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Psychology Exam Study Guide: Key Concepts & Research


Final Exam Study Guide

Chapter 1 – The Science of Psychology

 Psychology: the science of behavior and mental processes o Can be appreciated for its individual perspectives and for the whole that it makes

 Psychiatry: the medical specialization focusing on the brain and its disorders

 Historical perspectives o o

Structuralism: concerned with the structure of the mind

 Introspection: looking inward

 Wundt: father of psychology

Functionalism: concerned with the function of psychological elements o o o

 James

Psychoanalysis: emphasized the unconscious and childhood experience,

psychology influenced by hidden and internal emotions

 Freud: put psychology on the map

Behaviorism: concerned with overt & observable behavior, less with inner


 Pavlov, Skinner, Bandura

Humanism: focus on psychological health, growth and satisfying needs

 Maslow, Rodgers

 Modern perspectives o Multiculturalism: emphasizes the influence of culture on behavior and mental o


Evolutionary psychology: view psychological processes as evolving through

natural selection

 Natural selection: traits that ensure survival are most likely passes

through generations

Nature v nurture: is psychology the result of nature/genes or o o o


Cognitive psychology: investigates how we think, concerned with how we

perceive, process and remember information

Biopsychology: current day, the study of how brain activity is linked with

psychological processes

 Ex: cognitive neuroscience

Neuroscience: emphasizes the link between behavior and the biological

functioning of the brain o o

Positive psychology: emphasizes people’s strengths and weaknesses

Biopsychosocial theory: uniquely comprehensive and popular, emphasizes

biological, psychological and social factors as influences on behavior

 Critical thinking: necessary in psychology o o

Critical thinkers can analyze the world around us

Pseudopsychology: information that is not supported by science but still may

appear to be


 o Confirmation bias: a tendency to prefer information that confirms what you

thought in the first place o Belief perseverance: a tendency to maintain a belief even when evidence

suggests it is incorrect

Descriptive research: research that describes a phenomenon without attempting to

determine what causes the phenomenon o Examines the situation as is o o

Cannot determine cause-and-effect


 Case Study: studying one individual in hopes of revealing the truth of all


 Ex: brain damage, children studies

Survey: technique of determining the self-reported attitudes or behaviors of people, usually by questioning a representative sample of


 Random sampling: selecting from a population/ all cases in a group a sample/a few cases where each member has an equal

chance of inclusion into a sample; unbiased sampling

Naturalistic observation: observing and recording behavior in naturally occurring situations without trying to manipulate and control the


 Correlational research: o Correlation: a measure (r) of the extent to which two factors vary together, o how well one predicts the other

Correlation coefficient: -1 < r < +1

r value indicates direction of relationship, either positive or negative the number indicates strength of relationship, closer to 1 stronger, closer o o o to 0 weaker, if 0 then no relationship

Positive correlation: variables both move in the same direction

Negative correlation: variables move in opposite directions

Scatterplot: graph comprised of points generated by values of two variables

Slope: depicts the direction

Amount of scatter: strength of relationship o Correlation-causation fallacy: correlation does not imply causation, does not tell us what the direction is it only tells us there is a relationship between two


 Experimental research: method in which the investigator manipulates one or more factors or independent variables to observe the effect on behavior or mental process

or dependent variables o Control condition: the condition of an experiment that contrasts with the experimental condition and serves as a comparison for evaluating the effect of treatment, participants in the control condition do not receive the



 o o o

Random assignment: assigning participants to experimental and control

conditions by chance, thus minimizing preexisting differences

Independent variables: the cause, the variable whose values is controlled by

the experimenter, it is manipulated

Dependent variables: the effect, that which is affected by the causal influence o o o

embodied in the independent variable, it is measured

Experimental group: receive the treatment that is the focus of the study

Control group: do not receive the treatment that is the focus of the study

Placebo effect: told receiving pain reliever will feel less pain since you believe

that it is working even though it is a placebo

Scientific method o Process=Observation>Theory>Hypotheses>Research & Observations>generate or refine Observations o o o

Theory: an explanation using set of principles that organizes and predicts behaviors or events; a broad idea or set of closely related ideas that attempts to explain certain observations

 Ex: low self esteem leads to depression

Hypothesis: a testable prediction, often arrived at logically from a theory

 Ex: People with low self-esteem score higher on a depression scale


 Ex: administer tests of self-esteem and depression o o


 Ex: see if a low score on ones predicts a high score on the other

Operational definitions: defining a circumstance or behavior in such a way so

that it can be objectively observed and measured

Chapter 2 – Brain and Behavior

 Neurons: microscopic cell o o o o o o o o

Dendrites: receive information from other neurons, collecting chemical

information, sent to cell body

Cell body (soma): collected information is sent here, main part of cell, houses

nucleus and other parts of the cell

Axon: information sent from cell body out to other cells via axon, terminal branches of axon where terminal buttons release chemicals to other cells,

signal is electrical

Myelin sheath: it is fat, covers the axon, it is insulating to the axon, speeds up

the transmitting of the message that is being sent, spaces between are nodes

Action potential: the release/firing of an electrical impulse that travels through

the axon

Synapse: “space” where chemicals or neurotransmitters are going into

Neural plasticity: the ability of the brain to change continuously throughout an individual’s life

Neurotransmitters: chemicals sent out by cell and leave by terminal buttons


Acetylcholine: associated with memories, neurons in brain produce this,

associated with moving muscle

 Loose: Altzheimer’s

 Agonist: nicotine, botox

GABA: neural inhibitor, slow down whole nervous system

 Loose: seizures, insomnia, tremors

 Agonists: valium, xanax

Dopamine: cells in the brain produce this, about motor movements

 Loose: Parkinson’s, have a hard time initiating motor movements

 Too much: Schizophrenia-hallucinations and delusions

 Agonist: amphetamines, heroin; addictive substances

 Antagonists: antipsychotic drugs

Serotonin: cells in brain produce this

 Low levels: depression and anxiety

 Agonist: antidepressants (Prozac, Zoloft)

Endorphins: the body’s natural pain reliever

 Agonists: opiate drugs, morphine, heroin


 Bipolar: lithium is a mood stabilizer

 Low levels: depression

 High levels: mania

Agonist: a drug or substance that is so similar to a neurotransmitter that it acts just like one, or mimics it, it can open the channel to the

neurotransmitter and go in

Antagonist: a drug or substance that is so similar to a neurotransmitter that it acts just like one, or mimics it, but it can close the channel to the

neurotransmitter and block it

 Brain stem: within hindbrain, where all basic life support functions are controlled

(sleeping, eating, heart beating,etc)

 Cerebellum: within hindbrain, associated with balance and fine motor movements

 Medulla: part of the brainstem involved in heartbeat and breathing

 Thalamus: within hindbrain, at the top of the brain stem, where a lot of sensory

information is gathered and relayed to other areas of the brain (senses but smell)

 Midbrain: tiny, area called substania nigra (black substance) that is associated with

parkinson’s, any voluntary motor movements have to go thru there

Limbic system: forming habits, memory consolidation o Hypothalamus: regulating basic biological functions (sleep, eat, thirst, etc)

