PI (Name & Address):
Dr. Venkata Ramana B,
Associate Professor
Department of Computer Science & Engineering,
Indian Institute of Technology Tirupati.
Email: ramana@iittp.ac.in
Co-PI (Name & Address):
Dr. Deepak Fulwani
Assistant Professor
Department of Electrical Engineering,
Indian Institute of Technology Jodhpur
Email: df@iitj.ac.in
Co-PI (Name & Address):
Dr. Sandeep Yadav
Assistant Professor
Department of Electrical Engineering,
Indian Institute of Technology Jodhpur
Email: sy@iitj.ac.in
Co-PI (Name & Address):
Dr. Himanshu Tyagi
Associate Professor
School of Mechanical, Materials and Energy Engineering,
Indian Institute of Technology Ropar
Nangal Road, Rupnagar - 140001, Punjab, India
Email: himanshu.tyagi@iitrpr.ac.in
Co-PI (Name & Address):
Dr.Madhukar M Rao,
CFD Virtual Reality Institute (CFDVRi),
Email: madhukar.m.rao@gmail.com
Date of Birth
Integration of Solar PV and Wind Energy Sources
Building Energy Management System
Solar Thermal Engineering
Applications of CFD towards Energy Efficient Buildings
Develop technology to integrate Solar PV with wind-mill to meet the power requirements of building.
Develop power metering, monitoring, routing, prediction and forecasting methods that enable holistic
energy management technologies and demand-response optimization.
Develop technologies for building-integrated solar-based heating, cooling and lighting systems.
Use computational tools like CFD to analyze building ventilation and heat flow and propose suitable modifications to existing HVAC systems.
WP #1
To develop Wind-PV hybrid system different configuration are being simulated to access suitability of the same.
Before hardware implementation, a detailed analysis is carried out. A hybrid ac/dc Microgrid refers to a
Microgrid that contains both ac/dc power sources and ac/dc loads. There are different types of configurations in hybrid Microgrid depending upon how the sources and loads connected in the system. For the operation of hybrid ac/dc Microgrids, control strategies and power management strategies are important aspects. Literature survey on different type of configurations in hybrid Microgrid, control strategies and power management strategies of the system along with control of power converters has been done . In hybrid grid where AC and DC both loads are supplied, has problem of double frequency ripple. Before hardware implementation detailed simulations have been carried out .
WP #2
Conducted the feasibility study of the open source Building Energy Management systems. Taking the salient features, initiated the development plug and play Building Energy Management System. Simultaneously, initiated the development of low cost sensing infrastructure from the off the shelf devices and the techniques to estimate building occupancy patterns. The next steps are to integrate the BEMS and the sensing infrastructures, then the development of machine learning algorithms to forecast the building energy requirements.
WP #3
The use of nanoparticles for direct absorption of solar thermal energy has been initiated. Heating of the base fluid using nanoparticles has been carried out experimentally. The performance of the direct absorption based solar thermal collector (DASTC) mainly depends on the following factors: (a) material of the nanoparticles (b) volume fraction of the nanoparticles and (c) shape of the nanoparticles. It is significant to use an optimum volume fraction of the nanoparticles in the direct absorption based solar thermal collector. The optimum volume fraction also depends on the material of the nanoparticles. The material of the nanoparticles can be of metals, metal oxides, graphites.
WP #4
Conducted multiple simulations using ANSWER and OpenFOAM to benchmark the code against results from published literature. Then conducted turbulent simulations for standard benchmark problems in HVAC using selected RANS based turbulence closure models, and LES.
And performed a term by term analysis of the
Reynolds Stress Transport / turbulence closure model equations using Large Eddy Simulation (LES) data to validate the turbulence closure model.
Next step is to optimise the model constants of the turbulence closure models to enhance the accuracy of simulations prediction for HVAC applications.
And apply turbulence model with optimized constants to conduct simulations for the technologies being developed by other partner institutions for energy efficient buildings.
All work packages shall be integrated at the later stage at IIT Jodhpur. For the purpose of demonstration, two living laboratory spaces shall be identified in the campus of IIT Jodhpur. Detailed utility power consumption and indoor performance will be monitored and logged individually for all the three spaces. During the study, the spaces will have a mixed mode operation and uniformity will be maintained across the two spaces. One of the two spaces will be treated as base case whose performance forms the benchmark criteria for comparison. Each of the other spaces will be equipped with a combination of active/passive efficient strategies. The performance improvement will be demonstrated by comparison with the base case. Table shown below summarizes the three activities in the three spaces.
