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Stonehenge Allusions Analysis: Transcript & Interpretation

Function in the Text:
The persona would not trade the worth or the Stonehenge over any castle or specifically wealth and
values that are interdependent upon its monetary worth. The Stonehenge is incomparable to the
context of the fair lady portraying that humanity has laid a barricade of society and class, identity and
By Rio Alma
“The ancestor of the lizard rising from the cursed land “
Original Role:
It is about the rise of theprehistoric reptiles, particularly the dinosaurs, that walked the face of the earth
during the Mesozoic Era, which is then divided into the Triassic, Jurassic, and Cretaceous Periods.
Function in the Text:
The Stonehenge, little by little , falls apart like the extinction of dinosaurs except the dinosaurs got
extinct in an instant because of the meteor.
The Stargate at Abu Ghurab
Original Role:
known as the "sun temple", "burial center", and funerary complex" for the cult or followers of Ra, the
sun God who rides the sun boat everyday not just for the sun's revolution but also to guide and provide
transportation for recently deceased or lost souls on their way to afterlife.
Function in the text:
to show that the stonehenge was a place of worshipping and praising deities, a place of rituals, as well
as a place sacred to the dead.
"...crumbling pillars and headless saints" (Full line: Pale, crumbling pillars and headless saints.)
Original Role:
A pillar is defined as a support of a structure, and headless saints are those who are commonly shown
carrying their own heads. Crumbling pillars may be perceived as the breaking down of the support of the
structure, therefore leading to its destruction
Function in the Text:
The stonehenge itself depicts historical events. The crumbling pillars may signify the fall of the pillar of
the society or the leading figures of a society.
I chose this instead of Windsor or My Fair Lady.
Original Role:
Windsor: the residence of British Royalty in Berkshire, known for the Windsor Castle
My Fair lady: A musical based on George Bernard Shaw’s Pygmalion, which must have run in London
using persona’s trip.
“…to the sun.” (Full line: “These are ancient altars to the sun or sacred burial ground.”
Original Role:
It originated from ancient civilizations like the Incans whose sacrifice is offered to the Sun God, Inti, who
was the most important. It was then revised to encompass every holy being which ended up with the
“Sun” being alluded with a particular religion’s “god/s” and/or “divinities.”
Function in the Text:
to emphasize the possibility of them, the people who built the Stonehenge, to have a belief in a god or
higher being which could possibly compelled them to start building the Stonehenge in the first place.
"....warriors ( "......that until now endure and reign in sun or rain more than half are gone or have been
stolen, some are fallen among grass, but the rest are upright-like warriors)
Original Role:
Thousands of years ago, an ancient civilization raised a circle of huge, roughly rectangular stones in a
field. Merlin advised the king Aurelius to use Stonehenge as the place to build a memorial to nobles,
elites, and monarch warriors who died during a battle against the Saxons. Merlin, through the use of
some magical contraption, dismantled the stones and sent them to Britain where Stonehenge now sits.
Function in the Text:
it symbolizes power and endurance that until now the stonehenge survive in adverse conditions and
long-term existence.
“..turtle who wanted to be a heron”
Original Role:
derived from the poem “Night herons” which is published on 1974 by Turtle Island. It seeks of break
down the dualism of nature and the city. Also in this, longevity is present in the form of the turtle while
as for the Heron, it symbolizes calmness, grace and as well as longevity.
Function in the Text:
As for the Stonehenge, we can see that it is still present for many years up until now, through this we
can see the presence of longevity.
“….rolling stones” (Full line: All of themselves they gave to searching for and rolling the stones)
Original Role:
it is taken from the proverb, “ A rolling stone gathers no moss” which means people that are always on
the move, that is, having no roots in a specific place, pay a price.
Function in the Text:
it could be something that they had been constantly doing in their life. It is something that they gave up
to do.
“Wines” (Full line: What wondrous juice from a thousand vines spiked their wines”)
Original Role:
Ever since the Biblical times, consumption of ritual wine was part of the Eucharist commemorating
Jesus's Last Supper, which made it more essential to the Christian Church.
Function in the Text:
The wine in this phrase represents the motivation and inspiration into making this barricade of stones.
“… solstice rites’ (Full line: That these are shrines for solstice rites)
Original Role:
The fire Festival of Litha
Midsummer or Summer solstice is he most powerful year for the Sun of God. Because this Sabbath
glorifies the Sun God of the Sun, fire plays a very prominent role in this festival.
Function in the Text:
It could be there place where they had their rituals, the early people, every solstice wherein the
festivities is held in the Stonehenge and wherein they glorify the Sun God and the belief that they use
life element of Fires since it is the day of their service to the Sun of God.