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Grade 12 Career Guidance Manual: Teacher's Guide

Career Guidance Manual, Grade 12
Teacher’s Guide
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Published by the Department of Education
: Leonor M. Briones
Undersecretary : Alain Del B. Pascua
Development Team of the Manual
Writers: Sheena Wella G. Arguelles, Ma. Gracia Baluca, Lolita Bucot, Evelyn Z. Canada,
Ana Lyn T. Soriano, Maria Laarni Carla Paranis, Andrew Mar C. Salburo, Marlon L.
Lalaguna, Francis Ray Subong, Nena F. Bardoquillo, Catherien P. Garde, Dulce Ma.
Rosario De Guzman, Melanie O. Mandin, Rebecca Postrano, Helen E. Maasin, Rowena L.
Salas, Randy de Guzman, Arvie Jay Lapig, Doddie Marie L. Duclan, Laurie Anne L.
Tachado, Mecir Rosario Doble, Leah Larao, Theresa G. Reyes
Content Reviewers
: Mark Anthony Bercando, RGC
Jona Valdez, RGC
Language Editor/Reviewer
Encoder/Layout Artist
: Aurea Jean Allado-Abad
: Florian Cauntay
Eric de Guia
: Glenda M. Granadozin
: Dr. Rizalino Jose T. Rosales
: Dr. Ella Cecilia G. Naliponguit
Mr. Arnulfo H. Empleo
Project Coordinator
Management Team
The Career Guidance Manual has been developed to help teachers, guidance
counselors, and career advocates help senior high school students in preparing them for
a career they would want to pursue after senior high. The manual is composed of eight
modules all taken up together to form a handbook. The modules build up one after the
other such that at the initial module, students are presented with different career
choices, slowly developing and intensifying in the next modules that tackle the different
factors affecting the fulfillment of a dream/goal, how to deal with these factors, and the
preparations for equipping oneself with the skills required of a profession including
honing one’s personal attributes and characteristics that are equally essential as the
technical capabilities when applying for work. As such, by the last module, the students
would have been very confident about the career he/she intends to undertake.
In order to sharpen these skills, various activities have been employed and
utilized that will inspire as well as motivate students to persevere in their life goals.
Students are likewise required to have a notebook where they will write their reflections
and assignments for the entire program. Students will also write their thoughts and
feelings after each module.
There are also activity sheets that students will accomplish individually or as a
group, and at times, with the participation of parents or guardians. At the end of Module
8, all activity sheets shall be compiled in the students’ career portfolio for compilation at
the Guidance Office as part of the student’s Individual Inventory Service.
It is hoped that this Manual will be useful and significant as senior high school
students tread the road to their future, a journey they will travel not on their own but with
significant others, including you as their teacher and facilitator of learning.
Table of Contents
Preface ........................................................................................................................ ii
Module 1: Entering the Exits ..................................................................................... 1
Module 2: Discovering the Cs ................................................................................. 22
Module 3: The Choice of Choosing ......................................................................... 30
Module 4: Myself in Another Person’s Shoes .......................................................... 44
Module 5: Future Combo, Activate! .......................................................................... 64
Module 6: Keep Me Balanced! ................................................................................ 89
Module 7: Version of Me 2.0 ................................................................................... 98
Module 8: Ready to Take Off! ............................................................................... 128
Entering the Exits
This module is designed for use by teachers. It is intended to help them
facilitate the career decision-making of Grade 12 learners especially in choosing
curriculum exit before they graduate from senior high school. The title of Module 1
“Entering the Exits” means entering a curriculum exit after Grade 12. The learners
will have to choose whether he or she will proceed to college, do business, look for a
job, or develop the middle-level skills.
The module will help learners identify their interests through the National Career
Assessment Examination (NCAE). This is a tool that will help them choose the
curriculum exit suited for them. It is expected that at the end of the module, Grade 12
learners will appreciate their chosen life, career and curriculum exit based on their
interests and personality type.
Total Time Allotment: 120 minutes (2 hours)
manila paper/recycled materials
crayons/colored pens/any coloring materials
pen markers
Scotch tape
copy of NCAE results
speaker, music player
Notes to the Teacher:
 You may use alternative materials. The use of recycled materials is highly
 Ask the learners to prepare a notebook for Career Guidance modules one to
eight. Grade 12 learners will be writing their thoughts and feelings in the
notebook which will serve as their journal for their reflections and
I. Objectives
At the end of this module, the learners are expected to:
1. relate the results of the National Career Assessment Examination (NCAE) in
choosing a curriculum exit;
2. determine preferred life and career based on chosen curriculum exit; and
3. appreciate the chosen life, career, and curriculum exit based on one’s
interests and personality type.
Module 1
Page 1
II. Motivation (15 minutes)
The Senior High Career Party
Note to the Teacher: Prepare music or song for this activity.
1. Arrange the chairs on the sides so that space will be maximized for the
2. Tell the learners to dance as the music plays. (If there is no music to be
played, ask the learners to sing any song that everybody can relate.)
3. Tell the learners that as the music stops they will have to find a partner on the
dance floor.
4. Stop the music and instruct the learners to share with their partner their
response to the first question. The music will continue after the first sharing
and the learners will find another partner for the second up to the fourth
a. What are your goals after Senior High School?
b. What are your interests that served as your basis in choosing your current
SHS track?
c. What are your memorable experiences in SHS?
d. What curriculum exit do you plan to go after senior high school?
Processing Questions:
1. How did you find the “Senior High Career Party”?
2. What did you feel while sharing your goals, interests, experiences, and
chosen curriculum exit in SHS?
III. Main Activity (50 minutes)
Activity: Golden Doors
Note to the Teacher: Before the activity, prepare the “Golden Doors”(made up of
art or recycled materials) and Gallery of Careers (showing the results of NCAE).
See Appendices 2 and 3 for the materials needed in this activity.
1. Set up four doors (which will be called GOLDEN DOORS) in the four corners
of the room to represent the four curriculum exits of Senior High School
namely: Employment, Entrepreneurship, Higher Education, Middle-Level
Skills Development. Note: You can use manila paper or any recycled
2. Set up GALLERY OF CAREERS (showing the areas of occupational
Note: You may print the materials indicated in appendix 3.1 as reference for
learners while appendix 3.2 will be posted on the walls of the room so the
learners can have visuals on the different careers or professions per
occupational interest.
3. Ask the learners to bring out the results of their NCAE.
Module 1
Page 2
4. Distribute Activity Sheet No. 1―My Occupational Interests.
5. Instruct the learners to accomplish the first column based on the results of
their NCAE.
6. Allow the learners to walk around the GALLERY OF CAREERS and check the
different careers or professions in the areas of occupational interests based
on what is written in the first column of the activity sheet.
7. Allow the learners to reflect on their current occupational interests based on
their self-assessment and plan after senior high school and ask them to write
their answers in the second column.
Note: In case there are learners who do not have or do not remember their
NCAE results, allow them to accomplish only the second column of the
activity sheet.
8. Ask the learners to choose which door (representing the curriculum exits)to
9. Behind the Golden Doors, they will find different worksheets (which
symbolizes opportunities they can grab as they enter any curriculum exit).
They will have to accomplish what they got behind the Golden Doors.
10. Ask the learners to do small group sharing with other learners who chose the
same door they have chosen.
11. Ask some volunteers for the large group sharing.
Processing Questions:
1. Did you notice any mismatch in your occupational interest based on your
NCAE results and based on your self-assessment and plan after senior high
2. What occupational interest will you consider in choosing a curriculum exit?
3. After doing the activity, what realizations or insights did you have as a senior
high school learner who is about to exit after few months?
IV. Lecturette (15 minutes)
In order to guide the conduct of career guidance at the school level and to
ensure the development of skills and competencies required in the world of
work, the Department of Education conducts career assessment to Grade 9
students through the National Career Assessment Examination (NCAE). The
NCAE aims to provide guidance to individual learners for their future
educational and career choices. It also provides the basis for profiling learners’
aptitude in the four Senior High School tracks.
There are three domains measured in the NCAE. These are the General
Scholastic Aptitude (GSA), Occupational Interest Inventory (OII), and Aptitude
for Senior High School Tracks. The GSA measures the learner’s reading
comprehension and scientific, verbal, mathematical, and logical reasoning
ability. The OII is a checklist of occupational interests that provides an
assessment of inclinations or preferences for comprehensive career guidance.
The Aptitude for SHS Tracks determines the learner’s inherent capacity to
succeed in the SHS tracks.
A profile chart of the students’ occupational inclinations and preferences
through the identified cluster occupations is provided in the results of the
NCAE. The test is being administered to all Grade 9 learners who are currently
enrolled in public and private schools with government permit or recognition.
Module 1
Page 3
Moreover, learners with special needs may also be assessed provided that test
accommodations are met (per DepEd Order No. 55, s. 2016 Sec. 9).
Helping people make career decisions has been fundamental to
counseling psychology since its emergence as a profession, and it continues to
be central to its identity today (Gelso & Fretz, 2001, as cited in Journal of
Counseling Psychology, 2010).
After acquiring all the knowledge, skills, and attitude and being aware of
their interests and possible career path, Grade 12 learners will now choose the
curriculum exit they will pursue after senior high school. Grade 12 learners may
choose to work immediately since they are of legal age and have the
competencies to perform a specific job, or to pursue a business they can start
to earn money. They may also proceed to higher education and pursue a
degree course or take up any Technical Education and Skills Development
Authority (TESDA) courses for middle-level skills development.
Employment. Any senior high school graduate who plans to work after senior
high school can check with the Public Employment Service Office (PESO) in
their locality for possible job vacancies, or they can browse in the Department of
Labor and Employment website,www.ble.dole.gov.ph for possible local
Entrepreneurship. Senior high school graduates who plan to pursue the
entrepreneurship exit will have to consider many things. They have to be
cautious lest they end up losing money invested in the business. The Philippine
Business Industry (as cited in http://www.biznewsph.com/p/business-ideas-inphilippines.html, 2012) has come up with a list of ideas where prospective
entrepreneurs can start and grow their own business in the Philippines. (See
Appendix 3: List of Business Ideas in the Philippines.)
Higher Education. Senior High School graduates who would want to pursue a
degree course in higher education may directly inquire at any colleges and
universities in their area. They may also inquire at www.ched.gov.ph, the official
website of the Commission on Higher Education (CHED) for the recognized
programs of schools per region.
Middle-Level Skills Development. Senior high school learners who may want
to pursue middle-level skills development after finishing a specific track and
strand in senior high school may inquire at their local TESDA offices for the
courses offered in their locality. Those who went to Technical Vocational
Livelihood Track and earned a National Certification Level II may apply for a
higher level of national certification if they opt to do so.
Senior high school graduates may go to any curriculum exit regardless of
the SHS track they took. If a learner took up a TVL Track, he/she can still enroll
in college to pursue higher education. Moreover, after entering a specific exit,
any SHS graduate may proceed to another exit. For example, a graduate who
chooses to pursue higher education and gets employed after graduation may
enter into a business or pursue middle-level skills development while employed.
Module 1
Page 4
Nonetheless, whatever curriculum exit senior high school graduates
pursue is their own decision. They only have to maximize their talents and
resources in order to be successful. As what author and speaker Mack R.
Douglas said, “You are responsible for everything you do.”
V. Application (15 minutes)
Activity Sheet No. 2: My Entry Point in the Exit
1. Provide each learner with paper and coloring materials.
2. Ask them to draw a symbol to represent the life and career they foresee after
entering a specific curriculum exit.
3. Instruct them to briefly explain why they have chosen the symbol and share
their appreciation to their foreseen life, career and curriculum exit in the
4. Ask some volunteers to share their output.
Processing Questions
1. Why did you choose that symbol?
2. How does it relate to your choice of curriculum exit after Senior High School?
VI. Reflection (10 minutes)
Journal Reflection 1
Ask the learners to write in their Career Guidance Journal their reflection
about “My Meaningful Exit from Senior High School.”
VII. Evaluation (15 minutes)
Activity Sheet No. 3: My Plan to Exit
Instructions: Write your occupational interest based on your preference and
plan after senior high school.
1. In the fourth column (Employment), write your preferred kind/nature of
work if you plan to proceed to this exit and indicate when.
2. In the fifth column (Entrepreneurship), write the specific business
industry you want to pursue if you plan to proceed to this exit and indicate
3. In the sixth column (Higher Education), write the specific course if you
plan to proceed to this exit and indicate when.
4. In the seventh column (Middle-Level Skills Development), put the
specific skilled courses if you plan to proceed to this exit and indicate when.
Module 1
Page 5
Note: This activity emphasizes that senior high school graduates can go to any
curriculum exit regardless of the SHS track they took. Moreover, after entering a
specific exit, the SHS graduates may pursue another exit.
Interests based
on preferred
Career or
based on
Preferred Curriculum Exit
Cakes and
Bachelor of
Bread and
(Write your
kind/nature of
work if you
plan to
proceed to this
exit and
indicate when)
(Write the
industry you
want to
pursue if you
plan to
proceed to
this exit and
(Write the
course if you
plan to
proceed to
this exit and
(Put the
specific skilled
courses if you
plan to
proceed to this
exit and
indicate when)
(Write your
kind/nature of
work if you
plan to
proceed to this
exit and
indicate when)
(Write the
industry you
want to
pursue if you
plan to
proceed to
this exit and
(Write the
course if you
plan to
proceed to
this exit and
(Put the
specific skilled
courses if you
plan to
proceed to this
exit and
indicate when)
Module 1
Page 6
Appendix 1
Activity Sheet No. 1
My Occupational Interests
Instructions: In the first column, write your occupational interests based on the
results of your NCAE. In the second column, reflect on your current
occupational interests and plan after senior high school.
Occupational Interests
(based on NCAE Results)
Occupational Interests (based on
preference and plan after senior high
Rank 1
Rank 2
Rank 3
Module 1
Page 7
Appendix 2
Materials for GOLDEN DOORS
2.1 Bio-Data
Name: __________________________ Position Applied for:
Age: ____________ Sex: ________________ Contact No.:
Educational Background:
Elementary: ______________________________________ Year Graduated:
Junior High School: __________________________ Year Completed:
Senior High School: __________________________ Year Graduated:
Name: __________________________ Position Applied for:
Age: ____________ Sex: ________________ Contact No.:
Educational Background:
Elementary: ______________________________________ Year Graduated:
Junior High School: __________________________ Year Completed:
Senior High School: __________________________ Year Graduated:
Name: __________________________ Position Applied for:
Age: ____________ Sex: ________________ Contact No.:
Educational Background:
Elementary: ______________________________________ Year Graduated:
Module 1
Page 8
Junior High School: __________________________ Year Completed:
Senior High School: __________________________ Year Graduated:
Name: __________________________ Position Applied for:
Age: ____________ Sex: ________________ Contact No.:
Educational Background:
Elementary: ______________________________________ Year Graduated:
Junior High School: __________________________ Year Completed:
Senior High School: __________________________ Year Graduated:
2.2 Business Permit
Name of Business:
Name of Owner:
Location of Business:
Nature of business:
Permit number:
Name of Business:
Name of Owner:
Location of Business:
Module 1
Page 9
Nature of business:
Permit number:
Name of Business:
Name of Owner:
Location of Business:
Nature of business:
Permit number:
Name of Business:
Name of Owner:
Location of Business:
Nature of business:
Permit number:
2.3 College Application Form
(You may use other materials if reproduction of this appendix is not possible.)
Name: __________________________ Course Applied for: ___________________
Age: ____________ Sex: ______________ Contact No.: _____________________
Secondary School
Awards Received: ________________________________________________
Module 1
Page 10
Name: __________________________ Course Applied for:
Age: ____________ Sex: ________________ Contact No.:
Secondary School
Awards Received: ________________________________________________
Name: __________________________ Course Applied for:
Age: ____________ Sex: ________________ Contact No.:
Secondary School
Awards Received: ________________________________________________
Name: __________________________ Course Applied for:
Age: ____________ Sex: ________________ Contact No.:
Secondary School
Awards Received: ________________________________________________
Name: __________________________ Course Applied for:
Age: ____________ Sex: ________________ Contact No.:
Secondary School
Awards Received: ________________________________________________
Module 1
Page 11
Appendix 2
2.4 TESDA National Certification
(You may use other materials if reproduction of this appendix is not possible.)
