Re-Os同位素分析和研究的现状、进 展及其应用 许继峰 王桂琴 李 杰 中国科学院广州地球化学研究所 原理 Pt 0.012% 190 Pt α Os Re - Os T1/2 = 4.495 X 1011 years Waler et al. (1997) 187 β α 186 Re β- 187 Os T1/2 = 4.160 X 1010 years Smoliar et al. (1996) Os是相容元素, 它易进入到地 幔和地核之中,Re则是中等不相容 元素, 相对地在地壳中富集。因此, Os-Re同位素体系研究可以提供不 同于其它常规的同位素体系(Rb-Sr、 Sm-Nd和U-Th-Pb等不相容元素)的 成因信息 Re-Os同位素体系两大功能 Re-Os同位素定年 Re-Os同位素示踪 Re-Os同位素分析的问题与进展 Re-Os同位素 – 存在分析难点 (ppt-ppb) 低 含 量 Os 氧 化 为 挥 发 OsO4 块 金 效 应 第 一 电 离 能 很 高 化学分离方法 硫化镍火试金结合碲共沉淀法(Hoffman et al.,1978; Ravizza and Pyle, 1997;孙亚莉等, 1997.2000;Jin and Zhu, 2000) Carius管(高压釜)分解结合阴离子或阳离 子交换树脂 (杨竞红等, 2001;Meisel et al., 2001;Horan et al., 2003;漆亮等,2006; Shinotsuka and Suzuki. 2007)。 Carius管Re-Os样品的化学制备流程 分离柱 样品1-3g和Re、 Os稀释剂 CCl4萃取三次 AG 1-X8 阴离子树脂 Re在王水相 逆王水 240℃,24h Re Os在CCl4相 加入HBr Carius tube 微蒸馏 Re同位素的MC-ICPMS测定方法 MC- ICP-MS v v v Aridus v 样品 Re+Ir Faraday cups Re同位素的ICP-MS测定 185Re+ 187Re+ 191Ir+ 193Ir+ Os同位素的测定 MC-ICPMS TIMS 离子计数器配置 法拉第杯配置 分析(低Re/Os含量样品)的难点和问题 (1)多数天然样品低Re、Os含量(ppt) (2) 实验室要求非常低的本底 (3)无国际认可的统一标准 (4)块金效应与重现性 (5)Os同位素稀释剂标定 (6)数据难以获得国际同行认可 国内分析Re-Os同位素实验室现状 中国科技大学:在国际上发表了自己的数据(2005) 南京大学:发表磁铁矿Re-Os同位素数据 中科院地质所:发表橄榄岩的数据(?) …… 中科院广州地化所:目前已发表多篇国际SCI 论文数 据,包括低Re-Os含量的玄武岩数据,以及本实验室 的Re-Os分析方法 在广州地化所Re-Os同位素实验室分析得 以发表的国际SCI 论文 Jie Li, Xi-Rong Liang, Ji-Feng Xu *, Katsuhiko Suzuki , Yan-Hui Dong, 2010, Simplified technique for the measurements of Re–Os isotope by multicollector inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometry (MC-ICP-MS), Geochemical Journal, 44: 73-80. Jie Li, Ji-Feng Xu *, Katsuhiko Suzuki, Bin He, Yi-Gang Xu, ZhongYuan Ren, 2010, Os, Nd and Sr isotope and trace element geochemistry of the Muli picrites: Insights into the mantle source of the Emeishan Large Igneous Province. Lithos: 119: 108-122. (* Corresponding author) R.D. Shi, et al., 2010, Evolution of the Lüliangshan garnet peridotites in the North Qaidam UHP belt, Northern Tibetan Plateau: Constraints from Re–Os isotopes, Lithos 117 (2010) 307–321 Rendeng Shi et al., 2011, Melt/mantle mixing produces podiform chromite deposits in ophiolites: Implications of Re–Os systematics in the Dongqiao Neo-tethyan ophiolite, northern Tibet, Gondwana Research: Tang et al., 2012, Asthenosphere–lithosphere interaction triggered by a slab window during ridge subduction: Trace element and Sr–Nd–Hf–Os isotopic evidence from Late Carboniferous tholeiites in the westernJunggar area (NW China),EPSL,329-330, 84–96 Re-Os同位素定年:进展和问题 1.