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Miao He CV-2019

Curriculum Vitae
Dr. Miao He
Principal Investigator
Institutes of Brain Science/State Key Laboratory of Medical Neurobiology
Fudan University
131 Dongan Road, Mindao1015
Shanghai, 20032, China
Work: (+86) 21-54237869
Cell: (+86) 18917279036
Email: hem@fudan.edu.cn
2005/08-2011/08 State University of New York at Stony Brook, USA
2001/09-2005/07 Tsinghua University, P. R. China
Biological Sciences
Positions and employment
2013/10 - present
2011/09 – 2013/09
Principal investigator, Institutes of Brain Science,
State Key Laboratory of Medical Neurobiology, Fudan University, China
Postdoctoral fellow, Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory, USA
Personal statement
The mammalian brain contains an enormous variety of neuron types, each with distinct morphology, connectivity
and physiology. Understanding the functional organization of neural circuits requires comprehensive knowledge of
these basic cellular components, neuronal cell types. Genetic mouse engineering engaging the intrinsic gene
regulatory mechanisms that generate and maintain cell type identity and phenotypes allow the establishment of
experimental systems which promise precise and reliable identification and manipulation of distinct cell types. I
aim to develop strategies and tools targeting diverse neuron types in the mouse brain which allow genetic dissection
of neural circuit assembly and function, In the past, I have generated mouse recombinases driver lines and reporter
lines which provide reliable access to multiple neocortical neural cell populations and lineages and facilitates
studying the function and development of neural circuitry. I have also demonstrated that combinatorial genetic and
viral approaches target restricted GABAergic subpopulations and cell types characterized by distinct laminar
location, morphology, axonal projection, and electrophysiological properties. Besides, I established a miRNA
tagging and affinity-purification (miRAP) method that is targeted to cell types through the Cre-loxP binary system
in mice which allows miRNA profiling in specific cell types within complex tissue. I continue to develop more
genetic tools aiming for delineate more exquisite cortical neuronal cell type and lineages as well as macroglia cell
types including astrocytes and oligodendrocytes. With these tools in hand, combining other cutting edge techniques
such as opto/chemogenetics, viral tracing, electrophysiology recording and calcium imaging, etc, I begin to explore
how neuronal cell diversity are generated and maintained, and how dysfunction of specific cell type contribute to
neurological and psychiatric disorders.
2018/07-2022/12 National Key R&D Program of China, 2018YFA0108000, Role: Participant
2018/01-2021/12 National Natural Science Foundation of China, 31771196, Role: Principal Investigator
2018/04-2020/03 Shanghai Science and Technology Commission, Shanghai Rising-Star Program, 18QA1400600,
Role: Principal Investigator
2018/01-2020/12 Shanghai Commission of Health Youth Program, 2017YQ016, Role: Principal Investigator
2017/09-2019/08 Shanghai Science and Technology Commission Innovation Fund, 17JC1401500, Role: Principal
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2015/01-2018/12 National Natural Science Foundation of China, 31471037, Role: Principal Investigator
2015/01-2017/12 National Natural Science Foundation of China, 91432106, Role: Principal Investigator
2015/01-2017/12 National Natural Science Foundation of China, 31421091, Role: Participant
2015/01-2016/12 National Natural Science Foundation of China, 81428010, Role: Domestic Collaborator
2014/07-2017/06 Shanghai Science and Technology Commission, Shanghai Sailing Program, 14YF1400500, Role:
Principal Investigator
2013/01 International Rett Syndrome Foundation, Mentored Fellowship, Role: Principal Investigator
Conference organizer
2019 International symposium on “Cellular and circuit mechanisms of motivated behaviors”
2018 Brain Cell Atlas Mini-symposium
Invited lectures
2019 High-throughput dense reconstruction of cell lineages, Janelia Farm(HHMI), Ashburn, Virginia, USA
2019 Cellular and circuit mechanisms of motivated behaviors, Shanghai, China
2018 International Conference on CNS Injury and Repair, Shanghai, China
2017 The 12th Biennial Conference of Chinese Neuroscience Society, Tianjin, China
2016 The circuit mechanism of emotion and memory, Shenzhen, China
2015 The 11th Biennial Conference of Chinese Neuroscience Society, Tongxiang, China
2015 Neuroscience 2015, the 45th annual meeting of the Society for Neuroscience (SfN), Chicago, USA
2015 State University of Pennsylvania Medical School, Hershey, Pennsylvania, USA
2015 University of Michigan, Life Sciences Institute Seminar, Ann Arbor, Michigan, USA
2014 Lyon-Shanghai Neuroscience Meeting, Lyon, France
2014 Symposium of Biology Frontier on Neural Science and Metabolism, Shanghai, China
2013 Visible Brain Networks,Wuhan, China
 Chen Z., Yuan X., Dong H., Wu Y., Chen G., He M, Qu W., Huang Z.(2019) Whole-brain neural connectivity to
lateral pontine tegmentum GABAergic neurons in mice. Frontiers in Neuroscience, in press.
