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Dr. Bryce Willson - Resume 5-6-19

Bryce C. Willson, PhD, CACIII, LPC, Licensed Psychologist
12835 E. Arapahoe Road, Tower-II, Suite 440, Centennial, CO 80112 / (720) 984 – 0244 /
Licensure & Certification:
Licensed Psychologist (Colorado)
Licensed Professional Counselor (LPC / Colorado).
National Certified Counselor (NCC).
Certified Addictions Counselor – Level Three (CACIII / Colorado).
Language Abilities:
 English
 Portuguese
 Spanish
Ph.D. Counselor Education & Supervision
University of Northern Colorado, Greeley, CO – December 2006.
*Doctorate Minor in Statistics & Research Methods - University of Northern Colorado,
Greeley, CO – December 2006.
M.A. Masters of Arts - Agency Counseling with an Emphasis in Marriage and Family Therapy,
University of Northern Colorado, Greeley, CO - August 1999.
B.S. Bachelor of Science - Human Development and Family Studies Colorado State University, Fort Collins, CO - December 1996.
*Spanish Minor - Colorado State University, Fort Collins, CO - December 1996.
International Experience:
Portugal – (2 years) Mission
Professional Association / Membership:
American Psychological Association (APA)
American Counseling Association (ACA)
Association of Family and Conciliation Courts (AFCC)
Colorado Chapter of the Association of Family and Conciliation Courts
 International Association of Marriage and Family Counselors (IAMFC)
 The Metro Denver Interdisciplinary Committee (MDIC)
 National Board for Certified Counselors (NBCC)
Graduate &
Argosy University – Denver Campus
Level Teaching
*Outstanding Faculty Member of the Year 2014*
C7430 - Advanced Counseling Theories in Counselor Education
C8002 - Assessment II: Personality Assessment
FP6905 - Correctional Psychology
FP6010 - Psychology & the Legal System
FP6035 - Evaluation & Treatment of Offenders
FP6500 - Professional & Ethical Issues in Forensic Psych
FP6900 - Substance Abuse Counseling
PC6525 - Appraisal and Assessment
PSY210 - Psychological Statistics
PSY302 - Research Methods
PSY310 - Social Psychology
Dissertation – Committee Chair
Regis University - Ruecker-Hartman College for Health Professionals Division of Counseling and Family Therapy - Master of Arts in Counseling
- Broomfield Campus
MCPY 625 Professional Orientation and Ethics Issues
MCPY 635 Counseling Techniques – I
MCPY 636 Counseling Techniques – II
MCPY 667 Couples Therapy
CFT 603 Motivational Interviewing and Client Records Management
University of Northern Colorado School of Applied Psychology and
Counselor Education (Extended Studies Denver Center at Lowry)
APCE 669 Advanced Methods: Couples and Family Therapy Spring
2008 (3 Credit Hours), Apr. 11-13, 25-27 Fri 4:05-10pm, Sat 8-5pm Sun
APCE 695 Seminar in Contemporary Issues: Marriage and Family
Therapy, Summer 2008(3 Credit Hours) , Aug. 1-3, 8-10 4:05-10pm, Sat
8-5pm Sun 8-4pm
APCE 669 Advanced Methods: Couples and Family Therapy Spring
2009 (3 Credit Hours) , Mar 20-22 & Apr 3-5, 2009 Fri 4:05-10pm, Sat 85pm Sun 8-4pm
APCE 669 Advanced Methods: Couples and Family Therapy Spring
2009 (3 Credit Hours), Dec 4-5, 18-20 2009 Fri 4:05-10pm, Sat 8-5pm
Sun 8-4pm
APCE 669 Advanced Methods: Couples and Family Therapy Spring
2010 (3 Credit Hours), Dec 3-5, 17-19 2010 Fri 4:05-10pm, Sat 8-5pm
Sun 8-4pm
APCE 660 Psychological Consultation (Colorado Springs Campus)
2009(3 Credit Hours)
Organizational/Program design and implementation
 Analysis and evaluation of organizational/Program structure
 Identification of structural and system problems
 Development of strategic design toward efficacy and efficiency
 Development of flow charts for visual reference and accountability
 Implementation of organizational/program designs
 Team Building
Consultative Work (Psychiatric Triage Assessment):
 Medical Floor & Emergency Room Psychological Consultation
 Assessment, Recommendation, Referral, and Disposition of Psychiatric
Patients on the medical floors and in the emergency room.