Space No.
Scenarios name
Space 1
Space 2
Base case scenario
Supply through Renewable energy sources
Solar thermal based HVAC
Optimized demand response
Energy Performance Index computation
EPI will be computed over a long run of observations.
Each scenario will be run separately and EPI will be computed for the respective scenarios over long run of observations.
Then scenarios will be combined and EPI will be combined for each combination of scenarios.
WP #1
The popularity of distributed generation systems is growing faster from last few years because of their higher operating efficiency and low emission levels. Distributed generators make use of several micro sources for their operation like photovoltaic cells, batteries, micro turbines and fuel cells. Microgrids have large power capacity and more control flexibility which accomplishes the reliability of the system as well as the requirement of power quality
Microgrid is an integrated system. The integration of the DERs connected to Microgrid is critical. Integration of wind turbines and photovoltaic systems with grid leads to grid instability. One of the solutions to this problem can be achieved by the implementation of Microgrid.
In a house renewable energy resources and storage devices are connected to DC bus with different converter topologies from which DC loads can get power supply. Inverters are implemented for the power transfer between
AC and DC buses. During the fault in the utility grid Microgrid operates in islanded mode. The renewable resources are very fluctuating in nature, and also the production and consumption of these sources are very difficult. Therefore new renewable energy generators should be designed having more flexibility and controllability. In conventional AC power systems AC voltage source is converted into DC power using an
AC/DC converter to supply DC loads. AC/DC/AC converters are also used in industrial drives to control motor speed. Because of the environmental issues associated with conventional power plant renewable resources are connected as distributed generators or ac Microgrids.
Development of a hybrid micro grid which will reduce the process of multiple reverse conversions associated with individual AC and DC grid by the combination of
AC and DC sub-grid
Photovoltaic (PV) system and
Wind turbine generator
Prior to integration of solar photovoltaic and wind turbine, we are testing on different converter topologies using
MATLAB/Simulink. Literature survey is being done on different available topologies and also we are working on some standard converters for example non isolated buck converter and boost converter, and their control strategies. We have learned some of the problems form the literature survey which effects the proper working of
Microgrid. In hybrid grid where AC and DC both loads are supplied, has problem of double frequency ripple.
We are working on different control strategies for the mitigation of second order ripple problem existing in
DC/AC conversion system, operation and control of several DC/DC converters in DC Microgrid, efficiency improvement of converters using variable frequency even triggered control methodology, bidirectional power flow control at point of load converter between Microgrid and main grid.
WP #2
In order to optimize the building energy consumption, it is necessary to understand the building occupancy and energy consumption patterns. Different sensors based on varied technologies with different accuracy as well as cost, are available in the market. A detailed comparative study was conducted among different available sensors.
The study resulted in need of development of low cost sensing technique with a reasonable accuracy levels. In order to estimate the occupancy, at the beginning we started with image processing/video processing base sensing methods which is also known as intrusive sensing technique. We observed that this method requires high volumes of storage and computational requirements which are difficult expect at an individual building/household level. Alternatively, using the resources from Cloud requires high speed data connections to
transmit the video feeds to the cloud. This triggered to work on occupancy estimation through non-intrusive sensing, such as motion detection, power consumption or CO
concentration. In addition to different sensors to measure these parameters, inspired by machine learning, a decision tree based technique has been used to predict the occupancy of a building space.
Simultaneously, most of the large public buildings need Building Energy Management System to efficiently use available resources. There are some commercial products to cater these needs. We have done a feasibility study of Open Source Building Energy Management System (BEMOSS: Building Energy Management Software Open
Source http://www.bemoss.org/) .). It was found that while BEMOSS is promising software to adapt, there is a little documentation available to understand the software while is essential for customizing to our requirement.
Hence, we have started developing in-house software to continue with our experiments conducted at a room level to understand and estimate building occupancy. Simultaneously, we are also working on the development of nonintrusion based sensing infrastructure from the off-the shelf devices. A PhD student is also working on an issue of Indoor localization which is an important services to be offered to the users of a smart infracture.
