1) Personal Profile
This section should contain basic personal information, (name, nationality, age, gender, contact numbers) and a hard copy of the current curriculum vitae (CV).
2) Career and Study Profile to Date
This section should contain a chronological list of employment placements, showing main areas of responsibility and the key skills acquired in the post. This record is not a simply a record of employment to date, but should focus on the professional and personal developments made as a result of undertaking each role. In addition, this section should contain a chronological list of study programmes which have been undertaken, again focusing on the developments made as a result.
3) Personal Learning Objectives in Relation to the Via Lingua Course
This section should be completed by the student at the start of the course, in consultation with the mentor, and updated throughout the course on an on-going basis.
4) Achievements in Relation to the Framework for Personal and Professional Standards (FPPS)
The five areas of study – Pedagogy Theory, Language Awareness, Teaching Skills, Cultural Awareness and Life Skills – are the areas within which students are required to demonstrate their competence and growth (achieved either prior to the course or during the course). They represent the criteria against which to evaluate the breadth of personal and professional development.
It is essential that trainees, when providing information for each area of study, are able to demonstrate not only the details, but also the impact on their personal and professional growth. Time will be taken at the beginning of the course to discuss this in more detail with a mentor. Having agreed upon individual learning objectives for the course in section 3 of the Personal and
Professional Portfolio, the student should continue to review and update this section on an on-going basis.
5) Main Discussion Points from Student / Mentor Meetings
This section should be completed by the student at the end of formal meetings and signed as accurate by the mentor.
6) Evaluation of Success; Intended Learning Objectives for the First Year upon Completion of the Via Lingua Course
This section should be completed by the student prior to submitting the portfolio at the end of the course.
Feel free to omit or provide additional information, as appropriate.
Date of Birth
Place of Birth
Permanent Address
Temporary Address
Telephone Number(s)
Cell Phone Number(s)
E-mail address
Native Language(s)
Foreign Language(s)
Relevant Career Profile
Dates Job Title Organization Areas of Responsibility Key Skills Developed
Study Profile (after the age of 18)
Dates Degree/Course
University/Institute Areas of Study Key Skills Developed
*Include your CV with this section. When possible, attach copies of certificates and/or other testimonials as well.
Areas of Study
Pedagogy Theory
Teaching Skills
Personal Learning Objectives (a maximum of 3 per section). Refer to the FPPS.
To find and develop effective teaching style
To be able to assess students needs correctly and to prepare lesson plans accordingly
To set up an appropriate learning environment
To develop vocabulary
To brush up grammar
To sound more like a native speaker
To improve intonation and body language
To provide precise and clear instructions
To improve presence in class, add more energy and dynamics
Strategies for Achieving these Objectives
Trying out different teaching techniques and finding the most appropriate one
By observing students in class, testing their skills and defining their learning styles
By providing well-balanced activities, by creating supportive and engaging learning atmosphere
Studying professional literature and authentic materials, course books
To work on pronunciation, to improve intonation, keep it clear
To speak louder, to add stress, to use gestures and facial expressions
By making sure students are seeing me when getting instructions, to use more samples, to use CCQ
To move more, to change activities, to increase STT
To learn more about the host country and prepare lessons in appropriate context
To share information with students about my native country in order to make them aware of existing cultural differences
Interacting with school staff and other trainees, to immerse into foreign environment
To tell stories, show pictures and videos, to boost discussions on related topic
Life Skills
To improve students’ communication skills and foster team work
To make students passionate about education process and increase their self esteem
To gain first teaching experience
To feel confident while performing teaching activities
By engaging students into pair work and group activities, to change pairs/groups frequently
To consider needs of students, to provide interesting and challenging tasks, to make students aware of their progress by providing clear feedback on their performance in class
To perform teaching practise, to get constructive criticism on my performance throughout the course and to improve my teaching style accordingly
i. Pedagogy Theory (the first of the five areas of study)
A summary of statements and evidence demonstrating how I meet the competencies identified below:
Describe a range of teaching methodologies, approaches and strategies.
