Topic 1.2 Uncertainties and Error Topic 1: Measurement and uncertainties 1.2 – Uncertainties and errors Essential idea: Scientists aim towards designing experiments that can give a “true value” from their measurements, but due to the limited precision in measuring devices, they often quote their results with some form of uncertainty. Topic 1: Measurement and uncertainties 1.2 – Uncertainties and errors Nature of science: Uncertainties: “All scientific knowledge is uncertain. When the scientist tells you he does not know the answer, he is an ignorant man. When he tells you he has a hunch about how it is going to work, he is uncertain about it. When he is pretty sure of how it is going to work, he still is in some doubt. And it is of paramount importance, in order to make progress, that we recognize this ignorance and this doubt. Because we have the doubt, we then propose looking in new directions for new ideas.” – Feynman, Richard P. 1998. The Meaning of It All: Thoughts of a Citizen-Scientist. Reading, Massachusetts, USA. Perseus. P 13. Topic 1: Measurement and uncertainties 1.2 – Uncertainties and errors Understandings: • Random and systematic errors • Absolute, fractional and percentage uncertainties • Error bars • Uncertainty of gradients and intercepts Topic 1: Measurement and uncertainties 1.2 – Uncertainties and errors Applications and skills: • Explaining how random and systematic errors can be identified and reduced • Collecting data that include absolute and/or fractional uncertainties and stating these as an uncertainty range (expressed as: best estimate ± uncertainty range) • Propagating uncertainties through calculations involving addition, subtraction, multiplication, division and raising to a power • Determining the uncertainty in gradients and intercepts Topic 1: Measurement and uncertainties 1.2 – Uncertainties and errors Guidance: • Analysis of uncertainties will not be expected for trigonometric or logarithmic functions in examinations Data booklet reference: • If y = a b then y = a + b • If y = a · b / c then y / y = a / a + b / b + c / c • If y = a n then y / y = | n · a / a | Topic 1: Measurement and uncertainties 1.2 – Uncertainties and errors Theory of knowledge: • “One aim of the physical sciences has been to give an exact picture of the material world. One achievement of physics in the twentieth century has been to prove that this aim is unattainable.” – Jacob Bronowski. • Can scientists ever be truly certain of their discoveries? Jacob Bronowski was a mathematician, biologist, historian of science, theatre author, poet and inventor. He is probably best remembered as the writer of The Ascent of Man. Topic 1: Measurement and uncertainties 1.2 – Uncertainties and errors Utilization: • Students studying more than one group 4 subject will be able to use these skills across all subjects Aims: • Aim 4: it is important that students see scientific errors and uncertainties not only as the range of possible answers but as an integral part of the scientific process • Aim 9: the process of using uncertainties in classical physics can be compared to the view of uncertainties in modern (and particularly quantum) physics Topic 1: Measurement and uncertainties 1.2 – Uncertainties and errors Random and systematic errors Error in measurement is expected because of the imperfect nature of us and our measuring devices. For example a typical meter stick has marks at every millimeter (10-3 m or 1/1000 m). EXAMPLE: Consider the following line whose length we wish to measure. How long is it? 0 1 SOLUTION: It is closer 1 cm 1 mm to 1.2 cm than to 1.1 cm, so we say it measures 1.2 cm (or 12 mm or 0.012 m). Topic 1: Measurement and uncertainties 1.2 – Uncertainties and errors Random and systematic errors Error in measurement is expected because of the imperfect nature of us and our measuring devices. We say the precision or uncertainty in our measurement is 1 mm. EXAMPLE: Consider the following line