矿床定年 辉钼矿Re-Os同位素年龄测定 (187Os)t =(187Os)o + 187Re(eλt-1) t = 1/λ*ln(1+187Os/187Re) 据此可计算得到单个辉钼矿的年龄 葛廷坑钼矿辉钼矿模式年龄(吴俊华等,2011) 辉钼矿的等时线年龄 葛廷坑钼矿辉钼矿等时线年龄(吴俊华等,2011) 黄铜矿与黄铁矿 含有相对高且变化很大的Re、Os 含量,但是不同于辉钼矿,它们通常 有非放射性Os存在,需要准确测定 187Re/188Os与187Os/188比值,可得到 黄铜矿与黄铁矿的等时线年龄 120000.0 y = 289.1x - 493.76 R 2 = 0.9994 100000.0 Age = 209.6±3.4 Ma Initial 187Os/188Os =1.1±1.0 MSWD = 17 80000.0 187Os/ 188Os 60000.0 40000.0 20000.0 0.0 0.0 50.0 100.0 150.0 200.0 250.0 300.0 350.0 400.0 187Re/188Os 普朗斑岩铜矿的黄铜矿等时线年龄 普朗-雪鸡坪斑岩锆石U-Pb年龄 600000.0 Age = 196.0±3.5 Ma Initial 187Os/188Os =2.1±6.1 MSWD = 8.0 500000.0 400000.0 300000.0 y = 307.42x - 1073 R 2 = 0.9998 187Os/ 188Os 200000.0 100000.0 0.0 0.0 -100000.0 200.0 400.0 600.0 800.0 1000. 1200. 1400. 1600. 1800. 2000. 0 0 0 0 0 0 187Re/188Os 普朗斑岩铜矿的黄铁矿等时线年龄 矿床定年(辉钼矿、黄铜矿、黄铁 矿)Re-Os定年存在问题 (1)得出年龄与地质事实不符 (2)不同矿物定年结果不一致 (3)出现Re-Os同位素定年相对锆 石U-Pb定年偏老 可能原因: (1)未能查明这些成矿矿物形成期次 (2)矿物挑选纯度不够 (3)辉钼矿中含有非放射性Os(“普通Os”) (4)ICP-MS分析精度不够 (5)矿物粒度不同导致差异 (6)块金效应 岩石Re-Os同位素定年 与Rb-Sr、Sm-Nd等同位素体系的定年原理一致, 获取等时线年龄和初始比值 187Os/188Os =(187Os/188Os)i + 187Re/188Os(eλt-1) γOs = [ (187Os/188Os) sample ( t) / (187Os/188Os) chon ( t) - 1 ] ×100 汉诺坝橄榄岩的Re-Os同位素年龄 Gao et al., 2002, EPSL 青藏高原蛇绿岩中橄榄岩的年龄(黄启帅, 史仁灯, 张晓冉等,2012,出版中) Re模式年龄 TRD =1/λ× ln (((187Os/188Oschon- 187Os/188Ossample)/ 187Re/188Os chon)+1) Re亏损模式年龄 (太古代)指示出华 北古老克拉通岩石圈 地幔的存在(Gao et al., EPSL 2002) 峨眉山玄武岩Re-Os同位素假等时 线年龄(遭受地壳混染) Re-Os同位素示踪 187Os/188Os = (187Os/188Os)i + 187Re/188Os(eλt-1) γOs = [ (187Os/188Os) sample ( t) / (187Os/188Os) chon ( t) - 1 ] ×100 Re-Os同位素示踪的优势(岩浆过程) (1)对岩浆作用的地壳混染非常灵敏 (2)可有效地区分岩石圈与软流圈地幔 (3)可有效指示岩浆混染与混合过程 (4)对超镁铁质、镁铁质岩石示踪优势 Osmium isotopic ratio (187Os/188Os) of geochemical reservoirs Continental Flood Basalt (0.14?) Upper Crust (1.0-1.3) Lower Crust (0.5-2.2) SCLM (0.10-0.13) ophiolite (MORB type Arc Basalt&HMA & Subd type) (0.13+1.3) Arc peridotite (0.125-0.15) Ocean(1.0) ? DMM (0.125) (?) ? OIB source mantle HIMU (0.15-0.17) EM1 (0.13) EM2 (0.14) D’’ layer(?) Core (?) Mantle ? PUM (0.129) 岩石圈与软流圈地幔的Re-Os同位素区分 软流圈地幔 (OIB+plume) 岩 石 圈 地 幔 混合源区 辉 石 岩 峨眉山大陆玄武岩的成因争议: 1.