Political Collage Assignment Step 1: Come up with a statement/message regrading a political issue: How Social Media is the Changing the World or Perhaps Introducing a New One? Line: There Is the Light Step Two: Research the issues and find inspirations through other artists who use their artwork to send a political message. I tried to use different ideas of social media introducing a new world to society where they can perhaps forget about this world. I tried to do this by looking at new dimension/social media insomnia artworks. Step Three: Create three thumbnail sketches to show what your idea is and how you are going to incorporate the different art elements Sketches: Step Four: Using scamper to help brainstorm and help with your creative process Brainstorm: Step Five: Find magazines, newspapers, personal photographs, and your own sketches and create the collage. Step Six: Once your creation is completed mount it onto a black piece of paper to be displayed Step Seven: Fully annotate your work. You will need to define the task, describe the process, analyze the art elements and principles that you have used, what their purpose was, and the effect that it created. Finally evaluate the aesthetic outcome: what was your goals, how have you accomplished them? Are there any improvements that could be made? Define Task: Well this task was a way to create and make a visual of an idea of a certain social identity issue which also incorporated a few political issues. More precisely my task was aimed at Social Media issues perhaps, perhaps showing how social media could change our mindset and maybe let us forget about the real world and what is actually happening and let us hide behind our faces and enter a new man-made realm of social media where we can supposedly escape from reality. Describe the Process: Firstly, I tried to create like a sort of portal/door to make it seem like a sort of entry into the concept of social media. After thinking about it long and hard, I realized that I could use a pillar as a door to make it look like the person is leaving an old war-torn place for a new world which was to resemble the new era of social media. Using the fragment of ripping and tearing and perfect crease I made the warzone look bad and incomplete and a pillar which I had to later improvise and create the full pillar. Analyze the art elements and principles that you have used: I tried to use the elements of line, shape, color, space and texture. Principles which I tried to incorporate would consist of contrast, emphasis, variety and movement. Purpose: The chosen elements were used to blend in the transfiguration of the two different major pictures, the war-torn photo and the new peaceful land scenery. And also, to help blend in the female and make sure that the certain figures are overlapping to create and blend in the smooth transition. These principles were aimed at to make sure the collage doesn’t look out of shape and to make sure that the elements can work coherently together to create a whole piece. Furthermore, they were also made like that to give more emphasis and effect on the parts which were made to be like that and stand out. Effect it created: The elements created the effect of smoothening out and creating the basis of the collage for a comfortable scenario for the viewers to look at. Since major basic element were used the effect was for the female and the surroundings to stand out from the background which were words. This also emphasized the point I was trying to make with my original idea. The principles similarly allowed the effect of the organization of the different elements used. For example, to show the effect of the new era of social media compared to the scrappy and torn up broken life which she was escaping. Contrasting that with a beautiful scenery of stars and mountains created the effect of peacefulness and belonging where you really want to escape the past harsh life. Aesthetic outcome: My goals and how I accomplished them: Some of my goals were to try and show/create the contrast the difference between how we perhaps see our real-life world and how we may get influenced by social media and turn to social media as our escape from the real world not even turning back and trying to see how things are. We perhaps see our world as broken, torn and ripped and not see how we are slowly entering a new era of social media where things are not what they seem. I tried to accomplish this by first of all tearing up the sides of an old photo of a current war in Libya and a pillar separating that to a beautiful scenery which a girl appears as if she longs and hopes for. However, the lie of social media can be seen when we see that some stars are not stars but social media icons along with the animals. By sticking small photos of the icons, I attempted to recreate the lie which social media perhaps gives. Improvements I could have made: Improvements I could have made include some things like perhaps the color or the similarity of colors to blend it in further. Also, I could have perhaps added a storm and a nice sunset above the main pictures to also show a divine emphasis and understanding involving the gravity of how much social media can perhaps give us a false lie of. I could have also tried to think of these before I started pasting the pictures perhaps so I can fully put down my thoughts and ideas into a true potential of everything I had in mind.