whose length we wish to measure. How long is it? 0 1 SOLUTION: It is closer 1 cm 1 mm to 1.2 cm than to 1.1 cm, so we say it measures 1.18 cm (11.8 mm or 0.0118m) m). FYI We record L = 11.8 .5 mm. Topic 1: Measurement and uncertainties 1.2 – Uncertainties and errors Random and systematic errors Random error is error due to the recorder, rather than the instrument used for the measurement. Different people may measure the same line slightly differently. You may in fact measure the same line differently on two different occasions. EXAMPLE: Suppose Bob measures L = 11.0 mm .5 mm and Ann measures L = 12.1 mm .5 mm. 0 1 Then Bob guarantees that the line falls between 10 mm and 12 mm. Ann guarantees it is between 11 mm and 13 mm. Both are absolutely correct. Topic 1: Measurement and uncertainties 1.2 – Uncertainties and errors Random and systematic errors Random error is error due to the recorder, rather than the instrument used for the measurement. Different people may measure the same line slightly differently. You may in fact measure the same line differently on two different occasions. Perhaps the ruler wasn’t perfectly lined up. Perhaps your eye was viewing at an angle rather than head-on. This is called a parallax error. FYI The only way to minimize random error is to take many readings of the same measurement and to average them all together. Topic 1: Measurement and uncertainties 1.2 – Uncertainties and errors Random and systematic errors Systematic error is error due to the instrument being “out of adjustment.” A voltmeter might have a zero offset error. A meter stick might be rounded on one end. Now Bob measures the same line at 13 mm 1 mm. Worn 1 off end 0 Furthermore, every measurement Bob makes will be off by that same amount. FYI Systematic errors are usually difficult to detect. Types of Experimental Errors: • So what can be done about random errors? – Don’t rush through your measurements! Be careful! – Take as many trials as possible—the more trials you do, the less likely one odd result will impact your overall lab results Types of Experimental Errors: • Systematic Errors: – Errors that are inherent to the system or the measuring instrument – Results in a set of data to be centered around a value that is different than the accepted value • Some Examples: – Non-calibrated (or poorly calibrated) measuring tools – A “zero offset” on a measuring tool, requiring a “zero correction” – Instrument parallax error Types of Experimental Errors: • What can be done to reduce these? – Unfortunately, nothing…HOWEVER: – We can account for the systematic errors sometimes: • i.e. if there’s a zero offset, make sure all your data has been adjusted to account for that. – Recognizing systematic errors will impact the size of your absolute uncertainty (more details soon ) Are these “errors”? • Misreading the scale on a triple-beam balance • Incorrectly transferring data from your rough data table to the final, typed, version in your report • Miscalculating results because you did not convert to the correct fundamental units • Miscalculations because you use the wrong equation Are these “errors”? • NONE of these are experimental errors • They are MISTAKES • What’s the difference? – You need to check your work to make sure these mistakes don’t occur…ask questions if you need to (of your lab partner, me, etc.) – Do NOT put mistakes in your error discussion in the conclusion Topic 1: Measurement and uncertainties 1.2 – Uncertainties and errors Random and systematic errors The following game where a catapult launches darts with the goal of hitting the bull’s eye illustrates the difference between precision and accuracy. Trial 1 RE SE Trial 2 RE Trial 3 RE SE SE Hits not grouped Low Precision High Precision Hits not grouped Hits grouped Low Accuracy High Accuracy Low Accuracy Low Precision Average well below bulls eye Average right at bulls eye Average well below bulls eye Trial 4 RE SE High Precision Hits grouped