Review questions.doc3

Review questions Grade 10 bio
1. What is meiosis? And Why is meiosis important.
2. What are the different stages of meiosis. And Which stage in meiosis results in variation?
3. What is the difference between
4. What do we
mean by:
homozygous and a heterozygous ?
dominant , recessive , complete and incomplete dominances?
5. Work the punnette square questions in the pdf6. What is a non -disjunction ? give an example.
7. What are telomeres and what do they do?
8. What does the law of Independent assortment state .
9. What is Mendel's law of segregation?
10. What is the difference between phenotype and genotype?
11. What is cystic fibrosis and causes it?
12. What is Hunginton’s disease?
13. What determines sex / gender?
14. What is an albinism and sickle cell disease?
15. What is a karyotype?
16. What is the difference between DNA and RNA?
17. What is a nucleotide?
18. Explain Griffith’s experiment.
19. What is a histone and a nucleosome?
20. Who was Chargaff and what did his rule state?
21. What is semi-conservative replication?
22. Ouline DNA replication.
23. Describe DNA
24. What is the difference between natural and artificial selection?
25. Why do we use pedigree charts ( practice pedigree chart questions)
27. State how: I) fossils support evolution
II) compartive embryology
III) vestigial ,analogous features
IV) mimicry, fitness, adaptations
28. you should be able to define all words in RED on powerpoints