 Insomnia, disturbed appetite o o

Hippocampus: associated with forming new memories

 HM- no new memories after surgery for epilepsy, learn motor skills though

Amygdala: means almond, associated with sensing a threat, interpreting

aggressive behaviors and reading reactions displaying fear, ability to feel fear

 Charles Whitman- Texas Shooter


 Cerebrum (forebrain) o Cerebral cortex: everything above the limbic system, deep grooves allow to o pact in more neurons

Two hemispheres

 Right cerebral hemisphere: associated with spacial skills and movement, o

 controlling movements on left side of the body, see on left eye goes to

right side brain

Left cerebral hemisphere: associated with controlling movements on right side of body, language, logic, math, recognition of objects,

knowing how to use seen objects, see on right eye goes to left brain

Corpus callosum: how both left and right hemispheres communicate with one

another, thick band of fibers that connects information together

 Split brain: epilepsy o o

Frontal lobe: in the front, associated with movement, personality, decision

making, preferences, emotions, higher decision making processes

 Motor cortex: every part is associated with moving a certain part of

your body

Broca's area: associated with speech production

Broca’s aphasia: know what they want to say and understand what you

are saying they just cannot get it out, strokes, get frustrated

Parietal lobe: on top and sides, associated with sensation (sensory cortex)

 Somatosensory cortex: receives all sensory information input from the

body o Temporal lobe: on the sides, associated with hearing (auditory cortex)

 Wernicke's area: associated with sound and understanding speech

 Wernicke’s aphasia: damage to this area- no longer understand speech

and what they say does not make sense, not frustrated o Occipital lobe: at the back, associated with vision (visual cortex)

 The Man Who Mistook His Wife for a Hat- visual agnosia

 Nervous system: control all behavior, thoughts, feelings

 o o

Central nervous system: brain and spinal cord

Peripheral nervous system: everything else, all nerves go to those parts of your


 Somatic nervous system: controlling al voluntary motor movements of

skeletal muscles

 Autonomic nervous system: controlling life sustaining functions

(digestion, breathing, heart beating), controls self-regulated action of

internal organs and glands

 Sympathetic division: arousing, activated whenever experience

flight or fight reaction

Parasympathetic division: calming, helps you to relax (esp after

having to use sympathetic)

Study the brain o EEG


 o o

Brain imaging / MRI, CT

Live electrical stimulation

Hormones: chemicals made by glands of the endocrine system, affect certain tissues

throughout the body

Cortisol: stress hormone

Chapter 3 – Sensation and Perception

 Sensation: taking in all the raw material in your environment, all 5 senses, information is detected by sensory receptors, how we detect physical energy from the

environment and encode it as neural signals, provides raw information o Bottom-up processing: senses becomes a perception with no influence of

expectation or previous experiences

 Absolute threshold: the minimum stimulation needed to detect a particular stimulus

50% of the time, the minimum amount of signal that a person can detect o o

Ex: ticking clock

Signal detection theory: predicting how and when we detect the presences of a

 signal amid background noise, assumes there is no single absolute threshold, but that detection depends also on a person’s experience, expectation,

motivation and level of fatigue

Subliminal threshold: the ability to detect information below the absolute threshold of

one’s conscious awareness o Subliminal priming: the unconscious activation of certain associations

Difference threshold: just noticeable difference, the minimum difference a person can

detect between any two stimuli 50% of the time o o

Ex: navy blue and black socks

Weber’s Law: the principal that two stimuli must differ by a constant minimum o percentage in order to be perceived as different, the difference threshold

increases with the magnitude of the stimulus

 Sensory adaptation: reduced sensitivity resulting from constant stimulation

Benefit: allows us to focus on informative changes in our environment without

being distracted by the uninformative constant stimulation

 Ex: garments, odors

 Habituation: when you decrease or stop responding to a stimulus that repeats or stays


Selective attention: paying more attention to one sensory channel than others

Transduction: in sensation the transforming of stimulus energy (light, sound, smell)

into neural messages that our brain can interpret, it is a process o

 Vision

Sensation>organ>brain o o

Stimulus energy/light>eye>brain

 We encounter waves of electromagnetic radiation

Our eyes respond to some of these waves

Our brain turns these energy wave sensations into colors



o o o o

Cornea: outer surface of the eye, protect the eye, provides some focus

Pupil: small opening through which light enters the eye

Iris: colored muscle surrounding pupil, adjusts light intake by dilating and constricting

Lens: focuses the light as an image on the eye’s back surface

Retina: the eye’s back surface that contains receptor cells that converts

light energy into neural impulses sent to the brain

 Has 3 layers: ganglion cells, bipolar cells and receptors cells

 Rods: retinal receptors that detect black, white and gray,

necessary for peripheral and twilight vision

Cones: retinal receptors that detect fine detail and color,

function in daylight or well-lit conditions

Wavelength/color (hue): the color of light determined by its


Optic nerve: bundle of axons of ganglion cells, carries neural

impulses from eye to brain

Blind spot: the point at which the optic nerve leaves the eye,

hole in retina that allows nerve to exit the brain

Visual information processing: the images we see are not made of neural signals, once neural signals enter the optic nerve they are sent through the

thalamus to the visual cortex

Trichromatic theory: theory that the retina contains three different types of color receptors, some sensitive to red, some to green and some to blue, which when stimulated in combination can produce the perception of any color, the retinas red, green and blue cones respond in varying degrees to different


Color blindness: result of lacking function in red cones, green cones or both

Opponent-process theory: theory that opposing retinal process (red-green, yellow-blue, black-white) enable color vision, their signals are the processes by

the nervous systems opponent-process cells en route to the visual cortex

 In the retina and the thalamus some neurons are turned on by red, but o o turned off by green and vice versa

Change blindness: a failure to notice changes in your visual field simply because

you expect otherwise

Inattentional blindness: a failure to notice something in your visual field simply

because your attention was focused elsewhere

 Audition/Hearing o o

Stimulus energy/sound waves>ear>brain

Sound waves: molecules of air bumping into each other creating waves of

compressed and expanded air

 Frequency: perception of pitch

 Pitch: length of the sound waves, perceived as high and low sounds

 Low Frequency=low pitched sound

 High frequency=high pitched sound


 o

Amplitude: perception of loudness

 Loudness: height or intensity of sound wave, perceived as loud and soft

 Low frequency=loud sound

 High frequency=soft sound


Outer ear: collects sound and funnels it to the eardrum

Middle ear: the sound waves hit the eardrum and move the hammer

 anvil and stirrup in ways that amplify the vibrations. The stirrup then

sends these vibrations to the oval window of the cochlea

Inner ear: waves of fluid move from the oval window over the cochlea’s hair receptor cells, these cells send signals through the auditory nerves

to the temporal lobe of the brain

Cochlea: spiral fluid filled structure in the inner ear that sends sound

waves to the brain via the auditory nerve

Olfaction/Smell: source is chemical molecules breathed in through the nose, receptors

are millions of receptors at the top of the nasal cavity

Gustation/Taste: source is the chemical molecules in the mouth, receptors are the

basic tongue receptors for sweet, sour, salty, bitter and umami (savoriness)

Somatosenses/Touch: the source is pressure, warmth, cold on skin, skin receptors

detect pressure, warmth, cold and pain

Kinesthetic/body position sense: the source is any change in position of a body part

relative to each other, interacting with vision, the receptors are all over the body