High Accuracy Average right at bulls eye Topic 1: Measurement and uncertainties 1.2 – Uncertainties and errors Random and systematic errors PRACTICE: SOLUTION: This is like the rounded-end ruler. It will produce a systematic error. Thus its error will be in accuracy, not precision. Uncertainties in Measurement • Limit of Reading: – Equal to the smallest graduation of the scale on an instrument • Degree of Uncertainty: – Equal to half the limit of reading – Gives an indication of the precision of the reading Uncertainties in Measurement • Absolute Uncertainty: – The size of an error, including units – The SMALLEST the uncertainty can be is equal to the degree of uncertainty, however it is ALMOST ALWAYS BIGGER! • The absolute uncertainty can NOT be more precise than your measurement • The absolute uncertainty is ALWAYS reported to only 1 sig. fig. • Note: +/- is sometimes symbolized with (Greek letter Delta) Examples: • Acceptable: 1.62 +/- 0.01 m • NOT acceptable: 1.62 +/- 0.005 m More uncertainties in measurement • Relative (fractional) uncertainty: – Equal to the ratio of the absolute uncertainty to the measurement: absolute uncertaint y measurement • Percentage uncertainty: – (fractional uncertainty) x 100 = % In order to compare uncertainties, use is made of absolute, fractional and percentage uncertainties. 1 mm is the absolute uncertainty 1/208 is the fractional uncertainty (0.0048) 0.48 % is the percentage uncertainity Absolute/fractional errors and percentage errors We use ± to show an error in a measurement (208 ± 1) mm is a fairly accurate measurement (2 ± 1) mm is highly inaccurate Uncertainty Propagation • When we perform calculations with measurements that have uncertainties, there is a certain amount of uncertainty in our calculated answer as well. • Carrying our errors through the calculations is called “error propagation” or “uncertainty propagation” Rule 1: Addition/Subtraction • When you are adding or subtracting values in a calculation, the uncertainty in the calculated answer is equal to the sum of the absolute uncertainties for each measurement added: 24.10 ± 0.05 g + 13.05 ± 0.02 g = 37.15 ± 0.07 g Rule #2: Multiplying/Dividing • When multiplying or dividing, the uncertainty in the calculated value is equal to the sum of the percentage uncertainties for each of the individual measurements: For example, let’s say we were to calculate the volume from the following measurements: (12.0 ± 0.2 cm)*(23.1 ± 0.2 cm)*(7.5 ± 0.1 cm) • Step 1: determine the % uncertainty for each measurement • Step 2: Add all of the % uncertainties and round to 1-2 sig figs (usually a whole number, although if under 1 keep as a one s.f. decimal percentage: 0.2 100 1.7% 12.0 0.2 100 0.9% 23.1 0.1 100 1.3% 7.5 1.7% 0.9% 1.3% 3.9% 4% • Step 3: convert the percentage uncertainty in your answer back to an absolute uncertainty: (12.0 ± 0.2 cm)*(23.1 ± 0.2 cm)*(7.5 ± 0.1 cm) = 2100 cm3 ± 4% 0.04 x 2100 cm3 = 84 cm3 ≈ 80cm3 (note: since the precision of the measurement and the uncertainty MUST BE THE SAME, always go with the least precise of the two when reporting your final answer.) V = 2100 ± 80 cm3 Express the answer with the correct uncertainty (45 +/- 3) + (12 +/- 2) = ?? 57 +/- 5 Express the answer with the correct uncertainty (12.1 +/- .3) - (4.5 +/- .6) = ?? 7.6 +/- .9 Express the answer with the correct uncertainty (11 +/- 3) - (7 +/- 2) = ?? 4 +/- 5 Ummm? Express the answer with the correct % uncertainty (6 +/- 3%) x (8 +/- 2%) = ?? 6x8 = 48 uncty = 3% + 2% = 5% 48 + 5% 48 + 5% W Express the answer with the correct % uncertainty (72 +/- 5%) (9 +/- 2%) = ?? 72/9 = 8 uncty = 5% + 2% = 7% 8 + 7% 8 + 7% W Example: A metal plate measures 21.1 + .5 cm by 15.3 + .1 cm. What is its area? Find the area: 21.1 x 15.3 = 322.83 Use the formula: y = .5 + .1 322.83 21.1 15.3 y = 9.76 323+ 10cm2 TOC Express the answer with the correct uncertainty (45 +/- 3) x (12 +/- 2) = ?? 