Exam 1 Study Guide Chapter 1 – The Science of Psychology Psychology Psychiatry Historical perspectives o Wundt, structuralism, introspection o James, functionalism o Psychoanalysis, Freud o Behaviorism o Humanism Modern perspectives o Multiculturalism, evolutionary psychology, cognitive psychology, neuroscience, positive psychology, biopsychosocial theory Critical thinking o Pseudopsychology o Confirmation bias o Belief perseverance Descriptive research Correlational research, correlation-causation fallacy Experimental research o random assignment o independent variables, dependent variables, o experimental group, control group, placebo effect Scientific method o Theory, hypothesis o naturalistic observation, surveys, case studies Chapter 2 – Brain and Behavior Neurons o dendrites, cell body (soma), axon, myelin sheath o action potential o synapse o neurotransmitters acetylcholine, GABA, dopamine, serotonin, endorphins, epinephrine agonist, antagonist Brain stem, cerebellum, medulla Thalamus Limbic system o hypothalamus, hippocampus, amygdala Cerebrum (forebrain) o Cerebral cortex 1 Right cerebral hemisphere, left cerebral hemisphere, corpus callosum frontal lobe, parietal lobe, temporal lobe, occipital lobe motor cortex, somatosensory cortex Broca's area, Broca’s aphasia Wernicke's area, Wernicke’s aphasia plasticity Nervous system o Central nervous system, peripheral nervous system o Somatic nervous system, autonomic nervous system o sympathetic division, parasympathetic division Hormones, cortisol o o o o o Chapter 3 – Sensation and Perception Sensation Absolute threshold, difference threshold (just noticeable difference) ESP, parapsychology Sensory adaptation Habituation Perception o Perceptual constancies o Selective attention o Change blindness o Inattentional blindness o Gestalt principles: figure-ground principle Bottom-up processing, Top-down processing Vision Anatomy: retina, rods, cones Depth perception, binocular depth cues, monocular depth cues wavelength/color (hue) Trichromatic theory, opponent-process theory Audition o cochlea o wavelength/pitch, loudness Other senses: olfaction, gustation, somatosenses, kinesthetic sense, vestibular sense Chapter 4 - Consciousness Consciousness Sleep o Circadian rhythm o Stages of sleep (non-REM sleep and REM sleep) o Insomnia, narcolepsy, sleep apnea Theories of dreaming 2 o o Freud’s theory of dreaming, Activation-synthesis hypothesis Lucid dreaming Hypnosis Psychoactive drugs o Tolerance and withdrawal o Physical dependence and psychological dependence o Types of psychoactive drugs: depressants, stimulants, hallucinogens, opiates Meditation and mindfulness Chapter 5 - Memory Memory Information Processing Model: Encoding, storage, retrieval Sensory Memory echoic memory, iconic memory Levels of Processing chunking maintenance rehearsal, elaborative rehearsal Short-term Memory, Working memory Long-term Memory o explicit memory, semantic memory, episodic memory o implicit memory, procedural memory Retrieval Cue, recall, recognition Decay, interference Serial position effect, primacy effect, recency effect Flashbulb memory Spacing effect, massed practice, distributed practice amnesia Eyewitness testimony, Misinformation effect hindsight bias Repressed memories, motivated forgetting 3