Vestibular/body movement sense: the source is the movement of fluids in the innner ear caused by head/body movement, sense of balance, the receptors are hairlike in

the semicircular canals and vestibular sacs

Perception: how interpret and organize information given by sensations, high level brain functions (experiences, motivations, expectations, etc) process the sensations, refers to how we select, organize and interpret information, constructs raw

information into our experiences o Top-down processing: what your expectations or previous experiences

influence what you perceive

 Perceptual Principles o Gestalt principles: means whole, our tendency to integrate pieces of

information into meaningful wholes

 Organization principles are most easily seen through visual illusions which o reveal how we organize and interpret our sensations

Form rules:

 Figure-ground: organization of the visual field into objects/figures that

stand out from their surrounding/ground

 Grouping: the tendency to organize stimuli into coherent groups

 Proximity: tendency to group nearby figures together

 Continuity: tendency to perceive smooth, continuous patterns

rather than discontinuous ones



 Closure: tendency to fill in gap to create a complete, whole


Depth rules:

 Depth perception: the ability to see objects in 3-D although the images

that strike the retina are 2-D, allows us to judge distance

 Binocular cues: depth cues that depend on the use of two eyes

 Retinal disparity: by comparing images from the two eyes the

brain compute distance o The greater the disparity between the two images, the closer the object

Convergence: the extent to which the eyes converge inward

when looking at an object o The greater the inward strain, the closer the object

Monocular cues: depth cues that require the use of only one eye

 Interposition: when one object appears to block the view of

another, we perceive it as closer

Relative size: if we know the relative size of certain objects, we

perceive them as further away when they appear smaller

Linear perspective: when parallel lines appear to converge, we

perceive the convergence as further away

Relative height: things at the top of your field of vision seem far,

things at the bottom seem close

Relative motion: motion parallex, when we are moving, objects that are stable appear to move, if what we are viewing moves in the opposite direction we perceive it to be close, if what we are viewing seems to move in the same direction we perceive it to

be far o Constancy rules:

 Shape: we perceive the form of familiar objects as constant even while

our retinal image of them change

Size: we perceive the size of familiar objects as constant even while our

retinal images of them change

 Perceptual set: a mental predisposition to perceive one thing and not another o o

Determines perceptual set:

 Schemas: general knowledge about the physical and social world

 Through experience we form concepts that we use to help us organize and interpret unfamiliar information

Context effects: a given stimulus may trigger radically different perceptions o

because of the immediate context

ESP: the debatable notion of perception without sensation

Parapsychology: the study of topics that fall outside the range of mainstream



Chapter 4 - Consciousness

 Consciousness: awareness of self and environment, affected by brain chemistry,

expectations and culture o o o o

Dual processing: we simultaneously process info consciously and unconsciously

Controlled process: require maximum focused attention, taking notes

Automatic processes: require minimal attention, walking, chewing gum

Subconscious process: below awareness, sleeping, dreaming o o o

No awareness: coma, anesthesia, material we have repressed

Selective attention: focusing consciousness on something particular

Inattentional blindness: failing to see something obvious because attention is

focused elsewhere

 Sleep o o

Circadian rhythm: 24 hours biological cycle (around day)

Stages of sleep

Stage I: Brain powers down 50%: hypnagogic imagery, fleeting images

Stage II: Heart rate slows, temperature drops, muscles relax

Stage III: deep sleep

Stage IV: deep sleep, about 45 min to get there, sleep walking, sleep talking, wetting the bed, hard to awaken

Stage V: REM Sleep, brain waves resemble wakefulness, sleep paralysis

 REM sleep: rapid eye movement, after stage II, as night o o progresses spend more time in REM and less in deep

Insomnia: sleep disorder, consistent difficulty falling asleep, staying asleep or

achieving high quality sleep

Narcolepsy: a disorder of sleep attacks characterized by immediate and o

unexpected shifts from wakefulness to REM sleep

Sleep apnea: sleep disorder, caused by interruptions of breathing that cause

repeat waking

 Theories of sleep: nonsense, message, generative, soul travel, visitation

 o o o o o

Evolutionary: help us to conserve energy, be still when predators are active

Repair/restoration: recuperation from daily activities both body, mind and


Memory consolidation: strengthens and stabilizes memory traces

Supports growth: pituitary releases growth hormone during sleep


 Nonsense: dreams are just imaginary nonsense, random images and

stories to be enjoyed for what they’re with and then forgotten

 Message: dreams contain important messages, maybe from others or

from parts of yourself that need to be heard

 Generative: dreams predict the future and generate or determine it

Soul travel: dreams are the experience of your soul wandering outside

your body

Visitation: dreams are visits by supernatural spirits to the dreamer

Theories of dreaming: Freud is the father of theories on dreaming


 o o o o o o

Psychodynamic: dreams provide access to the unconscious, “psychic safety

valve”, manifest content, latent content/hidden meaning, wish fulfillment

 Freud’s theory of dreaming

Neural activation: brain tries to make sense of random firing or activation of


 aka Activation-synthesis hypothesis

Information processing: dreams process, assimilate and update info from the


Physiological function: regular stimulation from REM helps develop and

preserve neural pathways

Cognitive development:

Lucid dreaming: dreaming experience in which you have some control over the

dream while you remain asleep

Hypnosis: state of concentration and selection meditation, not a trance, not like sleep,

useful for pain, medical conditions and habit disorders o o

Social influence theory: subject caught up in hypnotized role

Divided consciousness

 Dissociation: split between consciousness levels

The path to addiction: o Experimentation>regular use>preoccupation>dependence

 Dependence now use to feel normal

Psychoactive drugs o Why use:

 Sociocultural influences: chronic stress + environment that promotes

substance abuse use as an escape = widespread dependence o

 Addictive personality theory: factors that may predispose one to use/abuse are impulsivity, sociability, neuroticism/tendency to

experience negative emotions (self-medication hypothesis)

Tolerance: decreased effectiveness of a particular amount of drug o o o o

Withdrawal: discomfort for following discontinuation

Physical dependence: drugs act like neurotransmitters so body procures less,

need more drug to compensate for subnormal levels

Psychological dependence: psychological need, want to reduce negative


Types of psychoactive drugs:

 Depressants: calm neural activity & slow body functions CNS


 Action: relaxation due to reduced neural transmission

 Drugs: Alcohol, benzodiazepines, rohypnol, ketamine, GHB,

sedatives, anti-anxiety drugs

Intoxication: disinhibition, sedation, incoordination, impair

attention or memory, mood lability

Withdrawal: anxiety, insomnia, seizures, nausea, vomiting, agitation


Stimulants: increase neural activity and speeds up body functions

 Action: forces dopamine, norepinephrine into synapse or

interferes with their reabsorption

 Drugs: cocaines, PCP, MDMA, Mehamphetamines, Mescalie,

Ritalin, caffeine, nicotine

 Intoxication: euphoria, hypervigilance anxiety, anger, impaired

judgement, agitation, weight loss

 Withdrawal: crash, dysphoria, fatigue, vivd nightmares, agitation

Hallucinogens: distort perceptions, cause hallucinations

 Action: forces additional serotonin into the synapse

 Drugs: LSD, Mushrooms/psllocybin, marijuana, MDMA

 Intoxication: disinhibition, pain relief, sensory distortion,

 relaxation

Withdrawal: insomnia, mood disorders

Opiates: synthetic or naturally occurring, highly addictive, depressant,

pain and anxiety reduction and pleasure

 Action: plugs into opoid receptors and creates feelings of intense


Drugs: heroin, morphine, opium

Intoxication: euphoria followed by apathy, impaired judgement,

attention, memory

 Withdrawal: dysphoria, nausea, vomiting, muscle aches, fever,


Meditation: activity designed to increase focused attention with the ultimate purpose

of improving your mental state

 Mindfulness: awareness of your moment to moment experiences fully, deliberatively

and without distraction

Chapter 5 - Memory

 Memory: is a constructive process,

 o Stages of Memory

 Encoding: entering information into memory

Storage: retaining information in memory

Retrieval: pulling information out of memory

Information Processing Model: encoding, storage, retrieval o Sensory memory>encoding>working/short term o memory>encoding/retrieval>long term memory storage

Sensory Memory: capacity is 17 items, auditory duration is 2-4 seconds, visual duration is ½ second, initial input of sensory information is unconscious,

independent registration of physical characteristics

 Echoic memory: auditory sensory memory, all the info your ears took in

during the past few seconds

 Iconic memory: visual sensory memory, all the info your eyes took in

during the last fraction of a second


 o o o

Short-Term/Working memory: capacity is 7 +/- 2 items so 5-9 items, duration is

30 seconds

Chunking: can increase capacity of information by chunking, use it to

hold more information at one time in short memory

Maintenance rehearsal: repeating it over and over again in your head

and hoping it sticks

Working memory

 auditory rehearsal: mentally repeating things long enough to remember short term

 visual spacial information: mentally visualizing information, place, etc central executive: focuses attention

Long- term memory: capacity is unlimited, duration is unlimited

 Implicit memory: hard to verbalize or talk about

 Procedural memory: usually a memory from motor skill (ride a


Classically conditioned memory: automatic reflexes (taste


Explicit/declarative memory: easy to verbalize, have verbal answers

 Semantic memory: memories for facts, information that is o

 usually disconnected from personal experiences, basic


Episodic memory: for own personal life experiences, can tell

stories based on memories, feelings, expressions, experiences o Flashbulb memory: experience very intense that is a vivid lasting memory, don’t have good photographic memory but do have extremely strong sense of certainty even

though we have re constructed it over time

 Elaborative rehearsal: when you take a concept and elaborate on it,

relates information, what it means, what it is, come up with example

Retrieval: when we get information out of our long term memory

 Retrieval cues: question is trying to cue you to retrieve that specific piece of information

 Recognition cue: just need to recognize, the answer is there, just

 need to know which one the select, compare what is in long

term memory

Recall cue: you have to provide the information, the answer is

not there, you have to provide the answer on your own o Context dependent memory: ability to retrieve information based on the context we are in, feeling a certain way triggers certain memories that has the

same feeling context you are in

Levels of Processing Model o o

Levels of processing: how deeply info is processed aka deep processing

Shallow processing: currently thinking about but not committing to long term

memory, not learning that information,


 o Deep processing: accomplished by using elaborative rehearsal

Decay: the dwindling or loss of info for memory due to the passing time

Interference: problems remembering newer info caused by older info

Serial position effect: tendency to remember the first and last items better than the

items in the middle

Primacy effect: tendency to remember the first items in a series particularly well

Recency effect: tendency to remember the last items in a series particularly well

Spacing effect: tendency to have better long-term memory for info when attempts to

study it are spaced apart rather that crammed together

Massed practice: many repetitions at once, like cramming

Distributed practice: repetitions spread over time

Amnesia: inability to remember some or all information, temporarily or permanently

Eyewitness testimony: an account given by people of an event they have witnessed

Misinformation effect: tendency of false or misleading info presented after the fact to

be mistakenly incorporated into memory

Hindsight bias: remembering your predictions incorrectly after the outcome is


Repressed memories: real memories that have been pushed out of consciousness

because they are emotionally threatening

Motivated forgetting: people may forget unwanted memories either consciously or


Chapter 6 - Learning

 Learning: acquiring new and relatively enduring information or behaviors

 o Associative learning: certain events happen together

Conditioning: process of learning associations

Behaviorism: a perspective in psychology that emphasizes observable behavior over

internal mental processes

 Classical conditioning: learning to associate two things and respond involuntarily o o o o o o

Pavlov: animal physiologist, studying digestive system of dogs via salivatory responses, discovered and conditioned reflexes, used different types of stimuli

and responses

Watson: conducted Little Albert experiment

 Little Albert: experiment where a baby was conditioned to feel fear upon seeing a white fluffy rat by associating the rat with a loud bang, began to generalize all white fluffy things by showing fear at anything

with that description; generalization and discrimination

Unconditioned Stimulus: no learning had to take place in order to get a

response, stimulus causes a response automatically

Unconditioned Response: automatic response to a stimulus that occurs

naturally, no need for learning

Neutral Stimulus: should not illicit or cause any response

Conditioned Stimulus: formerly neutral stimulus that now causes response

because of its link to an unconditioned stimulus


 o o o o o o

Conditioned Response: response to a conditioned stimulus acquired through


Acquisition: point in the learning process at which the neutral stimulus

becomes a conditioned stimulus because it causes the conditioned response

Extinction: point in the learning process at which the conditioned stimulus no longer causes the conditioned response because it is no longer linked to the

unconditioned stimulus

Generalization: process by which stimuli that are similar to the conditioned

stimulus cause the same conditioned response

Discrimination: process by which stimuli that are different from the

conditioned stimulus fail to cause the same conditioned response

Spontaneous Recovery: after a temporary period of inactivity the return of a

conditioned response that had become extinct o Taste Aversion: dislike towards a certain food or flavor due to a bad experience

(getting sick, food poisoning) caused by that particular food

Operant conditioning: learning to associate a behavior we do voluntarily with its consequence (reward or punishment), active, consequences of voluntary behavior

affect the likelihood that the behavior will recur o B.F. Skinner: psych professor of U of Minnesota, Indiana University and

Harvard, inspired by Thorndike, spent career conducting extensive studies on animal behavior, expand what we know about the low of effect and operant o conditioning, fame—ability to apply findings about animal behavior to human behavior, “all behavior is determined by its consequences, so we have no free

will to act as we want” controversial claim

Reinforcement: any consequence of a behavior that makes that behavior more

likely to recur

 Positive: getting something desirable for a behavior so behavior


Negative: removing something undesirable so a behavior continues o o o o

Primary reinforcer: innate reinforcer that requires no learning to have a

reinforcing effect because it satisfies a biological need

Secondary reinforcer: reinforcer that requires learned link to a primary

reinforcer to have a reinforcing effect

Continuous reinforcement: pattern by which a behavior is reinforced every time

it occurs

Partial reinforcement: intermittent, pattern by which a behavior is reinforced

only some of the time o o


 Positive: decrease frequency of behavior by getting something bad

 Negative: decrease frequency of behavior by removing something good

Shaping: process of gradually learning a complex behavior through the

reinforcement of each of its small steps

Observational learning: learning occurs as a result of observing others’ behavior and

consequences rather than your own


Latent learning: learning that has taken place but cannot be directly observed

Insight: perception of a solution to a problem that results from cognitive

understanding rather than from trial and error

Learned helplessness: absence of any attempt to help oneself that results from

previously learning that such attempts are useless

Chapter 7 - Cognition: Thinking, Language, and Intelligence

 Cognition: what your brain does with information, including understanding it,

organizing it, analyzing it and communicating it o Concepts: mental representation of a category of similar things, actions or people; the most basic building blocks of thinking, the pieces that you use to

string together thoughts o o o o o o o o o o

Prototype: the most typical or best example within a concept

Algorithm: formula-like method of problem solving

Heuristic: an educated guess or rule of thumb method of problem solving

Mental set: the limits you place on your approach to problem solving based on

what has worked in the past

Confirmation bias: tendency to prefer information that confirms what you

thought in the first place

Framing: particular way a question or problem is presented, which can

influence how you respond to it

Representativeness heuristic: an educated guess based on similarity to a


Availability heuristic: educated guess based on information that most quickly

and easily comes to mind

Anchoring heuristic: educated guess in which the starting point has a strong

influence on the conclusion you ultimately reach

Affect heuristic: tendency to consult one’s emotions instead of estimating o o

probabilities objectively

Affective forecasting: efforts to predict one’s emotional reactions to future


Functional fixedness: tendency to think of things only in terms of their usual

functions, an impediment to problem solving

 Language: our spoken, written or signed words and the ways we combine them to

communicate meaning o Chomsky’s Nativist theory: the view that language development is best o

explained as an innate, biological capacity

Formalist theory of language development: (aka Behaviorism) economic theory o o that teaches that the logic people use to pursue economic goals is culturally

universal and can be explained by universal economic models

Social-pragmatic theory: perspective of language development that considers

communication as the basic function of language

One-word Stage: stage in speech development from 1-2 during which a child

speaks mostly in single words


 Intelligence: mental potential to learn from experience, solve problems and use

knowledge to adapt to new situations o o

Spearman's general intelligence (g): basic intelligence predicts our abilities in

varied academic areas

Fluid intelligence: Catell, our ability to reason speedily and abstractly, tends to o o o o

decrease during late adulthood, solve new problems

Crystallized intelligence: stored knowledge

Practical Intelligence: the street smarts needed to successfully complete the

tasks necessary in daily life

Successful Intelligence: kind of street smarts that help you get by in your day to

day lives just as much as book smarts do

Gardner's Theory of Multiple Intelligences: Seven defined types of intelligence

 Linguistic: writing, speaking and understanding language

Logical-mathematical: math, science, logic and problem solving

Musical: playing instruments, singing and creating and appreciating o o o o


Visual-spatial: reasoning about physical objects in three-dimensional


Bodily-kinesthetic: dancing, sports and movement-related tasks

 Interpersonal: interacting with others as well as understanding others’

thoughts and feelings

 Intrapersonal: self-awareness

Naturalistic: understanding and appreciating plants, animals, weather and

other aspects of the environment

Existential: contemplating the meaning of life and other deep philosophical


Emotional Intelligence: ability to perceive, understand, manage and use

emotions, sense and manage emotions in yourself and others

Intelligence test: method for assessing an individual’s mental aptitudes and

comparing them with those of others, using numerical scores

 Intelligence Quotient (IQ): defined originally as the ratio of mental age

 to chronological age multiplied by 100 (IQ=ma/ca*100), contemporary intelligence tests, average performance for a given age is assigned a

score of 100

Normal curve: a symmetrical, bell shape graph that describes the distribution of many types of data, most scores fall near the mean (68% fall within one standard deviation of it) and fewer and fewer near the


Scores: large number, host, crowd, multitude

Giftedness: an extreme intelligence defined as having an IQ score of 130

or above

Intellectual disability: condition of limited mental ability, indicated by an intelligence score of 70 or below and difficulty in adapting to the

demands of life, varies from mild to profound


Reliability: ability of a test to yield very similar scores for the same

individual over repeated testings

Validity: extent to which a test measures or predicts what it is supposed


Test bias: situation in which different decisions or predictions are made for members of two groups even when they obtain the same score on

an instrument

Culture-fair intelligence tests: intelligence tests devised using items

common to many cultures

 Stereotype threat: self-confirming concern that one will be evaluated

based on a negative stereotype

Chapter 8 - Motivation and Emotions

 Motivation: a need or desire that energizes and directs behavior o o o o o

Intrinsic motivation: desire to perform a behavior because the behavior itself is


Extrinsic motivation: desire to perform a behavior to obtain an externa reward

Incentive: positive or negative environmental stimulus that motivates

behavior, object or situation outside yourself that you are motivated to acquire

Instinct theory: theory of motivation stating that humans, like all other

animals, are motivated primarily by instinct

Drive-reduction theory: theory of motivation stating that unmet biological o o

drives cause unpleasant sensations that motivate you to meet those needs

Arousal theory: theory of motivation stating that you are motivated to obtain

and maintain an optimal level of arousal

Maslow's Hierarchy of Needs: explanation of motivation created by Abraham

Maslow based on the idea that certain needs must be satisfied before others

 Emotion: all aspects of feeling, including changes to the body behavior and

consciousness o James-Lange theory: theory of emotion stating that you experience emotion by o

noticing bodily changes first and then interpreting them as particular feelings

Cannon-Bard theory: theory of emotion stating that you experience emotion by o o o o o o

simultaneously becoming aware of bodily changes and feelings

Schachter-Singer theory: theory of emotion stating that the label you assign to

your bodily reaction determines your mental reaction

Cognitive appraisal theory: theory or emotion stating that what you think about

a stimulus causes the emotion

Facial Feedback Theory: theory of emotion stating that your brain can influence

your emotions by monitoring your facial expressions

Emotional regulation: your ability to manage the type, intensity, length and

expression of your own emotions

Display rules: norms within a group about the acceptable verbal and nonverbal

expression of emotion

6 Basic facial expressions: anger, sadness, fear, happiness, disgust and surprise


Chapter 9 - Development Across the Life Span

 Developmental psychology: study of the changes to bod, mind and interpersonal

interaction that people experience across their life span

 Cross-sectional designs: research design in which people of different ages are

compared to each other at the same point in time

 Longitudinal designs: research design in which the same group of people is compared

to itself at different points in time

 Nature and Nurture: question of what determines how we change over time, an

inborn blueprint that unfold inevitably or the influences of the world around us

Teratogen: any substance that harms the embryo or fetus

Piaget's Theory of Cognitive Development: theory about cognitive development

involving schemas, assimilations, accommodations, stages of cognitive development o Schema: concept or mental representation that guides the way you make sense o

of new information

Assimilation: making sense of new information by sorting it into already o o

existing schemas

Accommodation: making sense of new information by revising or creating new


Stages of Cognitive Development

 Sensorimotor: first stage, from birth to age 2, when babies understand the world through sensory experience, babies know something is real

by seeing, hearing, smelling touching or tasting it

Preoperational: from age 2 to age 7, when children can use language and other symbols for real objects but still can’t complete many mental operations, period when kids develop that ability to represent things in o

their mind

Concrete Operational: from age 7 to age 11, children acquire the ability to think logically about concrete things, they master conservation


 Formal Operational: from age 11 through adulthood, person becomes

able to think logically about abstract things

Object permanence: ability to realize that an object continues to exist even

when you can’t see, hear or otherwise sense it o Conservation: mental operation in which an amount or quantity remains the

same regardless of the shape it takes o Egocentrism: inability to understand a situation from a point of view other than their own

 Attachment: close emotional bond between 2 people, particularly a young child and

caregiver o Harlow's experiment with monkeys: an experiment where monkeys were placed with 2 mothers, one made of cloth the other of wire, the reactions to the mothers were studied and attachment to the cloth mothers was observed highlighted how fundamentally important attachment is in humans and other

animals as well


o Ainsworth's attachment styles

 Secure: babies appeared the most stable and well adjusted, when mom was present, they were comfortable enough to explore the new toys and interact with the stranger, these babies seemed to use mom as a

secure home base

Insecure avoidant: babies didn’t seem to care much when mom left,

avoided her when she returned

Insecure-resistant: babies upset when mom left, didn’t entirely welcome her return, mixed reaction involving both seeking out mom

and angrily resisting the comfort she offered

Disorganized: babies seem confused about how to respond when mom leaves and returns, at different times babies resemble babies in each of

the three other types

 Parenting styles o Authoritarian: parents require children to obey unquestionable strict rules, parents demand compliance without explanation and with the threat of harsh

punishment o o

Permissive: parents place minimal demands on children and allow them to run

their own lives

Authoritative: parents set rules, also explain and negotiate those rules with their children, parents are more engaged in their kid’s lives than permissive but

not as inflexible controlling as authoritarian, why

Temperament: basic emotional responsiveness that characterizes a person throughout

his or her life span o 3 types of temperament:

 Easy: well, easy-going, optimistic, positive, acclimate quickly to new

situations and can be calmed in a predictable and manageable way

Difficult: quick to react negatively to unfamiliar people and things, don’t fall into predictable sleeping or eating patterns, harder to please or

comfort when they get upset

Slow to warm: take a long time to get used to new people or situations,

first reaction is to shy away, quiet, low levels of activity

 Adolescence: developmental period that encompasses the transition from childhood

to adulthood o Imaginary audience: believe that their lives are continuously being watched o

and evaluated by other people

Personal fable: common way of thinking among adolescents, believe

themselves to be special or invulnerable

 Kohlberg’s Stages of Moral Reasoning: moral decision making strategies o o

Preconventional morality: driven by potential rewards and punishments of the decision, what’s right is what maximizes benefit and minimizes hardship, make

decisions to serve own needs

Conventional morality: driven by the desire to follow society’s norms and laws,

what’s right is what puts you in line with your culture’s expectations of you


 o Postconventional morality: driven by fundamental rights and ethical principals, personal consequences of the decisions and how well the decision fits with

society’s preferences take a backseat at this point

Erikson's 8 Psychosocial Stages o Trust vs. mistrust: infancy, hope, will people around me take care of me o o o o o o

Autonomy vs. shame and doubt: early childhood, will, can I control myself

Initiative vs. guilt: preschool, purpose, can I do things on my own

Industry vs. inferiority: elementary school, competence, can I keep up with my


Identity vs. role confusion: adolescence, fidelity, can I determine who I am

Intimacy vs. isolation: young adulthood, love, can I form lasting connection with

another person

Generativity vs. stagnation: middle adulthood, care, can I contribute something

 o


Ego integrity vs. despair: older adulthood, wisdom, was my life well lived

Emerging Adulthood: recently proposed development stage during which the person gradually moves from adolescence to adulthood, typically during late teens and

twenties in modern western cultures

Chapter 10 - Diversity in Psychology: Multiculturalism, Gender, and Sexuality

Culture: set of shared beliefs, values and patterns of behavior within a group of people o Worldview: comprehensive culturally influences way of approaching and

understanding the world around you o Dynamic sizing: ability to simultaneously know the norm for a group and

recognize that the norm might not apply to every member of that group

Multiculturalism: psychological approach that highlights the importance and value of

multiple cultural groups within a society

Acculturation: managing a life that involves the coexistence of more than one culture o Acculturation strategies

 Assimilation: person adopts the new culture and rejects the old culture

 Separation: person retains the old culture and rejects the new culture

 Marginalization: person rejects both the new culture and the old culture

 Integration: person adopts both the new culture and the old culture o Acculturative stress: physical or psychological stress that comes from


 Individualism: worldview that emphasizes the well-being of the individual over the

well-being of the group

 Collectivism: worldview that emphasizes the well-being of the group over the well-

being of the individual

 Cultural intelligence: ability to live and interact effectively in a multicultural society

 Microaggressions: everyday actions or comments (often unintentionally) that contain

hostile or off-putting messages for members of certain cultures

 Sex: your biological maleness or femaleness


Gender: your psychological and behavioral experience of maleness and femaleness o Cisgender: a person whose gender and sex match o Transgender: a person whose gender and sec do not match o Transition: choose to take steps to live as the gender that matches their

identity rather than their biologically assigned gender

 Sexual orientation: a person’s pattern of romantic attraction to a particular group or

groups of other people o Lesbian: a woman who is attracted to members of the same sex o Gay: a man who is attracted to members of the same sex o Bisexual: attracted to people of both the other and the same sex o Queer/questioning: still in the process of examining or reexamining who is

attractive o LGBTQ+: a community of members of sexual minorities

Chapter 11 - Stress & Health

 Stress: the process by which we perceive and respond to certain events, called stressors, that we appraise as threatening or challenging, unpleasant emotional state

that results from the perception of danger o Flight-or-flight response: an emotional and physiological reaction to an

emergency that increases readiness for action, parasympathetic o o o

Stressor: anything that causes stress, source of stress

Primary appraisal: the first step in assessing stress, which involves estimating

the severity of a stressor and classifying it as either a threat or a challenge

Secondary appraisal: the second step in assessing a threat, which involves

estimating the resources available to the person for coping with the stressor

 Health Psychology: a subfield of psychology that provides psychology’s contribution to

behavioral medicine

 General Adaptation Syndrome: Seyle’s concept that the body responds to stress with

alarm, resistance and exhaustion o Stages:

