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AP Biology Syllabus, Urban Prep - West, Fall 2019

Urban Prep – West
AP Biology Syllabus
1 st
Semester 2019
Office Location & Hours
Dr. Martin
Room ___, Tues. & Thurs.
4:45p – 5:45p
General Information
Welcome to Dr. Martin’s AP Biology Class! This year, we will identify the biological principals and
processes which govern our everyday lives. These include the following 4 Big Ideas: 1)The process
of evolution drives the diversity and unity of life. 2) Biological systems utilize free energy and
molecular building blocks to grow, to reproduce, and to maintain dynamic homeostasis. 3) Living
systems store, retrieve, transmit, and respond to information essential to life processes. 4)
Biological systems interact, and these systems and their interactions possess complex properties.
Upon successful completion of this course, you will be able to evaluate the value of a robust
understanding of diverse biological processes. You will also be able to design experiments and use
data collection and analysis to data to test the accuracy of your predictions. Biology is also a rapidly
evolving field so we will also design experiments, collect and analyze data, and then write scientific
lab reports. Labs are a very important method of learning science as a process.
It is my goal to frequently assess your learning and allow for practice in specific skill areas needing
greater focus. Some of the resources that will drive and support teaching and learning are the
Holt/McDougal Geometry Text, Academic Approach, and Khan Academy. As you may know,
geometry is being instructed in a double block format, allowing for theory and application to shape
and outline our academic focus.
Expectations and Goals
Students, the expectations are for you to arrive at inquiry and begin to demonstrate math reasoning
while investigating geometry. Your academic goals are attached to your social growth goals, as you
are required to not only follow the instructions and steps of problem solving and proving
correctness, you are also required to demonstrate the Urban Prep Creed in all that you do. In doing
so, you will experience exponential academic and social growth simultaneously.
Follow school campus and classroom rules and procedures at all times
Adhere to the academic integrity policy at all times
Arrive on time to class with all applicable materials, ready for learning
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Maintain compliance with dress code and neatness at all times
No food or drink in class, during class, or for class, no exceptions (all food is eaten in the
Abusive language, peer provocation, profanity in class is prohibited and not acceptable at
any time
Cell phones are not to be visible, taken out, checked for any reason, and must remain in
silent or airplane mode at all times, no exceptions. (Parent wanting to contact their student
are strongly encouraged to call the main office)
Learning Goals (at a glance)
Experiment with transformations in the plane
Know precise definitions of angle, circle, perpendicular line, parallel line, and line segment, based
on the undefined notions of point, line, distance along a line, and distance around a circular arc.
Represent transformations in the plane using, e.g., transparencies and geometry software; describe
transformations as functions that take points in the plane as inputs and give other points as outputs.
Compare transformations that preserve distance and angle to those that do not (e.g., translation
versus horizontal stretch).
Given a rectangle, parallelogram, trapezoid, or regular polygon, describe the rotations and
reflections that carry it onto itself.
Develop definitions of rotations, reflections, and translations in terms of angles, circles,
perpendicular lines, parallel lines, and line segments.
Given a geometric figure and a rotation, reflection, or translation, draw the transformed figure using,
e.g., graph paper, tracing paper, or geometry software. Specify a sequence of transformations that
will carry a given figure onto another.
Additional learning targets will be addressed as we progress through the year and assess student
learning through formative and summative assessment.
Course Materials
Recommended Materials
Students will need to arrive for each class with the following materials to assist them during
instruction and student learning:
 Pencil(s) #2 lead preferably
 Notebook paper
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 2-pocket folder
 Ruler
 Protractor
Optional Materials
Calculator (TBD)
Reference Sheets (to be given by instructor when applicable)
Text Resources
Textbook reproducible Hard Copy – Holt McDougal Geometry
KHAN Academy Math Online Digital Format, Khan Academy
Course Grading
Productive Participation
Skills Practice
Skills Checks
In-Class Activities
In-Class Assessments
(Extra Credit to be assigned on and for special
Behavior Expectations
Students are expected to follow the classroom procedures. The following may require differing
levels of intervention per student case, and are not limited to administrative support.
Redirection and teacher/student conference
Parent phone call and electronic report (Power School) for undesirable behavior
Teacher assigned Detention that must be served accordingly w/ parent notification
Temporary removal from class for intervention provided by Administration and/or Support
staff (Culture & Climate Team)
Written Hard Copy referral and Log Entry; Removal from class for intervention.
Moving to a more immediate intervention will be at the discretion of the instructor.
Student participation is vital to student learning. We are exceptional not because we say, but
because we work hard at it. Students are required to participate, as this will reflect in your overall
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Homework will be assigned frequently and is part of assignments weighted at 10% of the overall
grade. Please complete homework assignments on time, with accuracy, and with integrity.
Miscellaneous (as needed or desired)
Additional help and support: I will be available to students who need additional assistance
before and after school. Please check with me then confirm with parents/guardians before
making plans to stay after school so there will not be any conflicts.
Parent Conference: Parents are encouraged to contact me via email or phone at any time
concerning your student’s progress in my class.
It is my pleasure to be a part of your learning progression. I look forward to
helping you explore the world of geometry and applying it to your everyday life
in ways you may not have imagined. Remember, ask questions, try hard, work
smart, and think positive. We believe.
D. Lacey
Mr. Lacey
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Signature Page
Please read, sign, provide contact information, and return this page to Mr.
My Signature below indicates that I have read and understand this syllabus. I
agree to organize my time and effort to successfully complete Geometry. I will
notify Mr. Lacey immediately if a have concerns, additional questions, or get
behind on my work. I understand that I am being held to high standards of
excellence, and the expectation is to meet or exceed the standards set forth in
Mr. Lacey’s class. I will do my best to live out and display the Urban Prep
Creed because “I (We) Believe”.
_________________________________________ ____________________
Student Signature
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My signature below indicates that I have read the syllabus for Geometry. I
agree to be familiar with the Geometry course requirements and to help my
child organize study time in support of his class assignments. I will notify Mr.
Lacey immediately of any concerns that I have relating to the course of my
child’s progress. I understand that my child will be held to a higher expectation
as a member of Mr. Lacey’s class. I will do my best to continually encourage
my child to ask questions, participate, and do his best.
Parent/Guardian Signature
Preferred email address for communication __________________________
Phone: H _____________________ C.___________________________
Best time to be reached:
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