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Balancing Chemical Equations: High School Chemistry Lesson

Name: Melissa Wooten
Grade: High School Chemistry
Content Area to be Addressed: Chemistry
Lesson Objective/s: To understand how to balance chemical equations and demonstrate mastery of balancing chemical
Assessment/s: Students may choose to do a worksheet to turn in, or access the same problems online via:
Common Core Standard(s): Chm 2.2.4 Analyze the
stoichiometric relationships inherit in a chemical reaction
 White board and markers
 Worksheets
 Khan academy link above
http://www.dpi.state.nc.us/docs/curriculum/science/scos/support Video on how to balance equations
 2 loaves of bread
 1 package of sliced cheese.
Preplanning Activities (IF applicable)
Lesson Element
Lesson Opening
Teacher Input and Guided
Procedure for Teacher
Open the lesson by reviewing the law
of mass conservation, and by asking
the class how to make a cheese
sandwich which will tie into the lesson
Brief lecture on balancing chemical
equations which will include
 Demonstration with the
“bread and cheese” recipe
 Ask students to make a
cheese sandwich with the
bread and cheese to
demonstrate that it takes
twice as much bread than
cheese so the bread will run
Potential Barriers for
UDL Multiple Means of…
Students with ADHD may
find it challenging to sit and
pay attention
In addition to a lecture a video
that has subtitles in the student’s
native language will be provided
as a resource for students.
Students who are
linguistically diverse may
find it difficult to follow
along and stay engaged
Students may become
confused by the content
Link to prior knowledge using
the analogy of a recipe, the use of
a familiar items and being
Key Concepts will be stated
using a concept map and images
to reinforce understanding
Linguistically diverse students
will have the opportunity to
work with other students who
speak the same native language
out first
Independent Practice and
Worksheet to demonstrate the
ability to balance equations
Students may need
reinforcement when
attempting the work
The Khan academy link will
be provided, students can
choose between a worksheet
or khan academy practice.
Also, Khan academy provides
videos for review.
Justification of methods used in the UDL Lesson Plan
 In the lesson opening there are multiple forms of representation available an oral review and a video so that students who are
auditory or visual learners can have access to a representation method that accommodates their learning style
In identifying barriers to the lesson opening a UDL solution is to connect the new knowledge to prior knowledge to get the
students attention, so that students who have a hard time paying attention may have an easier time transitioning to the newer
Connecting to content the student already knows also highlights what the student is already good at, as opposed to highlighting
what he or she struggles with.
Also with connecting to something quite familiar, bread and cheese, linguistically diverse students may be able to grasp the
scientific concept more effectively.
The demonstration with the cheese sandwiches as an analogy of balancing equations is another use of multiple representation.
These proposed changes in the UDL lesson would be discussed with the students family in a conference with an interpreter.
Furthermore the parents would be asked to let me know if the proposed changes seemed to help the student understand the
content better at home.