 Cai Z., Wang G., Chen Y. and He M. (2018). Caesarean Sectioning and Cross-Fostering of the Mouse . Bioprotocol Bio101: e3085. DOI: 10.21769/BioProtoc.3085.
 Kelly SM, Raudales R, He M, Lee JH, Kim Y, Gibb LG, Wu P, Matho K, Osten P, Graybiel AM, Huang ZJ. Radial
Glial Lineage Progression and Differential Intermediate Progenitor Amplification Underlie Striatal Compartments
and Circuit Organization. Neuron. 2018 Jul 25;99(2):345-361.e4. doi: 10.1016/j.neuron.2018.06.021. Epub 2018
Jul 12.
 Luo SX, Huang J, Li Q, Mohammad H, Lee CY, Krishna K, Kok AM, Tan YL, Lim JY, Li H, Yeow LY, Sun J, He
M, Grandjean J, Sajikumar S, Han W, Fu Y. Regulation of feeding by somatostatin neurons in the tuberal nucleus.
Science. 2018 Jul 6;361(6397):76-81. doi: 10.1126/science.aar4983.
 Zhao Y, Li Q, Yang Z, Shao Y, Xue P, Qu W, Jia X, Cheng L, He M, He R, Zhou Z, Zhang Y.Cadmium activates
non-canonical Wnt signaling to impair hematopoietic stem cell function in mice. Toxicol Sci. 2018 Jun 25. doi:
10.1093/toxsci/kfy166. [Epub ahead of print]
 Li Q, Yang Z, Zhang P, Zhao Y, Yu X, Xue P, Shao Y, Li Q, Jia X, Zhang Q, Cheng L, He M, Zhou Z, Zhang Y.
Mercury impact on hematopoietic stem cells is regulated by IFNγ-dependent bone marrow-resident macrophages in
mice. Toxicol Lett. 2018 May 31;295:54-63. doi: 10.1016/j.toxlet.2018.05.037. [Epub ahead of print]
 He, M., Huang, ZJ. Genetic approaches to access cell types in mammalian nervous systems. Curr Opin Neurobiol.
2018 Feb 19;50:109-118. doi: 10.1016/j.conb.2018.02.003.
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 Schiff, H.C., Bouhuis, A.,Yu, K., Penzo, M.A., Li, H., He, M., Li, B. An Insula-Central Amygdala Circuit for
Guiding Tastant-Reinforced Choice Behavior., J Neurosci., 2018.2.7, 38(6): 1418~1429
 Yu, K., Ahrens S., Zhang X., Schiff H., Ramakrishnan C., Fenno L., Deisseroth K., Zhao F., Luo M. H., Gong L.,
He M., Zhou P., Paninski L., Li B. The central amygdala controls learning in the lateral amygdala. Nat Neurosci
2017; 20(12): 1680-1685.
 Paul, A., Crow M., Raudales R., He M., Gillis J., Huang Z. J. Transcriptional architecture of synaptic
communication delineates gabaergic neuron identity. Cell 2017; 171(3): 522-539 e520.
 Kim, Y., Yang G. R., Pradhan K., Venkataraju K. U., Bota M., Garcia Del Molino L. C., Fitzgerald G., Ram K., He
M., Levine J. M., Mitra P., Huang Z. J., Wang X. J., Osten P. Brain-wide maps reveal stereotyped cell-type-based
cortical architecture and subcortical sexual dimorphism. Cell 2017; 171(2): 456-469 e422.
 Lu, J., Tucciarone J., Padilla-Coreano N., He M., Gordon J. A., Huang Z. J. Selective inhibitory control of
pyramidal neuron ensembles and cortical subnetworks by chandelier cells. Nat Neurosci 2017; 20(10): 1377-1383.
