Rubric on Video Presentaiton Criteria 1. Content Developing 6 Lacks depth limited treatment of assigned topics. Demonstrates limited evidence of research 2. Organization and Clarity of PPt Shows minimum planning, some sections are disorganized and confusing 3. Delivery Nervous, self-conscious and monotone voice 4. Visuals and imagery of slides Makes use of AV materials but does not enhance the presentation 5. Time management Did not finish in a timely manner Standard 8 Only some topics are thoroughly discussed and given an in-depth treatment. Shows moderate evidence of research Show adequate planning, some portions need clarification and improvement in logical presentation Demonstrates quick recovery from minor mistakes. Voice projection is satisfactorily varied in volume and inflection Exemplary 10 In-depth and thorough discussion of assigned topics. Shows strong evidence of research Total Points /10 Very well planned, logical presentation and well understood by the audience /10 Relaxed, self-confident. Voice projection fluctuates in volume and inflection and sustains interest /10 Makes use of some AV materials and enhances the presentation to a limited extent Hurriedly finishes on time AV materials are well done and are used to make the presentation more interesting and meaningful /10 Finishes within the prescribed time with /10 appropriate pacing Total Points /50