WP #3
Utilization of solar energy for use in energy efficient buildings involves various challenges. The variations in the indoor and outdoor temperatures with time along with the seasonal variations are expected to affect the performance of the overall system. Additionally the availability of solar energy is subject to several local and climatic constraints. Additionally, factors such as the difference in peak availability of solar energy and the peak outdoor temperatures are being addressed. These problems need to be recognized and solutions for them proposed, so that the overall utilization and effectiveness of the system meets the underlying cost imperative.
Coupling of the external and internal energy sources may lead to optimum utilization and improve the functionality and efficiency of the system. Additionally, the indoor thermal comfort needs to be designed to suite the requirements for different types of applications.
WP #4
During the first 6 months of the project period, the attention has been concentrated on the validation of numerical results of basic heat transfer problems with the analytical results. Almost eight cases were simulated using
ANSWER® and OpenFOAM 2.4.0
numerically. The two numerical results and one analytical result of each problem were plotted in a single graph. Two types of basic heat transfer problems were analyzed using
ANSWER® and OpenFOAM 2.4.0
. One is conduction and another is convection heat transfer. 1D heat conduction through plane wall, concentric cylinder and concentric sphere were simulated using two CFD solvers and the variation of temperature along the thickness was compared with analytical result. The different applications related to 1D heat conduction were simulated numerically as well as analytically and compared the results. Other cases are buoyancy-driven flows, i.e. convection heat transfer. Natural convection was studied numerically by performing the convection heat transfer through double-pane window and convection through concentric spheres. Forced convection was studied by simulating flow over a hot flat plate. The temperature variations at different locations were plotted and compared with analytical results.
During the second 6 months of the project period, natural convection inside an indoor environment was analyzed.
solver was used for the numerical simulations. Steady state simulations were conducted for different grid sizes to establish grid independence of the solution. A RANS (Reynolds Averaged Navier
Stokes Equations) based turbulence model was used for computing the indoor air flow and temperature distribution. In this problem, left and right walls were maintained at different temperatures. All other walls are insulated. Numerical results were compared with the experimental results and numerical simulations of Chen et al. (2002). 2D simulations were carried out using k-ε turbulence model. Here the heat fluxes from the occupants inside the cavity were neglected. Grid independence was established by using different grids. V-velocity and
temperature along x-direction at y=1.25m were plotted and found to compare well with both numerical and experimental results. Velocity and temperature isosurface plots were also found to compare well with experimental and numerical results.
During first six months of second year, the focus was on use of LES (Large Eddy Simulation) turbulence model for building energy and environment applications. Natural convection in a cavity was simulated using LES and
RANS (Reynolds Averaged Navier Stokes Equations) models. SST (Shear Stress Transport) k-ω was used for
RANS simulations and one equation eddy viscosity model was used for LES simulations. 3D unsteady compressible buoyancy driven flow solver was used for the LES, while 3D steady- state compressible buoyancy driven flow solver was used for RANS simulations. Highly refined grids were used for these simulations.
Numerical simulations were compared with experimental results and numerical results of Chen et al. (2000).
Mixed convection phenomenon was analyzed using ANSWER® and compared the results with experimental results of Chen et al. (2000). Mixed convection involves simultaneous natural and forced convection. In this study, the computational domain was a box with one inlet and one outlet. The inlet air velocity and temperature were specified. All walls were kept at the same temperature, except the ground. Ground was fixed at a temperature higher than all other walls. Natural convection occurs due to the temperature difference between air and walls, while the inlet air flow causes heat transfer by forced convection. 2D steady-state incompressible buoyancy driven flow was simulated for multiple grids. A RANS (Reynolds Averaged Navier-Stokes Equations) based turbulence model was used for the simulation due to high Rayleigh number. The numerical results were validated by plotting U-velocity for different grids and comparing them with the experimental data, and establishing grid independence of the numerical results. Velocity vector plot of the results from the current study compared well with the results of Chen et al. (2000).
WP #1
Work has been started in integration of PV and Wind sources. Two PhD students are also working in hybrid PV-
Wind system. The institute already has 100Kw PV plant. At present simulation and design of Solar PV-Wind hybrid system are being carried out along with it, different control algorithms for better efficient control of hybrid micro grid are being investigated as well.Simulation of microgrid with Solar PV and wind turbine as source is in progress after getting the desired results we will start working on hardware implementation of the above said microgrid.