Name of Candidate:
Title of Qualification/Cluster of Units of Competency:
Name of Assessment Center: _______________________________________
Assessment Results: ____ Competent
____ Not Yet Competent
Recommendation: ___ For issuance of NC/COC ___ For submission of additional
Assessed by: ___________________________ Attested by:
Date: ____________________
Date: _________________________
Name of Candidate:
Title of Qualification/Cluster of Units of Competency: Food and Beverage Services II
Name of Assessment Center: _______________________________________
Assessment Results: ____ Competent
____ Not Yet Competent
Recommendation: ___ For issuance of NC/COC ___ For submission of additional
Assessed by: ___________________________ Attested by:
Date: ____________________
Date: _________________________
Name of Candidate:
Title of Qualification/ Cluster of Units of Competency:
Name of Assessment Center: _______________________________________
Assessment Results: ____ Competent
____ Not Yet Competent
Recommendation: ___ For issuance of NC/COC ___ For submission of additional
Assessed by: ___________________________ Attested by:
Date: ____________________
Date: _________________________
Module 1
Page 12
Name of Candidate:
Title of Qualification/ Cluster of Units of Competency:
Name of Assessment Center: _______________________________________
Assessment Results: ____ Competent
____ Not Yet Competent
Recommendation: ___ For issuance of NC/COC ___ For submission of additional
Assessed by: ___________________________ Attested by:
Date: ____________________
Date: _________________________
Appendix 3
Handout: Areas of Occupational Interests
A. Science
A1 Optometrist
A2 Doctor of
Radiologist/Orthopedic Surgeon
A3 Surgeon (All fields)
A4 Dermatologist
A5 Dentist
A6 Veterinary Medicine
A7 Forensic Analyst
B. Natural Sciences
Specialized Areas
B1 Biologist
B2 Botanist
B3 Zoologist
B4 Chemist
B5 Geologist
B6 Geographer
B7 Volcanologist/Seismologist
Allied Medicine
A8 Speech Pathologist/Physical
Therapist/Occupational Therapist
Allied Health Professions
A9 Nurse
A10 Medical Technologist
A11 Geneticist/DNA Analyst
A12 Pharmacist
A13 Food Technologist
Hospital Administration
A14 Hospital Manager
A15 Medical Supervisor
Health and Wellness Support Staff
Module 1
Page 13
Therapy Assistant
Nursing Aide/Caregiver
Laboratory Aide
Optical Aide
Laboratory Encoder/X-Ray
A21 Medical Transcriptionist
A22 Medical Secretary
Medical Sales
Representative/ Medical
Advertising Representative
A24 Hospital Utility Worker
A25 Gym Instructor
A26 Spa Aide
C. Aquaculture and
Specialized Areas
C1 Aquaculturist
C2 Agriculturist
C3 Forest Ranger
C4 Floriculturist
C5 Herbologist
Support Staff
C6 Fishing Boat Captain
C7 Fishing Crew
C8 Forester
C9 Farmer
C10 Canning Worker
C11 Plant Hobbyist
E. Business and Finance/Commerce
E1 Economist
E2 Banker
E3 Financial Analyst
E4 Accountant
E5 Budget Officer
E6 Bookkeeper
Module 1
D. Engineering
Specialized Areas
D1 Mechanical Engineer
D2 Biological Engineer
D3 Civil Engineer
D4 Safety Engineer
D5 Mining Engineer
D6 Electrical Engineer
D7 Agricultural Engineer
D8 Chemical Engineer
D9 Geodetic Engineer
D10 Marine Engineer
D11 Structural Engineer
Support Staff
D12 CP-Radio Technician/Electronic
Technician/Aircon Technician
D13 Car-Auto Machinist (Mechanic)
F. Professional Services
Specialized Area: Law
The Court
F1 Judge
F2 Lawyer
F3 Legal Associate
F4 Clerk of Court
F5 Legal Secretary/Legal Clerk
Page 14
E7 HR Manager
E8 Sales Manager
E9 Warehouse
Room Supervisor
E10 Marketing Officer
E11 Advertising Executive
E12 Statistician/Actuarial
E13 Real State Broker
Support Staff
E14 On-line Sales Agent
E15 Call Center Agent
E16 Sales Clerk
E17 Sales Representative
E18 Store Keeper
E19 Cashier
E20 Sales Record Officer
E21 Office Clerk
E22 Sales Promoter/Promo
E23 Small Scale Store Owner
E24 Security Guard
G. Personal Services
Transportation and Travel
Transportation: Specialized Areas
G1 Aviation-Pilot
G2 Air Tower Comptroller
G3 Air-Radio Comptroller
G4 Marine Ship Captain
G5 Chief Mate
Support Staff
G6 Flight Attendant
G7 Aircraft Technician
G8 Airline Ground Crew
G9 Seaman
G10 Messman/Cook
G11 Driver
G12 Ticketing Clerk
Module 1
Specialized Area: Education
F6 Pre-school Teacher
F7 Elementary School Teacher
F8 High School Teacher
F9 College Professor
F10 (Post) Professor in Graduate
School Masters or Ph.D.
School Administration
F11 School Head
F12 Registrar
Guidance and Counseling
F13 Guidance Counselor
Support Staff
F14 Librarian
F15 Teacher Aide/ School Aide
F16 Technical-Vocational Aide
F17 School Clerk
F18 School Janitor
F19 School Canteen Helper
F20 School Security Officer
H. Computers and Technology
IT and Cyber Services
H1 Web Designer
H2 Web Analyst
H3 Web Programmer/Software
H4 Computer
Games Programmer
H5 IT Instructor
H6 Database Analyst
Support Staff
H7 Animator/Cartoonist
H8 Data Encoder
H9 Computer Repairman/
Computer Technician
H10 Computer Clerk
Page 15
Tourism and Hospitality Industry
Hotel Administration
G13 Hotel and HR Manager
G14 HR Supervisor
G15 Hotel/Building Maintenance
H11 Computer Aide
H12 Computer Drafter
H13 IT Sales Clerk
Hotel Support Staff
G16 Front Desk Clerk/Reservation
Clerk/Billing Clerk
G17 Chef/Pastry/Bread Maker
G18 Barista
G19 Hotel Attendant
G20 Elevator Attendant
G21 Chambermaid
Tourism Support Staff
G22 Travel Agent
G23 Tour Guide
I. Media and Communication
Communication and Broadcasting
I1 Mass Communication Journalist
I2 Newscaster
I3 News Editor
I4 Radio Announcer
I5 Sound Engineer
Support Staff
I6 TV Operator
I7 Cameraman
I8 Radio Technician
I9 Dubber
I10 Voice over Talent
I11 Proofreader
I12 Caricaturist
I13 Comics Illustrator
I14 Photographer
K. Architecture and Construction
Professional Services
K1 Building Architect/Architect
K2 Landscape Architect
K3 Interior Designer
K4 Surveyor
K5 Real Estate Developer
Module 1
J. Community Services
Community Governance
Administration and Specialized
J1 Barangay Officer
J2 Barangay Health Official
J3 Social Worker
Community Support Staff
J4 Barangay Cleaners
J5 Barangay Clerk
J6 Barangay Aide
J7 Rescue Volunteer
L. The Arts
The Performing Arts Theater,
Movies and Television Program
Theater/Movie Professionals
L1 Director
L2 Artist/Actor
L3 Film Maker
Page 16
Construction Service and Support
K6 Foreman
K7 Mason
K8 Pipe Welder
K9 Painter
K10 Wood Carver
K11 Iron Grill Welder
K12 Pottery Maker
K13 Building Aide
Theater and Movie Support Staff
L5 Set Designer
L6 Lights Designer
L7 Costume Designer
Other Artistic Areas: Painting,
Music and Literary Works
L8 Musical Composer or Arranger
L9 Book Author
L10 Water Color Painter
K14 Landscaper
K15 Carpenter
M. Fashion
Garments/Hairstyle/Cosmetics Parlor
Services/Jewelry and Accessories
Garments, Linens and Textile
M1 Fashion Designer
M2 Master Cutter
M3 T-shirt Designer
M4 Silk Screen Maker
M5 Textile Technician
M6 Fabric Wholesaler
M7 Curtains/Bedding Sewer
Hairstyle, Cosmetics and
Other Parlor Services
M8 Make-up Artist
M9 Hair Stylist
M10 Hair Cutter
M11 Hair Spa Aide
M12 Manicurist
N. Military and Law Enforcement
Military Services
N1 Military Officer
N2 Air Force Officer
N3 Military Training Officer
N4 Camp Strategist
Law Enforcement
N5 Police Officer
N6 Prison Warden
N7 Police Desk Officer
N8 Investigator
N9 Police Aide
N10 Traffic Enforcer
N11 Criminologist
N12 Fingerprint Analyst
Jewelry and Fashion
M13 Jewelry Maker/Goldsmith
M14 Beadworks Maker
M15 Shoe Maker
M16 Bag Maker
O. Spiritual Vocation
Module 1
Page 17
O1 Priest/Pastor/Imam
O2 Spiritual Counselor/Nun
Appendix 4
List of Business Ideas in the Philippines
1. Web Development and SEO (Search
Engine Optimization)
2. Online Selling
3. Food Cart
4. Free Range Farming
5. Sari-sari Store
6. Garage Sale
7. T-shirt Design/Printing
8. Bakeshop
9. Catering
10. Natural Beauty Products Selling
11. Giveaways, Souvenirs and
12. Franchising
13. Outsourcing
14. Money Remittance Business
15. Real Estate Buy and Sell
16. Event Planning and Organizing
17. Pawnshop
18. Warehouse and Office Equipment
19. Online Trading/Auction
20. Micro-Lending Company
21. Water Refilling Station
22. Flower Shop
23. Fishing Business
24. Meat Shop
25. Laundry shop
26. Rice Retailing
27. Home Made Accessories
28. Vegetable Stand
29. Small Eatery or Canteen
30. Yoga Class
31. Architectural Firm
32. Law Firm
33. Air Charter Services
34. Hotel Supplies
35. Wine Depot/Liquor Shop
Module 1
Wedding Planner
Video Producing
Candle Making
Candy Making
Card Making and Designs
Scrapbook Making
Pet Grooming
Landscaping Services
E-book Selling
Tarpaulin Printing Business
Restaurant Business
Barber shop/Beauty Salon
Cell Phone Loading Business
Ukay-Ukay Business
Street Food Business
Appliance Repair Business
Dance Instructor/tutorial Business
Travel and Tours
Money Exchange Business
Fitness Coach
Cold Food and Beverages Selling
Headhunting Business
Wedding Photography &
App Development
Launch a Hotel in Boracay
French Fries
Hamburger Stall
Fried Chicken Stall
Ice Cream
Page 18
Appendix 5
Activity Sheet No. 2
My Entry Point in the Exit
Directions: Draw a symbol to represent the life and career you imagine to have after
entering your chosen curriculum exit. Briefly explain why you have chosen the
Module 1
Page 19
Appendix 6
Journal Reflection No. 1
My Meaningful Exit from Senior High School
(Use your journal notebook for Career Guidance.)
Module 1
Page 20
Appendix 7
Activity Sheet No. 3
My Plan to Exit
Directions: Write your occupational interest based on your preference and plan after
senior high school.
1. In the fourth column (Employment), write your preferred kind/nature of work if
you plan to proceed to this exit and indicate when.
2. In the fifth column (Entrepreneurship), write the specific business industry you
want to pursue if you plan to proceed to this exit and indicate when.
3. In the sixth column (Higher Education), write the specific course if you plan to
proceed to this exit and indicate when.
4. In the seventh column (Middle Level Skills Development), put the specific
skilled courses if you plan to proceed to this exit and indicate when.
based on
and plan after
Senior High
Rank 1
Career or
based on
Occupational Interest
Preferred Curriculum Exit
Rank 2
Rank 3
Module 1
Page 21
2 Discovering the Cs
Your learners are now another step closer to achieving life and career success!
From the previous module, the learners were able to identify their curriculum
exit. Understanding where to start their career whether from employment,
entrepreneurship, middle-level skills, or higher education upon graduation will give
them better chances of success.
In this module, they will learn the relationship of academic achievement to life
and career success. This module will help encourage the learners to strive harder in
pursuing their respective strands and tracks, and consequently improve their
academic standing. The module is also designed for learners to utilize the Labor
Market Information (LMI) for various job opportunities. Finally, they will be able to
identify the seven Cs of lifelong skills that will prepare them to meet both the
occupational changes and changing individual needs associated with life and career.
So, let us now open the door and explore the Cs of life and career!
Total Time Allotment: 120 minutes
Materials Needed
Module 2 slide decks
LCD projector
background music/carnival carousel music
Guess Who? (slide decks)
My Hierarchy of Cs sheets
Labor Market Carousel sheets
Let’s Make It Work sheets
Shaping Up Slip sheets
Module 2
Page 22
At the end of this module, the learners are expected to:
a. identify the different lifelong skills that respond to the changing nature of work;
b. relate academic achievement to life and career success;
c. express appreciation on the relationship of academic achievement to life and
career success; and
d. utilize the data on Labor Market Information (LMI) to better understand life
and career.
Motivation (15 minutes)
Guess Who?
A strong relationship between academic achievement and life and career
success has been identified in the lives of some of the most reputable
personalities in the country. In this activity, the learners will be asked to identify
the famous faces of successful people who are academic achievers. These
people who are highly regarded in the different fields of work will be shown to
allow the learners to identify themselves about their possible future life and
career. This activity does not only intend to provide a possible model for their
career but also to encourage them in improving their academic standing.
Note: In case computers and projectors are not available, pictures of the famous
faces should be printed beforehand. Read the descriptions as clues. You may
also localize by including prominent personalities in your community. However, it
is recommended that you refrain from using politicians as examples.
Sequence of the activity:
1. Show the slide deck of the game Guess Who?
2. Divide the class into the four groups. Before the learners go to their respective
groups, make sure that the instructions have been communicated clearly and
all questions regarding the mechanics of the activity have been settled.
Remind the learners to maintain proper decorum and avoid shouting and
disturbing other groups. Tell them that although they are having fun, respect
should always come first.
3. Ask the class to gather their group mates and find a space to settle. The first
group to raise a hand will be given the chance to answer.
4. Play Music 2 to commence the activity.
5. Flash the clues. The name together with the face of the person will be
revealed after exhausting all the clues.
6. The group with the highest points will be declared the winner.
Module 2
Page 23
Processing Questions:
After the activity, ask the learners the following questions:
1. How did you feel about the activity?
2. From what industry or profession do the famous people come from?
3. What do they have in common?
4. What is the relevance of good academic standing to career and life success?
5. How can this activity help you in your chosen career?
Main Activity (25 minutes)
Labor Market Carousel
Learners need to make informed decisions as they prepare for career and
vocation. With so many industries and jobs available, it is easy to get
overwhelmed and to wonder where to start. In this activity, they will be given a
chance to look into the industries and jobs available in their community
juxtaposed the needed skills to succeed in those fields. This activity will help
them plan and set goals based on the wide range of profession and vocation
available in their community.
Preparation of the Labor Market Carousel:
1. Print or photocopy the Labor Market Carousel sheets from the appendices.
Sheets of the same codes will go together. Paste the sheets on manila
papers or cartolina.
2. Using the four corners of the room, set up four stations each containing the
manila paper or cartolina with LMI sheets. See the appendices for the
sample layout.
3. Post the manila paper or cartolina. It is recommended to set up the carousel
creatively using various materials available at hand.
4. Ready the speakers and carnival carousel background music.
Sequence of the activity:
1. The previous groupings will be used for this activity. Remind the learners to
maintain proper decorum: avoid shouting and disturbing other groups.
Remind them that although they are having fun, respect should always come
first. Make sure that the instructions have been clearly been communicated
and all questions regarding the mechanics of the activity have been settled.
2. Play the carnival carousel background music.
3. Ask the class to gather their group mates and go to the first station. Every
three minutes, the group will move to the next station until every station has
been visited. Have the learners note some information from each station
specially those concerning their chosen profession. Make sure to go around
the class to monitor progress of each group. Provide guidance whenever
Module 2
Page 24
Processing Questions:
After the activity, ask the learners the following questions:
1. How did you find the activity?
2. What information did you find in the Labor Market Carousel?
3. How will you use the information you have acquired from the activity in
preparing for your chosen career?
4. In relation to your chosen career, what are some of the skills needed for
you to succeed in that particular sector/industry?
Lecturette (35 minutes)
The Changing Nature of Work
With the rapid pace of technological advances in the global labor market,
various occupations are continually being created. These demands open
doors to numerous job opportunities today and in the future.
In an article from the Society of Human Resource Management (2013),
five global trends affect the future of the global labor workforce:
Technology. In a highly digitized and connected world mainly driven by
smart devices, work is no longer limited to reporting to the office. On-line jobs
can be done at home.
Outsourcing. Today more than ever, companies try to cut on cost and save
resources. One practice by which they are able to do these is by outsourcing.
Outsourcing is getting portions of work done through outside suppliers rather
than completing it internally. The call center industry is an example of an
outsourcing practice that continues to expand in the country.
Changing workers’ attitude and values. Different generations exhibit
different qualities, attitudes, and values. Recent years have focused on
striking a balance between work and life. Workers need to love their work but
should have other interests outside the office, too.
Demographics and diversity. With better medical care, people are living
longer and life expectancy increases. In the next 10 years, five
generations―traditionalists, Boomers, Gen X, Gen Y, and Gen Z―will be
working together. Different generations must be able to capitalize on their
tools while working harmoniously with one another.
Globalization. Companies are extending their businesses on an international
scale. Some companies are on a 24-hour operation scheme to meet the
demands of their clients and the global market. The dispersion of work
geographically makes it possible to get work done.
Module 2
Page 25
Lifelong Learning
Lifelong learning is defined as “the ability to be responsive to change,
to be inquiring and reflective in practice, through information literacy and
autonomous self-managed learning” (Southern Cross University, 2017). This
may seem complex but in reality, it is a process that everyone needs to
undertake to grow as an individual may it be in life or career.
For the Grade 12 Career Guidance Program, we shall be defining
lifelong learning as the voluntary and self-motivated pursuit of personal and
career development. This pursuit can be applied on any of the different exits.
For example, if you choose to work after graduating, it would mean an
ongoing professional development; for entrepreneurs, it would mean
continuously exploring and expanding business interests; for middle level
skills, it would mean enhancing and upgrading your skills; and for higher
education, it would mean enrolling and exploring the opportunities in college.
This will continue throughout your life. You must be able to exhibit openness
and curiosity, and the willingness to investigate and consider knowledge and
ways of thinking. If you appreciate new ideas and seek new ways of learning
or understanding the world, you are ready for lifelong learning.
Module 2
Page 26
Seven Cs - 21st Century Lifelong Skills
You are now ready to learn the lifelong skills that will propel you to
succeeding in both life and career. These skills will guide you in adapting the
ever-changing demands of life and work. Let us take a look at each one of
Critical Thinking and Doing. This skill requires you to look at a problem with
“discerning eyes.” You should be able to see the flaws and errors and decide
on a solution. In a myriad of information, you have to develop this skill of
discriminating what is important and relevant. This entails research, analysis,
and decision-making. Application completes the steps. You need to follow
calculated steps and manage the implementation of your decision.
Creativity. Successfully turning new and imaginative ideas into reality is
needed to create and design best fit solutions. This includes innovation that
generates unique products and services or even new ways of doing things.
Collaboration. No one lives and survives alone. You need to engage and
work with others to survive. Empathy which is putting yourself in other
people’s shoes is needed for understanding. Compromising and communitybuilding can only be achieved by looking at someone else’s perspective and
situation as well.
Cross-Cultural Understanding. Every day, millions of people around the
globe travel for education, leisure, business, and profession. Keeping yourself
level-headed and respectful of the many differences among cultures will
enable you to live peacefully with the peoples of the world.
Communication. You are not only communicating to be understood but also
in order not to be misunderstood. Therefore, another skill that must be
developed is your ability to craft ideas and messages and deliver them in a
manner that is clear and purposeful.