 Inter-facility Consultation and Treatment Planning regarding high
resource consumption and repeated self-injurious patients within
correctional institutions.
Active administrative role in:
 Intake coordination and application
 Utilization review with third party payer sources
& Family
Conceptualization, understanding, and application of theoretical
therapeutic counseling models such as:
 Cognitive Behavioral Therapy
 Rational Emotive Behavioral Therapy
 Reality Therapy / Choice Theory
 Person Centered Therapy / Humanistic
 Behavioral Therapy
Gestalt Therapy
Existential Therapy
Conceptualization, understanding and application of family therapy
models such as:
 Solution Focused Family Therapy
 Structural Family Therapy
 Narrative Family Therapy
 Communications Validation (Satir) Family Therapy
 Integrative Family Therapy
 Bowenian Family Therapy
Professional counseling experience in applying theoretical and therapeutic
models of counseling that involve:
 Mental Health
 Substance Abuse / Adult and Adolescent
 Adolescents
 Adult Corrections
 Youth Corrections
 Couples & Family Therapy
 Grief Counseling
 Individual Counseling
Evaluating and assessing clients’ inter-&- intra-personal dynamics to
determine appropriate treatment modalities and interventions.
Developing a clear, specific, realistic, appropriate, and mutual treatment
plan with clients to aid them in attainment of treatment goals specific to
their therapeutic needs.
Maintaining an accurate treatment record of therapeutic interventions
performed with clients specific to their treatment plan.
Writing of formal evaluation and discharge summaries to be used with
client authorized referral sources such as: Court, Probation, Social
Services, Heath Care Providers, and other community care providers.
Use of pre-post outcome measures to gage the effectiveness of
therapeutic interventions and treatment modalities.
Administration and interpretation of professional psychological assessment
instruments to aid in evaluation of clients’ specific therapeutic needs and
treatment modalities, applied in forensic, inpatient, and outpatient setting :
 Folstein Mini Mental Status Exam
 Clock Draw Test (Neuo-Psychological Screening)
 Montreal Cognitive Assessment (MoCA)
 SIRS-2 (Structured Interview of Reported Symptoms, 2nd Edition)
 SIMS (Structured Inventory of Malingered Symptomatology)
 Multiphasic Personality Inventory-II (MMPI-II)
 Multiphasic Personality Inventory-2-RF (MMPI-2-RF)
Minnesota Multiphasic Personality Inventory-A (MMPI-A)
Millon Clinical Multiaxial Inventory –3 (MCMI-III)
Millon Clinical Multiaxial Inventory – 4 (MCMI-IV)
Millon Adolescent Clinical Inventory (MACI)
Personality Assessment Inventory (PAI)
Personality Assessment Screen (PAS)
Adolescent Self Assessment Profile - II (ASAP-II)
Adult Self-Assessment Profile (ADSAP)
The Drug Use Self Report (DUSR)
Substance Abuse Subtle Screening Inventory / Adult & Adolescent
Forms (SASSI)
State-Trait Anger Expression Inventory - 2 (STAXI-2)
Family Adaptability & Cohesion Sale – II (FACES-II).
Conners’ 3 (ADHD Assessment)
Cognistat 2015 (Neuro-Cognitive Screening/Assessment)
General Adult Measure of Ability (GAMA)
Wechsler Adult Intelligence Scale (WAIS-IV)
Wechsler Memory Scale (WMS-IV)
Test of Memory and Learning – Second Edition (TOMAL-2)
Test of Memory and Learning – Senior Edition (TOMAL-SE)
Administration and interpretation of cognitive and personality professional
assessment instruments, synthesized into psychological reports, as
practicum and internship requirements (under the supervision of a licensed
psychologist) through the University of Northern Colorado in the
Counselor Education & Supervision PhD program in the Professional
Psychology Department.
