Theory of Knowledge Mr. Blackmon Unpacking the TOK Essay Title Courtesy of Mr. Dunn "In order to find the answer, you must first immerse yourself in the question" Instructions: Your essay title is Consider the extent to which knowledge issues in ethics are similar to those in at least one other area of knowledge. C Additional resources are available on Moodle. Follow these steps to unpack the title and prepare for the essay outline. 1. 2. 3. 4. 6. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. * Underline the terms and phrases in the title that are central to the essay and will need to be explained and dealt with in the introduction. Identify and list the explicit demands in the title. List the implicit demands in the title. What are the action words, commands? (eg. explore, compare, consider, agree, analyze) Does the title make an assumption? Do you need to challenge this assumption is as part of your response? How many different angles, perspectives, or viewpoints are there in the title? Create a thesis position. Write it down. Decide which AOKs or WOKs you will discuss. What counter claims, counter examples, objections to your thesis position or limitations can you introduce into your discussion? What specific examples will you use? Be sure to use a variety chosen from; C your studies in other courses, C the materials covered in this course, C your experience and knowledge of other places and situations, C global events. We want a variety of examples to foster open-mindedness and discover knowledge issues.