Alarm: organism recognizes stress, begins to respond

Resistance: organism mobilizes body’s resources for coping

 Exhaustion: only occurs if stress continues and adaption is not


Immune system: stress hormone suppress immune system activity

Psychophysiological illnesses: “mind-body” illness, any stress related physical illness

such as hypertension and headaches

Personality types o o o

Type A: people who are competitive, driven, hostile, ambitious

Type B: more relaxed, easy going and less quick to anger

Type C: pleasant but repressed person, tends to internalize his or her anger and o

anxiety and who finds expressing emotions difficult

Type D: people who experience emotions that include anxiety, irritation and

depressed mood


Posttraumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD): a prolonged and sever stress reaction to a scary

event, chronic stress

Coping: type of problem solving, managing taxing circumstances, expending effort to

solve problems, seeking to reduce stress o Problem-focused coping: attempting to alleviate stress directly by changing the o o o o

stressor or the way we interact with that stressor

Emotion-focused coping: attempting to alleviate stress by avoiding or ignoring a

stressor and attending to emotional needs related to one’s stress reaction

Mindfulness: the state of being alert and mentally present for one’s everyday


Hardiness: set of attitudes marked by a sense of control over events, commitment to life and work, and courage and motivation to confront

stressful events

Optimism: a general tendency to expect good outcomes

Chapter 12 - Personality

 Personality: pattern of enduring, distinctive thoughts, emotions and behaviors that

characterize the way an individual reacts to the world

Psychodynamic Theory of Personality, Freud o Unconscious: according to Freud a reservoir of mostly acceptable thoughts, wishes, feelings and memories. According to contemporary psychologists o o

information processing of which we are unaware

Freudian slips: unintentional error regarded as revealing subconscious feelings

Id: a reservoir of unconscious psychic energy that according to Freud strives to satisfy basic sexual and aggressive drives, operates on the pleasure principle o o

demanding immediate gratification

Ego: the largely conscious, “executive” part of personality that according to

Freud mediates among the demands of the id, superego and reality. Ego operates on the reality principle, satisfying the id’s desires in ways that will

realistically bring pleasure rather than pain

Superego: the part of personality that according to Freud represents internalized ideals and provides standards for judgment/the conscience and for

future aspirations o Defense mechanisms: egos solution to reducing the anxiety created by the

battle between id and superego

 Repression: in psychoanalytic theory, the basic defense mechanism that banishes from consciousness anxiety-arousing thoughts, feelings and


Denial: psychoanalytic defense mechanism by which people refuse to

believe or even to perceive painful realities

Displacement: psychoanalytic defense mechanism that shifts sexual or aggressive impulses toward a more acceptable or less threatening

object or person, as when redirecting anger toward a safer outlet



 Sublimation: socially unacceptable impulses or idealizations are

transformed into socially acceptable actions or behaviors

Psychosexual Stages of Development (Freud)

Oral stage: first stage, pleasure is centered in the mouth, 0-18 months

Anal stage: second stage, child learns to control bodily excretions, 18-36


Phallic stage: third stage, focuses on genitals

Latency stage: fourth stage, primary focus is on further development of

intellectual, creative, interpersonal and athletic skills, 6-puberty

Genital stage: last stage, puberty-adulthood, sexual conflicts of childhood resurface at puberty and are often resolved during


Fixation: energy that is stuck in a psychosexual stage of development and manifests in personality later on if energy is not addresses properly

early in life

Oedipus complex: describe a child’s feelings of desire for his or her opposite-sex parent and jealousy and anger towards his or her same-

sex parent

Electra complex: Oedipus complex but in young girls

Humanistic Theory of Personality, Rogers, Maslow o Positive regard: viewing oneself in a positive light due to positive feedback o o

received from interaction with others

Conditions of worth: conditions a person must meet in order to regard himself

or herself positively

Real self: who I am o o

Ideal self: who I want to be

Self-concept: a sense of one’s identity and personal worth o Incongruence: having feelings not aligned with your actions o Congruence: the matching of experience and awareness

 Social-Cognitive Theory of Personality o o o

Reciprocal determinism: Bandura, idea that though our environment affects us,

we also affect our environment

Self-efficacy: one’s sense of competence and effectiveness

Internal locus of control: the perception that you control your own fate o External locus of control: the perception that change or outside forces beyond

your personal control determine your fate

 Trait theory of Personality o Five-Factor Model of Personality (Big Five): trait theory of personality that

identifies the 5 as the fundamental building blocks of personality

Neuroticism: a degree of emotional instability or stability

Extraversion: personality dimension describing someone who is

sociable, gregarious and assertive

Openness to experience: how intellectual, imaginative, curios and

broad-minded one is


 Conscientiousness: how dependable, responsible, achievement-oriented

and persistent one is

 Agreeableness: how trusting, good-natured, cooperative and soft-

hearted one is

Personality tests: patient is given an ambiguous stimulus and the patient interprets

meaning that reflects the self o Objective Personality Tests: o

 MMPI-2: measures personality/psychosocial disorders

Projective Personality Tests:

 Rorschach inkblot technique: patient looks at an inkblot image and the patient gives an explanation of hat they see tells of unconscious


Chapter 13 - Social Psychology

 Social Psychology: branch of psychology that deals with social interactions, including

their origins and their effects on the individual

Social cognition: how people process, store and apply information about other people

and social situations o External attribution: the inference that a person is behaving a certain way o because of something about the situation he or she is in, the assumption is that

most people would respond the same way in that situation

Internal attribution: the inference that a person is behaving in a certain way because of something about the person such as attitude, character or o o o


Attribution: inferences that people make about the cause of events and


Attribution theory: people are motivated to discover the underlying cause of

behavior as part of effort to make sense of it

Fundamental attribution error: tendency for observers when analyzing another’s behavior to underestimate the impact of the situation and to

overestimate the impact of personal disposition o Attitude

 Social Role: defined pattern of behavior that are expected of a person in

a given setting or group

Zimbardo’s Stanford Prison Experiment: studied perceived power,

struggle between prisoners and guards

Cognitive dissonance: an unpleasant state that arises when a person

recognizes the inconsistency of his or her actions, attitudes or beliefs

 Social influence: change in behavior that one person causes in another intentionally or

unintentionally o Conformity: changes in an individuals behavior to correspond to the behavior

of a group of other people


 o o

Obedience, Milgram's study of obedience: an experiment in which Stanley

Milgram found that people will usually obey authority, even if they might think

what they are doing is wrong

Deindividuation: occurs when immersion in a group causes people to become

less aware of their individual values o o

Social facilitation: states that individuals performance improves or gets worse

depending on the presence of others

Social loafing: each persons’ tendency to exert less effort in a group because of

reduced accountability for individual efforts o Groupthink: occurs within a group of people in which the desire for harmony or conformity in the group results in an irrational or dysfunctional decision

making outcome

Social relations o o o o o o o

Prejudice: unjustified negative or positive attitude toward a person based on

her/his group membership

Stereotype: generalization about a groups characteristics that doesn’t consider

variations from one individual to another

Discrimination: behavior directed toward an individual on the basis of her

membership in a group

Ingroup: group you associate with

Outgroup: group that you don’t belong to

Aggression: physical or verbal behavior intended to hurt someone


Proximity: physical closeness produces emotional closeness

Mere exposure: the more we are exposed to a stimulus the more we

like it

Physical attractiveness: we are enlightened by being in the presence of beautiful people but most people find average looking people most


 Similarity: similarity doesn’t drive us toward others, rather dissimilarity

drives us away from others

 Reciprocal liking: people like others better when they believe the other

person likes them

 Prosocial behavior: any action intended to help others o o o

Altruism: concern for others, generosity

Bystander effect: tendency for any given bystander to be less likely to give aid if

other bystanders are present

Diffusion of responsibility: tendency for individuals to feel diminishes responsibility for their actions when they are surrounded by others who are

acting the same way

Chapter 14 - Psychological Disorders

 Psychological Disorder: mental disorder, patterns of behavioral or psychological

symptoms that impact multiple areas of life


Medical student syndrome: perceive themselves to be experiencing the symptoms of a

disease they are studying, associated with fear of contracting the disease in question

