Thesis Manuscript Structure Guide AY 2018-2019 (DESIGN 9) 1 THE PROBLEM 1.1 Introduction/ Background Discuss the issues that brought forth author’s attention to the topic that became the focus of the research. Describe the current scenario and status of various conditions that are related to the topic the proponent investigated, if certain sectors of societies are affected. Include background information, statistics and situations that describe current situation and historical background of concerns that surround the topic investigated. Description should start from more general scenarios to more detail ones. Describe issues of conflict, problems, and needs besetting the topic. Likewise include a discussion on related knowledge gaps about the topic, that if explored through research will likely arrive at a better understanding of the issues, and theories and models that may predict or lead to solutions. If necessary, include discussion on the author’s personal reasons for pursuing in depth study of the topic. 1.2 Research Questions Based on the knowledge gaps identified in the previous section, select the information gaps most related to environmental and spatial qualities of spaces and/or people’s use of and behavior within these spaces. Formulate a question or a set of questions based on these information gaps, questions whose possible answers can be derived through a series of investigations, observations, calculations, mapping and other forms of evaluation 1.3 Goal, objectives, and strategies Goal : the expected impact to the SCIENCE of designing a particular/related facility; or how the RESEARCH will likely contribute to the advancement of architectural design. Objective/s: the necessary accomplishment of the RESEARCH in order to arrive at answer/s to the RESEARCH QUESTION. The research objective should likewise be instrumental in attaining the research GOAL. 1.4 Significance of the research This is mainly about the importance of doing this particular research/investigation. Discussion in this section should focus on the importance of attaining greater understanding of the topic in focus which merits undertaking the research, particularly on the value to architecture of finding answers to the research questions. Thesis Manuscript Structure Guide AY 2018-2019 2 REVIEW OF RELATED LITERATURE Related literature is a discussion of researches/studies that describes the theories, models, principles, and guidelines to be used for analysis/evaluation of the primary data gathered for this research. This section describes each literature, and respective authors, and the over-all direction each study undertook. There should be a discussion as to why each literature is significant to this research, the evaluation tool the related literature provides and the likely direction the literature provides to this research undertaking. Provide separate discussion for each related literature. 3 RESEARCH METHODOLOGY 3.1 Discussion of Methods Used In this section, describe the conduct of the research starting from initial secondary data gathering and the value/uses of these secondary data. Discuss in detail the primary data gathering that took place, what methodologies where used, data gathered and the various tools used for primary data gathering. Narrate the sequence of research methodologies (data gathering and data evaluation/analysis) done and the value/uses of these undertaking (to generate conclusive findings, to realize research objectives and to arrive at answers to the research question). 3.2 Analysis This section should present a discussion on the evaluation of primary data, evaluated through the theories, models and principles presented in the related literature discussed in chapter 2. Present results in analytical manner, with graphical representation (charts, diagrams, maps, linkages, illustrations, comparative analysis), accompanied by narrative description of such evaluations (ex: graphs are immediately followed by a discussion about said graph). 3.3 Summary of Findings This section should present a discussion on the outcome of all analytical processes conducted under the study. The findings are better presented in the sequence that corresponds to the research objectives. Findings must be concise, yet specific to each analytical process involved in the study and should be able to provide the answers to the research question/s. Summarize findings at the end of the section in a manner that directly answer the research question/s. 3.4 Conclusion and Design Recommendations (please use diagrams) The conclusion is the over-all statement of the body of knowledge generated by the research, as established by the findings presented. Thesis Manuscript Structure Guide AY 2018-2019 Recommendations in an architectural research is mostly about proposing new design approaches/strategies based on the research findings and conclusion. This is better presented as a list of design options or set of design principles to be established. Additional recommendations may include other studies that may be undertaken in the future to further broaden/deepen understanding of the topic. Note: Attach pertinent statistics, questionnaires and other research tools that support all discussions (from background to findings) as annexes. (DESIGN 10) 4 ARCHITECTURAL APPLICATION 4.1 Background of the Project 4.1.1 Description of the project Describe the proposed design and related development starting with the social issues and conditions that surround it. Describe the problem that can be resolved through the proposed development. Provide rationalizations that prove that the establishment of said facility will lead to the resolution of issues and concerns described. State problem that intends to be resolved by ARCHITECTURAL DESIGN of the proposed development. State Design Goal/s (intended long-term impact of design/facility) State Design Objectives (intended immediate impact of design/facility, impact that will happen as soon as the facility is operational) State design application of research outcome to the design of a facility to be proposed for Design-10. 