Computing/ICT Literacy. Effective use of digital devices will enable you to
communicate, collaborate, and advocate. You must keep yourself abreast
with the many advances in the technology to keep yourself relevant.
Career and Learning Self-Reliance. Throughout your life you must be able
to grow, redefine, and reinvent yourself. This means being able to develop
yourself by managing change and adapting to it. Just like what Heraclitus
said, “The only thing that is constant is change.”
Module 2
Page 27
Processing Questions:
After the lecture, ask the learners the following questions:
1. What are the five global trends that affect the global workforce? How can
knowing these help you as a Grade 12 student?
2. How will lifelong learning help you succeed in life and career?
3. Do you agree with Heraclitus’s statement that “The only thing that is
constant is change”? Explain.
4. How will you implement the seven Cs of lifelong skills in your life and
Application (20 minutes)
Let’s Make It Work
At this time, the learners should already know how to utilize the Labor Market
Information. Give each learner a copy of the Let’s Make It Work sheet. Based
on the LMI, ask the learners to fill out the table. At the bottom, learners will
complete the sentences that will examine the prospects of their chosen
Module 2
Page 28
Reflection (10 minutes)
Hierarchy of Cs
The learners will create their Hierarchy of Cs by filling in the spaces of the
pyramid with the appropriate lifelong skills. An assessment of one’s self will
enable them to reflect on the levels of their lifelong skills so that they may
highlight their advanced skill while working on the ones that need
development. At the bottom, learners will have to complete the sentences that
would signify their commitment in maintaining, enhancing and improving their
Evaluation (10 minutes)
Shaping Up Slip
Give each learner a copy of the Shaping Up Slip. The learners will be asked
to fill in the shapes with the appropriate responses by group. The heart must
be filled in with the learnings they “loved and enjoyed;” the circle with the
learning they found “essential to know;” and the rectangle with the learning
they found “interesting to know.” This activity will help the learners track their
own learning and the teachers collect data to improve teaching or strategies.
VIII. Assignment (5 minutes)
Ask the learners to bring their Mini Me, Career Information Worksheet, LMI list
of KEGs (from Module 2 Grade 11 CGP), and list of Hard and Soft Skills (from
Module 5 Grade 11 CGP). If the learner does not have the materials, a
session on Grade 11 Career Guidance Program, Module 3 may be
conducted. Finally, instruct the learners to prepare their Grade 11 general
weighted average (GWA) to be used for the next module.
Module 2
Page 29
The Choice of Choosing
The choice of choosing is an ultimate freedom granted to all human beings.
This freedom of choosing can be best enjoyed to its fullest when practiced with
responsibility. The choice of a profession is one of the lifetime decisions that every
individual shall make. Self-introspection and careful self-analysis can be concrete
bases for decision making. This module will provide you with an avenue to explore
within yourself and thus enjoy the benefit and freedom of responsible choosing.
Total Time Allotment: 120 minutes
Letter to the Teacher
You have to prepare yourself mentally, psychologically, emotionally and
physically before giving this Module. There is a great possibility of engaging in
“Transference” wherein you are already the one sharing your issues triggered by the
learners’ sharing. The attainment of its purpose, which is to provide an opportunity
for the learners to examine themselves in relation to their chosen profession,
academic achievement, and realities in life, is highly expected. You may also
coordinate with the respective Registered Guidance Counselors for a possible premodule orientation regarding the processing of learners’ responses.
Tips to the Teacher for the conduct of this Module
1. This module can be scheduled to a maximum of two hours only.
2. You must be aware and should practice “traffic” in the course of sharing.
3. You may hold a teacher-student conference if there are many unshared
4. You may use a bell or a buzzer in case the class becomes unruly or too noisy
during sharing.
5. All issues that transpired at the course of disclosure/sharing must be kept
confidential in observance with the law on the protection of learners; if there is a
need to divulge the information for professional help, ask the permission of the
6. Sharing must be confined to career only. Teachers shall refer sensitive, technical
and cases beyond their capability to any Registered Guidance Counselor within
the Division or Region or any proper authority for appropriate action.
Materials Needed
Mini Me Doll (from Module 3 Grade 11 CGP)
My Career Information Sheet (from Module 3 Grade 11 CGP)
Copy of Grade 11 Grades (from the Adviser)
LMI List of KEGs (from Module 2 Grade 12 CGP)
list of Personal Hard and Soft Skills (from Module 5 Grade 11 CGP)
Module 3
Page 30
bell or buzzer
audio file/music for relaxation or meditation
Career Analysis Profile
At the end of this module, the students are expected to:
1. analyze their academic achievement based on their desired profession
and realities in life;
2. identify their bases for choosing their profession; and
3. discuss their personal experiences in choosing a profession with the
guidance and support of parents or significant others.
Motivation(8 minutes)
Mini Me Game
1. Ask the learners to look for a partner with the same characteristics as they
have like the following: (variations may be used)
a. month of birthday
b. shoe size
c. color of socks
d. color of handkerchief
2. Tell the learners to say Hi/Hello to their partner’s Mini Me by introducing
their selected profession (Hello, I’m a fire officer.)
3. Instruct them that after a Hi or Hello, the partners will share their answers
to the questions. Ask one question for each round.
a. Do you feel you can enjoy living the life of your chosen profession?
How can you say so?
b. Do you think your parents are supportive of your chosen profession?
c. What limitations have you encountered in choosing your profession?
4. After one minute, tell them that they will look again for another partner and
repeat nos. 2 and 3.
5. After the game, ask some learners to share to the class their experience
during the game.
Main Activity (83 minutes)
The Circle of Choices
1. Ask the class to form a circle and let them bring out their Career
Information Sheet and the copy of their grades (GWA of Grade 11).
2. Let the learners sit beside their classmates with the same chosen
curriculum exit (Trabaho, Kolehiyo, Negosyo).
3. Use various relaxation methods to create an ambiance for sharing such as
music, mantra, breathing exercise or silence.
Module 3
Page 31
4. Set agreements for the sharing.
Agreements for Sharing:
a. One sharer at a time.
b. Everything within the circle remains in the circle (confidentiality of
information among all the learners).
c. Respect each other’s feelings, emotions and sharing by observing
silence at the course of the activity.
d. The activity is covered by the provisions of DepEd Order No. 40, s.
2012 entitled Child Protection Policy.
e. The class may also provide additional agreements for sharing.
5. Make a creative way of selecting a learner who will start the sharing (spin
a bottle, select a number, left or right, fishbowl)
6. Show or present the guide questions.
Guide Questions:
a. Looking at your Career Information Worksheet, does your academic
achievement affect your choice of the career? In what way?
1) Yes. As a STEM student, I’m dreaming of becoming a civil
engineer however, my grades are below 80. I may survive the
Grade 12 yet I may not be qualified to enter college since there
may be a qualifying average or grade for engineering courses.
2) No. With my current grades, I do believe that I be easily hired
the moment they will look at my credentials.
b. What are your anticipations or apprehensions between your chosen
profession and the reality of your life in relation to achieving your goal?
7. Let the learners share based on the guide questions. (two minutes per
learner for approximately 40 learners per class)
8. Be aware of the time allotment.
9. After the last sharer, affirm the openness of the learners in a creative way
(hug each other, tap each other’s shoulder, etc.)
10. After affirming the class, highlight and consolidate their sharing and
provide a synthesis that will provide a bridge to the next activity.
Sample synthesis:
Thank you for being open and for trusting the group with your inner
thoughts and feelings. We may encounter different realities; however, we must
remain focused on our goals, dreams and aspirations. It is important that when
we make decisions, the choice that we make should be an informed one. In
order to know more about your realities and your directions in life, you will fill
up the Career Analysis Profile.
Module 3
Page 32
Application (22 minutes)
Career Analysis Profile
1. Distribute the Career Analysis Profile (Sheets A and B) to all learners.
2. Learners will utilize information or data learned such as:
a. Mini Me (Module 3, Grade 11 Career Guidance Module)
b. My Career Information Sheet (Module 3, Grade 11 Career Guidance
c. Labor Market Information (Module 2, Grade 12 Career Guidance
d. Personal Experiences (e.g., Beliefs and Values)
3. Out of the data, each learner will fill out Sheet A. You may look at the filled
out Career Analysis Profile as a guide. An example is provided.
4. Explain the content of the filled out Career Analysis Profile.
5. The learners will then complete the sentences in Sheet B using the
information they wrote in Sheet A.
Reflection (6 minutes)
1. What are your insights or realizations about the activities?
2. Ask volunteers from each track or strand to share their Career Analysis
“Pitiful is the person who is afraid of taking risks. Perhaps this person will
never be disappointed or disillusioned; perhaps he/she won’t suffer the way
people do when they have a dream to follow. But when that person looks
back―and at some point everyone looks back―she will hear her heart
saying, “What have you done with the miracles that God planted in your days?
What have you done with the talents God bestowed on you? You buried
yourself in a cave because you were fearful of losing those talents. So this is
your heritage; the certainty that you wasted your life.”
~Paulo Coelho, By the River Piedra I Sat Down and Wept
Assignment (1 minute)
Instruct the learners to do the following:
1. Conduct an information interview (Use the form in the Appendices) that will
be used in Module 4.
2. Write in their journals their insights and/or reflections about their
experience of Module 3.
Module 3
Page 33
Employment, accessed August 08, 2017
http://ble.dole.gov.ph/index.php/career-guide, Bureau of Local Employment,
accessed August 08, 2017
DepEd Order No. 40, s. 2012 entitled Child Protection Policy
DepEd, Module 3, Grade 11 Career Guidance Module
DepEd, Module 1, Grade 12 Career Guidance Module
DepEd, LMI-List of KEGs, Module 2 Grade 12Career Guidance Module
Module 3
Page 34
Career Analysis Profile Sheet A
Name: Sophia
Preferred Exit: Entrepreneur
“Ang kakaunti
kapag palagi
ay nagiging
Age: 19 yo
Region: V
1st choice: Buy and Sell
2nd choice: Establish a stall
I do not have enough
capital to start a
“Basta may
tiyaga may
Ability to work
Listening and
My parents are not
supportive of my
decision to put up a
business since they
want me to take a
degree course.
The community has no
existing businesses that
are similar to my desired
Labor Market
GWA Gr11
85 – Very
Wellness and
Hotels and
Wholesale and
Retail Trade
There are upcoming
construction companies
that will construct a
football stadium in my
Module 3
Page 35
Career Analysis Profile Sheet A
Name: Gabriel
Preferred Exit: Trabaho
starts with
Sex: Male
1st choice: Waiter/Housekeeping
Age: 18 yo
Strand/Track: TVL – HE
2nd choice: HRM
I need to work since I
do not have the means
to enroll in college.
Can work
under pressure
Pagsilbi sa
Motor Skills
(e.g., lifting)
Listening and
Spatial skills
I want to enroll in HRM
but it is not offered in
my locality.
There are some hotels
or restaurants in the
I possess skills that
may help me survive
and thrive in the world
of work.
Region: VI
Labor Market
GWA Gr11
83 – Satisfactory
Wellness and
Hotels and
Real Estate
Module 3
Page 36
Career Analysis Profile Sheet A
Name: Christian
Sex: Male
Age: 18 yo
Strand/Track: ACAD-HUMSS
Region: VII
Preferred Exit: Kolehiyo
1st choice: BS in Secondary Education (Social Studies)
2nd choice: BS in Social Work
Labor Market
pagsisilbi sa
bayan ang
gampanin ng
“The welfare
of the people
is the
supreme law.”
Can work
under pressure
Pagmamahal sa
Malasakit sa
Listening and
Critical Thinking
and Technology
I easily get tired.
The distance of the
higher education
institution is far from
my place. It would
take a boat ride and
another two hours bus
I might be disqualified
from the application
process since I have
not performed well.
My family is very
supportive of my plan.
GWA Gr11
75 – Fairly
Wellness and
Hotels and
and Retail
Transport and
Real Estate
Module 3
Page 37
Career Analysis Profile Sheet A
Name: ___________________________________
Preferred Exit: _______________
Module 3
Sex: ____
Age: _____ Strand/Track: ____________________ Region: _____
First choice: _________________________
Second choice: ___________________
Labor Market
Page 38
Career Analysis Profile Sheet B
1. I am (name)
2. I am ______ years old.
3. I am enrolled in (track/strand)
4. I am planning to (curriculum exit)
5. I believe that
6. I have the following values
7. I have the following soft skills
8. I have the following hard skills
9. I have the following realities in life
Module 3
Page 39
10. The Labor Market Information in my Region shows that the following sectors
are Key Employment Generators
11. I have a General Weighted Average of _______________________which is
described as____________________________________________________.
Career Analysis Profile Sheet B
1. I am Sophia.
2. I am 19 years old.
3. I am enrolled in (track/strand) Academic – GAS.
4. I am planning to (curriculum exit) become an entrepreneur – Buy and Sell or
later become an established owner of a stall.
5. I believe that earning a small amount when stable becomes abundant and hard
work bears much fruit.
6. I believe in the values of industry, determination and honesty.
7. I have the following soft skills: interpersonal skills, ability to work under
pressure, patience, adaptability, listening and speaking skills, time
management, decision making, and conflict resolution skills.
8. I have the following hard skills: computing, planning, analyzing, and counting.
9. I have the following realities in life: I do not have enough capital to start a
business and my parents are not supportive of my decision to put up a business
since they want me to take a degree course. However, there are no existing
businesses in my community that are similar to my desired business and there
are upcoming construction companies that will construct a football stadium in
my town.
10. The Labor Market Information in my Region shows that the following sectors
are Key Employment Generators: Agribusiness; Construction; IT-BPM; Health,
Module 3
Page 40
Wellness, and Tourism; Hotels and Restaurants; and Wholesale and Retail
11. I have the General Weighted Average of 85% which is described as Very
Career Analysis Profile Sheet B
1. I am Gabriel.
2. I am 18 years old.
3. I am enrolled in Technological Vocational Livelihood (TVL) – Home Economics.
4. I am planning to become a waiter or land on a job where I can practice my
housekeeping skills.
5. I believe that great success starts with small beginnings.
6. I have the values of diligence, determination, being industrious, honesty, and
service with others.
7. I have following soft skills: negotiating, interpersonal skills, can work under
pressure, patience, adaptability, listening and speaking, time management,
decision-making, and conflict resolution.
8. I have the following hard skills: computing, planning, analyzing, organizing,
motor skills (e.g., lifting), balancing and spatial skills.
9. I have the following realities in life: I need to work since I do not have the means
to enroll in college, I want to enroll in HRM but it is not offered in my locality,
however, there are some hotels or restaurants in my community where I can
work and, I possess skills that may help me survive and thrive in the world of
10. The Labor Market Information in my Region shows that the following sectors
are Key Employment Generators: Agribusiness; Construction; IT-BPM; Health,
Wellness, and Tourism; Hotels and Restaurants; Manufacturing; and Real
11. That I have a General Weighted Average of 83% which is described as
Career Analysis Profile Sheet B
1. I am Christian.
Module 3
Page 41
2. I am 18 years old.
3. I am enrolled in Academic Humanities and Social Sciences.
4. I am planning to enroll in college and take up a Bachelor’s degree in Secondary
Education major in Social Studies or Bachelor of Science in Social Work as a
second preference.
5. I believe that serving the country is the primary responsibility of its citizenry and
the welfare of the people is the supreme law.
6. I have the values of diligence, honesty, love of country and altruism.
7. I have the following soft skills: negotiating, interpersonal skills, can work under
pressure, patience, adaptability, listening and speaking, public speaking, time
management, decision- making, conflict resolution, and flexibility.
8. I have the following hard skills: computing, planning, analyzing, attending,
critical thinking, information communication, and technology skills.
9. I have the following realities in life: I easily get tired, the Higher Education
Institution is far from my place and it would take a boat ride and another two
hours bus ride to get there. I might be disqualified from the application process
since I did not perform well. However, my family is very supportive of my plan.
10. The Labor Market Information in my Region shows that the following sectors
are Key Employment Generators: Agribusiness; Construction; IT-BPM; Health,
Wellness, and Tourism; Hotels and Restaurants; Wholesale & Retail Trade;
Mining; Transport and Logistics; Manufacturing; Real Estate; and Education.
11. I have a General Weighted Average of 75% which is described as Fairly
Table of Grade
Module 3
Numerical Value
Very Satisfactory
Fairly Satisfactory
Did not Meet
Below 75
Page 42
Realities in Life – This is a catch-all phrase of actual life conditions that
encompass the different aspects such as physical, economical, relational,
sociological, political, etc. and the like related to or may affect the career
choices of the learner.
Hard Skills – These are specific, teachable abilities that can be defined and
measured, such us encoding, writing, reading and the ability to use software
Soft Skills – These are less tangible and harder to quantify, such as etiquette,
getting along with others, listening and engaging in small talks.
Labor Market Information – This is a DOLE material that contains data or which
provides timely, relevant, and accurate signals on the current labor market such
as in-demand jobs and skills shortages by developing client specific LMI
education and communication materials.
The material is part of the commitment of DOLE to support the Career
Guidance Advocacy Program that seeks to promote career guidance as a tool
in assisting jobseekers particularly students in making informed career choices.
Key Employment Generators (KEG) – These are industries/sectors identified by
the DOLE with the greatest potential to generate employment.
Module 3
Page 43
Module 4
Myself in Another Person’s
Page 44
Introduction (5 minutes)
As the old-aged saying connotes,
your role as a teacher is to open doors
of possibilities for the learners under
your care. But you must also accept the
fact that you cannot let them trudge the
path you want them to take. You cannot
decide on their behalf. You cannot force
them to chew the chunks of information
you served them. Be as it may, you
have a crucial role in preparing your
learners to pack their individual bags
and take their own journey toward the
realization of what they envision to
This module will help you make your learners realize that their dreams in the
future could be achieved a step closer with the help of people who are in the
profession or business that they envision to be in the future. Your inputs through the
different activities that they will undergo will keep their enthusiasm burning to pursue
their career choice.
Continue the learning journey through this module and help your learners
affirm more their desire of becoming who they want to be in the future.
