TIME TO PLAN---------------------- BY ANYELA CURBELO AND ADRIANA DÍAZ. THEMATIC UNIT: Cinema. LESSON TOPIC: Types of films. LENGTH OF LESSON: 45’ LEVEL: Secondary school 3rd graders. CONTENT OBJECTIVES: - Sts. will identify different types of films Sts. will hypothesize what the missing information in some sentences may be by using a learning strategy. LANGUAGE OBJECTIVES: - Sts. will be able to predict missing information before listening in order to make it easier to understand the text. Sts. will rehearse using a learning strategy. BUILDING BACKGROUND: T. sticks different posters of different kinds of films on the board and sts. classify them according to the kind of film they are. (Horror films, action films, animation, romantic films, science fiction films, thrillers, westerns, etc.) TRANSITION: T. invites sts to talk about possible dialogues or conversations they have when deciding about going to the cinema. T. elicits possible things they have to decide: which films to see, who with, what time to go to the cinema, what time to meet before, etc. PREPARATION: Sts. Will be presented with a dialogue between two people on the situation discussed before. They will be given some sentences with blanks and they will have to complete according to what they listen. T. tells sts. that before listening they could use a strategy to help themselves and they discuss which strategy that could be. PRESENTATION: T. introduces the predicting strategy. T. asks what issues they think predictions can be made on and then models the use of this strategy by giving examples on the board and thinking aloud. Examples: 1- Pam thinks the film they saw last week was _______________. 2- The film started at _______________. (T. reasons aloud and show how to think about what the missing information may be) PRACTICE: -Making also use of cooperative learning working in small groups the sts. put the strategy into practice by discussing what the missing information in the sentences given could be. Example: Pam thinks Avatar was a _______________ film. (good, science fiction, interesting, etc) - Sts. listen to the dialogue and do the task individually. SELF-EVALUATION: - Sts. complete a form: My predictions were: ACCURATE USEFUL BUT NOT ACCURATE NOT USEFUL What elements helped me to make predictions? PREPOSITIONS VERBS WORD ORDER OTHERS ____________ EXPANSION: T. will evaluate the use of this strategy in a piece of homework. Sts will have to complete a text with missing words, applying the same strategy in a different context.