Describe the skills, knowledge and qualities which characterize an effective teacher
Describe the factors which influence the establishment of an effective learning environment
Describe a range of strategies for supporting, monitoring and assessing student progress
I am able to:
Apply different teaching methodologies, approaches and strategies
To motivate students by providing challenging tasks
To create engaging learning atmosphere by providing diverse activities which meet students needs and expectations
To consider students progress while preparing next lesson plans
I have acquired / further developed these skills by:
Attending session on language teaching methodologies
Studying course book and extra materials
Watching videos with samples of lessons
Performing teaching practise
Attending session and studying additional materials
Observing trainers and other trainees
Performing needs analysis for individual project
Attending session and studying additional materials
Observing trainers and other trainees
Observing students performance in class
Conducting needs analysis
Evidence to demonstrate I have acquired / further developed these skills:
I have performed an activity presenting Total
Physical Response method
During teaching practices I have mainly used
PPP method while preparing lessons
I have prepared and performed a lesson with usage of authentic material which level is slightly about students current level
I have conducted a thorough research of individual student learning experience and language skills which resulted in a detailed analysis of student’s needs
Taking into consideration detected student’s learning style, two individual lessons have been prepared
While performing teaching practise, I have identified students’ weaknesses and strengths as well as reasons for studying English. As a result,
I have put stress on speaking activities in order
i. Pedagogy Theory cont.
(the first of the five areas of study)
Date I am able to: I have acquired / further developed these skills by:
Tutoring student one-to-one 05/08-
To support student progress by accurate assessment of success and motivating student for further studies
Evidence to demonstrate I have acquired / further developed these skills: to support students progress.
During the first individual lesson I have got a better understanding of student’s language awareness and for this reason I have chosen grammar and listening as a language focus for the second lesson. At the end of each lesson, feedback on student performance has been provided in order to motivate student and set up further goals in language studying.
In the event that more copies of this page are necessary for the completion of this task, please see the course director.
02/08 ii. Language Awareness (the second of the five areas of study)
A summary of statements and evidence demonstrating how I meet the competencies identified below:
Describe the purposes and nature of communication
Describe key features in relation to the structure of the English language
Describe and explain the English tense system and other, commonly taught, grammatical features
Describe how sounds are made and modified and use phonetic symbols to describe the sounds of English
Date I am able to:
Prepare lesson plans taking into account specific reasons for communication
Teach words classes in terms of meaning and functions
Teach grammatical features
I have acquired / further developed these skills by:
Attending course sessions
Studying course books and extra materials
Reflecting on personal experience of studying English and French as second language
Conducting needs analysis for individual project
Attending language awareness sessions
Self-studying of course books and extra materials
Attending grammar sessions
Self-studying of course books and extra materials
Evidence to demonstrate I have acquired / further developed these skills:
While performing teaching practices, I have realised that student’s motivation for learning languages depends much on the purpose of communication (daily routine, business, travel).
Therefore different approaches for teaching strategy can be used and syllabus should be prepared in accordance with the approach chosen. Though, the best way could be to use a combination of different approaches – as, for example, a mix of task-based, skills-based and topic-based approach have been used in the individual project.
Within teaching practices, I have taught constructions of past and present habits, in particular how word class can differ for the same word “used” in such constructions as
“used to”, “be used to”, “to be getting used to”.
Studying of reported questions while performing teaching practices. I used The
Psychologist's Game as role play in order to make students perform a dialog and transfer it into direct speech. Prior to that activity an explanation of grammar rules was provided.
In the event that more copies of this page are necessary for the completion of this task, please see the course director.
ii. Language Awareness cont. (the second of the five areas of study)
I am able to:
Use international phonetic alphabet to provide transcription of words and phrases, describe how sounds are made
I have acquired / further developed these skills by:
Attending course sessions
Self-study of authentic materials
Evidence to demonstrate I have acquired / further developed these skills:
Within teaching practises, I have got some comments on my pronunciation and now, being more competent in phonology, I’m continuously improving it.