Total Time Allotment: 120 minutes
hard and soft copy of the PowerPoint presentation for the learners
Activity Sheet No. 1: Informational Interview template
Activity Sheet No. 2: Tracing the Trail
Activity Sheet No. 3: Career Roadmap
Activity Sheet No. 4: Fitting in Another Person’s Shoes
Reflection notebook/paper
manila paper and markers
cut out pictures for the road map (optional)
At the end of this module, the students are expected to:
1. analyze the information gathered from people that will help affirm their
decision in choosing the career or curriculum exit;
2. evaluate the role of selected people with the chosen career or curriculum exit
in terms of their beliefs, attitude and skills; and
3. make a career road map as an expression of commitment to one’s chosen
career or curriculum exit.
Module 4
Page 45
Brisk Walk Down Memory Lane (5 minutes)
Where are your learners now in terms of achieving their dreams? What have
they already done? Are they already geared up to take a step farther upon
completion of the Grade 11 modules? Have your learners take a brisk walk down
their memory lane. Let them recall various milestones in their plan of action
toward the realization of their dreams. Here is a poem that will help them revisit
their decisions. Afterwards, let them reflect by answering the follow-up questions.
Chasing Dreams
You’ve come this far,
Where else would you want to go?
You’ve reached this far,
What else would you want to do?
Chase your dreams.
Follow your heart.
Keep moving forward.
Always pray hard.
Life offers a lot of choices
But do not make a choice in haste.
Nothing is served in silver platter
Take your time, pray for it.
You’ve come this far,
But there’s more in store.
You’ve reached this far,
Move on…conquer… soar high.
– Jimmie
Questions for Reflection (10 minutes)
1. What is the message of the poem?
2. Which line or lines in the poem do you like best? Why?
3. What does the poem want you to do with every milestone you achieve?
Module 4
Page 46
Main Activity
Activity 1: Packing Up for the Journey and Journeying Together
(10 minutes)
Group Activity
Materials Needed:
 data gathered from the informational interview
(Given as an assignment in Module 3)
 Worksheet 1 templates
 manila paper with marker
1. Divide the class into small groups of five members based on the similarities
of the profession or job of the person they interviewed.
2. Provide manila paper and marker for each group.
3. Let the learners go over their individual findings gathered from the
Informational Interview. Allow them to share this with their group.
4. After the sharing, let each group identify the beliefs, attitude and skills of the
professionals/businessmen they have interviewed.
5. Let them write their answers on the manila paper using the template below.
Here is an example.
Profession or Job of the Person Interviewed
Ex. Honest in reporting
Ex. Careful in
accomplishing assigned
Ex. Good in computing
or working with
Processing Questions: (20 minutes)
1. What beliefs, values, and skills have you observed that are helpful in
becoming a successful professional or entrepreneur? Why do you say so?
2. Were there common characteristics of the people you interviewed in terms of
their beliefs, attitude and skills? What are those characteristics?
3. Are there characteristics exclusively possessed by a certain person you
interviewed? What are those characteristics?
4. How did you feel while interviewing these people?
5. What characteristics do you have that you believea are similar to those you
interviewed? What do you plan to do about these characteristics?
Module 4
Page 47
Info-Bits (15 minutes)
It has been said that first-hand information can be a very rich source of
information for learners. These are the information (the beliefs, attitude and
skills) and success stories that we get from people who inspire us and make us
feel more enthusiastic about pursuing our goals. This is also called
Observational Learning.
Observational Learning happens when one learns by observing another
person perform a specific task. Observational Learning or the Social Learning
theory focuses on the social context of learning and proposes that we can learn
from another by observation, imitation or by modeling. Albert Bandura (1977)
endeavored to understand the cognitive processes associated with people’s
interaction with one another. Social Learning theorists say that learning can
take place simply by observing other actions and the subsequent outcomes of
those actions.
It is from this context that the Grade 12 learners are given assignment to
observe a person with whom they want to emulate in the future using the
informational interview form (attached in the appendix). By shadowing the
person or the “More Knowledgeable Other” or MKO (Vygotsky, 2014) in his
place of work and by asking pertinent questions based on the observation tool
that was crafted, it is believed that these new information will help them in
cementing their decisions to pursue their chosen career.
Informational observation also strengthens the claim of the creative job
hunting principle (Woodcock, 2014) where it says that the best way to choose a
career is to talk to people doing the job and to try it out via work shadowing and
experience. There is a lot of truth in the statement that you don’t really know
what it’s like until you have been doing it for a while: at least shadowing gives
you a good idea of what’s involved.
The idea of the observation is to promote a learning context where the
learners play an active role and become responsible for their own learning. The
role of the teacher therefore is to closely collaborate with learners to facilitate
meaningful learning experiences they acquired.
Choosing the right course is a big decision and it
is important to get it right, as it can impact future
success. Career awareness and self-awareness go
hand-in-hand. This is the other idea behind why
learners need to have enough information profile about
the career they want to undertake through the
informational observation. In so doing, the learners
could be taken away from the idea that luck,
unpredictable social factor, chance, beliefs and environmental factors play a
major role in one’s success in life as suggested by the Happenstance Theory
(Krumboltz, 2008).
Module 4
Page 48
As Stephen Covey says from his famous book The 7 Habits of Highly
Effective People, “Begin with the end in mind.” We encourage our learners to
visualize what they wanted to become and they are already on their first step of
achieving their goals.
Relative to this, encourage them to craft their own career road map by
taking into consideration the information they gathered during their observation
and the learning they acquired through the different activities. While we
encourage creativity, do bear in mind that the content and direction of their
career road map plays a more important thing and the visual effect comes only
secondary. Instructions on crafting the career road map follow for a more
specific guide as to how the learners will craft their outputs.
Crafting a Career Road Map (5 minutes)
Having processed the different data gathered by the learners in the field
during the informational interview, they must be aware that there are attributes
of a person that needs to be learned in school and through participation to other
activities at home and in their respective communities. At this point, you may
guide your learners in crafting their own career road map.
According to an article by Cao (2013) a career road map outlines specific
steps to undertake for moving from one step to another in ways that will
facilitate growth and career advancement. This could be an illustration or
diagram that could easily be understood by the individual who crafted it.
Career road maps are flexible enough and could be revisited and revised
over time or as the circumstance warrants in order for the learner to keep track
of his progress or to address issues that hinder the achievement of the desired
The career road map, upon accomplishing should be communicated by
the learners to their parents/guardians or significant people whom they think in
one way or the other will be involved in the attainment of the desired goal. The
learners should specify the kind of help or support they expect from them. It is
also important to remind the learners to communicate to their support group the
specific steps they will take and the projected time frame of accomplishment. In
so doing, the learners will have an active support system that will help them out
in achieving their career goals from time to time.
Below is a sample template of a career road map. A separate worksheet is
attached in the appendix. However you can encourage the learners to come up
with their own designs.
Module 4
Page 49
Career Road Map (25 min.)
Plan of Action: Phase 1
Check your progress.
There might be
things that hinder
your progress and
need to be
(Obstacles; if there
are no obstacles, skip
loading station
number 3 and
proceed to the last
Describe what kind of
professional/businessman you
are. e. g., a world class owner of
a bakeshop/an in-demand civil
engineer both locally and
Give three things that
attract you in your
chosen career, e.g.,
high salary, in-demand
job in line with my skills
What plans do
you have in
mind to remove
the obstacles if
there is any?
Before going further, what do
you need in order to fulfill your
goals? List the resources you
will need to help you, e.g.,
money, support from people.
Now that you have chosen the
career you want to pursue, list
three goals that you must do.
Note: The learner may also choose to present the road map creatively. An example
below is suggested. However, the learner can still choose another way of presenting
Module 4
Page 50
Module 4
Page 51
Reflection (10 minutes)
Reflection Trail
Let the learners recall the trail (activities) that they have been through in
the module. Let them reflect by accomplishing the following activity. (Provide a
separate sheet for the learners to accomplish.)
Write a 2–3 sentence reflection about your significant learnings
in the following activities.
Up for the
Road Map
Module 4
Page 52
Evaluation (10 minutes)
Fitting in Another Person’s Shoes
Here is a concluding activity that will somehow encapsulate the concepts
needed to be learned by the learner and as a valuable take away when they
proceed to the next modules.
Let them accomplish the task and have a gallery of their outputs either by
hanging them as mobiles or posting them on the walls of the room as collage
for viewing.
The template is provided for this activity. Do not forget to process the
different outputs. The following reflection questions may help in processing and
re-affirming their decisions to keep on track in pursuing their career goals as
they have mapped out in their career road map. You can add more questions
as you see it necessary.
What helped you decide about the visions you made for yourself 10
years from now?
2. How do you intend to surpass the different obstacles that you foresee?
The following questions/items should be accomplished by the learners.
Let them write their answer inside the shoes.
1. I want to be ______________________ who is _______________.
(career choice)
2. What are the challenges that you foresee in achieving your career
Note: When you prefer the outputs to be hung as mobiles, be ready with small
clothespin and strings to be used as clothesline inside the classroom. When you
prefer it to be posted as collage on the walls, assign a specific area in the classroom
where the shoe outlines will be placed.
Module 4
Page 53
Assignment (5 minutes)
VMCV of My Future Company
Do you ever know of a company or a business enterprise that never
seems to accomplish very much because of lack of a mission statement, goals
or core values? If so, do you want to work in these companies or at least put
one for yourself in the future? Definitely, you do not want to end up in a mess
because of lack of direction. A company or an enterprise needs vision because
it provides the destination of the business or the enterprise; a mission
statement which is the guiding light of the destination, and so on.
From this standpoint, make a survey of the existing companies or
enterprises in your locality and ask for their own vision, mission, goals and core
values. You may use the template below to accomplish the task.
Core Values
Company or Enterprise’s Name
Module 4
Page 54
Appendix 1
Informational Interview
What is an informational interview? Is there really a need to do it? What benefits
can you get from it? Read the following information.
An Informational Interview is an activity where you will make an appointment
with a person who has similar career or business that you desire when you finish
Senior High School. You will get information about the job or business including the
company where that person belongs. This is to have a better understanding about
the job or business you are interested to pursue. In the interview, you will be given
the opportunity to seek information from the person about the beliefs, attitude and
skills needed related to his job or business. It aims to make you become more
informed about your career choice. You will need the information you will get to
compare and match it with your own interests, knowledge, and skills. In this way,
you can evaluate whether the job or business affirms to your career choice.
To better understand the job or business, you will also include in the interview
the mission statement and core values of the company or business of the person
you interviewed.
In addition, this interview will also help you develop your communication skills
and confidence as well.
Preliminaries before conducting the informational interview:
1. Interview someone who has a similar job or business with your career choice.
To help you identify the person or business owner to interview, ask assistance
from your friends, neighbors, family, teachers, alumni, or your barangay
officials. List at least three persons as possible interviewees. The first one to
be available will be your final interviewee.
2. Contact your potential interviewee by letter, email or phone. State your name
and that you are a Grade 12 learner. Tell him/her about your intention―why
you are contacting him/her and from whom you received his/her name.
Specify that you will just be asking for the opportunity to conduct an interview
about his/her job or business as a means of exploring on your dream job or
3. If he/she consents to be interviewed, ask for his/her most convenient time and
manner of interview (whether via phone or face-to-face). Request for 15–20
minutes for a phone interview, or 20–30 minutes for a face-to-face interview.
If possible, request for a face-to-face interview.
4. Respect the interviewee’s time by staying within the time frame agreed upon.
5. Assure the interviewee that the information you have gathered from him/her
will not be used for other purpose except for the assignment given. Express
your words of gratitude after the interview.
Module 4
Page 55
Activity Sheet No. 1
Name: (optional)
Highest Educational Attainment:
Name of Company (if employed):
No. of Years in the Job:
Type of Business (if there is any):
No. of Years in Business:
1. What are your typical job or business duties and responsibilities?
(Ano-ano po ang inyong mga tipikal na tungkulin at responsibilidad sa trabaho o
negosyong inyong pinapasukan?)
2. What are the necessary skills for this type of job or business?
(Ano-ano ang mga kasanayan o skills na kinakailangan sa trabaho o negosyo
Module 4
Page 56
3. What is the most satisfying aspect of your job or business?
(Ano po ang nagbibigay-kasiyahan sa inyo sa trabaho o negosyong inyong
4. What is the most challenging aspect of your job or business?
(Ano naman po ang mga hamon o balakid na nakikita ninyo sa inyong trabaho o
5. What are the personal characteristics, values and attitude that are needed in your
job or business?
(Ano-ano po ang mga katangian, kahalagahan, at saloobin na kinakailangan sa
trabaho o negosyo ninyo?)
6. Do you also possess these characteristics, values, and attitudes?
If yes, what are those that you possess?
(Mayroon din po ba kayong ng mga katangian, kahalagahan, at saloobing ito?
Kung mayroon, ano-ano po ang mga ito?)
Module 4
Page 57
PART II. Mission Statement, Guiding Principles, and Core Values
1. What are your guiding principles or beliefs that you are holding on to stay in your
job or business?
(Ano-ano pong mga prinsipyo at paniniwala ang inyong pinanghahawakan kung
bakit nananatili kayo sa inyong trabaho o negosyo?)
2. Does the company or business where you belong have a mission statement and
core values? If yes, what is the mission statement of your company? What are
its core values?
(Ang kompanya o negosyong inyong pinapasukan ay may sinusunod bang
pahayag na misyon (mission statement) at mga pagpapahalaga (core values)?
Kung oo, ano ang pahayag na misyon ng inyong kompanya o negosyo?
Ano-ano naman ang pagpapahalaga nito?
PART III. Advice and Suggestions
What is your advice for me as a Grade 12 learner who likes to enter in field of
work or business that you have or you are in?
(Anong payo po ang maibibigay ninyo sa isang mag-aaral sa Grade 12 na
katulad ko na nagbabalak ding pasukin sa hinaharap ang trabaho o negosyong
katulad ng sa inyo?)
Module 4
Page 58
Activity Sheet No. 2 Tracing the Trail (Reflection)
Name: ________________________________________Section: ______________
Write a 2–3 sentence reflection about your significant learnings in the
following activities.
Up for the
My Career
Road Map
Module 4
Page 59
Activity Sheet No. 3
Career Road Map
Plan of Action: Phase 1
Check your progress.
There might be
things tha hinder
your progress and
need to be
(Obstacles; if there
are no obstacles, skip
loading station
number 3 and
proceed to the last
Describe what kind of
professional/businessman you
are. e. g., a world class owner of
a bakeshop/an in-demand civil
engineer both locally and
Give three things that
attract you in your
chosen career, e.g.,
high salary, in-demand
job in line with my skills
What plans do
you have in
mind to remove
the obstacles if
there is any?
Before going further, what
would you need in order to
fulfill your goals? List the
resources you will need to help
you, e.g., money, support from
Module 4
Now that you have chosen the
career you want to pursue, list
three goals that you must do.
Page 60
Activity Sheet No. 4 Fitting in Another Person’s Shoes
1. Write your answer to the two items inside the shoe.
2. Cut out the outline and hang it as a mobile or post it as part of the other shoe
outlines of your classmates.
1. I want to be __________ who is _______________
(career choice)
2. What are the possible challenges you foresee in
achieving your career choice?
Note: This is for female learners only.
Module 4
Page 61
Appendix 2
Worksheet for Evaluation
1. Write your answer to the two items inside the shoe.
2. Cut out the outline and hang it as a mobile or post it as part of the other shoe
outlines of your classmates.
1. I want to be____________ who is _______________
(career choice)
2. What are the possible challenges you foresee in
achieving your career choice?
Note: This is for male learners only.
Module 4
Page 62
Bandura A. Social Learning Theory. Retrieved at
Cao J.( 2013). When developing a career path, what are the key elements to
include? Cornell University, ILR.
Covey S. (1989). The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People.
J L, Social Development Theory (Vygotsky),” in Learning Theories, July 23, 2014.
Image 1 (teachers open the door…)
Image 2 (Begin with…) https://s-media-cacheak0.pinimg.com/originals/0f/85/06/0f85063269c28bcc5fa78ffd03b4b6b8.jpg
The Careers Toolbox for Undergraduate Physics Students – Version 1.1 © American
Institute of Physics 2014. Retrieved from
Toews, M, 'Planned Happenstance – Krumboltz: An Emerging Theory', accessed December
2008, (www.cbe.ab.ca). retrieved at https://www.careers.govt.nz/resources/careerpractice/career-theory-models/krumboltzs-theory/
Woodcock, B. (2014). B.E.Woodcock@kent.ac.uk retrieved at
Vision and Mission Statements – a Roadmap of Where You Want to Go and How to
Get There. Retrieved at
Module 4
Page 63
Module 5
Future Combo, Activate!
Page 64
“It takes two to tango!”
This cliché emphasizes the need for people to work zealously in tandem with
others to make their endeavors succeed. The same holds true for the career
development of learners. While they consider the personal, academic, and familial
factors in their career development, they must likewise connect their life aspirations
to the pressing demands and trends in the local and global scenario. The word
combo, an abbreviated form of the word combination, signifies the convergence of
personal career choices to the actual needs in the labor market and industries.
By doing so, Grade 12 learners will be guided in fulfilling the vision of the
Department of Education that expects them to “contribute meaningfully in building
the nation.” This also ensures that learners are able to attain their life and career
goals vis-à-vis working for the greater interests of the country at the macro-level. To
help learners clearly determine the direction of their career choices, mission
statements become essential as the baseline of their career plans and actions. This
module intends to facilitate the learners’ ability to make such convergence possible.
Time Allotment (120 minutes)
Note: The following are the materials needed for this session. If there are alternative
resources, feel free to adjust the list of items below.
 meta cards
 double-sided tape, ordinary tape
 road trip signs
 pen marker
 manila papers
 LMI – List of KEGs – Module 3
 audio player
 laptop and projector
Objectives (5 minutes)
At the end of this module, the learners are expected to:
1. formulate mission statements in relation to life and career decisions aligned
to the curriculum exits;
2. link life and career decisions to the current demands and trends in the
regional and global level; and
3. appreciate how life and career decisions may contribute to national
Note to the Teacher-Facilitator: Provide an overview of what Module 5 is all
about, referring to the introduction and explaining the appropriateness of the
title to the objectives.
Module 5
Page 65
II. Motivation
The Five-Minute Mission (10 minutes)
1. For this activity, teacher will post a picture on the board or present it using
a slide presentation if a laptop and a projector are available (refer to the
Appendix sheet for a copy of the picture).