高钛和低钛玄武岩都来自地幔柱源区 2.高钛玄武岩起源于地幔柱源区;低钛玄武岩 岩石圈地幔源区 3.低钛玄武岩起源于地幔柱源区;高钛玄武岩 不是 Geological Map N O 100 105 E Ganze SG 0 QT 100 200 km 峨眉山金顶 Chengdu O 30 N 四川龙舟山 Emeishan SCB (Yangtze) WEST EAST 云南宾川 贵州织金 Dukou CENTRAL 云南金平 Dali 25 KAR Kunming MON TAR QD NCB SG QT LS SCB HI STM Burma 100 India WB STM IC IC Laos modified after Chung et al. (1998) 105 Only high-Ti lavas have been found in Longzhoushan, Jinding and Zhijin. low-Ti lavas generally occurs in the lower part of the volcanic succession. 150 100 样品/球粒陨石 高钛玄武岩 低钛玄武岩 10 La Ce Pr Nd Sm Eu Gd Tb Dy Ho Er Tm Yb Lu Os isotopic compositions (gOs) of the samples with Os contents <50ppt is extremely high, possibly caused by assimilation of continental crust. Low Ti and high Ti groups have distinct trends which may be related to SCLM and a plume mantle, respectively, Contrast to conclusion of Xiao et al. (2004). Extremely Radiogenic 187Os/188Os ratios are possibly influenced by shallow-level assimilation OIB <42 ppt (Reisberg et al., 1993) <20 ppt (Widom & Shirey, 1996) <45 ppt (Hauri et al., 1996) <50 ppt (Eisele et al, 2002) Plume vs. SCLM - Nd-Os, Pb-Os isotopes The Nd-Os, Pb-Os data for the Emeishan lowTi basalts plot within the plume-melts field, and those of the high-Ti basalt fall in the field of SCLM. Possible model low-Ti basalts: possibly derived from OIB-like plume mantle high-Ti basalt: originally derived from plume mantle and interacts with SCLM or derived from SCLM melted by a heat of a plume Some of both low-Ti and high-Ti basalts are subject to shallow-level crustal assimilation with fractional crystallization Higher degrees of partial melting in low-Ti series because of derivation from plume itself. 结论: 1.峨眉山大陆溢流玄武岩的形成应该与一 个地幔柱相关 2. 峨眉山低钛玄武岩很可能起源于一个地 幔柱源区 3. 峨眉山高钛玄武岩肯定含有相当数量的 大陆岩石圈地幔(SCLM)组分 Xu Jifeng et al., 2007, GCA; Li Jie et al., 2010, Lithos Re-Os同位素示踪常见的问题与弱点 (1)与Nd-Sr-Pb同位素是解耦,常被沿用上 述同位素的研究思路,导致结论错误 (2)忽视地壳混染的影响 (3)确定Re-Os同位素示踪的研究目标,有 的放矢 谢谢!