Any research work foundation depends on literature survey. Based on the studies carried out by several researchers and their contribution to research field motivates for further scope of research. In this review of several research papers by various authors and technical reports has been discussed. Distributed Generation (DG) and their grid integration issues and later on solutions presented by several authors are presented. Also studies on the hybrid combination of PV/ Wind modelling and simulation by several authors using various tools have been discussed.
The popularity of distributed generation systems is growing faster from last few years because of their higher operating efficiency and low emission levels. Distributed generators make use of several micro sources for their operation like photovoltaic cells, batteries, micro turbines and fuel cells. Microgrids have large power capacity and more control flexibility which accomplishes the reliability of the system as well as the requirement of power quality
Microgrid is an integrated system. The integration of the DERs connected to microgrid is critical. Integration of wind turbines and photovoltaic systems with grid leads to grid instability. One of the solutions to this problem
can be achieved by the implementation of microgrid.
In a house renewable energy resources and storage devices are connected to DC bus with different converter topologies from which DC loads can get power supply. Inverters are implemented for the power transfer between
AC and DC buses. During the fault in the utility grid Microgrid operates in islanded mode. The renewable resources are very fluctuating in nature, and also the production and consumption of these sources are very difficult. Therefore new renewable energy generators should be designed having more flexibility and controllability. In conventional AC power systems AC voltage source is converted into DC power using an
AC/DC converter to supply DC loads. AC/DC/AC converters are also used in industrial drives to control motor speed. Because of the environmental issues associated with conventional power plant renewable resources are connected as distributed generators or ac Microgrids.
Development of a hybrid micro grid which will reduce the process of multiple reverse conversions associated with individual AC and DC grid by the combination of
AC and DC sub-grid
Photovoltaic (PV) system and
Wind turbine generator
Depending on the resource availability, geographical locations, load demand, and existing electrical transmission and distribution system, Microgrid can be either connected to the grid or can work in an autonomous mode.
Storage can also be a part of the Microgrid architecture
The smart grid concept is currently prevailing in the electric power industry. The objective of constructing a smart grid is to provide reliable, high quality electric power to digital societies in an environmentally friendly and sustainable way.
A hybrid ac/dc Microgrid have been planned for the better interconnection of different distributed generation systems (DG) to the power grid and exploiting the prominent features of both ac and dc Microgrids. Connecting these Microgrids requires an interlinking converter with a proper power management and control strategy, the hybrid grid operates in both grid-connected and islanding modes.
Second order harmonic current Ripple reduction
Introduction: Distributed generators (e.g. solar PV, Wind etc.) and battery storage are generally used in local power entities e.g. Microgrids. These DGs require front-end DC-DC power converters to meet the power or voltage requirements of inverter loads.
Single phase PWM inverters are widely used to feed AC loads using DC source directly or through some frontend DC-DC converter e.g. two-stage DC-DC-AC converter. In such systems, reflection of the Second-order
Harmonic Current (SHC) ripple at DC input of inverter is inherent and inevitable (See Fig. 1).
A substantial pulsation of the Second-order Harmonic Current (SHC) ripple with angular frequency 2ω is reflected at the input of single phase inverter when loads are supplied at its output with angular frequency ω. For instance, an inverter supplying power to an AC load at 50 Hz/60 Hz reflects a power ripple pulsating at 100
Hz/120 Hz over the average DC input power.
+ (1)
Here, vac= instantaneous output voltage of the inverter, iac=instantaneous output current of inverter, m indicates peak value, ω=supply output voltage frequency of inverter. The R.H.S. of the Eq-1 contains two terms. The first term represents DC average power and the second term represents the Second-order Harmonic Ripple power component with frequency 2ω. For an ideal inverter, the input power is equal to the output power of the inverter.
This implies that the SHC ripple component reflects in the average DC input power of the inverter, and hence in the input voltage and current of the inverter.
This ripple creates several problems, for example, heating inside battery, deteriorates the life of electrodes and electrolyte, improper and inefficient operation of the MPPT in Solar-PV converter and nuisance tripping of the circuit breaker, may induce instability to the system.