2. Ask the learners: What is their first reaction when they saw the picture?
What can they do to help the person in the situation? If they will set a
mission to change the condition reflected in the picture, what do you think
would they do?
3. Let them write their answers in meta cards or sheets of papers provided
and have these posted on the board or on manila paper adjacent to or
below the picture.
Processing Questions:
1. How did you find this activity?
2. Have you experienced doing a mission to help others? Have you ever
supported an organization’s mission for charitable purposes? Can you
relate the experience?
3. How did this charitable work affect you?
4. Will you be willing to volunteer for missions that will help others? Why?
Note to the Teacher-Facilitator: The teacher is encouraged to localize the
picture to be posted according to the current social concern in the community.
Main Activity
Ang Misyon Ko! Reality Check (25 minutes)
This section of the module will guide the students in formulating a
personal mission statement in relation to their life and career decisions.
1. Ask learners if they have some background information about mission
statements. Allow learners to share their mission statements if they have
2. Introduce the sample worksheet in the formulation of a personal mission
3. Let learners fill out the worksheet for their own personal mission statement.
Then, ask them to develop and finalize their statement.
4. A soft background music may be played to stimulate the learners while
formulating their mission statements.
Module 5
Page 66
Sample Worksheet for Personal Mission Statement
What is the most important thing or
event in your life right now that you
I treasure my being a good student; I
treasure my family. I believe that if I finish
SHS, I can help my family financially.
What do you want to accomplish 3–5
years from now?
Graduate from Senior High School
Enter college or find a work
Start a small business or enter TESDA
What do you consider an enjoyable
thing to do?
I am happy when I play guitar with my
friends and spend time with family.
I am happy when I join and win in Math
What do you wish to become?
I dream of becoming a singer someday.
I plan to become an engineer someday.
I want to have my own restaurant.
What can you do best?
I am excellent in playing musical
I work best in solving mathematical
I am an expert in cooking variety of
What do you love to do?
Composing songs, singing
Calculating, making analysis
Experimenting new dishes
What kind of reputation do you want to
How can you help in nation-building?
I want people to see myself as a
responsible, industrious and competent
I can contribute to nation-building by
excelling in my chosen career and by
serving my fellow Filipinos in the best way
I can.
Source of template:
Final Personal Mission Statement:
Module 5
Page 67
I am a committed student who aspires to graduate from SHS to be able to
proceed to (college, work, enterprising, TESDA). I will strive to achieve this for my
family by maximizing my strengths in (state your passion and strengths). I am a
responsible, industrious and competent worker. I could be of contribution to nationbuilding by excelling in my chosen career and by serving my fellow Filipinos in the
best way I can.
Now, it’s your turn:
Sample Worksheet for Personal Mission Statement
What is the most important thing or event in your
life right now that you treasure?
What do you want to accomplish 3–5 years from
What do you consider an enjoyable thing to do?
What do you wish to become?
What can you do best?
What do you love to do?
What kind of reputation do you want to have?
How can you help in nation-building?
Finalize your personal mission statement:
Ang Misyon Ko! Reality Check!
Note to the Teacher-Facilitator: Allow students to write their personal mission
statement in their mother tongue.
Module 5
Page 68
Even organizations have their mission statements that define the reason for
their existence. They align their activities toward achieving these statements. Smallscale entrepreneurs and self-employed individuals are also guided by their own
mission statements of becoming successful. Learners must realize that their
personal mission statements must harmonize with the mission statements of their
prospective occupational fields.
Note to the Teacher-Facilitator: Ask learners to bring out the assignment given
in Module 4 on the mission statement/s of the company/industry/
school/entrepreneurs where they plan to enter after graduating from Senior High
1. What was your experience while writing your personal mission statement? How
will you be able to fulfill it? What may hinder you from not being able to fulfill it?
2. Is the mission statement of the person or member of the organization you
interviewed related to your personal mission statement? What are the
3. Do you think your personal mission statement can contribute to national
development? In what way?
IV. Lecturette (25 minutes)
“Where do I go from here?” This question may be posed by learners now
that they are about to complete their Senior High School. To help them answer
this, the personal mission statement becomes very essential.
According to author Stephen R. Covey, a personal mission statement
enables a person to connect with (his) own unique purpose and the profound
This statement provides an individual with a clear direction as to where he
wants to go and what he wants to achieve. As learners are about to embark on
their career in any of the four curriculum exits, such statement will allow them to
focus on the path they will follow with conviction in the face of any challenging
For a personal mission statement to become fulfilling, it has to make a
difference in other people’s lives or organization. This means that a person will
seek his purpose and what he can contribute best not only for himself but also
for his family, friends, prospective employer, the community, and the world in
general. (https://www.livecareer.com/quintessential/creating-personal-missionstatements).
Module 5
Page 69
To enable learners to craft a personal mission statement, the following
contents should be reflected:
1. their values and personal beliefs,
2. goals,
3. things that make them happy,
4. their dreams and vision about their future,
5. what they are good at,
6. what they are passionate about, and
7. how they want others to perceive you.
Although a personal mission statement serves the purpose of directing the
learners to life and career decisions, the process of career development entails
another step. That involves the gathering of information for them to make the
wisest choices.
In Module 3 of the Career Guidance Program for Grade 11, learners
familiarized themselves to government agencies for career linking. This
included Project JobsFit that provides timely, relevant, and accurate labor
market signals for in-demand jobs and skills shortage.
The Department of Labor and Employment assures that there are plenty
of local jobs in the country. It has logged an estimated 200,000 vacancies by
employers in the enhanced Phil-Jobnet, the government’s online job search
(Source: http://www.ro1.dole.gov.ph/default.php).
The Department’s labor market study, Project JobsFit: DOLE 2022,
reflects the regional industries, key employment generators, and current
occupational and courses trends and demands in the local and global scenario
(refer to Appendices 3 and 4).
What the learners must also realize and sincerely understand is that their
mission statements do not end in their personal development and interest.
Rather, it is intricately linked to what they aspire their country to be. Dr. Jose P.
Rizal rested his hopes that the youth will be instrumental in nation building
when he remarked that they are the hope of the motherland. This implies that
when they plan for their career choice, they should also consider factors like the
country’s economy and hence, synchronize their career choices to benefit the
country as well.
The learners are the youth of today who will soon build the nation of
tomorrow. It is very essential for them to realize that even at their young age,
they could embrace their social responsibilities by being aware that they could
already do something to contribute to nation building. By fulfilling their tasks
and duties as children to their parents and as students in schools, they are
Module 5
Page 70
already training to take on roles that allow them to be productive and valueladen citizens.
Now that they are about to exit from Senior High School, they should be
more conscientious that they are critical in contributing to making the
Philippines progressive. As such, the learners are highly enjoined to commit
themselves to live up to their personal mission statement in making a difference
to other people’s lives and give a contribution to the community at large. When
learners collectively align their personal missions to this end, the vision of
nation-building through them becomes attainable.
Needless to say, the parents and relatives of these learners and the
government have invested on them as human capital with the hope that in the
near future, they will partake in the noble mission of building the country and
ushering it to the progress that it has visualized for the people and the nation as
a whole. Being the human capital, it is but fitting that they enhance their skills,
values and interests that would tell them of the most appropriate curriculum
exits they would finally choose. By working to ensure that they work best in
what they will be doing, they become empowered and ready to engage in
activating the most promising future for them, their family, their community, and
the nation at large.
Note to the Teacher-Facilitator: Refer to Appendices 3 and 4 to discuss
briefly the current trends and demands in the courses in the Philippines, and
employment and industries in the region. Explain to the students that they are
not pressured to synchronize their career choices to these current trends and
demands, but if there are career choices in line with these, affirm that the
learners will be able to fill up what is most needed in the country/region/global
scenario. Affirm also that those whose career choices are not aligned with the
current trends and demands can still do their share to contribute to nation
The Road Trip (25 minutes)
 Prepare the following road trips that will be posted in the classroom walls.
 On the first manila paper, paste the Yellow Road Trip Sign and label it as
Career Choices.
Module 5
Page 71
 On the second manila paper, paste the GAS UP Road Trip Sign and label it
as Goal Motivators.
 On the third manila paper, paste the RED Sign and label it as
 On the fourth manila paper, paste the GREEN Road Trip Sign and label it as
Curriculum Exits.
 Prepare meta strips or clean sheets of paper. Distribute four sheets to all
 Instruct learners to write the following on these sheets of paper:
 Paper 1: Label it with career choice, and write the career choice – to be
posted in the Yellow Road Trip Sign.
 Paper 2: Label it with Goal Motivators, and write their goal motivators – to
be posted in Gas Up Road Trip Sign.
 Paper 3: Label it with career hindrance and write their career hindrances –
to be posted in the Red Road Trip Sign.
 Paper 4: Label it with curriculum exits and write their curriculum exit – to
be posted in the Green Road Trip Sign.
 After writing on the four sheets of paper, group learners into four.
 Tell the learners that they are about to go on a road trip with their friends
using the sheets of paper.
 Let the group form a HUMAN TRAIN.
 Tell the learners that when you call out loud a color on the road trip sign,
they must prepare the corresponding sheets:
 Career Choice – Yellow
 Goal Motivators – Gas-Up
 Hindrances
– Red
 Curriculum Exits – Green
Module 5
Page 72
 Tell further that when the upbeat music plays, they move around the room
where the first person leads the dance move. All members of the group will
follow the dance steps.
 As the music stops, say this aloud: “YELLOW!” and allow learners to find
a partner. Let them share what particular career choice they are
considering at the present. After briefly sharing with the learners, they will
post their sheet of paper to the corresponding road sign posted on the
wall and immediately go back to their human train formation.
 After this, say this aloud: “CHANGE!” and the last person in the human
train will go to the front and become the new leader.
 The music plays again and everyone in the human train follows the new
leader as they dance and move around.
 Then, say aloud the next road sign and allow learners to look for a new
partner to share what they have written on their paper until all road signs
have been called out.
 The procedure is done until all road trip signs have been introduced and
pairs have shared their answers to each other.
Note to teacher-facilitator: Arrange the room to provide space for this activity.
The following will be prepared in advance and to be posted on the wall inside the
classroom to prepare for the activity.
Processing Questions:
1. Based on the activity, do you think you made the right career decisions?
How so?
2. What did you realize from this activity? What are the hindrances that you
identified? Can you overcome these through your goal motivators? In what
3. Based on the discussion on the current trends and demands, is your career
choice aligned to what is needed in your region? What do you think is the
effect of aligning your career to the local and global needs to nationbuilding?
VI. Evaluation (20 minutes)
Build Me Up! Mantra (The Nation Building Contribution)
 Group together all learners who are tracking the same curriculum exits.
 Ask them to come up with a mantra, by mentioning how the curriculum exit
will contribute to national development.
Module 5
Page 73
Patungo sa Kolehiyo, Progresibo!
 Ask the groups to finalize their mantra in a yell, jingle, or in cheering form.
 Each group will present their mantra to the class.
Processing Questions:
1. How committed are you to live up to your group mantra? Is it doable? In what
ways can you fulfill it?
2. How can your group mantra contribute towards nation building?
VII. Reflection (10 minutes)
In their career journal, let learners answer the following question: How will
I connect my personal mission statement to fulfill our group mantra?
VIII. Assignment
1. Post your personal mission statement in your Facebook status.
2. Take a picture with your group mates with your group mantra presentation.
Make sure to write your mantra in a meta card and post these in your
Facebook account.
Note: Assign a Career Guidance Corner where learners may post their
personal mission statement and mantra sheets, as an alternative or add-up
to the assignment. Posting in the social media is optional, if learners have
access to the internet to do so.
Module 5
Page 74
career choice –
process of choosing a career path that involves choices
regarding education and training for a given career
hindrance –
a person or thing that makes a situation difficult; a person or
thing that hinders someone or something; the act of making it
difficult for someone to act or for something to be done
mantra –
a sound, word, or phrase that is repeated by someone who is
praying or meditating; a word or phrase that is repeated often or
that expresses someone’s basic beliefs (http://www.meriamwebstercom)
mission –
a task or job that someone is given to do (http://www.meriamwebstercom)
trend –
a general direction in which something is developing or
changing; to extend in a general direction: follow a general
course (http://www.meriam-webstercom)
Module 5
Page 75
Appendix 1
The Five-Minute Mission
Photo credit: Ms. Rowena Salas
Module 5
Page 76
Appendix 2
Worksheet for Personal Mission Statement
What is the most important thing or
event in your life right now that you
What do you want to accomplish 3–5
years from now?
What do you consider an enjoyable
thing to do?
What do you wish to become?
What can you do best?
What do you love to do?
What kind of reputation do you want to
How can you help in nation building?
Module 5
Page 77
Appendix 3
Ang Misyon Ko! Reality Check!
Ang Misyon Ko! Reality Check!
Module 5
Page 78
Appendix 4
Current Demands and Trends
(Jobs and Emerging Industries per Region)
Module 5
Page 79
Module 5
Page 80
Module 5
Page 81
Module 5
Page 82
Module 5
Page 83
Module 5
Page 84
Source: DOLE
Module 5
Page 85
Steven Covey. First Things First.
Module 5
Page 86
6 Keep Me Balanced!
Module 6
Page 89
Values are a fundamental building block of your mission in life (Clarke, 2012).
Brown (1995) in her Values-Based Holistic Approach to Career Development third
tenet states that values play an important role in the career decision-making process
of individuals more than functioning as this presents the direction to a desired end
state and has a central role in setting goals or expected outcomes. Values also serve
as the basis for evaluating one’s own actions and the action of others, particularly in
terms of how the individual and others must function (Villar, 2009).
Values are acquired as a result of value-laden information from the
environment interacting with the inherited characteristics of the individual. Since
cultural background, gender and socio-economic level influence social interactions
and opportunities, priorities placed on values by people from various multicultural
grouping vary and influence the choice of careers and other life roles. Values that
are influenced by other people’s value systems may not truly represent the
individual’s true values.
This module will let our learners identify the values they possess to keep them
balanced with those values shared by their significant others—school, family, and
community. They may be able to know their selves better as they continue
navigating vast opportunities in their lifelong journey.
pen marker
manila paper
masking tape
meta strips containing jumbled letters
Each set should contain the following meta strips:
Set A
cepae of nidm
nfinacila tabsiliyt
Set D
Set B
amfily aphpiessn
Module 6
Set C
cersvie to toersh
bdet of ragtitued
olve of ogd
Page 90
Set E
asft epac
At the end of this module, the learners are expected to:
1. identify their values that leads to the attainment of their career goals;
2. evaluate their values that influenced their career and life decisions; and
3. plan ways on how to resolve conflict in their values to successfully achieve
their career and life goals.
1. “Mine Me” Game (Alternative activity: Fix Me)
2. Side A, Side B
3. Rerouting My Values
4. Look Ahead!
Motivation (20 minutes)
Activity 1: Mine Me Game (Please see attached folder)
(This is a digital game on top ranked values on particular
Fix Me (Alternative activity for those schools with no electricity and/or
computer facilities)
Objective: The learners are expected to become aware of the
different values a person possesses that somehow affect
career choice.
Form the students into five groups. Each group is given a set of meta strips (4 meta
strips each set) containing jumbled letters. The group will be given five minutes to
rearrange the jumbled letters and come up with the correct words/phrases to be
posted on the board. The first to complete the task shall be declared the winner.
(Optional: The teacher may give a prize for the winner).
1st Group
2nd Group
Module 6
Jumbled Letters
cepae of nidm
nfinacila tabsiliyt
amfily aphpiessn
Peace of mind
Financial stability
Family happiness
Page 91
3rd Group
4th Group
5th Group
cersvie to toersh
bdet of ragtitued
olve of ogd
asft epac
Service to others
Debt of gratitude
Love of God
Fast pace
1. Looking at the words/phrases on the board, what do you think are these all about?
2. How important are these values to a person’s life?
3. How do one’s values affect his/her choice of a profession?
III. Main Activity (40 minutes)
Activity 2: Side A, Side B
(Note: Teacher prepares photocopies of the attached template ahead of time
for distribution to students during this activity. Teacher is also reminded
to process students’ responses properly especially when negative
feedback surfaces. When deemed necessary, teacher refers the
student/s receiving the negative feedback to the Guidance Counselor
for appropriate action).
1. Let the students answer the template provided for five minutes.
2. Once the template is completed, students will be grouped with 5–7
members per group. Each group will identify a group leader who will act
as facilitator of the group.
3. Instruct students to attach their template at their back displaying the Side
B portion using a masking tape. Members of the group will help each other
in doing this.
4. Direct students to identify values which they think their groupmates
possess and then let them write the value that best describes that person
on the Side B portion of his/her paper. Remind them to be candid in their
5. Each member within the group will move around and take turns in writing
the corresponding values of their group members.
6. Allow five minutes for this activity.
Module 6
Page 92
Activity Sheet 1
My preferred career
(This may be your preference from
Grade 11 Career Guidance Program
Module No. 8 entitled “I Plan to
My preferred Curriculum Exit
(This is where the chosen career
belongs; Please refer to Career
Guidance Program Grade 12 Module
1 entitled “Entering the Exits”)
Values I possess
(Five values you believe you
possess that are essential to the
attainment of your career and life
page 1
(Write one value.)
page 2
Module 6
Page 93
Process Questions:
A. Small group sharing: (15 minutes)
1. How did you find the activity?
2. How do you find your values compared to those written by your
groupmates on your paper?
3. How do you feel about those values attributed by your classmates to
you that you may be unaware of?
4. How can your values contribute/deter the attainment of your career
B. Big group sharing (15 minutes)
Group leaders consolidate their group’s responses and share them to
the entire class. Each group leader is given two minutes to share.
IV. Lecturette (15 minutes)
We make choices and decisions based on our values. A value is a
principle or belief that we
1. prize and publicly affirm with conviction;
2. choose from among alternatives; and
3. act on consistently.