Personality Assessment Instruments:
 Behavior Assessment Scale for Children (BASC)
 Revised Children’s Manifest Anxiety Scale (RCMAS)
 House-Tree-Person (HTP)
 Kinetic Family Drawings (KFD)
 Incomplete Sentences, Personality inventory for Children (PIC)
 Mental Status Exam (MSE)
 Minnesota Multiphasic Personality Inventory-II (MMPI-II)
 Minnesota Multiphasic Personality Inventory-A (MMPI-A)
 Substance Abuse Subtle Screening Inventory-III
 Reynolds Adolescent Depression Inventory (RADS)
 Thematic Apperception Test (TAT)
 Robert’s Apperception Test
 Millon Clinical Multiaxial Inventory –3 (MCMI-III)
 California Personality Inventory (CPI)
16 Personality Factors (16PF)
Beck Depression Inventory – 2 (BDI-2)
Draw-A-Person Test: Screening for Emotional Disturbance (DAPSPED)
Rorschach, and Piers-Harris Self-Concept Scale
Cognitive Assessment Instruments:
 General Adult Measure of Ability (GAMA)
 Matrix Analogies Test (MAT)
 Wechsler Intelligence Scale for Children (WISC-III)
 Wechsler Adult Intelligence Scale (WAIS-III)
 Wide Range Achievement Test (WRAT-3)
 Wechsler Individual Achievement Test (WIAT)
 Bender-Gestalt Test
 Vineland, Beery-Buktenic Visual Motor Development Inventory (VMI)
 Cognitive Assessment System (CAS)
Supervision of Counselors in training at the University of Northern
Colorado in the Counselor Education & Supervision PhD program in the
Department Professional Psychology:
 Individual counseling practicums
 Family counseling practicums
 Group Counseling practicums
Doctoral Dissertation
The Impact of the High-level Athlete on the Sibling Relationship Author:
Bryce Craig Willson
University of Northern Colorado
University of Northern Colorado, 2006
1109950632, 9781109950632
258 pages
A mixed methods design (concurrent triangulation strategy) was used to
investigate the impact of the high-level athlete on the sibling relationship as
measured by the Adult Sibling Relationship Questionnaire (ASRQ) constructs
(warmth, conflict, and rivalry). A sample of 94 (mostly Caucasian) sibling
dyads (n = 188) consisting of high-level athletes and their non-high-level athlete
siblings (ages 18--25, males and females, same gender, first and second borns,
biological siblings, from two parent families, 0--4 years in age disparity, and
from a family size of two to four children) participated in this study.
Participants completed the ASRQ and qualitative, open-ended questions at the
end of this measure via a secure web-page link. Twenty-two sports across 75
colleges (NCAA Division I-III) participated in this study. Quantitative
correlation analysis was conducted through confirmatory and exploratory factor
analyses and a series of paired samples and independent sample t-tests. A
qualitative, confirmatory, content top down analysis was implemented to
identify units, themes, and categories. Qualitative data was transformed or
quantitized via binarizing themes, producing inter and intra-respondent
matrices. Factor loadings for the Intra-Respondent Matrix, ASRQ data sets from
this study, and ASRQ normative data demonstrated similarities (Willson, 2006).
