Physics Lab Rubrics
Name(s) _____________________________
Lab Report
The basic structure of every lab report remains the same. There are some categories that will not apply to every lab and the distribution of points will vary from lab to lab.
- If, then statement
- Justification (connection to personal experience or Physics concepts)
- Correct identification of independent and dependent variables
- identification of multiple control variables
- organized, labeled, units
- multiple observations that might inform uncertainty or improvement analysis
- pictures or links to video as supporting evidence if applicable
- reasonable sig figs for available equipment/procedure
- raw data sources presented when possible
- complete set of sample calculations
- explanation of calculations
- organized presentation of complete set of calculated values
- appropriate significant figures and units
- proper graphical presentation (title, labels, units, etc.)
- effective size
- reasonable domain and range
- reasonable best fit line (if appropriate)
- clear and correct data
- discuss potential outliers
- equations for best fit line
- discussion of graphed results (meaning of m, b, area, etc.)
- indications of uncertainty (what in the data shows uncertainty?)
- potential sources of uncertainty
- possible improvement of procedure/equipment
- discussion of hypothesis (“The results indicate…”)
- confidence in results (“Based on the uncertainty in this lab…”)
- potential follow-up experiments
- legible, organized
- all material included (teacher generated materials, graphs, etc.)
Name __________________________
Experimental Design Rubric
A well-designed experiment describes a process from hypothesis to conclusion. It works from the assumption that the hypothesis is correct and describes the procedure, data, graphs, and calculations that the experimenter will work through to test that hypothesis.
Each lab group may create the design together and may type up their common plan. The grade for the plan will be shared by all who put their name on it, so make sure you all like what you see! The design must be taped into your lab notebook before any data is collected.
- if, then with measurable terms
- justification (personal experience or Physics concepts)
- independent, dependent, control
- all variables can be measured or controlled with available equipment
BONUS: equation that links independent and dependent variables
- equipment needed
- location of equipment (if not in lab)
- clear steps easily followed by someone who did not see the original experiment
- multiple trials specified
- specific technique(s) to minimize uncertainty identified
- specific data to be collected clearly identified
- data tables created to be filled in
- labels and units identified
(Note: graphs are not required in the design process, but sample graphs can be included if helpful for the description)
- specific graph design described (scatter, bar, circle, etc)
- x and y axes variables and units identified
- graph features other than raw data (best fit line, area, boundaries) required for the analysis identified
Data Analysis - description of graphical analysis required (find equation of best fit line, find area under curve, identify slope, etc.)
- description of any calculations required
- expected results if hypothesis is correct
- clear and easy to read
- grammar and spelling appropriate for Honor and AP level work