There are different kinds of values. These are:
 personal values such as self-respect, self-fulfillment, health, privacy,
peace of mind, financial stability, independence
 family values such as love, close family ties, family happiness
 spiritual values such as establishing a close personal relationship with
God, seeking His will in one’s life, following His commandments,
working for the good and well-being of the less fortunate
 work values such as precision work, power, exercising competence,
public contact, fast pace, change and variety
 career values such as personal growth, advancement, prestige and
status, recognition
 social and humanitarian values such as service to others, helping
people in need, love of country, moral fulfilment
 cultural values such as debt of gratitude or utang na loob, getting
along with others or pakikisama, authority
Conflicts in values may be intrapersonal, interpersonal, or
organizational. An intrapersonal conflict is a situation where one experiences
conflict of values and needs within oneself. (Example: Achievement conflicts
with health; independence conflicts with security.)
People with divergent values but who must live or work together
experience interpersonal conflicts. (Example: Your teacher values
authoritarianism but you value independence.)
Module 6
Page 94
Organizational conflict is experienced by a person whose personal
value system clashes with corporate values. (Example: Your class values
teamwork but you value independence, time freedom, or working alone.)
Value conflicts create tension and anxiety which can lead to stress.
They can make people indecisive, a situation that can confuse the ones they
live or work with. If these behaviors become inconsistent, this can result in
interpersonal problems. So, how do people resolve conflicts in values?
To resolve an intrapersonal conflict, one has to be clear about his or
her priorities. Priorities depend on one’s roles, goals, and personal mission.
Interpersonal conflicts can be resolved through communication in which both
parties try to see and understand the situation of the other. If organizational
values conflict with one’s personal values, there is a choice of either setting
aside the latter or embracing the values of the organization, or leaving the
organization and working for one whose values are compatible with his or
hers. (Santamaria 2009)
Duane Brown’s Values-based Holistic Approach to Career Development
Values have cognitive, affective and behavioral components that
facilitate prioritization of values for decision-making. Each person develops a
relatively small number of values that are prioritized in a value system. Values
are prioritized when a person can rank the order of importance assumed by
his or her values in guiding his or her behavior and when he or she can act
according to that priority.
Authentic values are brought out through an insightful dialogue
involving self-reflection. True values, when fully expressed, are capable of
leading a person toward focus, purpose, satisfaction and happiness.
Furthermore, a value is crystallized once it has a label that is meaningful to
the individual. Once values are crystallized and prioritized, the individual can
go on directly to career choice making (Villar, 2009).
Application (15 minutes)
Activity 3: Rerouting Values
1. Distribute the template for the activity.
2. Go over the values listed in “Side A, Side B.”
3. Identify the values listed in Side A that are not listed in Side B and write
those values under the column entitled “Values least valued”.
4. Make a plan on how you will resolve the conflict in values that may lead to
the attainment of your career goals.
Module 6
Page 95
Sample Template
least valued
(Plan on how to resolve conflict in values)
Work Alone
From now on, I will avoid being too dependent
on others and shall do individual tasks on my
I will correct my idea of leadership as being
someone who has the position to decide
always for the group to someone who uses the
position in a way that changes the opinions of
Reflection (5 minutes)
Directions: In your journal notebook or on a piece of paper, write your
insights and realizations on the Side A, Side B activity using the following
I learned that ………….
I realized that ………….
In order to achieve my career goal, I will.........
Evaluation (20 minutes)
Title: Look Ahead!
1. Present the given scenario to the students.
After 10 years, suppose you were invited to be the Commencement
Exercises Speaker for the Senior High School Graduation of your school
with the theme “Values brought us to Success,” what are you going to tell
them, banking on your own experience and realizations from the activities
you just had? You are given only five minutes to convey the inspiring
2. Call one volunteer to deliver the speech.
The learners will discuss their career plans with their parents or
guardians and elicit suggestions/opinions on how they can best contribute to
the realization of their plans. Write those suggestions/opinions in your activity
Module 6
Page 96
A. Books
Santamaria, Josefina O. 2009. Career Planning Workbook 4th Edition. Makati City
Career Systems Inc.
Villar, Imelda Virginia G. 2009. Career Counseling in the Philippines. Aligned
Transformation Publications. Makati City.
B. Web Sources
Circle of life (n.d.) “Your Personal Care Values” Retrieved from
http://www.healthandwellnesscoaching.org/tools/ 02Notes/ PersonalCore-Values.pdf on September 7, 2017
Module 6
Page 97
Version of Me 2.0
This module entitled “Version of Me 2.0” refers to the individual who is
discovering the real Version of Me 2.0, that can be awesome in his/her own way and
able to manifest greatness in pursuing a lifelong career. It is a transition from school
to the curriculum exits that the learner will plan for the future job that he/she will be
productive and persistently sustain in the real world of work―that’s the real version of
me 2.0.
In order to figure out how learners will work with Me 2.0, the learners should
understand who they are and how well they function. This will be a great help to
learners to be aware and be guided on what they want to become, who they want to
be, and know where to begin. What traits do learners possess that they can be proud
of? No matter where the learners are or what moment they are in, let us take this
module and learn things forward together.
Time Allotment: 120 minutes
ball pen
something that represents “My Future Job”
“My Future Job” and my list of Friends’ Future Jobs
“My Hand Version 2.0” Transition Worksheet (back to back)
“Version of Me 2.0” sheet (Feet)
At the end of the session, the learners are expected to:
1. identify the rights and responsibilities of the employees and employers;
2. determine the aspects considered in planning for life and career; and
3. relate the chosen career to the needs of the society.
Motivation (15 minutes)
Activity: Me and My Future Job
This activity will encourage the students to be motivated to pursue the job
that they want or dream about in the future. In this activity, the students will
learn more facts about their future jobs as they will be sharing from what they
have learned from the assignments given to them in Module 4 and Module 5.
Module 7
Page 98
1. Instruct the learner to find a partner (dyad).
2. Give Activity Sheet no. 1 and have them write the name of their partner. (See
Appendix 1.)
3. Each partner will introduce himself/herself; present his her symbol; name what
job represents his/her symbol; and what contribution to the society that job could
4. Learners will write the information in the worksheet then find another partner who
will do the procedures in no. 3.
5. Learners will gather as many as he/she can within an allotted time of five
minutes. He/She then will give his/her paper to the teacher for validation.
6. The learner with the more names and information listed in the worksheet is the
Questions help clarify the situation. Questions put learners on the spot, where
they have to think―and thinking is always a good thing for everybody. Questions
help learners clarify their thoughts. Questions demand answers and require the
situation to be thought through, to its logical conclusions.
With this process, the learner will be able to decide better about their career
III. Main Activity (20 minutes)
The main activity is based on the motivational activity and from the
modules in Grade 10 and Grade 11. This activity focuses mainly on the process
of transition of the learners from school to the four curriculum exits and possible
workplace that corresponds to their curriculum exit. This is taking into the hands
of the learners the realities they have to face once they set into the real world of
work. In the realm of work, learners will have to recognize work ethics and work
values they have to imbibe, including improving their personality in order to
succeed in whatever career they pursue.
Our hands are very important parts of our body. The hands symbolize how
an individual works. A lot of memories are found in our hands, just like a scar
somewhere in the finger that reminds you of a time when you were chopping
wood for fire, or helping your mother prepare for dinner. Or it may be a scar
from heated oil that scratched your hand while frying fish. It may also be a callus
on the hand that reminds you how hardworking you are, such as when you go
farming, wash clothes, and do household chores for your family.
The brain serves as the master that the hand may follow (doer). This
simply states that our hand acts what the brain commands; as both are working
Module 7
Page 99
together. As such, an individual should have balance in work ethics and in work
values in order to achieve success in life.
1. Each learner shall be provided with a piece of paper;
2. Learners observe their two hands and choose which hands represent
him/her the most. Is it the right hand or the left hand?
3. On the bond paper, they trace the hand they chose;
4. Have learners draw symbols:
On the SMALL FINGER: Draw a symbol that represents your present
track/strand/specialization (Grade 12).
Sample drawing for Academic: A nurse’s cap because the learner
wants to become a Nurse, a Stethoscope because the learner wants to
become a Physician/Doctor.
Sample drawing for TVL: Hammer, Ladder, Bread, Cake and many
On the RING FINGER: Draw a symbol that represents your Job immersion.
Sample drawing for Academic: Drawing of a Hospital, Building, Bank,
Orphanage Center, Accounting Firm, Shopping Mall and many more
Sample drawing for TVL: Electrical Store, Construction site, Bakery,
Beauty House or Salon and many more
On the MIDDLE FINGER: Draw a symbol that represents your career exit
(Kolehiyo, Trabaho, Negosyo and Skills and Development Center).
Sample drawing for Academic: Drawing of a Business building, Bridge,
Sample drawing for TVL: Academic: Drawing of a Hospital, Building,
On the POINT FINGER: Draw a symbol that represents your future job.
Sample drawing for Academic: An injection for a nurse, a stethoscope
for a Physician, high rise building for Engineering, Hospital, Bank
Sample drawing for TVL: Drawing of an Electrical Store, Construction
site, Bakery, Beauty House or Salon
On the THUMB: Draw a symbol of your contribution to the society in relation
to your future job (success-like story).
Sample drawing of Academic: The heart and the family―because the
nurse helps by taking care and helps sustain the life of one sick
individual in the family.
Sample drawing for TVL: Drawing of good food for a healthy lifestyle by
a chief cook
On the PALM AREA: Draw a symbol that represents your Career
Motivational Goal; (strength and sustainability/holding on)
Sample drawing of Academic: Drawing of a heart that symbolizes life
“as long as there is a heart beating…life must go on” by a Physician
and Nurse.
Module 7
Page 100
Sample drawing for TVL: Drawing of a Go, Glow and Glow food that
gives strength to an individual.
On the WRIST AREA: Draw a symbol that sustains you in the current
track/strand/specialization (connection and sustainability strength and
Sample drawing for Academic: Drawing of a Cross symbolizes “My
Creator” that means “I am the Way, the Truth and the Life;” in the ups
and downs of your life, you are sustained by prayers and you keep
moving forward positively until success comes.
Sample drawing for TVL: Construction material/tools needed in the
construction company, where tools are very much valued by the
Note to the Teacher:
1. Group the learners into triads and let them share what they just made. Have them
do this for five minutes.
2. After the sharing, let the learners look at their drawings again and let them
analyze how ready and equipped they are for their future job. Ask learners to fill
up the information needed as they analyze their work. See another worksheet in
the appendix: “My Hand Version 2.0 Activity.”
Sample Activity Worksheet 2: Transition Worksheet Analysis on Curriculum
Exits “My Hand Version 2.0”
Module 7
Page 101
Activity Worksheet 3: “My Hand Version 2.0”
Directions: Do the activity by following the aforementioned procedures.
Options (aspects) to consider:
1. Will go to college if there is financial support.
2. Will go to work with NCII on electrical installation.
3. Will make a business on electrical equipment.
Rights and responsibilities of my future chosen career:
1. Designing and implementing cost-effective equipment modification to help improve
safety and reliability (Ex. For Electrical Engineering).
2. _________________________________________________________________
3. _________________________________________________________________
Rights and responsibilities of the employer (Engineering Company):
1. Provide workplace free from serious recognized hazards and comply with
standards, rules and regulations.
2. _________________________________________________________________
3. _________________________________________________________________
Processing Questions:
1. How did you find yourself in the chosen career in relation to the expected duties
and responsibilities?
Module 7
Page 102
2. Being aware of your chosen career, name at least three you consider your work
3. What/Who do you think motivates you to pursue your career goal? Can you
explain how?
Note to the Teacher:
Ask the learners to volunteer to answer the three questions and synthesize this to
connect to the lecturette.
Senior high school is a transition period or passage from one stage to another
until the learners reach their chosen career goal. There are important factors to
consider in reaching the chosen career goal. One is by exposing oneself to the world
of work in order to get a taste of what it takes to be working and to become workers.
By exposing themselves to the real world of work through work immersion, learners
slowly learn and develop within themselves the work principles and work values. As
such, once they themselves are in the realm of real work, they would know the rules
and become exemplars of other coworkers in terms of practice of work ethics and
work values.
Note to the Teacher:
The definitions that follow are for the consumption of the teachers in preparation for
the lecturette.
Definitions of Terms
Conformity is a type of social influence involving a change in belief or behavior in
order to fit in a group.
Motivation is literally the desire to do things. It is the difference between waking up
before dawn to pound the pavement and lazing around the house all day. It is the
crucial element in setting and attaining goals—and research shows you can
influence your own levels of motivation and self-control. So figure out what you
want, power through the pain period, and start being who you want to be.
Personal development covers activities that improve awareness and identity,
develop talents and potential, build human capital and facilitate employability,
enhance the quality of life and contribute to the realization of dreams and
Personality development is the relatively enduring pattern of thoughts, feelings and
behaviors that distinguish individuals from one another. The dominant view in the
field of personality psychology today holds that personality emerges early and
continues to change in meaningful ways throughout the lifespan.
Expectancy theory (or expectancy theory of motivation) proposes that individuals
will behave or act in a certain way because they are motivated to select a specific
behavior over other behaviors due to what they expect the result of that selected
behavior will be.
Module 7
Page 103
Two-factor theory (also known as Herzberg’s motivation-hygiene theory and
dual-factor theory) states that there are certain factors in the workplace that
cause job satisfaction, while a separate set of factors cause dissatisfaction.
Trait theory (also called dispositional theory) is an approach to the study of human
personality. Trait theorists are primarily interested in the measurement of traits,
which can be defined as habitual patterns of behavior, thought and emotion.
Operational Definition:
Work ethics is the guiding principle of correct working.
Work values is imbibing the guiding principle of correct working.
Goal motivator is a personal or hygiene motivation adopted from Herzberg’s
motivation theory.
Return of Investment (ROI) is the human capital with work ethics who became
productive and efficient toward work.
IV. Lecturette (30 minutes)
“A life that not lived for others is not a life.” – Mother Teresa
The activity “My Hand Version 2.0” has something to do with the individual’s life,
the learner’s future career. The symbolic hand interprets how the individual works.
The realization of the learners chosen career with its work ethics, work values and
personality that fits him/her to their career goal.
In the future workplace, it is important for the learner to know the duties
and responsibilities of both employees and employers. (Refer to appendices 1
and 2.)
As the learner experiences education from the school, his interest is in
future career progresses. According to Gestalt, (here and now theory) the
experience of the learner has a strong influence that he could learn and develop
his work ethics and work values in the process of learning specific knowledge
and skills towards his chosen career. These are the factors that employers are
looking for in an applicant (learner). Aside from the intellectual part of the
learner, another important aspect to consider in the lifelong career planning is
the personality of the learner.
The learner’s personality is an asset not only in the future workplace, but in
everyday living. Most employers highlight “pleasing personality” from an
applicant. Personality is progressive and developmental. The personality of the
learner has been recognized from Module 1 to Module 6. And as the modules
progress, the learner’s personality also improves as it is enhanced in every
Module 7
Page 104
module. Whether the learner will decide to be employed, pursue college degree,
make a business, or just stop moving forward for career advancement, that
learner has his own unique personality.
Personality Development essentially means enhancing and grooming
one’s outer and inner self to bring about a positive change to one’s life. Each
individual has a distinct persona that can be developed, polished and refined.
Improving personality and Image is a reproduction or a mental picture of
you as seen as others. People react to you based on the way you present
yourself, the way you look, speak and behave. If you act defensively, you invite
attacks. If you act strong and confident, people will respond to you with respect
and deference (Santos, 1984). Some Filipino men and women generally appear
overly modest and shy. Instead of behaving assertively, they behave too
submissively, they let the situation appear to be controlling them.
According to the study of Bencsik, et al., on the relationship between
motivation and personality type, it is proven that there is a significant
relationship between the known and accepted (attractive) goal of work, its value
and employee satisfaction. These relations are factors that reinforce intrinsic
It is significant to note that the factors that the learners have considered in
planning for life and career such as the goal motivators of the learner have to be
recognized since these are the aspects that could lead him to his career
success and eventually address the needs of the society or could halt him from
advancing his career and fail to meet the needs of the society.
Here are some factors that made the learners what they are now: Where
are they from, the city or a small town in a province? What were their past
experiences, particularly in the family? The way they respond to people is a
result of the way they respond to their family members specially their parents in
their formative years.
The learners in this module would recognize their motivators as intrinsic
and extrinsic motivators in order to move forward to the next level and even to
sustain their lifelong career goals. Intrinsic motivators are internal variables
within the individual that give rise to motivation and behavior. Example is the
Maslow’s hierarchy of needs theory.
According to Abraham Maslow’s hierarchy of needs, an individual first
have to satisfy the basic psychological needs (food, shelter and clothing) before
the individual takes the second step up to the next need level which is Safety
and Security, then the need for Belongingness (to love and to be loved), the
need for Esteem (Self-esteem) and Self-actualization which is the highest need
of a person.
A process motivator emphasizes the nature of the interaction between the
individual and the environment. Examples of valued outcomes in the workplace
include pay increases and bonuses, promotions, time off, new assignments,
recognition, and many more.
Module 7
Page 105
Another external motivator to consider which focuses on environmental
elements to explain behavior is the motivator itself. Motivators are more
concerned with the actual job itself. For instance, how interesting the work is
and how much opportunity it gives for extra responsibility, recognition and
promotion. According to Herzberg, hygiene factors are factors that ‘surround the
job’ rather than the job itself. For example, a worker will only turn up to work if a
business has provided a reasonable level of pay and safe working conditions
but these factors will not make him work harder at his job once he is there.
To relate the chosen career to the needs of the society, the learner
requires to process himself/herself to change and take the balance in order to fit
in and address the need of the society.
The individual in the society is the learner who carries with him/her the
factors that will enable him/her to fit to the needs of the society. The learner’s
factors are his/her work values, skills, knowledge, personal qualities, enhanced
personality, work ethics and not limited to friendliness, approachable,
genuineness, warmth and many more. An individual develops and functions
within the environmental context.
It is also important to note that as the learners move forward to their career
goals they need to recognize their own core work values and work ethics as well
as recognizing other learners work values and work ethics to work harmoniously
as one team (senior high school). The learners will encounter themselves in the
same situation as they exit to work, to have a business, to college, to middle
career job and even if they halt to advance their career. The learners have
already learned how to cope and adjust themselves with the changing career
The process of this module is for the leaners’ goal is to recognize one’s
knowledge, skills, qualities (personality), values (personal values) and work
ethics is to get the desired career goal and to learn how to sustain in his/her
desired curriculum exits to be able to address to the need of the community and
to the society as well.
