617 Research Critique Jenn Ice MFT 617 Touro University Worldwide 07/23/2019 Running Head: 617 RESEARCH CRITIQUE Ice 1 Introduction In the research article, “On-line ostracism affects children differently from adolescents and adults,” authored by Abrams, Weick, Thomas, Colbe, & Franklin (2011) they set forth a research study to see how a variety of age ranges react to ostracism while playing a specific computer game called Cyberball. Foundations Abrams et al (2011), set forth to see if children were affected by ostracism online more or less than teens or young adults. Merriam-Webster Dictionary (1995) defines ostracism as, “exclusion by general consent from common privileges or social acceptance.” The researchers used another researcher’s definition of ostracism to base their study on. Their hypothesis states, “This research examines the previously untested questions of whether and how inclusion and ostracism affect children and adolescents differently from adults.” The researchers based their study off of a previous study conducted by Williams (2007). The researchers discussed four components that are affected by ostracism: belonging, selfesteem, control, and meaningful existence. They further stated that when these components are affected, an “immediate effect should be a more negative mood.” This information is unclear as to whether it is the authors’ point of view or William’s point of view based on previous research. By breaking down ostracism into four parts caused confusion on the part of the reader. It was not understood whether the research was based on these four components as separate entities or as a whole. There was a lack of clarity in the foundational aspects of the article. The researchers used multiple resources to support their hypothesis, but there was not one cohesive theme except the use of the word ostracism. Additionally, as the researchers continued to discuss ostracism in children using the research of others, the demographics of the children they were referring to was undefined. The Running Head: 617 RESEARCH CRITIQUE Ice 2 researchers brought in discussions of online chat rooms and online games, yet they jumped to discussions of pre-school children. There was a lack of continuity as to what the authors were trying to prove. Furthermore, it was not discussed as to what the demographic of the children these other studies refer to. The researchers discussed internet social networking sites but then continue on to discuss that seven-year-olds are now using computers at school. It was apparent that the researchers selected the quotes to further support their position, however it did not serve to support but distracted from the purpose of the study. A better way to have addressed the way ostracism affects students in the beginning of this article would have been to provide information in chronological order, starting with pre-school children first and then continuing through early adulthood. Studies supporting ostracizing in a certain forum regarding one age group per paragraph would have served the authors better. The need for so much other research did not help to support online ostracizing within this article. The information only serves to confuse the reader as to what the actual point of the research was. It appears to this student that the researchers were trying to support ostracism in children when using the computer, by pulling erroneous support from other researchers to provide validity to their research. Reliability & Validity The researchers, Abrams et al, 2011, explained that validity and reliability are important to their own research by putting down other researchers by stating, “As well taking substantial time, these approaches entail significant practical, ethical, confidentiality, and data protection hurdles.” This statement is made in reference to other studies that had been conducted and how Abrams et al (2011) wanted to avoid the aforementioned hurdles. The way these researchers Running Head: 617 RESEARCH CRITIQUE Ice 3 stated they would avoid invalidity was to use a game that they believed would be “convenient and engaging for participants” and would allow for them to analyze responses “without referring to pre-existing relationships.” This statement was contradictory in nature as their own data collection questions were leading and subjective. When conducting a research study, researchers need to ensure that there is reliability and validity. According to SUNY Cortland (n.d), reliability is the consistency of the research and validity is when the research is measuring what it is supposed to measure. However, in this specific research study, the population that was selected was a small “homogenous” segment of a very small population in England. The problem with using a homogenous segment while trying to prove a broad hypothesis applied to all, is that the research cannot represent the whole. It was not discussed how the participants were chosen to participate in this study and the participants were not equal in gender. If the study is to speak to a broad spectrum of children, there needs to be an equal number of participants to maintain reliability regarding data collection. A stringent and rigorous vetting process should have been conducted to ensure that all participants met a specific criteria for this study. Diversity is important in research. “…without a diverse group of individuals participating in research, scientists will not know if their results can be applied to all people equally.” (University of Maryland, 2013) While the researchers focused on one demographic for this study, due to the lack of diversity, the outcome of this study can only be applied to white middle class participants