Music - Year 9 Scheme of Work Subject Key Stage Year Group Term: Music 3 9 Autumn HT2 2009 General Topic or Theme Cross-curricular links Music & Society Dance, Maths, English, ICT Unit: Activities: Music for Adverts / Music Industry Performing, Listening & Appraising Prior Learning: It would be helpful if pupils had experience of group work, involving performance, knowledge of vocabulary and notation reading skills. Aims of the Music Curriculum at Richard Rose Morton Academy: Successful learners who enjoy learning, make progress and achieve their best in music. Confident individuals, who are able to perform, listen and compose safely and find healthy fulfillment from discussing creative ideas. Responsible citizens who make a positive contribution to an increasing creative society. Independent Enquirers Creative Thinkers Reflective Learners √ Key Concepts: Knowledge, Skills & Understanding Effective Participators √ √ Cultural Understanding Critical Understanding Creativity Communication 1.1a Developing knowledge, skills and understanding. 1.2a Understanding musical traditions and the part music plays in national and global culture and in personal identity. 1.2b Exploring how ideas, experiences and emotions are conveyed in a range of music from different times and cultures. 1.3a Engaging with and analysing music, developing views and justifying opinions. 1.4a Using existing musical 1.5a Exploring how thoughts, feelings, ideas and emotions can be expressed through music. and working with others as musicians Pupils should be able to: Self Managers Integration of Practice 1.1b Participating, collaborating Key Processes: Team Workers 1.3 b Drawing on experience of a wide range of musical contexts and styles to inform judgements. Performing, Composing & Listening 2.1a sing in solo or group contexts, developing vocal techniques and musical expression. 2.1b perform with control of instrument-specific techniques and musical expression 2.1c practise, rehearse and perform with awareness of different parts, the roles and contributions of different members of the group, the audience and venue. 2.1d create, develop and extend musical ideas by selecting and combining resources within musical structures, styles, genres and traditions 2.1e improvise, explore and develop musical ideas when performing knowledge, skills and understanding for new purposes and in new contexts. 1.4b Exploring ways music can be combined with other art forms and other subject disciplines. Reviewing & Evaluating 2.2a analyse, review, evaluate and compare pieces of music 2.2b identify conventions and contextual influences in music of different styles, genres and traditions 2.2c communicate ideas and feelings about music, using expressive language and musical vocabulary to justify their opinions 2.2d adapt their own musical ideas and refine and improve their own and others’ work. 2.1f listen with discrimination and internalise and recall sounds Range & Content 2.1g identify the expressive use of musical elements, devices, tonalities and structures. 3a performance activities in a range of contexts within and beyond the classroom 3b a range of live and recorded music from different times and cultures 3c a range of classical and popular traditions and current trends in music that reflect cultural diversity and a global dimension 3e consideration of contextual influences that affect the way music is created, performed and heard 3f the use of music technologies to create, manipulate and refine sounds 3g the role of music and musicians in society, of the music industry and of Music - Year 9 Scheme of Work Curriculum Opportunities Lesson 3d staff notation and other relevant notations in a range of musical styles, genres and traditions artistic and intellectual property rights 4a develop individual performance skills, both vocal and instrumental, including the use of music technology 4b develop listening and aural perception skills in practical activities, including composing and performing 4c develop creative and compositional skills, including songwriting, arranging and improvising 4d work with a range of musicians and watch and listen to live musical performances where possible, to extend their musical learning. 4e work individually, in musical groups of different sizes and as a class 4f build on their own interests and skills, taking on different roles and responsibilities and developing music leadership skills 4g make links between music and other subjects and areas of the curriculum. Learning Intentions (We Are Learning To) Main lesson (include differentiation where possible) STARTER MAIN PLENARY Learning Outcomes Resources Main lesson (include differentiation where possible) STARTER MAIN PLENARY Learning Outcomes Resources Main lesson (include differentiation where possible) STARTER MAIN PLENARY Learning Outcomes Resources Success Criteria/ AfL (What I’m Looking For) 1 100 min Lesson Learning Intentions (We Are Learning To) Success Criteria/ AfL (What I’m Looking For) 2 100 min Lesson 3 100 min Learning Intentions (We Are Learning To) Success Criteria/ AfL (What I’m Looking For) Music - Year 9 Scheme of Work Lesson Learning Intentions (We Are Learning To) Main lesson (include differentiation where possible) STARTER MAIN PLENARY Learning Outcomes Resources Main lesson (include differentiation where possible) STARTER MAIN PLENARY Learning Outcomes Resources Main lesson (include differentiation where possible) STARTER MAIN PLENARY Learning Outcomes Resources Success Criteria/ AfL (What I’m Looking For) 4 100 min Lesson Learning Intentions (We Are Learning To) Success Criteria/ AfL (What I’m Looking For) 5 100 min Lesson 6 100 min Learning Intentions (We Are Learning To) Success Criteria/ AfL (What I’m Looking For)