In the event that more copies of this page are necessary for the completion of this task, please see the course director.
Teaching Skills (the third of the five areas of study)
A summary of statements and evidence demonstrating how I meet the competencies identified below:
Design and prepare effective lessons
Prepare and manage the physical learning environment and use resources in an appropriate way
Provide innovative and flexible learning experiences for individuals and groups of students
Create learning environments that are student-centred, challenging and safe
Date I am able to:
To prepare well balanced lessons according to students level and needs
Use the board effectively
To use various kinds of materials and to tailor them to students needs
I have acquired / further developed these skills by:
Attending course session for lessons planning
Preparing for teaching practices
Observing peer’s performance
Observing teachers performance
Observing peer’s performance
Observing teachers performance
Reflecting on constructive criticism
Attending course on teaching materials
Observing peers and teachers performance
Performing teaching practise in class
Evidence to demonstrate I have acquired / further developed these skills:
From the first lesson performed I had some problems with timing – presentation stage was too short and at the same time I did not manage to cover all the activities listed in my lesson plan. But afterwards I managed to follow timing indicated, though as per observer’s comments there are still such things to be improved as
STT and group dynamics.
At the beginning of teaching practise as per observer’s comments I didn’t use board much to provide examples or to teach vocabulary, but after some practise I started to use board effectively in order to write definitions and provide explanations and examples on it.
While performing teaching practise I used various kinds of materials (songs, videos, selfprepared material) to make lessons as interesting as possible. It happened that for one of lessons material level appeared to be above student level but I managed to provide extra explanations to help students understand the material.
In the event that more copies of this page are necessary for the completion of this task, please see the course director.
08/08 iv. Cultural Awareness (the fourth of the five areas of study)
A summary of statements and evidence demonstrating how I meet the competencies identified below:
Engage in the process of learning a foreign language
Demonstrate an awareness of the issues in relation to culture and language teaching
Demonstrate a willingness to foster positive relationships with members of the local community
Demonstrate an awareness of cultural similarities and differences and our shared cultural heritage
Date I am able to:
To better understand difficulties of being a foreign language learner
To adapt my performance due to acknowledge of cultural differences
To create positive relationships with members of the local community
I have acquired / further developed these skills by:
Living in a foreign immersion environment
Attending a course session in Turkish language
Interacting with Turkish students
Interacting with teachers and groupmate
Studying course materials
Performing teaching practises
Participating in group project
Interacting with Kent English school staff
Interacting with school students
Evidence to demonstrate I have acquired / further developed these skills:
I have tried to interact with school staff and other people using phrases in local language that I have studied during my stay in Turkey.
Within the course I have learned many new things about Turkish and Arabic cultures and about both language specific features by communicating with teachers, groupmate and
Turkish students. While performing teaching practises for I tried to avoid several topics (like religion, politics) which could cause arguments.
I have provided free private English lessons to my Turkish host.
In the event that more copies of this page are necessary for the completion of this task, please see the course director.
v. Life Skills (the fifth of the five areas of study)
A summary of statements and evidence demonstrating how I meet the competencies identified below:
Demonstrate effective interpersonal skills
Demonstrate effective communication skills
Demonstrate effective decision-making skills
Demonstrate effective organizational skills
Demonstrate effective financial skills
Demonstrate effective employment awareness skills
Demonstrate effective legal awareness skills
Demonstrate effective personal welfare skills
Date I am able to: I have acquired / further developed these skills by:
Evidence to demonstrate I have acquired / further developed these skills:
Interact and communicate efficiently
To organize time effectively
To make informed decisions
Group work during the course
Following specified dead lines
Planning timing carefully
Teaching practices
During the course I have constantly communicated with my groupmate while preparing for teaching practise, making arrangements for group project and interacting in course sessions. Mutual support within and after class hours helped a lot to perform in the course successfully.