Technique for the ripple reduction: This proposed technique has been tested for the two-stage DC-DC-AC converter. Fig. 2 shows a two-stage DC-DC-AC converter. In this, the front-end DC-DC converter is a DC-DC boost converter and the load is DC-AC inverter.
Fig. 2 Two-stage DC-DC-AC converter: A combination of front-end DC-DC boost converter and DC-AC inverter load
In Fig. 2 E is DC source voltage, x1 is inductor current, x0 is output current of boost converter, v0 is bus voltage,
D is the duty of the boost converter and Zout is the output impedance of the front-end DC-DC boost converter.
It should be noted that increase in the output impedance of front-end converter has a significant impact in the reduction of ripple at the DC source side. However, it is not efficient and cost effective to increase the size of passive components in the physical circuit for ripple mitigation. Alternatively, a suitable design of control input
(duty of the front-end converter) can play an important role in the ripple reduction. The output impedance of the front-end boost converter seen by the load depends on the duty-cycle (D) of front-end converter and can be given by
Here, Z
L is the impedance of inductor.
Proposed adaptive sliding mode control method:
(1) Sliding Surface (σ):
Where = ,
α is the nonlinear power function of output voltage error, . β is positive even number and
is very small positive number. . These helps in designing the profile of α Fig. shows the profile of α very small positive number with respect to per unit output voltage of boost converter, .
is inductor current error.
Schematic of the Control Scheme:
Fig. 4 Schematic of the proposed control scheme
Simulation Results:
(1) Impact of the decrease in the value of α on the SHC ripple at the source.
Fig. 5 Ripple reduces at the source with the decrease in the value of the α
Fig 6. Comparison of the conventional technique of ripple reduction using PI controller and proposed Adaptive
Sliding Mode Controller
WP #2
Building Energy Management System is a software system that interacts with different hardware units, such as data acquisition systems, sensors, actuators, to effectively obtain the building energy consumption patterns and take necessary actions to optimize the energy consumption while maintaining the users comfort. The existing
Building Energy Management Open Source Software (BEMOSS) , which is open source software developed by the researchers from Virginia Tech, Arlington, VA, USA, offers several salient features like, device interoperability (i.e., compatibility between the devices manufactured by different vendors) and support of modern communication technologies (Wifi, Zigbee) as well as legacy devices that operate on serial communications using Modbus RTU and BACnet MS/TP protocols, etc. This software was built upon open source software platforms using VOLTTRON (open source distributed agent platform), PostgreSQL (open source relational database management system) and Ubuntu/Linux (open source operating system) and offers a reasonable level of data visualization through dashboards. However, it was observed that customization and further developing modules over BEMOSS, are difficult as the software has little documentation. Therefore the development of a BEM system is being imitated for continuing with the experiments. The architecture of the
BEMS being developed is similar to that of the BEMOSS which is illustrated by the following figure.
Fig. Architecture of Building Energy Management System
Simultaneously, an activity of estimating occupancy at the room level has been taken. This is a first step towards the large scale deployment of sensors at a building level. Several off-the-shelf Passive Infrared and Ultrasonic sensors were deployed at the entry point (door) of rooms and also at various placed in the room to estimate the number of occupants inside the room. In this activity, we
integrated PIR and Ultrasonic sensors that are setup in a room and when anyone passes through the sensors, it should detect the presence of individuals and when they are entering or exiting the room and do people count and then send data to BEMS System;
used Ultrasonic sensors to determine the zone in which people are present inside the room and send the data to BEMS software; and
developed a wireless switch to control the lights inside the room based on the room occupancy
In addition to Ultrasonic and PIR sensors the experiment also uses the following hardware.
Relay Module – Relay module is used to make a connection short or open. Power specification for this module is 10A – 250V AC. Each module has 2 relays attached to it and can be used in two different circuits. Output has Three terminals among which NO and COM is used to make circuit short or open.
ESP8266 Module – ESP8266 module is used to wirelessly communicate from BEM to the relay module. Power specification for this module is 5V USB or 3.7V battery. It has wifi module inbuilt in it and we can code it same like Arduino. It supports arduino IDE as well. It has 5 pins to use for inputs and outputs.
The following Figure illustrates the flow of information in the experiments.