12 x 45 = 540 uncty = 540(3/45+2/12) = 126 540 +/- 100 540 +/- 130 W Express the answer with the correct uncertainty (30 +/- .7) (1.25 +/- .1) = ?? 30/1.25 = 24 uncty = 24(.7/30+.1/1.25) = 2.48 20+/- 2 24 +/- 2.5 W Express the answer with the correct uncertainty A circle has a radius of 4.5 + .1 cm. What is its area? Area = r2 = x r x r r2 = 4.52 = 63.6173 uncty = 63.6173(.1/4.5+.1/4.5) = 2.83 64+ 3cm2 63.6 + 2.8 cm2 W Topic 1: Measurement and uncertainties 1.2 – Uncertainties and errors Absolute, fractional and percentage uncertainties Absolute error is the raw uncertainty or precision of your measurement. EXAMPLE: A student measures the length of a line with a wooden meter stick to be 11 mm 1 mm. What is the absolute error or uncertainty in her measurement? SOLUTION: The number is the absolute error. Thus 1 mm is the absolute error. 1 mm is also the precision. 1 mm is also the raw uncertainty. Topic 1: Measurement and uncertainties 1.2 – Uncertainties and errors Absolute, fractional and percentage uncertainties Fractional error is given by fractional error Fractional Error = Absolute Error Measured Value EXAMPLE: A student measures the length of a line with a wooden meter stick to be 11 mm 1 mm. What is the fractional error or uncertainty in her measurement? SOLUTION: Fractional error = 1 / 11 = 0.09. FYI ”Fractional” errors are usually expressed as decimal numbers rather than fractions. Topic 1: Measurement and uncertainties 1.2 – Uncertainties and errors Absolute, fractional and percentage uncertainties Percentage error is given by percentage error Absolute Error Percentage Error = Measured Value · 100% EXAMPLE: A student measures the length of a line with a wooden meter stick to be 11 mm 1 mm. What is the percentage error or uncertainty in her measurement? SOLUTION: Percentage error = (1 / 11) ·100% = 9% FYI Don’t forget to include the percent sign. Topic 1: Measurement and uncertainties 1.2 – Uncertainties and errors Absolute, fractional and percentage uncertainties PRACTICE: A student measures the voltage shown. What are the absolute, fractional and percentage uncertainties of his measurement? Find the precision and the raw uncertainty. SOLUTION: Absolute uncertainty = 0.001 V. Fractional uncertainty = 0.001/0.385 = 0.0026. Percentage uncertainty = 0.0026(100%) = 0.26%. Precision is 0.001 V. Raw uncertainty is 0.001 V. Topic 1: Measurement and uncertainties 1.2 – Uncertainties and errors Absolute, fractional and percentage uncertainties PRACTICE: SOLUTION: Find the average of the two measurements: (49.8 + 50.2) / 2 = 50.0. Find the range / 2 of the two measurements: (50.2 – 49.8) / 2 = 0.2. The measurement is 50.0 0.2 cm. Topic 1: Measurement and uncertainties 1.2 – Uncertainties and errors Propagating uncertainties through calculations To find the uncertainty in a sum or difference you just add the uncertainties of all the ingredients. In formula form we have uncertainty in sums and differences If y = a b then ∆y = ∆a + ∆b FYI Note that whether or not the calculation has a + or a -, the uncertainties are ADDED. Uncertainties NEVER REDUCE ONE ANOTHER. Topic 1: Measurement and uncertainties 1.2 – Uncertainties and errors Propagating uncertainties through calculations To find the uncertainty in a sum or difference you just add the uncertainties of all the ingredients. EXAMPLE: A 9.51 0.15 meter rope ladder is hung from a roof that is 12.56 0.07 meters above the ground. How far is the bottom of the ladder from the ground? SOLUTION: y = a – b = 12.56 - 9.51 = 3.05 m ∆y = ∆a + ∆b = 0.15 + 0.07 = 0.22 m Thus the bottom is 3.05 0.22 m from the ground. Topic 1: Measurement and uncertainties 1.2 – Uncertainties and errors Propagating uncertainties through calculations To find the uncertainty in a product or quotient you just add the percentage or fractional uncertainties of all the ingredients. In formula form we have uncertainty in products and quotients If y = a · b / c then ∆y / y = ∆a / a + ∆b / b + ∆c / c FYI Whether or not the calculation