Kingdom of Saudi Arabia Ministry of Education King Abdul-Aziz University Faculty of Medicine Rabigh branch Family medicine assignment of nutrition module “Body Mass Index ’’ (1437-1438) (2017-2018) Year: 2nd year Student name : Muhammad Jarallah Al-ghamdi ID No. : 1635699 Q1. How do you categorize according to body mass index (BMI) into ( Underweight, Normal, Overweight, Obese) ? Ans. Table 1. Nutritional status BMI Nutritional status Below 18.5 Underweight 18.5–24.9 Normal weight 25.0–29.9 Pre-obesity 30.0–34.9 Obesity class I 35.0–39.9 Obesity class II Above 40 Obesity class III And I’m pre-obesity or overweight ( this answer was chose from the lecture ) Q2. Calculate your own BMI and determine your category of BMI. Ans. 75 / 1.71x1.71 = 25.648 Then my category would be Pre-obesity Sources: