Clockwise Carousel Discussion Protocol Preparation: ● Each team should have a different colored marker. ● Each team should appoint a reader, recorder, time keeper, and taskmaster. ● Each team should have one device open. The Pre-Planning Form should be visible on the screen. Protocol: 1. Moving in a clockwise direction, proceed to the next table. Take your colored marker with you. a. As the reader reads the work aloud, the team discusses the answers to the questions, and discusses them with these ideas in mind: i. Accuracy (are the variables correctly identified) ii. Significance (does this idea truly have an impact on water conservation) iii. Clarity (is the writing clear and unbiased) b. The recorder writes down I likes and I wonders on the feedback sheet. c. The timekeeper sets the timer. d. The taskmaster keeps everyone focused and on topic. 2. When the allotted time is up, teams return to their own tables, read the feedback given by other teams, and decide what information, if any, they will act on. 3. On the feedback form, the recorder records next steps.