from the south-east section of England, not a larger segment of the population of England, let alone, elsewhere in the world. Running Head: 617 RESEARCH CRITIQUE Ice 4 Furthermore, the researchers discussed how they used a game called Cyberball, to address the data collection process across the various age groups. The concern from this student’s point of view is that this game may not have been familiar to all participants. Due to this oversight, the researchers introduced additional variables that could have been controlled prior to the data collection process. One way to address this concern would have been to let the participants play the game prior to the data collection. This would have removed a barrier to the validity of the data collection. More problems arose in this study when there was no established control group to use as a baseline for neutral comparison data. Without a control group, there is no normative data to compare the obtained data to. The researchers do refer to baseline data later on in their research, however, they do not discuss what the baseline was or who were in the control group. The researchers also included gender as a variable and if that was to be included as a result of the data collected, there needed to be an equal number of participants to ensure reliability. Reliability was not maintained as instructions were read to the younger group of children, but no other age group. Another concern regarding reliability and validity was that gender was taken into consideration and “varied with random assignment.” If the study was to have true reliability, gender would not have mattered and would not have to be manipulated within the assigning of groups. This shows bias on the part of the researchers. Additionally, the hypothesis never addressed gender as a variable. Another concern regarding this study was that participants were required to use their real names. Because of this, a blind collection of data was not obtained. If the researchers wanted to show validity in the outcome of their research, they should have had their participants use non-identifying ways to participate in the game. The Running Head: 617 RESEARCH CRITIQUE Ice 5 inclusion of names allowed for the participants to incorporate their own personal biases into the results of the study. Data Collected When the participants were asked to answer questions based on an iconic scale, the results were open to subjectivity. The researchers should have asked specific standardized questions such as, “How many times did you receive the ball?” The questions to assess selfesteem, belonginess, control, and meaningful existence were biased in the way that they were phrased. Using emotive phrases brings out a response which can be compared to using leading questions. The way the researchers phrased the questions led the participants to possibly appease the researchers by answering in a way that they felt the researchers wanted them to answer. Outcome The researchers found that mood was affected by not being included when playing the computer game, however the same results could have been found on the playground at any school. This study did not display any behavior that was specific to using a computer and being social online. The mode in which the data collection took place did not support the authors’ hypothesis. Need Threat The explanation of Need Threat was unclear and confusing. Inputting formulas into your study does not necessarily validate a study. If anything, in this specific study, it served to confuse the reader and was nonsensical. The researchers state that a full four-way ANOVA table is available upon request but continue to discuss the ANOVA table under the presumption that the reader understands what an ANOVA table is. Again, the clarity of this study is anything but clear. The researchers discussed that the change in the mood of the participants was not affected Running Head: 617 RESEARCH CRITIQUE Ice 6 by certain variables yet it was unclear to this student what those variables were. Additionally, if the variables are unclear regarding mood, but the entire study is about how being ostracized affects mood, it is important for the study to be clear and explicit when discussing the variables that were addressed. Positives In the study, Abrams et al (2011), did standardize their questions across all populations. Additionally, the actual idea and intent of the study was purposeful and relevant, however the way it was executed was ineffective and biased. The information obtained was not specific to online ostracism. Conclusion This study was confusing and spoke over the heads of most. The reason that the researchers achieved the results they did was because of the vague and subjective questions that were asked and the lack of controls they used. Also, this student did not understand the extraneous information that was put in as it only served to distract from the overall continuity of the article. Running Head: 617 RESEARCH CRITIQUE Ice 7 References Abrams, D., Weick, M., Thomas, D., Colbe, H., & Franklin, K. M. (2011). On-line ostracism affects children differently from adolescents and adults. British Journal Of Developmental Psychology, 29(1), 110-123. Retrieved from EBSCO multi-search database in TUW library. Merriam-Webster (1995). The Merriam Webster dictionary. Dallas, TX: Zane Pub. SUNY Cortland. (n.). Reliability and Validity. Retrieved July 24, 2019, from https://web.cortland.edu/andersmd/STATS/valid.html University of Maryland. (2013). University of Maryland. Retrieved July 22, 2019, from http://buildingtrustumd.org/ Williams, K.D. (2007) Ostracism: Annual Review of Psychology, 58, 425-452. doi:10.1146/ annurev.psych.58.110405.085641