During the program I have managed time effectively in order to have a good balance of different activities – studying in class and on my own and performing tasks on time as well as going out to know more about the country.
I have matched carefully the activities to be included into lesson planning and continuously managed them during the lessons in order to meet students’ needs and improve students’ performance in class.
In the event that more copies of this page are necessary for the completion of this task, please see the course director.
v. Life Skills cont. (the fifth of the five areas of study)
I am able to:
To manage my budget carefully
To act successfully within a job search in a foreign environment
I have acquired / further developed these skills by:
Earning my first money by participating
Being responsible for my personal welfare in a foreign language competition since I have graduated from university
Previous employment experiences
Taking part in legal and employment awareness session
Applying for jobs and making a demo lesson for a potential Turkish employer
Evidence to demonstrate I have acquired / further developed these skills:
I’m able to save money for travelling and educational purposes, I have a positive balance of accounts and constantly improve my personal welfare by getting a more well-paid job.
Since 2006 I have been employed as a purchase and logistics specialist and have constantly developed in my career. Before taking a course
I have checked for job opportunities available in Turkey and upon arrival I have had a job interview and performed a demo lesson in a local language school.
In the event that more copies of this page are necessary for the completion of this task, please see the course director.
17/07/2017 Course explanation and general guidance
Discussing personal goals and course projects
21/07/2017 Discussing teaching practice materials
Discussing teaching practice schedule
Lesson reflections
Self evaluations
(1 of 2)
Evaluation of success in achieving the learning objectives identified at the start of the course in section 3. Refer to any relevant evidence..
Areas of Study Evaluation of Success in Achieving Objectives
Within the course I have studied different approaches and techniques for language teaching and have applied some of
Pedagogy Theory them in my teaching practises. Now I have a better understanding that various aspects such as different learning styles, particular students’ needs, etc. should be taken into consideration for effective lesson planning and setting up an engaging learning environment.
Teaching Skills
While performing teaching practises I have had a chance to teach some vocabulary which also helped me to develop my own language skills. Course sessions in grammar have provided me a great opportunity to study grammar deeply and from another point of view – by comparing grammar constructions used in different languages. Now I feel much more confident about my grammar skills. I still need to work on my Russian accent but my intonation has improved significantly throughout the course.
Within teaching practise experiences, I struggled with providing precise and clear instructions. I have come to realise that I should catch students’ attention first and give more samples if needed. I have definitely managed to improve my presence in class by moving around, using body language and adding stress to my intonation.
Life Skills
I have had a great experience living in a foreign immersion environment for almost 4 weeks. This experience helped me to become more empathic to leaners of foreign languages and to learn more about different cultures. I have realised how important it could be to teach English in an appropriate context and with respect to others.
It is important for me to learn new things and improve my language skills continuously. I’m passionate about the education process and this helps me to motivate my students and build up their confidence and increase self-esteem.
I have never had any teaching experience before, but now I have become more competent and self-confident while preforming teaching practises and I do my best to make my students feel same when studying a foreign language.
(2 of 2)
Areas of Study
Pedagogy Theory
Teaching Skills
Life Skills
Learning Objectives
(a maximum of 3 per section)
To learn more about how to teach English to different age groups
To learn more about how to teach English for specific purposes
To work more on pronunciation
To become a student-focused teaching professional committed to providing a wellbalanced, supportive, and engaging learning environment
To learn more about other cultures and languages
To set up new goals and constantly grow as an individual
Strategies for Achieving the Objectives
Studying specific materials
Performing teaching practise to different age groups and to leaners with specific needs
Studying authentic video and audio materials
Interacting with native speakers whenever possible
To be attentive to students’ needs
To continue learning about how to become an effective teacher
To continue interacting with school staff and groupmate
To travel more
To work on my strengths and weaknesses
To continue learning new things
Other To study another language Take a course in another foreign language