Figure 2. Flow of Information in the experiments
Several experiments have been conducted and obtained 96% of accuracy in estimating the occupancy and further the sensed data was communicated effectively to BEMS for controlling room lighting. However, we found the following limitations with the setup,
Can detect only one person at a time.
Ultrasonic sensors need to be calibrated for every time one wants to re-fix it.
One needs to manually code each ESP module once with wire before deploying.
WP #3
The energy conversion process in the solar thermal system involves the conversion of solar energy into thermal energy. In this system, the incident flux is absorbed by the nanoparticles and the fluid. During this conversion process, radiative and convective losses occur at the top surface of the nanofluid as shown in Fig. 1(a), which results in reduction of the overall performance of the solar collector.
The optical properties of the nanofluid play a significant role in the nanoparticles laden solar collector. The optical property of the nanofluid for the short wavelength (0.3µm-2.5 µm) has been measured with UV-Vis spectrophotometer (Perkin Elmer Lambda 950) keeping sample thickness of 10 mm. Long wavelength band
(2.5µm-25µm) is the region in which radiative losses take place, and the determination of the transmittance in this region will provide an idea about the magnitude of the losses in this region. The long wavelength transmittance has been measured by using Nicolet iS50 FT-IR spectrophotometer which works on attenuated total reflection (ATR) technique. In this technique the depth of penetration of the IR beam is very small (1µm-
15µm) and from this small depth of penetration spectral transmittance of highly absorbing liquids can be determined.
For the testing of stratified fluid a table-top experimental set up has been used. Figure B.3.4 shows the major components of the experimental set up. A halogen lamp (make Philips, colour temperature 3400 K) has been placed on the top of the receiver to illuminate the sample and the flux from the halogen lamp has been measured with an optical power meter (8.5 W/cm 2 ) and thermopile detector (1918-R and 818P, Newport optical) by keeping short wave filter (SWF) on the top of thermopile detector. This SWF has been placed on the top of the cylinder so that only visible part of light reach to the sample or the heating of the fluid take place by visible spectrum of the light only. The material of the receiver plays a significant role in reducing heat losses to the environment. Due to which the receiver (glass container) is made up of glass because it has low thermal conductivity (1.4 W/mK). To measure the spatial temperature rise of nanofluid, three K-type thermocouples have been placed at three different locations in the receiver as shown in figure B.3.4(c) and one thermocouple has been placed outside to measure the ambient temperature. Each thermocouple has been calibrated before the start of experiments with a water bath (at 0 o C and at 100 o C). The measured temperature from these thermocouples was read by data acquisition system (NI 9213, National Instruments) and was recorded by using Lab View 9.0.1.
Figure B.3.4 Schematic of experimental setup consisting light source, thermocouples, DAQ, short wave filter for
(a) nanofluid based absorption system without silicone oil [NASW/OSO], (b) nanofluid based absorption system with silicone oil [NASWSO], and (c) details of the three thermocouple locations.
In the first case, freshly prepared nanofluid has been poured in the receiver and then short wave filter has been placed on the top of the receiver. After that the sample has been irradiated for 120 s and the temperature rise has been measured. In the second case, same set up has been used and similar procedure has been followed but in this case a layer of silicone oil (3mm) has been placed on the top of the nanofluid and the sample has been again irradiated for 120 s.
The measured transmittance of silicone oil in short wavelength range and long wavelength range are shown in figure B.3.5. From this figure it is seen that silicone oil has high transmittance in the short wavelength range
(especially in the visible region of the solar spectrum) and has very discrete absorption peaks in IR region even at very low depth of penetration. Figure B.3.5(a) shows that silicone oil has very low absorptivity in the solar spectrum range and has high absorptivity in IR spectrum range, so the incident solar spectrum can pass through it without any optical loss but it will absorb the emitted radiations from the fluid. In the similar way, the measured transmittance of the nanofluid has been as shown in figure B.3.5(b) and for the reference the measured transmittance of the base fluid has also been shown in figure B.3.5(b). This figure shows that water has 100% transmittance in the visible region i.e. it has 0% absorption in the visible region and with the addition of small amount of nanoparticle (20 mgl -1 ) in the base fluid made the fluid absorptive.
100 100
20 mgL
Pure Water
20 20
0.0 0.5 1.0 1.5
5 10 15 20 25 500 1000 1500 2000 2500
Wavelength (
m) Wavelength (nm)
Figure B.3.5 Transmittance spectrum of (a) silicone oil in short and long wavelength range, and (b) pure fluid
(water) and amorphous carbon based nanofluid (20 mgL -1 ).
