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Possessive Adjectives: Grammar Lesson

(Possessive Adjective + Noun)
We use possessive adjectives:
to show something belongs to somebody:
That's our house.
My car is very old.
for relations and friends:
My mother is a doctor.
How old is your sister?
for parts of the body:
He's broken his arm.
She's washing her hair.
I need to clean my teeth.
However, the verb that is used needs to be in agreement with the noun - if the noun is singular
then the verb is singular; if the noun is plural then the verb is plural.
My pen is black. (Singular)
My pens are black. (Plural)
Our child is intelligent. (Singular)
Our children are intelligent. (Plural)
Its vs. It's
Be careful not to confuse its and it's.
Its = The possessive adjective for It.
It's = a contraction of it is.