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Gen Z Influence on Companies: Employees & Customers

Influence of generation -Z on companies:Gen-Z as employees(slide 1)
 To seek positive relations at work. Keen to receive mentorship
and one to one guidance from the leader.
 Hyper cognitive. Extremely comfortable with collecting and crossreferencing many sources of data on digital platform.
 To strike appropriate harmony between work and life.
 They want diversity and inclusion thereby enhancing innovation.
Gen – Z as customers( slide 2)
 They value authenticity and transparency.
 Prefer crisp, spicy content with visuals, memes, emojis and gifs.
 “Fluid Personal Identities” – As they are flexible and progressive ,
they want brands which are practical, engaging and open.
So many of you don’t know what phrase GenZ means. It is our hope
that youll leave this presentation knowing what Genz is, how
generation z has come to be and why generation z is the way they are.
This first generation of truly digital natives the folks that grew up with
ipads and iphones in their hands.
For them chilling while watching Netflix has a completely different
meaning. For them writing the letter F in chats have complete different
emotions. For them the word xD is like a religion. For them spongebob
is just a meme and not a cartoon. So me and my friends will explain
everything about Generation Z and their influence on the work culture.
First I will explain few points the types the generation.
So first are the baby boomers. They are born between 1940 and 1960.
They are labeled as 'baby boomers' because during this period of time,
during the world war 2, there was a statistically significant increase in
the number of births that occurred.
They are the biggest group and this group posses the greatest wealth of
all generation.
Baby boomers care about health wealth and life equality.
Generation X
They are sometimes called the lost and the forgotten generation. IT
includes people born between 1960 to 1980, after the world war era
like Jennifer Lopez.
Generation X care about seeking life balance.
Generation Y
These are the people that are born between 1980 and 1994 and are
famously called the millennials. Generation Y has now become the
largest group in the work place.
They have grown up with media and technology.
The most famous people is Facebook co-founder Mark Zuckerberg.
More than other generation they are looking for meaning in their work
and they care about making a difference.
Generation Z
They are the people born between 1995 and 2010 also called the digital
Baby Boomers
They are born between 1940 and 1960. Following World War II, there
was a ‘baby boomer’, which gives this generation their nickname. They
are the biggest group, and they possess the greatest wealth of all
generations. Baby boomers care about health, wealth and life quality.
They are still very hard working and relatively open to new experiences.
They will still be around for quite a while, so maybe it’s better to make
use of their huge experience and insights.
Generation X
Sometimes called the Lost or Forgotten Generation. It includes those
born between 1960 and 1980 during the reconstruction of Europe and
after the war like Jennifer Lopez. They care about seeking life balance.
Generation Y
Generation Y (or Millennials) has now become the largest group in the
work-place. They have grown up with media and technology. They were
born between 1980 and 1994. The most famous people is Facebook cofounder Mark Zuckerberg.
More than other generations, they are looking for meaning in their
work, they care about making a difference. They expected to learn new
knowledge and skills, to work with positive people and company that
can fulfill their dream.
They seem to trust elders more than the two previous generations did
at the same age.
Generation Z
They called Digital Teens, was born between 1995 and 2010. They are
more self-centered than all the generations. It is a very diverse
generation with many, ever-changing, subculture. Their parents
(Generation X) knows best how to live with them.