Module 5 mentioned about ROI (Return of Investment) as not being limited
to monetary investment only. The individual learner with work ethics and work
values in the future workplace may sustain and even be promoted to a higher
position. As the quote goes, “As long as you’ve got passion, faith and are
do anything and have anything you want in this world.” – Unknown
It is important to note that, while the learners’ work values play an
essential role in their career choice, they should not consider them in isolation.
Learners may also look at their other traits including personality type, interests
and aptitudes. When learners find themselves in a better job that success anst
equals better success and satisfaction that sustain them in the position (Frank
Parson, 1908).
Version of Me 2.0 then is a process that the learner will become ready not
just in the workplace but in everyday encounter. The learner then is ready to fit
Module 7
Page 106
in himself to an organization. Consider the My Version 2.0 – will now be a
marketable person with a lifelong career.
“We are shaped by our thoughts; we become what we think. When the
mind is pure, joy follows like shadow that never leaves.” ―Buddha
Application (20 minutes)
Activity: Human Knot
Objective: Untangle the Knot
Communication Skills, Critical Thinking; Solve Problems;Solve different
kinds of non-familiar problems in both conventional andinnovative ways;
Contextual Learning;Flexibility; understand, negotiate and balance diverse
views and beliefs to reach workable solutions (conflict management),
particularly in multi-cultural environments
What to Do:
1. Have all 10 learners stand in a circle, facing inward.
2. Tell everyone to reach their right arm towards the center and grab someone
else's hand. Make sure no one grabs the hand of the person right next to
3. Next, have everyone reach their left arm in and grab someone else's hand
(they are now representing a human knot).
4. The learners are free to make their strategy on how to untangle their knot (it
is expected that the group will not let go of once hand while untangling the
knot but realizing each-others’ hand just enough to turn around).
5. Note: To make the game more challenging, tell the learners not to talk while
they are untangling the human knot.
6. The learners will do the activity in five minutes.
Processing Questions:
1. Relating to the chosen career, what have you learned from the activity?
2. What was your strategy behind that you were are to untangled the knot?
3. What difficulty have you encountered while your group was untying that
human knot?
4. How were you able to cope with the difficulties in the process?
5. How will you relate this activity with your real life challenges?
Module 7
Page 107
In our everyday life, we often encounter unique personalities who can inspire
our day or just make our day. The Knots symbolize our everyday life struggles. To
make things easier for us to handle, it is suggested that we take our day one at a
time, stay positive, and avoid toxic people if you think these people will just put you
The choice is with you to take. Remember, life is wonderful when we live
joyfully and harmoniously. By sharing our blessings with other people, success is in
our reach.
“Live life without fear, confront all obstacles and show them.”
Reflection: Version of Me 2.0 – Progression Sheet (15 minutes)
1. Learners will have a worksheet of the My Version 2.0 (feet).
2. On the left foot, learners will list things (traits & values) about his/her old self
that he/she needs to change to get ready for the chosen career.
3. On the middle between the left and right feet, the learner will write his/her
motivational mantra to move on. Ex. “Go! Fight! Win!”
4. On the right, learners will list new traits and values to accept, embrace, and
improve to get ready for the chosen career.
Module 7
Page 108
Version of Me 2.0 – Progression Sample Sheet
 Sometimes
late in class
 Sometimes talking
with seatmates
 Sometimes
late in class
 Sometimes talking
with seatmates
 Sometimes absent
Module 7
 Punctu
 Attentive
 Punctual
 Attentive
 Always
Page 109
Version of Me 2.0 – Progression Sheet
VII. Evaluation(20 minutes)
Directions: Situational Analysis
1. Group the class into five (5). Each group will be given a situation to analyze.
2. The group will be given 5 minutes to discuss and let them select a group
representative to present their answer from the given situation.
3. Share the group’s work to the plenary.
Situation No. 1:
Mr. Blank is a policeman who witnessed a killing incident to a teenager
who allegedly was involved about illegal drugs. In the court scenario, Mr. Blank
labelled the child as illegal drug user without strong evidence.
1. Identify the work ethics and values of the policeman.
2. What could have been done by the policeman?
Module 7
Page 110
Situation No. 2:
A bridge was built with substandard materials. The civil engineer gave an
estimated budget of 1.5 million to build the bridge but only P750,00.00 was
spent for the materials. The other P750,000.00 was shared by the rest of the
construction workers.
1. Identify the ethical issue in this situation.
2. What should be done?
Situation No. 3:
You are a friend of a newly hired accountant in a company XYZ who was
offered with a bonus of 1 million and a trip to London for a vacation. But he
could not present to the Board of Directors his findings on the discrepancy of
the financial report at the company treasurer.
1. Identify the ethical issue in this situation.
2. What could have been done by the accountant?
Situation No. 4:
A good chief cook was known in your community. Because of his monetary
needs, he closed a number of catering booking in just a week. He was
successful and gained triple income better than when he was working in the
hotel. But unfortunately, he got sick with tuberculosis. He got so depressed.
1. What work values can you identify in this situation?
2. How will you help/advise your good neighbor?
Situation No. 5:
In a restaurant, a costumer ordered a hot noodle soup. As the costumer
was about to take the noodle soup, he found a hair together with the noodles.
The costumer then called the waiter and told him about the hair. The waiter right
away apologized about the incident and gave him another serve of hot noodle
Identify the lesson learned in the situation.
“The will to win, the desire to succeed, the urge to reach your full potential…these are
the keys that will unlock the door to personal excellence. “ ―Confucius
Module 7
Page 111
Appendix 1
Activity Worksheet #1
Me and My Future Job
Future Job
contribution to the
Society through
his/her job.
Activity Worksheet #1
Me and My Future Job
Future Job
contribution to the
Society through
his/her job
Module 7
Page 112
Activity 1 – Academic Transition Work Sheet Analysis: Curriculum Exit –
Name: __________________________________
Future Job: _________________________
Options to consider:
Right and responsibilities of my future CHOSEN CAREER:
Rights and Responsibilities of the employer:
Duties and Responsibilities of the EMPLOYER:
Module 7
Page 113
Options to consider:
Right and responsibilities of my future CHOSEN CAREER:
Rights and Responsibilities of the employer:
Duties and Responsibilities of the EMPLOYER:
Module 7
Page 114
Appendix 2
Version of Me 2.0 – Progression Sheet
Module 7
Page 115
Appendix 3
List of Work Ethics
1. Reliability
2. Positive and helpful character
3. Good communicator
4. Altruistic and Goal Oriented
Module 7
Page 116
Appendix 4
Reference for the Evaluation:
Use this checklist for a reference to identify and to get a better idea of what's
important to you. It's divided into three categories related to intrinsic, extrinsic and
lifestyle values.
Intrinsic Values
These are the intangible rewards, those related to motivation and satisfaction at work
on a daily basis. They provide the inner satisfaction and motivation that make people
say, “I love getting up and going to work!”
Variety and change at work
Be an expert
Work on the frontiers of knowledge
Help others
Help society
Experience adventure/excitement
Take risks/have physical challenges
Feel respected for your work
Compete with others
Have lots of public contact
Influence others
Engage in precision work
Gain a sense of achievement
Opportunities to express your creativity
Work for a good cause
Extrinsic Values
These are the tangible rewards or conditions you find at work, including the physical
setting, job titles, benefits and earnings/earning potential. Extrinsic values often trap
people into staying at jobs they don’t like, saying: “I just can’t give up my paycheck!”
They are commonly called “golden handcuffs.”
Have control/power/authority
Travel often
Be rewarded monetarily
Be an entrepreneur
Work as a team
Work in a fast-paced environment
Have regular work hours
Set your own hours/have flexibility
Be wealthy
Have prestige or social status
Have intellectual status
Module 7
Page 117
Have recognition through awards/honors/bonuses
Wear a uniform
Work in an aesthetically pleasing environment
Work on the edge, in a high-risk environment
Lifestyle Values
These are the personal values associated with how and where you want to live, how
you choose to spend your leisure time and how you feel about money.
Save money
Vacation at expensive resorts
Have access to educational/cultural opportunities
Live close to sports/recreational facilities
Be active in the community
Entertain at home
Be involved in politics
Live simply
Spend time with family
Live in a big city
Live abroad
Have time for spirituality/personal growth
Be a homeowner
Live in a rural setting
Have fun in life and at work
Module 7
Page 118
Appendix 5
Positive Work Ethics
Work ethics can be defined as a set of values, which involves the right
approach, attitude, precise behavior, respect for others and lively communication.
Basically, work ethics normalize what an employee would do in different
situations in office premises.
The habit of following good work ethics is inherent―it comes from within. It
involves our morality and other values, apart from what our parents have taught us.
Workers revealing good work ethics are considered suitable for better positions and
more responsibilities. Hence, it becomes important to be honest, responsible and
Positive Work Beliefs
Honesty: The old adage, "honesty is the best policy" is true today more than ever.
Any job assigned to a person should be done with utmost honesty, without doubledealing, untruthful or larceny. Employee business ethics manuals from most
scandalized corporations are likely to contain slogans touting its commitment to
honesty and integrity at work.
Integrity at Work: Integrity implies strength and stability. It means taking the high
road by practicing the highest business ethics standards. Representing integrity in the
workplace shows wholeness and reliability in a person's character and in an
organization. It shows that person have solid workplace behavior ethics that matter in
the real world that promote positive work ethics.
Dependability: Those who are dependable are considered reliable as well. Hence, it
is necessary to develop the quality of being a responsible person. This will, in turn,
nurture brilliant results and set you as a good example for those around you.
Responsibility: Accusing others, claiming victimhood, or passing the buck may solve
short-term crises, but refusal to take responsibility corrodes respect and unity in an
organization. Ethical people take responsibility for their actions. Workplace stress
issues are no excuse. Likewise, actions show the ability to be responsible both in the
little and big things. Good work ethics show a deeper promise to personal
Trust: There’s no free drive to good work ethics. Trust is hard to earn and even
harder to get back after you’ve lost it. Everyone who comes in contact with you or
your company must have trust and confidence in how you do business ethics.
Conflicts of interest in the workplace must not be on your detector display.
Respect: Respect is more than a feeling but a demo of honor, value and admiration
for something or someone. We respect the laws, the people we work with, the
company and its assets and ourselves.
Module 7
Page 119
Teamwork: Always remember that you are a part of the team, no matter what role
you play in it. Do what is not only good for you but also beneficial for the team as a
whole. It is a business necessity to work openly and supportively in teams whether
formal or informal. You need each other for effective problem solving in the
Efficiency: Efficiency is vital for a person’s own growth as well as the improvement of
the company he is working with. It is very easy to spot inefficient employees, who
waste a lot of time and resources. However, efficiency is still a hallmark of good
Quality: Quality should be more than making the best product, but should extend to
every aspect of your work. A person who recognizes quality and strives for it daily
has a profound sense of self-respect, pride in accomplishment, and attentiveness that
affects everything. From your memos to your presentations, everything you touch
should communicate professionalism and quality. Do not let workplace stress issues
rob you of striving for quality in everything you do.
Modesty: Humbleness and modesty are among the essential elements of good work
ethics. Only a dupe is arrogant, while a wise person always shows behaviors of
Leadership: A leader is out front providing an example that others will follow.
Problem solving in the workplace must be your first response. The real test of these
values comes from the resulting action. It takes a concerted, company-wide effort,
beyond inserting these words in an employee manual, to make it happen.
Positive Work Habits: Inculcate good working habits that will impress the people
you are working with and your superiors as well. Coming to work late, dressing
inappropriately and shuffling jobs are considered as signs of not following good work
Initiative: To be successful in whatever you do, it is vital to take initiatives on your
part. Do not wait to be told what to do. If you are doing the right thing in an
acceptable manner, do not hesitate to take initiatives.
Positive Attitude: Maintaining a positive attitude at work is very important to
complete your tasks successfully. This is because your coworkers get affected by
your trait and respond accordingly.
Module 7
Page 120
Appendix 6
Duties and Responsibilities of Employees and Employers
Mechanical engineers create solutions and solve problems, playing a central role in
the design and implementation of moving parts in a range of industries.
Mechanical engineers provide efficient solutions to the development of
processes and products, ranging from small component designs to extremely large
plant, machinery or vehicles.
They can work on all stages of a product, from research and development to
design and manufacture, to installation and final commissioning.
Most industries rely on a form of mechanical systems and mechanical
engineering is thought to be one of the most diverse of all engineering disciplines.
Because of this, there are employment opportunities in a range of sectors, including:
 aerospace
 automotive
 biomedical
 construction
 manufacturing
 power
 railway
Mechanical engineers can be involved in the management of people, projects
and resources, as well as the development and use of new materials and
Projects that mechanical engineers work on can vary significantly, from
researching and developing medical products (such as mechanical hearts), to
improving production processes in large oil refineries or designing services within
buildings. Across all sectors, the tasks generally include:
 designing and implementing cost-effective equipment modifications to help
improve safety and reliability
 developing a project specification with colleagues, often including those from other
engineering disciplines
 developing, testing and evaluating theoretical designs
 discussing and solving complex problems with manufacturing departments, subcontractors, suppliers and customers
 making sure a product can be made reliably and will perform consistently in
specified operating environments
 managing projects using engineering principles and techniques
 planning and designing new production processes
 producing details of specifications and outline designs
 recommending modifications following prototype test results
 using research, analytical, conceptual and planning skills, particularly
mathematical modelling and computer-aided design
Module 7
Page 121
considering the implications of issues such as cost, safety and time constraints
working with other professionals, within and outside the engineering sector
monitoring and commissioning plant and systems
Working hours
Working hours typically include regular extra hours, but not usually weekends or
Self-employment and freelance work are possible for qualified engineers with a good
track record and experience. Short-term contract or consulting work is also possible,
often arranged through agencies.
Mechanical engineers can find employment in a huge range of sectors;
mechanical engineering has usually played a part in almost all the products and
services we see around us.
Employers of mechanical engineers include:
 aerospace and automotive industries
 the armed forces and the Ministry of Defense, e.g., the Defence Engineering and
Science Group (DESG)
 construction and building services
 energy utilities, including nuclear
 engineering consultancies
 government agencies
 manufacturing industries
 medical engineering
 oil and gas industries, including petrochemical industries
 process industries, including pharmaceuticals, food and cosmetics
 the public sector, including the Civil Service, local authorities, hospitals and
educational institutions
 research establishments, both academic and commercial
 sports engineering
 transport, including road and railways
Recruitment agencies advertise vacancies and handle contract vacancies,
particularly for experienced engineers.
Professional Development
It is possible to enter the engineering industry through a graduate training
scheme. If you do this, you will complete a structured course of training, which
usually involves working within a variety of disciplines.
It is likely that you will work towards gaining chartered engineer status (CEng),
which is an internationally-recognized qualification awarded by the Engineering
With CEng status you have higher earning potential and improved career
You will need to be a member of a professional institution so that you can apply
through them for professional registration. Relevant bodies include:
Module 7
Page 122
 IMechE.
The process of becoming chartered is more straightforward if you have an
accredited bachelors degree, along with a Masters or an accredited integrated MEng
degree. To see which qualifications are accredited, see the Engineering Council.
Some employers will offer opportunities to study for a part-time MSc in a
relevant subject.
You will also need to demonstrate that you are working at a particular level and
have the required professional competences and commitment.
Most large firms offer structured training and encourage continuing professional
development (CPD). Usually, firms offer in-service training and short courses for
specific needs. This may include placements in different departments to widen your
Some employers are unable to provide broad training opportunities themselves,
and it is worth checking what arrangements they have in place.
CPD can be aided by joining one of the professional bodies, such as IMechE or
IET, which offer support through structured CPD programs. They also run events,
courses and conferences.
Career prospects
Most careers in engineering lead to a senior position with responsibility for other
staff or larger projects and budgets.
Gaining chartered status (CEng) is a significant help in career progression. It will
be proof that you have met a UK and international standard of experience and
knowledge in the engineering profession. More information is available at
Engineering Council - Chartered Engineer.
As companies operate in an increasingly international market, the European
engineer (Eur Ing) status and additional language skills will become a distinct
advantage if you wish to progress further in the profession.
All chartered engineers are eligible to apply for Eur Ing status. See Engineering
Council - European Engineer.
You may decide to develop additional skills, such as business or management,
so that you can get involved with larger projects and take on greater responsibility.
Good commercial awareness is essential for career development, as well as
developing people management skills, as it is likely you will be required to lead teams
or manage projects.
You may be able to move into business functions, such as procurement, sales
and marketing or human resources (HR). Once you have developed your technical
skills, you can move into senior engineering posts, such as engineering director.
Module 7
Page 123
Appendix 7
Improving One’s Personality
Early in life, one’s personality is already revealed. However, experiences,
education and situations modify them at such length. It can be improved by
constantly evaluating and checking one’s behavior and accepting challenges and
opportunities to modify a personality for the better.
Techniques to improve it:
1. Know yourself. Make an honest to goodness personality check.
2. Be willing to develop a strong desire to change for the better.
3. Set a checklist of the good and bad or strong and weak points and make a plan on
how you improve on the weak points. The plan must be made in a step by step
4. Follow up and evaluate progress of planned implementation.
Poise and Grooming
How you look can make a difference not only regarding the way you feel inside
about yourself, but also on your on-the-job performance and in your interpersonal
Check your bearing and body movements. Rigid or relaxed, the way you walk
reflects how you feel:
 a tired shuffle
 a nervously hurried pacing
 a relaxed stroll
 a proud strut
Correct any negative mannerism like:
 Fidgeting with hair, jewelry, belt or belt buckle
 Twiddling thumbs
 Touching face
 Sniffling
 Scratching yourself
 Picking your teeth
 Foot tapping or foot rocking
 Clearing your throat or swallowing air
Wear appropriate clothes. The image you should project is one of
Responsibility, Respectability and Trust.
Module 7
Page 124
You and Your Wardrobe
Your clothes/accessories should suit you according to:
Age… and more
Do not overdress specially at work. Clothes should not be so conspicuous as to
distract attention from the business at hand.
