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Digestive System quiz quiz trade

Digestive System
What are the major organs of the digestive system?
What is the main function of the digestive system?
What organ releases acids to break down food?
Respiratory System
What is the main function of the respiratory system?
What do animals breath in? breath out?
What do plants breath in? breath out?
What organ in animals is most similar to the stomata of plants?
Circulatory System
Does the circulatory system take part in regulating body temperature?
The circulatory system moves blood which carries __________, throughout the body.
What two systems work together to carry oxygen all over the body?
The circulatory system transports fat throughout the body. (T/F)
The muscular system is in charge of digesting food. (T/F)
The veins are part of the integumentary system. (T/F)
The heart is part of the ___________ system.
The endocrine system releases ________.
What is the main job of the immune system?
What type of blood cells are released to fight off infection?
The reproduction system deals with……
The kidneys filter ________.
The lungs are part of what body system?
What systems play a role in regulating your body temperature?
This organ absorbs water and creates waste.
This organ absorbs nutrients.
When all conditions are stable it is called?