WP #1
A novel sliding mode based method is proposed to mitigate ripple in hybrid Microgrid. This control achieves better transient response and also reduces effect of the ripple.
WP #2
Development of an open sources based Building Energy Management System with the features device interoperability and plug and play software components. Development of novel indoor localization techniques.
WP #3
The performance of 2 cases has been measured in this study - case (a) nanofluid based absorption system without silicone oil [NASW/OSO], and case (b) nanofluid based absorption system with silicone oil [NASWSO] has been studied by illuminating the system for 120 sec and the temperature rise of the nanofluid has been measured under identical conditions. The measured temperature of the nanofluid has been shown in figure B.3.6. These figures shows that the temperature of the nanofluid at the top side of the container is highest and it reduces along the depth of the container which shows that the incident flux has been absorbed by the nanofluid and the
attenuation of the flux take place along the depth of the container. Furthermore, figure B.3.6(c) shows the comparison of temperature rise of both cases under identical conditions. This figure shows that with the presence of a layer (3 mm thick) of silicone oil above the nanofluid), the temperature rise is 5 o C higher. This can be attributed to the fact that with silicone layer on the nanofluid, thermal trapping take place and which is helpful in reducing the convective and emissive losses to the ambient.
90 90 30
With Silicone Oil Layer
Without Silicone Oil Layer
60 60
50 50
40 40
0 20 40 60 80 100 120
0 20 40 60 80 100 120
0 20 40 60 80 100 120
Time (Sec) Time (Sec) Time (Sec)
Figure B.3.6 Average temperature rise of (a) nanofluid based absorption system without silicone oil, (b) nanofluid based absorption system with silicone oil, and (c) comparison of average temperatures for both case (a) and case (b).
In future experiments will be carried out on the rooftop at IIT Ropar. In order to measure the direct component of solar flux, a 2-axis tracking system (shown in figure B.3.7). has been purchased and installed on the rooftop. This along with a pyrheliometer will allow the measurement of direct component of solar irradiation.
WP #4
The proposed work is to develop a unified RANS-LES model by optimizing the model constants used in RANS models to enhance the accuracy of simulations prediction for HVAC systems. In the present study, selected benchmark problem was simulated by RANS based turbulence models and LES. Term by term comparison between RANS and LES models has been completed and selected a baseline RANS based eddy viscosity
turbulence model for the optimization with LES. Optimization of RANS model is the process of getting same flow field of LES simulation by adjusting the constants of RANS model.
Hybrid Microgrid where AC and DC loads are present.
Development of an open source based building energy management systems integrated with different machine learning algorithms to forecast energy requirements.
The potential for cooing and lighting purposes using direct solar energy is quite promising.
Calculations have shown that in temperate climatic conditions large scope for cooling indoors spaces exits, which can be achieved by utilization of solar energy which is extensively available during the summer months.
Optimized CFD Models for HVAC applications.
In all hybrid Microgrid the proposed solution can be used.
Development of techniques to understand building occupancy patterns and localization within the building.
The use of solar energy for efficiently heating the fluid, can lead to indoor space heating as well as various domestic applications in the future.
Improve the accuracy of CFD simulations for indoor ventilation applications by modifying the turbulence models.
Integrating PV and Wind. (geographical location does not suit for installing a wind mill near the campus as it is not much efficient )
Development of techniques to understand building occupancy patterns and localization within the building.
Development of machine learning algorithms to forecast the energy requirements based on the occupancy and events.
Optimization & testing of the nanofluid model - Implementation of thermal (heating/cooling) variations for indoor space
Performance analysis - Inputs for variation in loading patterns
Optimise the model constants of the turbulence closure models to enhance the accuracy of simulations prediction for HVAC applications.
Apply turbulence model with optimized constants to conduct simulations for the technologies being developed by other partner institutions for energy efficient buildings.
Integration of all components of Work Package 1, 2, 3 and 4 and demonstration.
