Uploaded by Laura Nickerson

Anatomy Research Project: Early Contributors & Milestones

Early Contributors and Scientific Milestones in Anatomy Research Project
What is your Topic____________________________________
Your Due/Presentation Date _____________________
Research paper : Length 2-4 pages double spaced .5 inch margins size 11 font.
Format : As taught in Jr. English
Points : 50
Oral Presentation : 3-5 min, Visual Aid required
Notecard :1
Points : 25
Your Oral Presentation will be graded 100% by your peers.
❏ Hippocrates
❏ Galen
❏ Avicenna
❏ Paracelsus
❏ Versalius
❏ Harvey
❏ Alcmaeon
❏ Leonardo da Vinci
❏ Gray
❏ Mondino de Liuzzi
❏ Herophilus
❏ Rene Laennec
❏ Gunther von Hagens
❏ Mark C. Hill and physicist Edgar H. Booth
❏ CRISPR or Clustered Regularly Interspaced Short Palindromic Repeats
❏ Vaccines
❏ Anesthesia
❏ Human Genome Project
❏ 3D printing of organs
❏ Germ Theory
❏ Medical Imaging
❏ Organ Transplantation
❏ Antiviral Drugs
❏ Stem Cell Theory
❏ Robotics and Medicine