 Li, J., Wang C., Zhang Z., Wen Y., An L., Liang Q., Xu Z., Wei S., Li W., Guo T., Liu G., Tao G., You Y., Du H.,
Fu Z., He M., Chen B., Campbell K., Alvarez-Buylla A., Rubenstein J. L., Yang Z. Transcription factors sp8 and
sp9 coordinately regulate olfactory bulb interneuron development. Cereb Cortex 2017: 1-17.
 Li, Q., Zhang P., Yu X., Zhao Y., Li Q., Zhang Y., Yang Z., Xie Y., Xue P., Sun S., Jia X., Zhou Z., He M., Zhang
Y. Lead transiently promotes granulocyte-macrophage progenitor differentiation and subsequently suppresses
common myeloid progenitor differentiation. Toxicol Sci 2017.
 He M., Tucciarone J., Lee S., Nigro M. J., Kim Y., Levine J. M., Kelly S. M., Krugikov I., Wu P., Chen Y., Gong
L., Hou Y., Osten P., Rudy B., Huang Z. J. Strategies and tools for combinatorial targeting of gabaergic neurons in
mouse cerebral cortex. Neuron 2016; 91(6): 1228-1243.
 Zhang, Q., Zhang Y., Wang C., Xu Z., Liang Q., An L., Li J., Liu Z., You Y., He M., Mao Y., Chen B., Xiong Z.
Q., Rubenstein J. L., Yang Z. The zinc finger transcription factor sp9 is required for the development of
striatopallidal projection neurons. Cell Rep 2016; 16(5): 1431-1444.
 Penzo M.A., Robert V., Tucciarone J., De Bundel D., Wang M., Van Aelst L., Darvas M., Parada L.F., Palmiter
R.D., He M., Huang Z.J., Li B. The paraventricular thalamus controls a central amygdala fear circuit. Nature 2015;
519, 455-459.
 Zhou, X., Liu F., Tian M., Xu Z., Liang Q., Wang C., Li J., Liu Z., Tang K., He M., Yang Z. Transcription factors
coup-tfi and coup-tfii are required for the production of granule cells in the mouse olfactory bulb. Development
2015; 142(9): 1593-1605.
 Ahrens S., Jaramillo S., Yu K., Ghosh S., Hwang G.R., Paik R., Lai C., He M., Huang Z.J., and Li B. ErbB4
regulation of a thalamic reticular nucleus circuit for sensory selection. Nat Neurosci 2015; 18, 104-111.
 Fenno, L. E., Mattis J., Ramakrishnan C., Hyun M., Lee S. Y., He M., Tucciarone J., Selimbeyoglu A., Berndt A.,
Grosenick L., Zalocusky K. A., Bernstein H., Swanson H., Perry C., Diester I., Boyce F. M., Bass C. E., Neve R.,
Huang Z. J., Deisseroth K. Targeting cells with single vectors using multiple-feature boolean logic. Nat Methods
2014; 11(7): 763-772.
 Huang, Z. J., Taniguchi H., He M., Kuhlman S. Cre-dependent adeno-associated virus preparation and delivery for
labeling neurons in the mouse brain. Cold Spring Harb Protoc 2014; 2014(2): 190-194.
 Huang, Z. J., Taniguchi H., He M., Kuhlman S. Genetic labeling of neurons in mouse brain. Cold Spring Harb
Protoc 2014; 2014(2): 150-160.
 Pfeffer, C. K., Xue M., He M., Huang Z. J., Scanziani M. Inhibition of inhibition in visual cortex: The logic of
connections between molecularly distinct interneurons. Nat Neurosci 2013; 16(8): 1068-1076.
 He, M., Liu Y., Wang X., Zhang M. Q., Hannon G. J., Huang Z. J. Cell-type-based analysis of microrna profiles in
the mouse brain. Neuron 2012; 73(1): 35-48.
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 Taniguchi, H., He M., Wu P., Kim S., Paik R., Sugino K., Kvitsiani D., Fu Y., Lu J., Lin Y., Miyoshi G., Shima Y.,
Fishell G., Nelson S. B., Huang Z. J. A resource of cre driver lines for genetic targeting of gabaergic neurons in
cerebral cortex. Neuron 2011; 71(6): 995-1013.
 Qin, B., He M., Chen X., Pei D. Sorting nexin 10 induces giant vacuoles in mammalian cells. J Biol Chem 2006;
281(48): 36891-36896.
 Huang Z.J., Taniquchi H., He M., Kuhlman S. (2011). Chapter 13: Genetic Labeling of Neurons in Mouse
Brain. Imaging in Developmental Biology: A Laboratory Manual (Book chapter)
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