Report writing
Manpower involved in the project:
At IIT Jodhpur,
One Research Associate
One PhD student
At IIT Ropar:
One Research Associate
One PhD student
One M.Tech. student
Manar Amayri, Abhay Arora, Stephane Ploix, Sanghamitra Bandhyopadya, Quoc-Dung Ngo, Venkataramana
Badarla, Estimating occupancy in heterogeneous sensor environment, Elsevier Energy and Buildings Journal,
Volume 129, October 2016, pp. 46 – 58.
A. R. Gautam, K. Gourav, J. M. Guerrero and D. M. Fulwani, "Ripple Mitigation With Improved Line-Load
Transients Response in a Two-Stage DC–DC–AC Converter: Adaptive SMC Approach," in IEEE Transactions on
Industrial Electronics , vol. 65, no. 4, pp. 3125-3135, April 2018.
Aditya R. Gautam, Deepak Fulwani, “Adaptive SMC for the Second-order Harmonic Ripple Mitigation: A
Solution for the Micro-Inverter Applications” conditionally accepted to appear in IEEE Transactions on Power electronics 2018.
Khullar, V., Bhalla, V., and Tyagi, H., 2018, "Potential Heat Transfer Fluids (Nanofluids) for Direct Volumetric
Absorption-Based Solar Thermal Systems", ASME Journal of Thermal Science and Engineering Applications ,
Vol. 10(1), p. 011009.
Bhalla, V., and Tyagi, H., 2018, "Parameters Influencing the Performance of Nanoparticles-laden Fluid-based
Solar Thermal Collectors: A Review on Optical Properties", Renewable & Sustainable Energy Reviews , Vol. 84, pp. 12–42.
Bhalla, V., Khullar, V., and Tyagi, H., 2018, "Experimental Investigation of Photo-Thermal Analysis of Blended
Nanoparticles (Al2O3 /Co3O4) for Direct Absorption Solar Thermal Collector", Renewable Energy , Vol. 123, pp. 616-626.
Khullar, V., Tyagi, H., Otanicar, T. P., Hewakuruppu, Y. L., and Taylor, R. A., 2018, "Solar Selective
Volumetric Receivers For Harnessing Solar Thermal Energy", Accepted for publication at the ASME Journal of
Heat Transfer .
Abhay Arora, Manar Amayri, Venkataramana Badarla, Stephane Ploix, Sanghamitra Bandyopadhyay,
"Occupancy Estimation Using Non Intrusive Sensors In Energy Efficient Buildings," in Proc. 14th International
Building Simulations Conference, pp. 1441-1448, 2015
Bhalla, V., and Tyagi, H., 2017, "Solar Energy Harvesting By Cobalt Oxide Nanoparticles, A Nanofluid
Absorption Based System", Sustainable Energy Technologies and Assessments , Vol. 24, pp. 45–54.
Khullar, V., Singh, H., and Tyagi, H., 2018, "Direct Absorption Solar Thermal Technologies", In: Tyagi, H.,
Agarwal, A., Chakraborty, P., Powar, S., (eds.), Applications of Solar Energy , Springer.
Bhalla, V., Garg, K., Salvi, S. S., Badarla, V., Fulwani, D., Khullar, V., Rao, M. M., Chakrapani, A., Krishnan,
N., and Tyagi, H., "Utilization of Nanoparticle-Based Solar Energy Systems for Improving the Overall Energy
Efficiency of Buildings", Paper No. SEEC-2018-146, Second International Conference on Sustainable Energy and Environmental Challenges (SEEC-2018) , Indian Institute of Science (IISc), Bangalore, India, Jan. 01-03,
Bhalla, V., Khullar, V., Singh, H., and Tyagi, H., "Liquid Layer Envelope for Curbing Radiative Losses in
Nanofluid-Based Volumetric Receivers", SOLARIS 2017 International Conference , Brunel University London,
London, U.K., Jul. 27-28, 2017.
Bhalla, V., Khullar, V., and Tyagi, H., "Performance Characteristics of Direct Absorption Solar Collector for
Residential Purposes", Paper No. SEEC-2017-004, International Conference on Sustainable Energy and
Environmental Challenges (SEEC-2017) , Mohali, India, Feb. 26-28, 2017.
IIT Ropar: Procurement process is going on for equipments using GOI contribution. Some equipments have been purchased using applicant contribution (from IIT Ropar) - solar position orientation system, consumables
(nanoparticles, thermocouples, silicon oil, cuvettes).