Willson, B.C. and University of Northern Colorado (2006). The Impact of the High-level
Athlete on the Sibling Relationship, isbn = 9781109950632, publisher = University of Northern
Relevant Experience:
An Intuitive Mind, Counseling, Consulting, & Psychological
Services, PLLC
Centennial, CO
May 2016 – Current
Aurora Detention Center
I.C.E. Detainer Facility
Aurora, CO
February 2017 – Current
UCHealth Mountain Crest Behavioral Health
Resource Pool / Psychologist Floor consultation
for Poudre Valley Hospital
& Medical Center of the Rockies
January 2017 – Current
Affiliate Professor
Regis University – Thornton Campus
Spring, 2015 - Current
Miramont Family Medicine
Parker and Fort Collins, CO
May 2016 – May 2018
Senior Counseling Group, LLC
Golden, CO
May 2016 – May 2017
Psychologist - I
Colorado Department of Corrections
Sterling Correctional Facility
Sterling, CO
October, 2013 – April 2016
Psychologist Candidate
Colorado Department of Corrections
Sterling Correctional Facility
Sterling, CO
January, 2008 – October, 2013
Adjunct Professor
Argosy University – Denver Campus
Spring, 2013 – 2018
Adjunct Professor
University of Northern Colorado
School of Applied Psychology and
Counselor Education (Extended
Studies Denver Center at Lowry)
Spring, 2008 – 2017
Psychiatric Triage Clinician
Longmont United Hospital
1950 Mountain View Ave,
Longmont, CO 80501
March, 2011 – 2013
Founder / Program Director
Sobriety Solutions, LLC
324 Railroad Ave.
Fort Morgan CO 80701
December, 2005 – 2009
Founder / Program Director
Advanced Behavioral Health, LLC
324 Railroad Ave.
Fort Morgan CO 80701
November, 2006 – 2009
Behavioral Health
Therapist – II
North Colorado Medical Center Behavioral Health
928 12th St.
Greeley, CO 80631
March, 2001 – December, 2007
1 year Doctorate Level
Internship in Counselor
Education & Supervision
(under the supervision of
a licensed psychologist to
meet requirements for
psychologist licensure)
Supervision of Family
Practicum Internship
(Doctorate level)
Psych-Care Family Recovery
North Colorado Medical Center
928 12th St.
Greeley, CO 80631
August, 2002 – August, 2003
University of Northern Colorado,
Division of Professional Psychology,
Counselor Education & Supervision
PhD Program
January, 2001 – May, 2001
Island Grove Regional Treatment Center
Youth Services Department
1140 M. St.
Greeley, CO 80631
July, 1999 – March, 2001
Supervision of Individual University of Northern Colorado,
Practicum (Doctorate level) Division of Professional Psychology,
Counselor Education & Supervision
PhD Program
September, 2000 – December, 2000
Supervision of Family
University of Northern Colorado,
Practicum (Doctorate level) Division of Processional Psychology,
Counselor Education & Supervision
PhD Program
September, 2000 – December, 2000
Advanced Practicum
Individual Counseling
(Doctorate Level)
University of Northern Colorado,
Division of Professional Psychology,
Counselor Education & Supervision
PhD Program
January, 2000 – May, 2000
Practicum / Individual
Counseling (Doctorate
University of Northern Colorado,
Division of Professional Psychology,
Counselor Education & Supervision
PhD Program
September, 1999 – December, 1999
Intensive Family Therapy
Island Grove Women and Family Services
1510 11th Ave.
Greeley, CO 80631
March, 1999 - August, 1999
Internship / Individual
and Family counseling
(Masters Level)
Greeley, CO 80631
January, 1999 – August, 1999
Practicum / Marriage
and Family Counseling
(Masters Level)
University of Northern Colorado,
Division of Professional Psychology,
Agency Counseling with an Emphasis
in Marriage and family therapy,
January, 1999 – May, 1999
Practicum / Individual
(Masters Level)
University of Northern Colorado,
Division of Professional Psychology,
Agency Counseling with an Emphasis
in Marriage and family therapy,
August, 1998 - December, 1998
Child Care Worker
Midway Shelter
Greeley, CO 80631
July, 1997 – March, 1998
Summer Work Crew /
Activities Director
Jacob Family Services
Fort Collins, CO 80524
June, 1996 - August 1996
June, 1997 - July, 1997
Staff Secure Director /
Assistant Case Manager
Jacob Family Services
Fort Collins, CO 80524
January, 1997 - July, 1997
Independent Living
Jacob Family Services
Fort Collins, CO 80524
April, 1995 - July, 1997
Deputy Probation Officer
Larimer County Probation
Fort Collins, CO 80526
December, 1995 - May, 1996
The Church of JESUS CHRIST
of Latter Day Saints
Lisbon, Portugal
July 1991 - July 1993
References available upon request.