Carbon Capture Technology: Options and Developments Why do we need Carbon Capture? Among greenhouse gases, carbon dioxide accounts for 94% of the total greenhouse gas emissions, and over 80% of the anthropogenic CO2 emissions in the world is generated through energy production based on fossil resources. Typically, three technical options are considered for the reduction of CO2 emissions: Decreased energy consumption and more efficient energy usage Development of renewable energy sources and non-fossil fuels such as hydrogen Development of capture and sequestration technologies to trap more CO2 underground or in the ocean Carbon Capture and Storage (CCS): What is it about? • Every year, we generate approximately 10 billion tonnes of carbon emissions, through our consumption of fossil fuels and land use changes. • A significant portion of that comes from power generation and industrial sectors like steel and cement production, paper and pulp production and the chemical industry. • For a lot of these industrial processes, there are no substitutes available to reduce the emissions generated. • Even renewable energy technologies may not be enough to support our continually growing energy demand, meaning a lot of these fossil fuel demands will continue for at least the next few decades. Carbon Capture and Storage (CCS): What is it about? • This is where CCS comes in, an approach otherwise known as carbon capture and storage. • This technology is also sometimes referred to as CCUS, which is carbon capture, utilization and storage. • Whether the ultimate plan is for long-term storage, or for long-term utilization, this technology aims to capture carbon emissions generated from single point sources, like a coal-fired power plant or a natural gas processing facility. Carbon Capture and Storage (CCS): What is it about? • In general, CCS relies on three main activities; • Carbon capture • Carbon transport • Carbon storage • Carbon capture is usually the separation of CO2 from the emissions (originating from coal fired power plants/natural gas processing plants) to prevent its release to the atmosphere. • Pure CO2 is captured so it can then be pressurized, and become suitable for the next stage in the process, transport. Transport usually occurs in pipelines, similar to the infrastructure we use today to move natural gas around. • Once the CO2 has been transported to a suitable location, it can be stored. This is the final stage of carbon storage. Challenges • CCS is contentious as an emission reduction option. • CCS will be one tool in a suite of emission reduction tools. • We cannot move away from fossil fuels for at least several decades. There are some who argue that using CCS allows the fossil fuel industry to continue developing when we should be looking at alternatives. The truth is, we are still looking at alternatives. Ideally, at some point in the future, we will have found zero emission fuels for all of our economy’s needs. Unfortunately, that future is likely still decades away. If we want to meet global emission reduction targets in time to limit dangerous climate change, then we need to decarbonize as quickly as possible, and much faster than what we are doing now. That is why CCS is so important - it allows our industry and power generation sectors to decarbonize while the rest of our zero emission technology develops. Global CO2 Emission Reductions in IEA Scenarios Status • At the beginning of 2018, there were 22 large-scale CCS facilities in operation or under construction globally. • These facilities can store a total of 40 million tonnes per annum of CO2 that otherwise would have entered the atmosphere. • This is the equivalent to taking more than eight million passenger vehicles off our roads. • A further 15 projects are in various stages of planning development, and once completed, could contribute to an additional 25 million tonnes of CO2 capture. What is it that CCS needs in order to be successful? • CCS needs; • Source • Link • Sink • The source is the capture part - something like a coal-fired power station. • The sink is the storage or sequestration part - so this depends on having the right geological conditions for storing and trapping CO2. • The link is the transport part - the pipeline that is needed to transport the compressed CO2. What is it that CCS needs in order to be successful? • CCS is a challenging technology. It requires lengthy and expensive exploration to identify the optimal storage locations, even before the lengthy and expensive process of building carbon capture technology can begin. • However, it has enormous potential to reduce the growing global greenhouse gas emissions and is the only technological solution we have today for a number of carbon intensive industrial processes. • It is also the only technology that can actively reduce CO2 levels in the atmosphere. CO2 Capturing Modes While CO2 capture technologies are new to the power industry, they have been deployed for the past sixty years by the oil, gas and chemical industries. They are an integral component of natural gas processing and of many coal gasification processes used for the production of syngas, chemicals and liquid fuels. There are three main CO2 capture modes for power generation. Post-Combustion Pre-Combustion Oxyfuel Combustion Post Combustion Carbon Capture Technology Post combustion carbon capture aims to capture the emissions that exit a plant via the chimney or stack, and then separate the CO2 by using chemical or physical sorbents to selectively remove CO2 from the gas mixture. The emissions generated in the combustion of fossil fuels are known as ‘flue gas’, and generally comprise a mixture of fly ash, water vapour, carbon dioxide, nitrogen oxides, and sulphur oxides, as well as other particulates. Because the fuel is combusted in air, which is around 70% nitrogen, around two-thirds of the flue gas is nitrogen. The process of CO2 separation from the flue gas stream is quite challenging. It can be an energy intensive process and requires somewhat costly materials. Post Combustion Carbon Capture Technology Typically, in the power generation process, the fly ash, SO2 and NO2 must be removed first, as these materials can degrade the solvents that capture the CO2. Once these materials have been removed, the remaining flue gas passes through a solvent or sorbent that captures or absorbs the CO2 and later releases it in a concentrated stream. The CO2 absorption and release process is generally temperature dependent. Having the flue gas pass through the solvent at one temperature allows the CO2 to be absorbed, then changing the temperature allows a concentrated CO2 stream to be released, to be either stored or used for some other purpose. The treated flue gas, now mainly nitrogen and water vapour, is released to the atmosphere. Post Combustion Carbon Capture Technology As a process for reducing emissions of fossil fuel technologies, PCC has a number of key advantages. It can be retrofitted to existing coal and gas power plants as well as many industrial plants as an “end of pipe” solution, allowing emission reduction of a number of industrial processes that do not yet have zero emission substitutes. It can also be used for partial capture and configured to treat only part of the flue gas stream. Post Combustion Carbon Capture Technology There are two well-known commercial scale examples of successful application of PCC technology. The Boundary Dam PCC project has been operating at 1 million tonnes CO2 capture scale since 2014, using an amine solvent process to capture CO2 from a coal-fired power plant in Saskatchewan, Canada. The Petra Nova PCC project has been operating at 1.4 million tonnes CO2 capture since 2017, using a different but similar amine solvent process to capture CO2 from a coal-fired power plant in Texas, USA. Post Combustion Carbon Capture Technology Although there are examples of operational success, there are still a number of challenges in the development and deployment of PCC. This technology has high capital cost requirements, especially in the CO2 absorption system. Operating costs are also relatively high. This is mainly associated with the replacement of and the amount of energy required for regeneration of the solvents used in the CO2 extraction process. There are also challenges in scaling up to meet the size requirements of large-scale operations. Some PCC technologies are currently available at only relatively small scale. Oxy Combustion Carbon Capture Technology Oxy-combustion capture provides a clever solution for reducing our emissions intensity of fossil fuel combustion. Oxy-combustion, or oxyfuel as it is also sometimes known, is an “in-process” carbon capture method. That is, changes are made to the normal internal combustion process to produce a concentrated CO2 stream. Oxy Combustion Carbon Capture Technology Oxy Combustion Carbon Capture Technology In a power generation boiler, pure oxygen is generated in an air separation unit, which is then used to combust the fuel. The produced flue gas now contains a high concentration of CO2 as there is no longer nitrogen coming in with the combustion air. Some flue gases are recycled back into the combustion process. This provides necessary dilution of pure oxygen to control combustion conditions, as burning fuel in completely pure oxygen results in combustion temperatures which are unacceptably high. A CO2 purification unit then removes any leftover impurities from the CO2 rich flue gas so it can be pressurized for transport and storage. Oxy Combustion Carbon Capture Technology Unlike post-combustion capture, oxy-combustion capture doesn’t use solvents or sorbents in the CO2 capture process. This makes the process relatively simpler, and allows for a range of advantages over other carbon capture methods. Oxy-combustion capture has following advantages; Retrofitting Slightly improved efficiencies Lower non-carbon emissions Possibility to be either a net zero use of water of even production of water Synchronous power generation technology Oxy Combustion Carbon Capture Technology Significant-scale demonstration of first generation oxycombustion technology on coal-fired power generation has already occurred. Callide Oxyfuel successfully demonstrated carbon capture in 2015 in Central Queensland, Australia Ciuden Compostilla Oxyfuel 30MW demonstration from 2009 to 2012 in Spain Scharze Pumpe Oxyfuel from 2008 to 2014 in Germany Oxy Combustion Carbon Capture Technology Challenges Scalability High Capital Costs Operating Costs All-or-nothing deployment on a unit Requirement of air-fired combustion for initial start-up Suitable storage sites Difficulties in retrofitting because of large space requirement for air separation unit and CO2 purification Oxy Combustion Carbon Capture Technology Without development happening now, there may be insufficient time available to take the technology to technical and commercial maturity in the 2030-2035 timeframe needed for emission reduction. Developing oxy-combustion can be expected to take 10 to 15 years, even on an aggressive, well-funded schedule. Pre Combustion Carbon Capture Technology Pre-combustion carbon capture is a “within-plant” process. That is, the treatment that allows a concentrated CO2 stream to be created happens within plant processes. Like post-combustion capture, solvents or sorbents are used to extract CO2 and prevent its release to the atmosphere. Like post-combustion capture, solvents or sorbents are used to extract CO2 and prevent its release to the atmosphere. Pre-combustion capture is different however in that the treatment happens prior to combustion rather than after, and can only be used on particular fuels. The processes involved in pre-combustion capture are rather complex. Pre Combustion Carbon Capture Technology The fuel source, whether coal or gas, must be converted into syngas, a mixture of hydrogen, carbon monoxide, carbon dioxide and water. This happens from combining fuel and almost pure oxygen in a gasifier, a process known as gasification. This is a process commonly used across a range of industrial processes. The syngas is then reacted with steam in a ‘shift reactor’, to produce hydrogen and CO2. By applying either a chemical or physical wash, the CO2 can be extracted, and the hydrogen is then used to power the turbine and generate electricity. Pre Combustion Carbon Capture Technology Alternatively, gaseous fuels such as natural gas are often obtained from underground sources where they are present in mixtures of other gases such as CO2. This chemical washing process is already in use at large scale at the Sleipner natural gas production facility in the North Sea, offshore from Norway. This plant has been in operation since 1996, and has been conducting safe and reliable removal and storage of nearly one million tonnes of CO2 per annum in deep saline geological reservoirs. Another example of pre-combustion capture at large scale is the Century Plant in Texas, USA, where up to 8.4 million tonnes per annum of CO2 is captured in a natural gas processing facility and used for enhanced oil recovery within oil reservoirs. Pre Combustion Carbon Capture Technology Advantages Commercially available Lower efficiency losses, 7-8%, as compared to post combustion capture technology (10-11%) Lower water demand, as compared to post combustion capture technology Generation of hydrogen as byproduct – additional profit opportunities Pre Combustion Carbon Capture Technology Challenges Challenging retrofitting (binding to IGCC) IGCC not yet widely used High capital costs High operating costs