4.1.2 Project rationale State the social significance of providing the facility with intended design. Describe its possible impacts to the social sector it intends to serve. Enumerate important possible benefits. Describe the intended beneficiaries of the proposed facility and their related need for said facility (provide a comprehensive profile of intended users). Describe how these beneficiaries are likely to be affected by the proposed development. Thesis Manuscript Structure Guide AY 2018-2019 4.1.3 Project feasibility State why the project proposed is a necessity. If the level of project significance is of national importance, show that proposed project is among the national priority development projects and justify with country-wide related relevant figures. If the level of significance is of local importance, show proof that it is identified as a local priority development. If proposal is identified as necessary to help marginalized group, show that related groups and agencies have identified the proposed project as priority. State and describe the system or mechanisms that will enable the establishment of said facility, its funding sources, the proponent/s and the implementors/operational institution. State and describe the system that will enable the establishment to be operational for its intended life-span. Describe the funding sources of its operational costs (annual cost and income) and possible future expiation. State the target users and where these users are located. 4.2 Site profile and analysis 4.2.1 Criteria for site selection State the necessary parameters for selecting the site for the design proposal based on the nature and function of the proposed facility: Target beneficiaries and other users such as the operational set-up that will establish and operate the facility and the needed location where such set-up will thrive, and related access. (Example: Schools necessarily should be located where student count and student-to-classroom ratio are highest). Necessary environmental and physical features for said facility Necessary support facilities such as utilities, facilities, man-power/humanresource and institutions that should be in close proximity to the facility, and related access. Other relevant linkages to the facility (Example: A research center may likely require to be closely linked to an academic institution where researchers of related field will come from) Set which parameters are considered major or most relevant, and which ones are considered to be of lesser relevance yet still very necessary. Give more weight in terms of relevance to major site selection parameters. Thesis Manuscript Structure Guide AY 2018-2019 4.2.2 Description of site/ site options State candidate sites and the qualifications of these sites that allowed for its consideration for the proposed project. Describe the strength and weaknesses of each, the threats and opportunities present in each site. 4.2.3 Site selection and justification / site justification Describe how the candidate sites are evaluated based on established site selection parameters. If selected site is identified to have threats and weaknesses, ensure that such threats and weaknesses will be addressed in the site design for the proposal. 4.2.4 Laws and ordinances pertaining to the site Describe the current land use of selected site, its current ownership, and the local settings that cover the site such as the local government governing the area, and the local and national laws that may apply to any development to be put up on the site. (Example: Development on sites adjacent to natural bodies of water need to observe the required easement from these environmental features.) 4.2.5 Site analysis (Macro and micro site on relevant aspects of physical, geographic, topographic, etc) Describe with both written and graphical description the various traits of the site in terms of: Social-cultural conditions surrounding the site, particularly of the facility’s users and intended beneficiaries. User’s demographics and profile (age group, gender distribution, cultural orientation, economic status) Topography natural boundaries. Use maps and map-layers for necessary description. Micro-climate, sources of wind for natural ventilation, sources of (undesirable) humidity, rainfall (for alternative water-resource), drainage based on site topography. Use maps and map-layers for necessary description. Biophysical hazards such as flooding, earthquakes, volcanic eruptions, etc. Use maps and map-layers for necessary description. Set which site characteristics are considered major or most relevant, and which ones are considered to be of lesser relevance yet still very necessary. Describe how these characteristics are likely to influence or be influenced by the design. Thesis Manuscript Structure Guide AY 2018-2019 4.2.6 Site development options Based on the site analysis, describe with both written and graphical description (diagrams & site apportioning) the available site development options particularly on the aspect of: Access of users Access of vehicles Zoning of privacy, security, hygene/sterility Optimization of environmental elements (prevailing winds) for passive cooling (if possible) Optimization for passive//natural lighting where applicable Optimization of rainfall for possible rain catchment system Optimization of site contour for flood control and surface run-off utilization (if possible) Entry and location of utilities 4.3 Architectural Programming 4.3.1 Users’ behavioral analysis Users’ groups and characterization Organizational set-up (when applicable) of the organization/group that will operate and manage the facility, and equivalent personnel count Users activity pattern on daily, weekly and seasonal terms (choose which ones are necessary) Expected occupancy of the spaces and building/s to be designed for the facility 4.3.2 (Space programming) Major spaces, characterization (make-up, ambiance, qualities, etc.) and quantification (occupancy and/or ideal dimensions) Major zoning of spaces Adjacency matrix Major access and safety considerations (access of people with different abilities, signages, emergency exits, fire rating of materials) List of utility systems to be integrated, including alternative utility sources such as (clean) energy sources, alternative water sources and waste management systems 4.3.3 (Schematics) Form concept Function concept Major spaces and equivalent graphical description (photo and/or sketches are needed) Thesis Manuscript Structure Guide AY 2018-2019 (DESIGN 11 – with oral defense) (Final architectural drawings) The Site Development Plan Relevant Spot Sections (use appropriate scale 1:50 smallest) Critical spot plans/sectional diagrams Discussion of Architectural Design Concept Derivation Floor Plan/s of Major Buildings/s Elevation/s of Major Buildings/s Architectural and Structural Bay Sections Perspective of major Building/s Interior Perspectives of Major Area/s Aerial Perspective of Site Development or Model REFERENCES ANNEXES