Uploaded by Karen Wright

Guided Reading: Hibernation Lesson Plan

Guided Reading – Day One
Guided Reading: (Instructional Level)
Title of Text: Hibernation Pg. 4-12
Text Level: I
RR pages: P. 4-12 108 Words
Materials needed: RRJ / Text Book / Reading Folder
Book Introduction-Part 1: (5-8min
includes Part 1 & Part 2); 2 -4 sentences
long; 3 parts-synopsis, personal connection
& RTFO?.
This book is about animals and how they
survive the cold winter.
-Compare and Contrast
-Context Clues
Book Intro Part 2: Predict/Locate (P/L)
(vocabulary, tricky book or figurative
language), choices: word that is NOT
decodable, word location in the sentence, no
direct picture support or conceptual
vocabulary). Students find the word in the
text and put frame it.
Teacher may prompt with, “What letter, would
you expect to see at the beginning, middle or
Pg. 4 - Hibernate
Part 2: Embedded language: (develop a concept or give word clues that help students
monitor the concept or word without predicting and locating. (5 items together P/L & Embed)
Use 2 Column Notes to use context clues to define an unknown word.
Snuggled – pg. 8
Read to Find Out Question? (The RTFO ? always opens thinking—begins with How?, Why?
or What are some . . .?) Compare and contrast how different animals hibernate.
First Read: Students start reading silently on cue while teacher listens to each read a
portion of the text and makes anecdotal notes. Teacher validates strategies used and
activates 1 new need.
If time permits, students come back together to answer the RTFO?.
(A-M must finish reading at the table)
(N-Z can finish reading at their desk)
Guided Reading – Day Two
Make a connection to Day One objective and assigns familiar read.
Pg. 4-12
Day 1 RTFO - Compare and Contrast how animals hibernate.
Context Clues - snuggled
Teacher takes RR (Running Record) on 1 or 2 students. Remember to validate strengths
and activate the new learning by recording and circling them in the RR section of the RRJ.
Students read text while teacher takes
Running Record. Pg. 4-12 108 Words
Why do animals hibernate? Why do
animals eat extra food before
Connect the Read to Find Out Question (if
not accomplished on Day 1).
Choice of ONE of the following three (based on the needs from RR and Anecdotal Rec.:
1. Comprehension _____________________________________________________
2. Word Work
Guided Reading – Day Two
3. Writing to Learn Skill __________________________________________________
Student names in this group or group name/number:
____________________________________________ _________________________________________
Teacher takes RR (Running Record) on 1 or 2 students. Remember to validate strengths
____________________________________________ _________________________________________
and activate the new learning by recording and circling them in the RR section of the RRJ.
____________________________________________ _________________________________________
Other valuable Anecdotal Records: