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Skill Acq lesson 1 to 3



Evaluate the influence of the learning environment on the acquisition of skill

Syllabus Mind-map

Activity 1 – Student challenge

Activity 1 – Syllabus Mind-map

How does the acquisition of skill affect performance?


Nature of the Skill

- Open or closed

- Gross-motor or fine-motor

- Discrete, serial or continuous

- Self-paced or externally-paced https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MyJzoXqfVx4

Nature of the Skill

The Performance Elements

Decision making The thinking side of the game is taught in tandum with the skills of the game, so that athletes become skilled in the broader sense of understanding the game and are more capable of making decisions about their play under game conditions (under time pressures, with opponents)

Strategic and tactical development The ability to read the game. It involves developing an understanding of concepts such as time, space, risk

(which option) and execution (how).

The structure of the learning environment will influence the opportunities an athlete has to develop the key elements of their skill performance – their decision-making, strategic and tactical abilities.

Athletes at the cognitive or associate stages of skill acquisition are only concentrating on the execution of their own skills. For an athlete to be able to execute strategies and tactics, they must be at the autonomous stage of skill acquisition.

Performance Elements - Game-centred Approach

Practice Methods

- Whole or part, Whole-part-whole

- Massed or distributed https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6YWJ95bHjXU

Activity 7 – Critical Thinking

How does the nature of the skill impact the practice method?

Nature of the skill – open, closed, discrete, continuous, serial, internally-paced, externally-paced.

Practice Methods – massed, distributed, whole, part


Massed practice is characterised by continuous periods of practice with limited rest intervals. This is effective when practising a self-paced skill such as serving in tennis as it allows the autonomous performer to achieve a lot in one session. In contrast, practising an externally-paced skill such as receiving the serve may be more beneficial for the athlete to practise with rest periods

(distributed) to enable high concentration levels and reaction timing.


- Internal or external,

- Concurrent, or delayed,

- Knowledge of results or knowledge of performance https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=N_yj4pCihLQ
