. We also shelved them in their respective shelves. WEEK 3 Monday, 20 June 2016, started the third week and within the week, we were asked to sort administrative files using the year and month and also personal files. Also, we shelved both administrative files and personal files into their respective shelves in their various repositories. WEEK 4 Monday, 27th June 2016, started the fourth week and during the week, we were asked to sort personal files using the branch names and afterwards we shelved them into their respective shelves. We also listed some establishment files and arranged them in boxes. We were also asked to look through a list and retrieve some files for the manager. Friday, 1st July was a Republic Holiday and therefore a National holiday which made the weekends a long one. WEEK 5 Monday, 4th July 2016, was the first working day of a new month and in the course of the week, we were asked to sort establishment files and administrative.We also listed the 7|Page establishment files and put them in boxes.We also shelved the boxes into their respective shelves in their various repositories. Also, within the week, there was another public holiday which was Eid ul- Fitr and it was on Wednesday, 6th July 2016. WEEK 6 Monday, 11th July 2016, was the beginning of the 6th week and within the week, we were asked to sort some personal files and we also listed them on listing sheet. Afterwards, we parked them in boxes and placed them in their respective shelves. We were also asked to retrieve files from the shelves. WEEK7 Monday, 18th July 2016, started the seventh week and during the week, we were asked to sort administrative files and personal files. We also listed the establishment files and placed them in boxes. We also shelved the boxes containing the establishment files into their respective shelves. WEEK 8 Monday, 25th July 2016, was the beginning of the eighth week and in the course of the week, we were asked sort personal files and also some administrative files. We also shelved the personal files and the administrative files into their respective shelves in their various repositories. 8|Page 3.2 .DESCRIPTION OF WORK STATION 3.2.1. Description of Department The Archives (Records) Department has 5 staffs that are in charge of the Records keeping. There is the Records Manager, beneath it there is a supervisor and then one other worker, a driver and a security man. 3.2.2. Report on Familiarization Phase Firstly, we were introduced to all the workers within the department. Our snr. supervisor then took as to the various department and introduced us to the other workers . We were told we are free to go to any one for assistance. We worked with all of the workers and therefore we worked had a good time with them. We could go to any of the workers for any assistance we needed. 3.2.3. Description of Working Place The records department has 3 offices which are the manager’s office, administration and General Office. And also have 4 repository rooms where the files are kept for safe keeping. 3.2.4. Task Description The Archives Department has five (5) Regions as its operational area and they are Ashanti Region, Brong Ahafo Region, Northern Region, Upper East Region and Upper West Region. The Archive Department keep all files of the listed Regions above. The file kept by the department includes Administrative files, Personal files and Establishment files. The department do sort all the files into their various categories, list the Establishment files and also keep all the files in repositories for future references. 9|Page 3.3 IMPACT OF THE INTERNSHIP The internship program has prepared me both mentally and academically to face the realities of working conditions or environment. It has helped me by practically exposing me to the theories learnt in the classroom. This internship again has impacted in me positively which can help me in the near future as to planning my career and an insight about the job environment with respect to the public sectors. The supervisors evaluate the assigned task and individual performance by monitoring how attachment students go about doing an assign tasks. With this experience I believe, it will help me to perform my project work with ease. I can also work in a team with others and also build my degree thesis effectively and going a long way to increasing my chances of starting my career by providing a work experience in the public sector. This internship has also impacted me on how to relate to people and how the staff of an organization should relate to people to maintain status quo in terms of respect. 10 | P a g e UNIT FOUR 4.0 CONCLUSION AND RECOMMENDATION 4.1 CONCLUSION The SSNIT office Obuasi branch has great growth and potential, it has to improve on education and sensitization of the general public especially those in the typical villages (both clients and non-clients) of the scheme on the benefits of registering with the scheme and monthly contributions to build up before the age of retirement. The scheme has to increase and improve the means of sensitizing the people of its jurisdiction. 4.2 GENERAL OBSERVATION It is observed that, SSNIT Obuasi branch operates in an environment where illiteracy rate is high. This makes it difficult for most people to appreciate the relevance of the SSNIT. Talking about illiteracy even most educated people when interviewed may just have a little or no understanding of SSNIT which is very pathetic. The lessons learnt from the internship program include how to relate with co-workers and clients in the organization. Lastly I have also learnt how to records are kept in SSNIT which I can apply in any organization I find myself. Some of the challenges faced by office include; The link or network maybe down which slows down work in the office It is difficult locating files to be retrieved since the listings of files are done manually. 11 | P a g e 4.3 RECOMMENDATION During my eight (8) weeks stay in this institution as a student on internship, I will recommend the following measures to help improve on the services the scheme renders to its clients. • The scheme should improve its education and sensitization channels to enhance the free flow of information within the general public. • The scheme should frequently organize workshops and seminars for the staff to increase in their efficiency and effectiveness of staff. • There could be an electronic system to help locate files to improve the file retrieval system. 12 | P a g e APPENDICES SSNIT…………………………………………Social Security and National Insurance Trust RCM UNIT……………………………………Relationship Customer Management Unit SUPPLEMENTARY MATERIALS Other Relevant Information of SSNIT Address: P.O. BOX M 149, ACCRA, GHANA Phone: (233) 021232997 Fax: (233) 021232999 Website: REFERENCES • • SSNIT. (2015). Social Security and National Insurance Trust Dairy 2015. (Brochure). Accra: SSNIT • Mr. Kyei Baffour, Personal Communication, July 25, 2016 • Mr. Braimah Nayo Skudjo, Personal Communication, July 28, 2016 13 | P a g e 14 | P a g e