Jewelry―any piece of jewelry to be worn should be functional, or should add
For women: use scarves to peck up simple designed outfits.
Rules for Accessories
 For business dressing, moderation is the key.
 Your accessories should suit the occasion, age and personality of the wearer.
 It is a right to mix real, fake and ethnic jewelry, provided the fake jewelry is not
blatantly plastic.
After you have clothes and accessories together, take a final glance at the
mirror. If you have some doubts, take something off.
 Invest on a good pair. If your feet hurt, your face will show it.
 Shoe color should generally be darker than the color of your hemline.
 Strappy sandals, open-toed and heels, extremely high heels are not appropriate
for office use.
 Shoes can match your bag in color or texture but not both.
 White shoes look good only for casual worn with white skirts or white pants.
 Preferably made of leather; condition of shoes should be satisfactory.
Wardrobe Turnoffs
 Wrong color of the underwear for the clothing so that it shows through
 A skirt with a slit worn with slip that shows through the split
 Bare feet in open-toed shoes in a business atmosphere
 Open-toed shoes with reinforced toe nylons
 High-heeled shoes in need of heel repair
 Buttons opened below the bust line
 An excessive amount of jewelry
 More than one ring per hand
 Clothing worn top too tightly
Module 7
Page 125
Strained or soiled clothing
An overstuffed handbag
Loose or missing buttons
Visible underwear lines
Bra straps that show
Nylons with runs
Uneven hemline
Module 7
Page 126
Personality – Positive Work Ethics, http://personality.pl/?id=75
Bolles, Richard Nelson. 2009. What Color is Your Parachute? A Practical
Manual for Job-Hunters and Career-Changers, Ten Speed Press,
Stone, Raymond J., John Wiley & Sons. 2006. Managing Human Resources,
1st Edition 2006, Australia, Ltd., 42 Mc Pongal Street, Old 4064.
Santos, 1984. Personality for Today’s Young Professional Personality and
Work Values,
Bencsik, Andrea, et al. 2016. The Relation Between Motivation & Personality
Types. International Business Management, 10: 183-193. URL:
Module 7
Page 127
Ready to Take Off!
Congratulations, your learners are now ready to create their Lifelong Learning
Plan and to conduct personal and career development activities that will help them
grow and advance in their life and career!
From the previous module, your learners identified the rights and
responsibilities of the employees and employers. They also learned the importance
of work values and work ethics in becoming successful in one’s chosen career, and
evaluated extrinsic and intrinsic motivation for sustainable work satisfaction.
In this final module, you will guide your learners to conduct their career
development gap analysis and develop their lifelong learning plan. Your learners
should be aware that their lifelong learning plan will determine the kind of citizens
they will be in the future. They will also be asked to write their original career
philosophy expressing their love and passion in their chosen career.
Fasten your seatbelt and get ready for exciting and challenging tasks ahead
of you!
Time Allotment: 120 Minutes
Main Activity
15 minutes
25 minutes
20 minutes
35 minutes
10 minutes
15 minutes
LCD Projector
MS PPT Presentations
Runway Mystery Words Game – Interactive PPT
Career Destination Plot
Lifelong Learning Plan Worksheet
Letter to My Future Self Worksheet
Meta strips (blue, red, and yellow)
Crayons/colored pens/pentel pens
Masking tapes
White cartolina/manila paper
Module 8
Page 128
Grade 11 Goal Setting Activity Sheet
Module 5 Mission Statement
6 copies of Airplane templates for the Reflection Activity
At the end of this module, the learners are expected to:
1. identify lifelong learning strategies to grow in a chosen career;
2. create a Lifelong Learning Plan; and
3. express love and passion to one’s chosen career.
Motivation (10 minutes)
MS PowerPoint Interactive Game
Runway Word Puzzle: Help Gio to take off from the runway by unscrambling
the mystery words:
Note: In case, computers and projectors are not available to play this game,
the teacher is encouraged to prepare an improvised instructional material for
this activity or write the letters of the mystery words on the board.
Module 8
Page 129
Process Questions:
1. How did you find the activity?
2. What do these mystery words mean to you?
3. Do you think that you can further grow or progress after getting employed or
vocation/establishing business? How?
III. Main Activity (30 Minutes)
My Career Destination Plot
Note: Before the activity, the teacher will draw the Career Destination Plot on
Manila Paper/Cartolina using a pentel pen)
Instruct the learners to review their Grade 11 Module 8 Goal-Setting Activity
output and assess their accomplishments vis-à-vis their target goals. This will
lead them to acknowledge their shortcomings and encourage them to desire
knowing other lifelong learning strategies which they will need upon they exit
Senior High School and grow in their chosen careers and lives.
Procedure for the activity:
1. Give back the Grade 11 Module 8 Goal-Setting activity sheets to their
respective owners.
2. Instruct the learners to take a look at their Grade 11 Module 8 Goal-Setting
Activity Sheets and review their long-term, mid-term, and short-term goals.
3. Distribute 3 meta-strips (1 blue, 1 red and 1 yellow) to each of the learners.
4. Instruct the learners to write on the blue meta strip the goals which they
have already accomplished since they targeted them in Grade 11; on the red
meta-strip the goals which they were not able to accomplish but which they
think they really need to accomplish in 1to 5 years; and on the yellow metastrip those goals which they still want to pursue in 6 to 20 years. Inform
them that they are allotted 10 minutes for this activity. Mount the Career
Destination Plot on the board/wall.
Instruct the learner to post all their blue meta-strips at the bottom area
labelled designated for achieved goals; the red meta-strips at the middle area
labelled with 1-5 years target and the yellow meta-strips at the topmost area.
Career Destination Plot
Process Questions
After the activity, ask the learners the following questions:
1. How did you find the activity?
2. What percent of your short-term goals did you already accomplish?
Enumerate these goals.
3. What short-term goals were you not able to accomplish yet? What midterm
and long-term goals do you still want to pursue?
4. What realization do you have now after comparing your accomplishment with
your set target? (To deepen their realization on the lifelong learning gaps
Module 8
Page 130
which they need to fill-in, and connect them to the next activity, ask the
students to choose their pair and discuss question number 5 in 5 minutes.)
5. Aside from your reflected career goals, what other goals do you want to
achieve in your career, personal, and social life? Do you think you already
possess all the lifelong learning skills you need to truly succeed and advance
in life and career? (Make this question as a springboard to the lecturette).
IV. Lecturette (20 Minutes)
Lifelong Learning Strategies
Now that you are very certain about your preferred life and career, you
might wonder, what is next after landing on your dream job or getting your
desired profession or vocation? Learning should never stop once you became
employed, you need to continuously improve and undergo lifelong learning
activities that can help you grow in your chosen profession and reach your
ultimate career goal. Lifelong learning is composed of different strategies or
activities that can help you improve continuously in knowledge, skills and other
competencies that are important in your life and career. Lifelong learning
strategies include, but are not limited to the following programs or activities:
1. Graduate school programs (e.g. Master of Science in Criminal Justice,
Master in Business Administration, and Doctorate Courses)
2. Adult learning courses, distance education programs, and online webinars
(e.g. TESDA Online Courses, UP Open University and Livelihood Trainings)
3. On-campus training events (e.g. seminars, workshops, special speakers,
4. Off-campus conferences, conventions, and workshops (e.g. National
Conferences for Educators, Nurse Practitioner Conference, and others)
5. A personal structured reading plan focused on a particular area of
development (e.g. Reading plan for improving leadership skills)
6. Mentoring or coaching by immediate supervisors/managers
7. An in-house action research project.
8. Social networking (e.g. LinkedIn)
The Lifelong Learning Plan
It is a human nature to desire progress. According to Victor Lipman of
Forbes, the possibility for “career advancement is an especially powerful job
motivator. Writing a plan on how you want to progress in your career will give
you a clear path on how you can grow in your chosen life and career.
For you to grow and become successful in your own chosen life and
career path you need to develop a plan for your life and career advancement.
Lifelong Learning Plan is a written plan that will serve as a road map to your
voluntary, ongoing and self-motivated pursuit of development for either
personal or professional growth. You need to set goals for your improvement,
set time frames to accomplish these goals and identify resources and key
persons that can help you achieve these goals.
Module 8
Page 131
The Three Aspects of Your Lifelong Learning Plan
The career aspect will give you a structure on career advancement that
will guide you on the things that you need to do, to go where you want to go in
your career, like your transition from entry-level position to managerial position.
In the social aspect of your LLP, you will be guided on how to establish social
linkages in your career and expand your network. While in the personal
aspect, you will identify key areas for personal growth and will make you
prepared for important transitions in life, like setting a plan to marry and have
your own family. This is based on the notion that your personal life will affect
your career.
Process Questions
1. What are the different lifelong learning activities that you can undergo to
continuously grow in your chosen life and career?
2. Why do you think it is necessary to conduct Career Gap Analysis in creating
your Lifelong Learning Plan?
3. What is Lifelong Learning Plan? How can it help you as a graduating
Application (20 Minutes)
At this time, the learners already have preferred SHS curriculum exit and
clear career roadmap on how they want to progress in their chosen career and
life. For this activity, the learners will create their Lifelong Learning Plan.
Give each learner the copy of Lifelong Learning Plan Worksheet found
in Appendix ___.
My Lifelong Learning Plan
Name: ____________________________________
Track and Strand: ___________________________________
Though there is no prescribed procedure in creating a Lifelong Learning
Plan, the following are the suggested steps that one can undertake to come up
with an effective career progression plan:
1. Start by identifying your areas of improvement
After being employed or hired in your desired profession or vocation, you
can still advance in that career and aspire to reach a higher status. The initial
step is to identify areas of improvement in knowledge, skills, competencies,
and values that you need to prioritize in achieving your career goals. This
can be done through a Career Gap Analysis, wherein you will compare
your current situation to your career goals, then describe what you need to
accomplish in order to achieve them.
Module 8
Page 132
Below is how you should accomplish your Gap Analysis:
Life and Career Aspects
(Refer to Module 4
To become a
Grade 12
I need BS
and at least
earning the
1. Career
To possess
knowledge inn
knowledge in
I need to
2. Career
To be a good
I am serving
as Class VicePresident
I need to
have more
ng Aspect (Refer
to Module 6
To establish
with agencies
I have savings
but I know it
wouldn’t be
enough for my
I need to
link with
people that
can provide
or financial
help for my
Personal Values
Aspect (Refer to
Module 6 and 7
Worksheets )
To improve
I need eye
make-up skill
I need to
acquire skill
in eye
A. Career Aspects
Module 8
Page 133
2. Set objectives based on your gap analysis
Restate your gap description into objectives. Remember that goals and
objectives must be SMART, which means specific, measurable, achievable,
relevant, and time-bound. Restate your gap description into objective as
shown below.
Gap Description
I need
BS and at least master’s To
be appointed as Secondary
degree education while earning the School Principal I after 12 years
work experience required
3. Write your plans to bridge the gap.
Now, let us work with the main part of your Lifelong Learning Plan. The
objectives that you set will bridge the gap in your career progression.
However, to ensure the accomplishment of these objectives, you need to
identify lifelong learning activities, key persons and resources involved in
achieving your career and life goals. It is also important to make your
objectives time-bound and set mode of verification as proof of your
objectives’ attainment:
Gap Bridging Plan
To be
Principal I
after 12
tertiary and
Mode of
(Proof of
Scholarship 2018relatives, s P100,000 2027
Paper as
Principal I
To fill in the lifelong learning activities or strategies column, you can
choose from the list of lifelong learning strategies discussed in this module,
the best activity that will close the gap between your career goals and your
present realities.
Module 8
Page 134
No man is an island, the cliché goes. To achieve your career goals, you
need key persons that can help you accomplish your objectives for personal
and career development. Your family, friends, colleagues, mentors or
coaches, department heads, supervisors, even spiritual or financial advisers
can actually be part of the key persons involved in your career development.
Career advancement is also an investment, you need to allot financial
or materials resources to accomplish doable tasks that will help you
achieve your set objectives.
Your LLP plan should be time bound, setting time frame for each
objective to accomplish will somehow help you monitor your progress and
achieve your goals on time.
Mode of verification is an actual evidence of your outcome after doing
a particular lifelong learning activity. It can be a certificate of participation in a
training or workshop, a coaching or mentoring form, or Transcript of Records
after finishing your Master’s degree.
For sample output, refer to Appendix __.
VI. Evaluation (10 minutes)
Write a Letter to Your Future Self
After setting a clear path of career progression through their Lifelong
Learning Plan, the learners will write a letter about their future self, five
years from now. Instruct the students to consider the following questions in
writing their letters. They can use their mother tongue language to feel more
comfortable in expressing themselves:
1. What do I like about myself right now? (Ano ano ang mga magagandang
katangiang meron ako?)
2. What do I think are the things that I need to improve in my life right now?
(Ano ang mga katangiang kailangan ko pang paunlarin?)
3. What are the things that I should have accomplished after five years? (Ano
anong mga layunin ang dapat na makamit ko na limang taon mula ngayon?)
4. What are the goals and dreams that I want to achieve in my career and life?
(Ano ano ang aking mga pangarap at layunin sa aking karera at buhay?)
5. Why am I passionate about my chosen career and life? (Bakit lubos kong
nais ang aking napiling karera?)
Module 8
Page 135
Sulat para sa Aking Sarili
Mahal kong Gio,
Gusto kita kasi ikaw ay nakatuon sa iyong mga pangarap at masikap
sa iyong pag-aaral. Hinahangaan ka ng iyong mga kamag-aral at guro, dahil
sa iyong husay sa pakikipagtalastasan. Gayunman, kung may isang bagay na
dapat mo pang paunlarin, ito ay ang iyong pag-sasaayos ng mga gawain at
time management. Sana, ngayon ay isa ka ng Master Teacher sa isang
pampublikong paaralan, na gumagabay sa mga mag-aaral ng ika-21 siglo
gamit ang mga makabago at mas epektibong pamamaraan ng pagtuturo.
Alam ko na mahal mo ang propesyong ito, dahil naniniwala ka na mahalaga
ang gampanin ng guro sa paghubog sa mga kabataan upang sila ay
magkaroon ng magandang kinabukasan.
Gio Alonzo
VII. Reflection (10 minutes)
My Career Philosophy
Note: Before the activity, have 6 copies of the airplane template (refer to
Appendix ___). Cut out the airplane figures according to the number of
members in every group.
Let the class go over their
written mission statement in Module
5. Show the video clip of compiled
quotations on career and success to
set the tone. In case, computer and
projector are not available, the
teacher is encouraged to prepare an
improvised instructional material for this activity or write the quotations on the
Ask a volunteer to pick one quote and share their thoughts in a
sentence. Lead the class in writing their own career philosophy.
Module 8
Page 136
Ask the learners to group themselves into 6. Cut out parts of airplane
equivalent to the number of members in every group. Distribute the airplane
cutouts and present the sample career philosophy and the blank template to
the class. Ask them to write their career philosophies on the cutout given to
each, following the template guide. Let each group put together all the
airplane puzzle cutouts and post them on the wall. Tell them that the plane’s
cockpit should be facing upward as how they want their career to be soaring
up high.
“Together with others, everyone has a mission to fulfill somewhere,
somehow in this wide world.” ―DMD
My Career Philosophy
As a/an _________________________________________________, I
know this profession is _______________________.
I have set out on a path in ___________________________________
I believe that to succeed in _________________________ you must
I believe in the saying that,
_______________________________________” that is why I will ________
My Career Philosophy
As a 21st century teacher. I know this profession is challenging.
I have set out on a path in teaching field knowing I can make a
difference in individual's lives.
I believe that to succeed in teaching you must have passion,
positive attitude, strong work ethic and hard work.
I believe in the saying that, “To be successful, the first thing to
do is to fall in love with your work,” that is why I will never stop
falling in love in teaching.
Module 8
Page 137
VIII. Agreement
1. Ask the learners to implement at least one task identified from Lifelong
Learning Plan (LLP). The teacher-adviser should coordinate with the workimmersion teacher to track down the learners’ records in Work Immersion
Monitoring and Evaluation Tool (Annex F in DO no. 30, s. 2017), coaching
and mentoring data and special tasks and trainings.
2. After completing the eight modules for this career guidance program, ask
them to compile all the worksheets from Module 1 to 8 and add these to their
Career Guidance Program Portfolio. The teacher-adviser should collect the
portfolio for evaluation. Return the portfolios to the learners for continuous
guidance/coaching for career and life progression.
Session 1
Activity Worksheet 1.1: ______________________________
Activity Worksheet 1.2: ______________________________
Activity Worksheet 1.3: ______________________________
Session 2
Activity Worksheet 2.1: ______________________________
Activity Worksheet 2.2: ______________________________
Activity Worksheet 2.3: ______________________________
Session 3
Activity Worksheet 3.1: ______________________________
Activity Worksheet 3.2: ______________________________
Activity Worksheet 3.3: ______________________________
Session 4
Activity Worksheet 4.1: ______________________________
Activity Worksheet 4.2: ______________________________
Activity Worksheet 4.3: ______________________________
Session 5
Activity Worksheet 5.1: ______________________________
Activity Worksheet 5.2: ______________________________
Activity Worksheet 5.3: ______________________________
Module 8
Page 138
Session 6
Activity Worksheet 6.1: ______________________________
Activity Worksheet 6.2: ______________________________
Activity Worksheet 6.3: ______________________________
Session 7
Activity Worksheet 7.1: ______________________________
Activity Worksheet 7.2: ______________________________
Activity Worksheet 7.3: ______________________________
Session 8
Activity Worksheet 8.1: ______________________________
Activity Worksheet 8.2: ______________________________
Activity Worksheet 8.3: ______________________________
Module 8
Page 139
Department of Education and Science. Learning for Life: Paper on Adult Education.
Dublin: Stationery Office. 2000 [cited 10 August 2017]. Available from
Garver, Louise. How to Develop a Personal/Professional Development Plan (PDP)
[Online]. 2017 [cited 10 August 2017]. Available from: <
Lipman, Victor. The Motivational Value of Clear Career Paths [Online]. 2013 [cited
10 August 2017]. Available from:
Waddle, Greg. A Guide for Writing a Professional Development Plan. Mid-South
Christian College. April (2009): 1-5.
Module 8
Page 140