Uploaded by Renata Stojmenovic

Feeding the World: English Lesson Plan on Rice

Learn and Talk
Lesson 19
Feeding the World (1)
Part 1 Warm Up 3’
Part 2 Text 7’
Part 3 Retell 3’
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Part 4 Discussion 8’
Part 5 After-Class Review
Tutor: Please keep your greeting in 2 mins. And you can go through Part 5 if time allows.
3 mins
Part 1 - Warm
What is your favorite food?
Why do you like it and how often do you eat it?
Tutor: Please encourage the student to answer the questions and keep this part in 3 mins.
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Part 2 - Text
Feeding the World (1)
7 mins
Rice is low-fat and high in energy, and you can mix it with just
about anything to make a wide variety of tasty dishes. Ask anyone
from any country in the world to tell you their favorite rice recipe
and you will get a wide selection.1
The origins of rice are uncertain, because rice has been grown for
so many thousands of years. In several Asian languages, the
words for food and rice, or for rice and agriculture, are the same,
one of the facts that points to Asia as the origin of rice.
The demand for rice is growing steadily, with consumption
stretching beyond the traditional rice growing areas in Asia.2 You
can find rice fields in Europe, Latin America and Australia.
However, Asia is still the biggest rice producer, accounting for 90%
of the world’s production and consumption of rice.3
Tutor: Please read or let the student read the text, and explain the underlined expressions in blue.
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Words and
1. … you will get a wide selection.
(selection: a choice or range of different
types of something)
E.g. The larger stores are able to stock a
wider selection of goods.
2. … is growing steadily, with consumption …
E.g. Prices have risen steadily.
3. … , accounting for 90% of the …
(to form the total of something)
E.g. Students account for the majority of our
3 mins
Part 3 - Retell
Now retell the passage by yourself based on
what you’ve read.
low-fat … energy … mix … dishes
any country … rice recipe … origins … grown …
thousands … Asian languages
food and rice … rice and agriculture … same
demand … stretch … traditional … Asia
biggest producer … 90% … production and
Tutor: Please encourage the student to retell the text. The
hints are NOT necessarily needed.
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8 mins
Part 4 - Discussion
(Try to talk for at least 2 minutes for each question. You are encouraged to use the
expressions that you’ve learned today. )
a wide selection / steadily / account for
Expressions may be
1. a wide selection
Ask anyone from any country in the
world to tell you their favorite rice
1. Do you think it is important to increase rice production?
recipe and you will get a wide selection.
2. steadily
The demand for rice is growing steadily,
2. What do you usually have for breakfast, lunch and supper?
with consumption stretching beyond
the traditional rice growing areas in Asia.
3. account for
3. Which do you think is more important, the nutrition or taste of
the food?
However, Asia is still the biggest rice
producer, accounting for 90% of the
world’s production and consumption of
Tutor: Please let the student talk freely, each question about 2 mins. Using the expressions from
today is encouraged.
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Review the expressions you’ve learned today and try to use them to make some sentences.
1. a wide selection 广泛的选择
stretching beyond the traditional rice growing areas in Asia.
selection: a choice or range of different types of something
2. Wages have steadily increased.
E.g. 1. Ask anyone from any country in the world to tell you their
favorite rice recipe and you will get a wide selection.
3. The company’s exports have grown steadily.
2. The company offers a wide selection of 4G LTE smartphones.
3. account for (在数量、比例上)占
3. Amazon's position as a leading online retailer of books
helped the company offer a wide selection of e-books to Kindle
buyers that were easy to download.
to form the total of something
E.g. 1. However, Asia is still the biggest rice producer, accounting for
90% of the world’s production and consumption of rice.
2. Computers account for 5% of the country's commercial
electricity consumption.
2. steadily 逐渐地;稳步地
3. Electronic goods account for over 30% of our exports.
E.g. 1. The demand for rice is growing steadily, with consumption
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