has a or a , the uncertainties are ADDED. You can’t add numbers having different units, so we use fractional uncertainties for products and quotients. Topic 1: Measurement and uncertainties 1.2 – Uncertainties and errors Propagating uncertainties through calculations To find the uncertainty in a product or quotient you just add the percentage or fractional uncertainties of all the ingredients. EXAMPLE: A car travels 64.7 0.5 meters in 8.65 0.05 seconds. What is its speed? SOLUTION: Use rate = distance divided by time. r = d / t = 64.7 / 8.65 = 7.48 m s-1 ∆r / r = ∆d / d + ∆t / t = .5 / 64.7 + .05 / 8.65 = 0.0135 ∆r / 7.48 = 0.0135 so that ∆r = 7.48( 0.0135 ) = 0.10 m s-1. Thus, the car is traveling at 7.48 0.10 m s-1. Topic 1: Measurement and uncertainties 1.2 – Uncertainties and errors Propagating uncertainties through calculations PRACTICE: SOLUTION: ∆P / P = ∆I / I + ∆I / I + ∆R / R ∆P / P = 2% + 2% + 10% = 14%. Topic 1: Measurement and uncertainties 1.2 – Uncertainties and errors Propagating uncertainties through calculations PRACTICE: SOLUTION: ∆F / F = 0.2 / 10 = 0.02 = 2%. ∆m / m = 0.1 / 2 = 0.05 = 5%. ∆a / a = ∆F / F + ∆m / m = 2% + 5% = 7%. Topic 1: Measurement and uncertainties 1.2 – Uncertainties and errors Propagating uncertainties through calculations PRACTICE: SOLUTION: ∆r / r = 0.5 / 10 = 0.05 = 5%. A = r2. Then ∆A / A = ∆r / r + ∆r / r = 5% + 5% = 10%. Topic 1: Measurement and uncertainties 1.2 – Uncertainties and errors Uncertainty of gradient and intercepts IB has a requirement that when you conduct an experiment of your own design, you must have five variations in your independent variable. And for each variation of your independent variable you must conduct three trials to gather the values of the dependent variable. The three values for each dependent variable will then be averaged. The “good” header Topic 1: Measurement and uncertainties 1.2 – Uncertainties and errors ( responding ) Dependent ( manipulated ) Independent 3 Trials Uncertainty of gradient and intercepts This is a well designed table containing all of the information and data points required by IB: Topic 1: Measurement and uncertainties 1.2 – Uncertainties and errors Uncertainty of gradient and intercepts In order to determine the uncertainty in the dependent variable we reproduce the first two rows of the previous table: The uncertainty in the average height h was taken to be half the largest range in the trial data, which is in the row for n = 2 sheets: 53.4 - 49.6 = 2.0. 2 Topic 1: Measurement and uncertainties 1.2 – Uncertainties and errors Uncertainty of gradient and intercepts The size of the error bar in the graph is then up two and down two at each point in the graph: Error bars go up 2 and down 2 at each point. Topic 1: Measurement and uncertainties 1.2 – Uncertainties and errors Uncertainty of gradient and intercepts To determine the uncertainty in the gradient and intercepts of a best fit line we look only at the first and last error bars, as illustrated here: bmin bbest bmax Recall: y = mx + b slope & mbest m = mbest mmax - mmin uncertainty 2 bbest b = bbest bmax - bmin 2 intercept & uncertainty Topic 1: Measurement and uncertainties 1.2 – Uncertainties and errors Uncertainty of gradient and intercepts The slope uncertainty calculation is shown here: mmax - mmin m = 2 -1.375 - -1.875 m = 2 m = 0.25 Topic 1: Measurement and uncertainties 1.2 – Uncertainties and errors Uncertainty of gradient and intercepts The intercept uncertainty calculation is shown here: bmax - bmin b = 2 b = 53 - 57 2 b = 2 Topic 1: Measurement and uncertainties 1.2 – Uncertainties and errors Uncertainty of gradient and intercepts Finally, the finished graph: m = -1.6 0.3 cm sheet -1 b = 56 2 cm Topic 1: Measurement and uncertainties 1.2 – Uncertainties and errors Uncertainty of gradient and intercepts EXAMPLE: SOLUTION: Look for the line to lie within all horizontal and vertical error bars. Only graph B satisfies this requirement.