Abnormality: behavior that is deviant, maladaptive, personally distressful over a long

period of time o Infrequency: rare, statistically unusual o o

Deviation from social norms: abnormal behavior seen as a deviation from unstated rules about how one ought to behave, anything that violates these

rules is considered abnormal

Personal distress: a motive for helping others in distress that may arise from a o

need to reduce one’s own distress

Impairment in daily functioning

Theories of Abnormality o Biological: biological factors within the human body, brain structures,

 o o

neurochemicals and genes are the primary causes of psychological disorders

Psychological: emotions, behaviors and traits are the primary causes of

psychological disorders

Sociocultural: social and cultural factors surrounding the person, rather than o

factors within the person are the primary causes of psychological disorders

Biopsychosocial: combination of biological, psychological and sociocultural

factors contribute to psychological disorders

Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders, 5 th edition (DSM-5): system for classifying disorders, includes symptoms and prevalence, does not explain the cause

of disorders, criticized because it puts a label on people

Anxiety disorders o Generalized anxiety disorder: involving anxiety symptoms that persist for a long o

time across a wide range of situations and activities

Panic disorder: anxiety disorder marked by unpredictable minutes, long episodes of intense dread in which a person experiences terror and

accompanying chest pain, choking or other frightening sensations

 o Specific phobia: disorder that involves an irrational fear of a particular object or

situation that markedly interferes with an individuals ability to function o Social anxiety disorder: intense fear of social situations, leading to avoidance of


 Obsessive-compulsive disorder (OCD): anxiety disorder characterized by unwanted

repetitive thoughts and/or actions

Major depressive disorder: mood disorder, person experiences in the absence of drugs or medical condition two or more weeks of significantly depressed moods, feelings of

worthlessness and diminished interest or pleasure in most activities

 Bipolar disorder: mood disorder, person alternates between the hopelessness and

lethargy of depression and the overexcited state of mania

Eating disorders o Anorexia nervosa: irrational fear of weight gain leads people to starve



 o o

Bulimia nervosa: episodes of overeating, usually of high calorie foods followed

by vomiting, laxative use, fasting or excessive exercise

Binge-eating disorder: significant binge-eating episodes, followed by distress, disgust or guilt but without the compensatory purging, fasting or excessive

exercise that marks bulimia.

Schizophrenia: group of sever disorders characterized by disorganized and delusional

thinking, disturbed perceptions and inappropriate emotions and actions o Psychosis: a persons perceptions and thoughts are fundamentally removed

from reality o o o o

Hallucinations: sensory experiences that occur in the absence of stimuli

Delusions: false, unusual, magical beliefs not a part of culture

Flat affect

Cognitive symptoms

Attention-Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD): psychological disorder marked by

extreme inattention and/or hyperactivity and impulsivity

Autism Spectrum Disorder: characterized by deficits in social relatedness and

communication skills that are often accompanied by repetitive, ritualistic behavior

Dissociative disorders o Dissociative amnesia: inability to recall important personal information that o

would not typically be lost with ordinary forgetting, caused by trauma or stress

Dissociative identity disorder: rare, person exhibits two or more distinct and

alternating personalities, multiple personality disorder

Personality disorders: o Antisocial personality disorder: person exhibits a lack of conscience for wrongdoing, even toward friends and family members, may be aggressive and o

ruthless or a clever con artist

Borderline personality disorder: condition marked by extreme instability in

mood, identity and impulse control

Chapter 15 - Therapies

 Psychotherapy o Psychodynamic therapy: therapy deriving from the psychoanalytic tradition that views individuals as responding to unconscious forces and childhood

experiences that seeks to enhance self-insight

 Psychoanalysis: system of psychological theory and therapy which aims

 to treat mental disorders by investigating the interaction of conscious and unconscious, bringing up repressed fears and conflicts into he

conscious mind

Free association: mental process by which one word or image may

spontaneously suggest another without any apparent connection

Dream analysis: dream interpretation

Transference: redirection to a substitute of emotions that were

originally felt in childhood usually to therapist


o o o o o

 Resistance: patients directly or indirectly exhibit paradoxical opposing

behaviors in a clinically initiated push and pull of change process

Person-centered therapy: nondirective insight therapy based on the work of

Carl Rogers in which the client does all the talking and the therapist listens

 Empathy: understanding another person thoughts, feelings and

condition from their point of view instead of ones own

Unconditional positive regard: valuing the person as doing their best to move forward in their lives constructively and respecting the person

right to self determination no matter what they choose to do

 Genuineness: congruence, most important concept in counseling

according to Rodgers, therapists ability to be authentic

Behavior Therapy: teaches people new, more adaptive ways of thinking and acting, based on the assumption that thoughts intervene between events and

our emotional reactions

 Exposure therapy: treat anxiety disorders, exposing the target patient to the anxiety source or its context without the intention to cause any

danger, thought to help them overcome anxiety

 Systematic desensitization: treats anxiety by teaching the client to associate deep relaxation with increasingly intense anxiety producing


Cognitive Therapy: Therapy that emphasizes that cognitions and thoughts are the main source of psychological problems. Attempts to change individuals feelings and behaviors by changing cognitions. This therapy differs because it focuses on overt symptoms, not deep-seated unconscious thought. There is less concern about origin

Cognitive distortions: ways our mind convinces us of something that isn’t really


Cognitive-Behavior Therapy: popular integrated therapy that combines cognitive therapy of changing self defeating thinking with behavior therapy

 o o

changing behavior

Eclectic Approach: strategy in which psychotherapist selects the best treatment

for a particular client based on evidence from studies of similar clients

Integrative Approach: strategy in which psychotherapist blends styles or

techniques to create a new form of psychotherapy

Group therapy: brings together individuals who share a psychological disorder in

sessions led by a professional

 Self-help group: voluntary organizations of individuals who get together on a regular basis to discuss topics of common interest

 Evidence based practice: clinical decision making that integrates the best available

research with clinical expertise and patient characteristics and preferences

Therapeutic alliance: a bond of trust and mutual understanding between a therapist

and client, who work together constructively to overcome the client’s problem

Cultural competence: ability to understand, communicate with and effectively interact

with people across cultures


Confidentiality: state of keeping private, ethical guidelines, information between

patient and therapist cannot be shared with anyone

Biomedical Therapy: physiological interventions that focus on reduction of symptoms

associated with psychological disorders o Psychopharmacology: study of the use of medications in treating mental o o


 Antipsychotic drugs: used to manage psychosis (schizophrenia, bipolar


Antianxiety drugs: relieves symptoms of anxiety

Antidepressant drugs: used to prevent or treat depression

Mood stabilizing drugs: treat disturbances in mood (mania, depression)

Electroconvulsive Therapy (ECT): biomedical therapy for severely depressed patients in which a brief electric current is sent through the brain of an

anesthetized patient

Transcranial magnetic stimulation (TMS): use of strong magnets to briefly

interrupt normal brain activity as a way to study brain regions


Study collections