Chapter 1 – Anatomical Landmarks Worksheet Directions: Determine the scientific name for the body region described in each situation and place the term in the space provided. __________ 1. The strong muscle group called the quadriceps is found on the thigh region. __________ 2. As a runner, you know it is always important to stretch your Achilles tendon. __________ 3. You read about a person in the newspaper who has been hit from behind by another car. They may have a whiplash as a result of the accident. __________ 4. You visit your aunt in the hospital who has just had a baby. You notice that the baby has a clamp on its navel. __________ 5. You hear that your uncle has a “slipped disc” and needs back surgery. __________ 6. One early detection method for breast cancer is the breast self-examination. __________ 7. The bones that encase the brain are extremely light, but at the same time, must be very strong. __________ 8. As adolescents reach puberty, they develop hair in their armpits. __________ 9. You have an appointment with your family physician, and she decides to take blood as part of your yearly physical examination. __________ 10. An old superstition says that if your palm itches, you will receive a sum of money. __________ 11. “Water on the knee” is a form of bursitis which is a swelling. __________ 12. You’ve been having sinus problems and your physician informs you that you have a deviated septum which means that the wall dividing the nostrils has moved. __________ 13. As part of your yearly physical, the nurse takes your blood pressure. __________ 14. Your brother is having warts removed from the bottom of his foot. __________ 15. While watching a high school football game, you see a player taken off the field after his shoulder has been immobilized. You wonder if it’s been dislocated. 16. As you enter school in the morning, you notice your friend on crutches and, after talking to her, you learn that she has a sprained ankle. __________ 17. Your dentist says, “open wide!” __________ 18. You go out to get the mail after school and receive a yearly reminder from your optometrist for an eye examination. __________ 19. You read about a surgical procedure in a current science periodical that will treat ulcers in the stomach. You know they will have to make an incision into this cavity of the body. __________ 20. As part of a yearly physical exam, your mother’s physician orders a chest x-ray. __________ 21. When you were a little baby, you used to get shots here. OUCH! __________ 22. You make an appointment with the sales representative from Josten’s to be measured for your class ring. __________ 23. Your head has become much larger as a result of this exercise worksheet!!! Chapter 1 – Anatomical Landmarks Worksheet Answers 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. 21. 22. 23. Femoral Calcaneal Cervical Umbilical Dorsal Mammary Cranial Axillary Antecubital Palmar Patellar Nasal Brachial Plantar Acromial Tarsal Oral Orbital/ocular Abdominal Thoracic Gluteal Phalangeal/digital Cephalic