CIEG 440-010 Water Resources Engineering Introduction to Water Resources Engineering Sep 9, 2019 Gerald J. Kauffman, Ph.D., P.E. University of Delaware Water Resources Center O H H Water Resources Ground Water Surface Water Water Resources Water Quality Water Quantity The Origins of Watersheds • Derivation - from wasserscheide, German for “water parting” • Definition - The region draining into a river, lake or body of water (American Heritage) • Delineation - John Wesley Powell lost job at USGS for proposed link between political jurisdictions and watersheds (1878). The United Watersheds of America Delaware • 4 basins and 46 watersheds • 897,934 people (US Census 2010) (1,000 people/sq. mi.) • Landuse (2007) Open Freshwater 3% Marine 8% Ag 39% Urban 15% Wetland 17% Forest 18% Delaware • • • • • • • • • 1st State to sign the Constitution 1 Congressman 3 electoral votes 2nd smallest state 3 counties One of 3 states on a peninsula Lowest state in the U.S. 500-yr floodplain covers 2/5 of State Wetlands cover 1/3 of State At 40 deg N, Delaware is the lowest lying state with a humid, continental climate moderated by the Atlantic Ocean. Mean El. Delaware 60 ft Florida 100 ft Louisiana 100 ft D.C. 150 ft New Jersey 250 ft GDP Per Capita by Country Luxembourg Quatar Macau Delaware Norway Singapore Kuwait $89,992 $88,919 $77,607 $69,667 $61,882 $61,103 $54,654 Public Water Supply (2005) vs. GDP (2010) 2,500,000 GDP ($ million) 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. y = 274.38x + 30053 R2 = 0.9409 2,000,000 1,500,000 1,000,000 500,000 ‐ 0 2,000 4,000 Water Use 6,000 8,000 Delaware, an Economic Engine… • Watersheds contribute $2 billion - $6.7 billion annually to the State’s economy. Winterthur Different Divides Caution: there are both surface (topographic) and sub-surface (phreatic or hydrogeological) divides. The latter may change seasonally. Topographic Divide Phreatic (groundwater) Divide Mapped using stereo air photos or contour maps. Water table Permeable subsurface Topographic Divide Phreatic Divide Impermeable subsurface Modified from Gregory & Walling (1976) Mapped using geological tech, such as structural mapping, tracers, test drilling, etc. Identifying A Watershed Un-named Tributary of White Rock Creek TRACE RELEVANT STREAM NETWORK © Source: Iron Peak Eel River from Outdoors on Disk CD Rom Identifying A Watershed Un-named Tributary of White Rock Creek COMPLETED EXERCISE Source: Iron Peak Eel River from Outdoors on Disk CD Rom Visualizing the Model 100 140 120 100 80 60 40 Identifying A Watershed Un-named Tributary of White Rock Creek COUNT NO. SQUARES WITHIN WATERSHED Source: Iron Peak Eel River from Outdoors on Disk CD Rom Area = N * k2 where N = number of squares and k = length of square (e.g. if 1:250,000 Scale, 1mm square has a k of 250m) A Drainage Network Streams and rivers form a network of channels connecting down from the headwaters to the mouth or outlet of the watershed. First-order or headwaters stream Divide Flow Mouth or outlet Stream (sub-watershed) Ordering A variety of different numbering techniques exist, each with merits and de-merits, the two most widely-adopted being: 11 11 11 22 11 22 34 35 11 Strahler Shreve 11 11 22 11 11 22 34 49 4 10 11 P = R + I + ET R P ET I Normal Year Brandywine Creek P= R= I = ET = 43 in. 7 in. 14 in. 21 in Drought Year Brandywine Creek P= R= I = ET = 28 in 3 in 4 in. 21 in. Hydro-Illogical Cycle Crisis (Flood/Drought) Apathy (No Action) Panic/Reaction (Response) Planning (Task Force) Water Use Inside Sustenance Showers Laundry Toilets Handwash Dishes - 8 gallons 50 gallons every 10 minutes 40 gallons per load 5 gallons per flush 12 gallons per wash Outside Lawns, Gardens Carwash Wash Sidewalks - 600 gallons over a couple hours. 100 gallons with a hose. 50 gallons in 10 minutes. Cost of Essential Fluids Fluid $/gal. Tap Water 0.006 - 0.012 2.64 Gasoline 3.59 Ginger Ale 2.60 Milk 4.00 Bottled Water 4.00 Beer 10.60 Average Annual Water Bill in New Castle County, Delaware (2012) $800.00 749 $700.00 620 $600.00 $500.00 450 $400.00 $300.00 $200.00 $100.00 $0.00 351 293 355 377 490 494 Executive Branch President of the United States Department of Defense Department of Interior U.S. Army Corps of Engineers U.S. Geological Survey U.S. Fish & Wildlife Service National Park Service Environmental Protection Agency Department of Agriculture Department of Energy Natural Resources Conservation Service Federal Energy Regulatory Commission U.S. Forest Service Department of Commerce Coastal Zone Management National Marine Fisheries Service National Weather Service Dept. of Homeland Security U.S. Coast Guard Federal Emergency Management Agency Watershed Science and Policy • “Watershed management is really an exercise in political sociology” – Univ. of New South Wales, Sydney, AUS Prevention Social Science Restoration Source controls Public Policy End of pipe controls Engineering Messy Decision Making Logical decisions Not totally rational Rigid, rational Nonlinear thinking Linear thinking New Castle County Public Water Supply System Service Areas New Castle County Public Water Supply System Interconnections Newark Reservoir September 2003 317 mg • Meet here for class at 6 pm on Sep 16, 2019 Drought Warning Normal/Wet Drought Emergency